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FIT ALL SETS Linear and Vertical Amplifiers, Sweep Circuit, and
Beam Centering are Among Desirable Features
Assortment of Four New
Power Transformers (See adverti$ement, page 8)
Offered at Low Cost
It's here! And it costs only $84.50 net with full complement
Now service engineers can in- of tubes, including RCA-906 Cathode Ray Tube! The RCA Cathode
stall true RCA quality in replace- Ray Oscillograph, a complete laboratory-type instrument, is now
ment power transformers for any ready for every Service Engineer who wishes to render factory-
make or model of a-c set manu- precision service to complicated modern receivers.
factured to date and do so from a For years radio manufacturers have used highly-expensive
stock of only four transformers.
oscillographs for accuracy in testing and aligning and have regretted
The new line of four types of
RCA Universal Power Trans- Patrons of the recently-opened Roxy-Mastbaum Theater of Phila-
that the cost of the equipment prevented the men who serviced
formers is priced surprisingly low, delphia get both an "eyeful" and an "earful." Above are shown their products from having similar equipment. The development
twelve of the thirty-two Roxyettes, the world's most famous and perfecting of a low-priced cathode ray tube by the RCA
yet has really universal mounting precision dancers, who lend their charms to the Roxy stage produc-
brackets, removable end-bells, tions. To give patrons the very finest "earful,'' Roxy-Mastbaum, Radiotron organization was the first step toward making possible
wide range of windings and taps, one of the world's largest amusement palaces, hit.~installed the an oscillograph of moderate costs. While simple oscilloscopes
and is trul? uni vcrsal-b~IJ. ele,.- -I .. tot ..; t tvoe ~kurupttcn--Uigh FiJelH.y. Sc.~i ... .._...._t. Wlmcnrc varirfhie=freqtt~eep- ci.-cu :C . s orverrica:l ar:ci horizcmtal ~
trically and mechanically. amplifiers are easily and cheaply produced, they have only limited
Since the charge for replacing a power
transformer is the one at which custom-
ers most frequently balk, many service MANY PENCILS 1935 RCA Service
uses and are not suitable for radio service work.
It remained for RCA to design and
produce a complete and inexpensive os-
shops will welcome the opportunity to
be able to offer a replacement trans-
AWARDED FOR Meetings Attracting RIDER SPEAKS cillograph suitable not only for radio
service work but also for amateur radio
former carrying the famous RCA trade
Many Service Men ''I believe that the cathode ray operators, high schools and colleges,
mark with its assurance of quality and
established value.
Four Units Handle Any Job
ANTENNA SALES The first of the 1935 series of RCA
oscillograph will prove to be the
most useful instrument ever de-
veloped for use by the servicing
radio manufacturers, radio dealers, or
anyone who needs an instrument for
visual study of alternating currents.
The transformers have been divided Victor Service Meetings was held in the industry. Its versatility will en- Sight-unseen, so many of the remark-
into four classes. for ten or twelve tube
RCA Antenna Popularity Brings Hotel Pennsylvania in New York City, able service operations hitherto able new oscillographs have been or-
beyond the capabilities of the dered by manufacturers, utilities, and
receivers, for class "B" receivers, for Remarkable Pencil to Many on January 21, 1935. This meeting in-
industry with equipment de- others, who have heard of or seen the
five to nine tube receivers, and also for augurated a great new series of meet-
four tube receivers. RCA Parts dis- Service Men ings for service engineers that will ex- veloped and these operations advance models made for field test
purposes, that already it has been neces-
tributors now have in stock all models tend over the entire country with will not only raise the standards
except the small transformer for four meetings in both large and small cities of servicing, but will materially sary to double and redouble the original
With RCA World-Wide Antenna enhance the financial income. production schedule. RCA Parts Dis-
tube receivers. The latter will be sales booming as a result of the proven and towns. The exact dates of these
available shortly. meetings in any locality can be obtained The obstacles presented to the tributors now have samples and are
performance of this product and the service technician as a result of demonstrating and making deliveries.
Sufficient windings and taps have national advertising it is receiving, radio from the nearest RCA Parts distributor.
modern receiver design trends
been brought out in all the new trans- service engineers the country over are The subject for the first series of and the limitations of existing Officials Enthusiastic
formers to cover any of the receivers rapidly equipping themselves with the meetings is one that is of extreme in- meter-type of servicing equip- RCA Parts Division officials are ju-
that have been manufactured under the unique RCA Service Engineer's Pencil, terest to all service engineers, inas- ment will be overcome by the bilant over their new product. Said E.
particular tube designation indicated. which automatically calculates resistor much as it has been a source of con- proper application of the cath- M . Hartley, Manager, "Here is a job
·~ Mechanically, these transformers have values from the Code and which is given siderable profit to them during the ode ray tube." of which we are proud. One must know .
•, mounting slots which permit a wide free for the labels from any RCA past year and will be to a greater extent the engineering problems involved to
variety of mounting arrangements. An World-Wide Antenna Kits. JOHN F. RIDER
in the forthcoming year. This subject appreciate the worth of the RCA Cath-
exclusive feature is the removable end- The patented pencil, which is an ex- Publisher of "Rider Manuals"
bell, which permits all connections to be clusive RCA contribution to radio serv- (Continued on page 6, column I) (Contlnued on page 7, column 5)
(Continued on page 2, column 4) (Continued on page 2, column 2)

