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Mandarin Revision Guide

Topic 1:clothes

chèn yī
衬 衣 = shirt

qún zi
裙 子 = skirt

裤子 = trousers

毛衣 = jumper

鞋 = shoes

西装 = buisiness suit

牛仔裤 = jeans

件 = measure word upper body

条 = measure word lower body
白色 = white

黑色 = black

红色 = red

黄色 = yellow

服装店 = clothes shop

传统 = traditional

老土 = old fashioned

时髦 = trendy

丑 = ugly

Topic 2:money and currencies

货 = goods
元 = dollar

美元 = us dollar

日元 =japanese yen

英榜 = pound sterling 

毛 = 1/10 yuan 

分 = 1/100 yuan

块 = dollar(spoken)

钱 = money

贵 = expensive

买 = buy

卖 = sell

Topic 3: what is he/she like
认识 = know someone 

介绍 = introduce

一下 = to do a bit of a verb

e.g 我给你介绍一下我的家  
I want to introduce you to my family

英国 =england

中国 = china

日本 = japan

美国 = america

胖 = fat

矮 = short

瘦 = slim

高 = tall
漂亮 = pretty

Topic 4: personality

聪明 = clever

笨 = stupid

友好 = freindly 

风趣 = funny

忠诚 = loyal

笨拙 = clumsy

Topic 5:Food and Restaurant 

蛋炒面 = egg rice

饺子 = dumplings
火锅 = hotpot

水煮肉片 = sichuan pork

茶 = tea

啤酒 = beer

橙汁 = orange juice

水 = water

苹果 = apple

橙子 =orange

香蕉 = bananna

柚子 = pomelo (similar to orange)

吃 = eat

和 = drink
酸 = sour

辣 = spicy

甜 = sweet

咸 = salty

鸡肉 = chicken meat

牛肉 = C ows meat

猪肉 = pork

好吃/和 = good to eat/drink

尝尝 = to have a taste

饭店 = restaurant

餐馆 = restaurant
夜市 = night market

汤 = soup


T opic 6:daily activites

起床 = wake up and get out of bed

洗脸= wash face 

睡觉 = go to bed

洗澡 = to take a bath or shower

回家 = come home

刷牙 = brush teeth 

Topic 7:home life

客厅 = living room
厨房 = kitchen

书房 = study room

卧室 = bedroom

饭厅 = dining room

宽敞 = spacious

公寓 = apartement 

干净 = tidy

暖气 = heating

空调 = air conditioner

沙发 = sofa

椅子 = chair
书桌 = desk

衣柜 = wardrobe

Topic 8: School

历史 = history

地理 = geography

美术 = art

数学 = math’s

严格 = strict

友好 = friendly

教室 = classroom

礼堂 = assembly hall

食堂 = food hall
操场 = sports ground

中学 = secondary school

大学 = university

白板 = whiteboard

书包 = school bag

笔 = pen

铅笔 = pencil

唱歌 = singing

乐队 = music band

英文 = English language

汉语 = Chinese language
法语 = French language

日语 = Japanese language

Topic 9: Weather

夏天 = summer

秋天 = autumn

春天 = spring

冬天 = winter

北 = North

东 = east

南 = south

西 = west
(有下)雨= raining

(有)风 = wind

晴天 = sunny day

冷 = cold

热 = hot

Time phrases

今天 = today

昨天 = yesterday

明天 = tomorrow

早上 = early morning

中午 = midday
下午 = afternoon

晚上 = evening

常常 = often

点 = o’clock

半 = 30 mins (half past)

一刻 = 15 mins (quarter past)

分 = minute


喜欢 = like

觉得 = think

有意思 = interesting

无聊 = boring
都 = both or all

现在 = now


将来要当 = will fulfill the role off

认为 = think

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