HE ALSO SERVES -An Editorial

No Diagrams Needed for Connecting
By E. M. Hartley, Manager, RCA Parts Division
"He also serves who only sits and waits"-but in most cases he doesn't
serve enough customers to spend his waiting time figuring how to invest
his surplus income.
Too many radio service engineers are sitting and waiting for
customers to call. • • * * •
There are approximately 18,000,000 radio sets in the United States.
If every one of them were merely checked over and inspected once a year,
the radio service business would be rolling in prosperity.
Surveys have shown that four out of five radios need one or more new
tubes. The great majority of sets operate with woefully inadequate
antenna systems. And how many sets are struggling along with unbal-
anced circuits, burned-out parts, etc., there is no way of knowing, but
anyone in the radio service business knows that it is far too many.

• • • • *
True, we have been through a depression, but it has not been
lack of money on the owners' parts that has kept these sets
from getting the attention of the radio service engineer that E. M. Hartley
Voltages printed on the terminal board permit quick installation they badly need. In most cases they just don't know how much extra satisfaction they
of the RCA Universal Transformer. Removable end-bells give a
workmanlike job and pass underwriters. RCA quality and·- · low would get from a few dollars spent for radio service.
cost to the dealer give customer satisfaction and dealer profits. (Continued on page 2, column I)
2 RCA RADIO SERVICE NEWS February 4, 1935


TRADE SURVEY ElectricalUnderstood
Principles of Amazing Device Are Easily
By All Service Engineers
The Cathode Ray Oscillograph is a which controls the location of the light-
Dun and Bradstreet Says new device in the field of service equip- spot on the screen, is a direct function
ment. l ts operation is extremely simple, of the voltage at any particular in-
1935 Will Be Busy Year it being merely a voltmeter that also stant on the deflecting plates.
records time. The following explanation From the foregoing it is seen that a
For Radio Business covers the essential fundamental func- pattern of light may be traced on the
tions of the device. A thorough explana- screen by the simuhaneous application
tion is included in an instruction book of voltages to the horizontal and verti-
The radio industry has turned the
which accompanies the new RCA Cath- cal deflecting plates. If this action is
famous corner and is headed straight
ode Ray Oscillograph and which may repeated twenty or more times per
for prosperity judging from a survey
recently completed by no less an au-
thority than the cred it-reporting house
of Dun & Bradstreet, Inc. 1934 was fl-UOR1':5C£NT
the biggest year yet in number of sales 6CREEH
and 1935 promises to be even better.
Although all previous records were
outdistanced during 1934, current in-
dications reveal a stronger uptrend of
demand during the first quarter of 1935,
with some new peaks to be established
during the last six months of that year,
according to the Dun & Bradstreet sur-
vey of the radio industry. be obtained from RCA Parts Distribu- second, the retentive power of the eye
Sales at New Peak tors for a nominal charge. is such that the tracing will not be
In spite of the encouraging progress The heart of the Cathode Ray Oscil- discernible and the entire pattern will
made during the first six months of the lograph is the Cathode Ray Tube, a be seen.
current year, the increase in sales has development of RCA Engineers to its Focusing of the light beam on the
been abrupt since the new models were present practical form . The Cathode fluorescent screen is accomplished by
Wlndln2 five coils at once helps to reduce the cost of high quality displayed early in the Fall. In the Ray tube has often been called the adjusting the voltage on the anode
RCA Universal Transformers. Automatic machinery is used to comparison with the totals for the cor- "Electron Gun," as this describes its nearest the cathode. The intensity of
insure precision windings. responding period of 1933, losses were functions. The illustration shows an light is controlled by the negative volt-
reported in no parts of the country, elementary diagram of the tube. age applied to the grid .
while the increases ranged from 25 to
NEW CORPORATE FORM Many Pencils I 00 per cent.
Higher Units of Sale
ADOPTED BY RCA SET Awarded For The cheaper sets have been bought
freely, .but the proportion is not so
AND TUBE COMPANIES Antenna Sales large as it was last season, as there has
been a decided shift to the higher-
(Conli nued from page I, column 2) priced all-wave sets during the last Saw-Tooth Oscillator
RCA Manufacturing Co., Inc. ice men, is becoming as famous as the three months. Based on the returns for
RCA Antenna Systems. Service engi- the elapsed eleven months, with the re- For the purpose of understanding the The Saw-Tooth Oscillator
Is Organized. Present neers have long needed some means of turns of the Christmas season yet to be action of the " electron gun," one may The external voltage under test is
solving the RMA Color Code markings tallied, it is estimated that sales for the consider the cathode as emitting elec-
Policies Continued of resistors. By means of three colored country, as a whole, average 40 per trons which are accelerated by the high
always connected to the vertical deflect-
ing plates. However, unless some means
bands that turn on the barrel of the cent larger than for the comparative voltage anodes and which strike the is provided for moving the beam simul-
The RCA Victor Company and pencil, anyone can immediately read period of 1933. This would bring total fluorescent screen at the end of the tube, taneously in a horizontal direction, a
the RCA Radiotron Company, the the value of any coded resistor by sales for 1934 around 5,350,000 sets, as thereby creating light. The course of beam rising and falling vertically will
two wholly owned manufacturing sub- simply aligning the colored bands to compared with the previous peak of the electrons is controlled by the two be obt~ied. As this would merely give
sidiaries of the Radio Corporation of correspond with the colors on the 4,438,000 units set down for 1929. sets of deflecting plates, one for hori- an ind ' ation of the maximum voltage
America, have been consolidated into a resistor. From 60 to 65 J!?r cent of the units zontal deflection and one for vertical 9.Vaila ,fe, a means must .he p1·ovidc-d {~
,.r----;iingle organ:itlation to be knowrr' as TnepenCi.1 is gi'v en tree t o any st:r-V fe'e:"" .:>uld-r~.,,r~fit" ...ia, ~.. lo!ccr~ .. ~~~:o. 'W'- i c:.~1 denection. The amount of derlcction, simultaneously deflectmg the beam
"RCA Manufacturing Company, Inc." engineer or dealer who sends 20 labels is about the .s'ame ratio as in 1933, as horizontally. For this, the so-called
The new Company began operations as from any type RCA World-Wide An- new enthusiasts are being added daily variable frequency "saw-tooth" oscil-
of January 1st, 1935. The consolida- tenna System to RCA Parts Division, to the country's radio audience. Con- lator is necessary. The "saw-tooth"
tion was made primarily for conveni-
ence of operation. The present officers
and management of the two subsidiary
companies will continue in their respec-
Camden, New Jersey. There are two
labels on each kit. On the RCA Dealer
Demonstration World-Wide Antenna
Kit, which permits dealers to connect
siderable replacement business has been
received from agricultural districts,
where sales had been few more than
three years, owners now turning in
RCA UNIVERSAL refers to the wave shape of the oscillator
and is required because of the necessity
for having the horizontal deflection in-
crease in a linear manner and then
tive positions, and the factories located
at Camden, N. J . and Harrison, N. J.
will continue their operations as at
four radio sets to one antenna system,
there is only one label and it counts as
much as four labels from any of the
other RCA Antenna Systems.
their old sets for the new all-wave
Wider Interest in Broadcasts
TRANSFORMERS abruptly return to zero and again shift
across the screen. The frequency of the
oscillator must have a definite relation-

No Change in Policies
Consolidation of the activities of the
two companies into a single organiza-
Offer Extended Indefinitely
In October, the highest sales m
broadcast history were reached at
According to the original pencil offer, $4,527,000, a gain of 59.0 per cent over
labels had to be sent in not later than the 1933 comparative figures, and 49. 1
FIT ALL SETS ship to the frequency of the voltage
under test. For example, to examine one
cycle, the saw-tooth oscillator must be
the exact frequency of the voltage under
tion to be known as the RCA Manu- (Continued from page I column I) test. If the saw-tooth oscillator is one-
per cent higher than in October, 1932.
facturing Company, Inc., January 1st, half of the frequency of the voltage
For the ten months of 1934, these sales
entails no changes in any of the sales, made and the bell replaced, thus as- under test, then two cycles will be
amounted to $33,780,000, or 38.8 per
advertising or management policies of suring a workmanlike job. The volt- shown on the screen at one time.
cent ahead of the 1933 comparative
either of the two former companies, nor figures, and 2.2 per)cent in excess of the ages at each tap are clearly marked on With the saw-tooth oscillator pro-
any change whatever in the products or the terminal board. Each transformer vided in the new RCA Oscillograph the
1932 total, which represented the all-
trade marks heretofore used, according includes an insulation sheet to place minimum number of cycles for the
By turning these bands on the time high .
to Mr. E . T . Cunningham, President of over the connections to prevent short- highest frequency is six, being obtained
the new RCA Manufacturing Company. barrel of the pencil, the value of Price Trend Upward circuiting or grounding after replacing when a 90,000-cycle voltage is observed
any resistor appears in plain Wide fluctuations in prices have been the end-bell. The end-bell permits the with the saw-tooth oscillator at 15,000
Factories and Trademarks figures according to its RMA code absent since last Spring, and the current transformers to be passed by the under- cycles. Higher frequencies may be ex-
Continue February 1st. So many shops with level is holding steady at 10 to 25 per writers, a feature not usually found in amined by connecting directly to the
several employees have requested an cent higher than at this period a year replacement transformers. vertical plates and using an external
"The formation of the new Company
is the final step in the process of central- extension of time that the offer has been ago. The present firmness, however, is timing oscillator.
iza tion which has been going on for extended indefinitely so that every inclining upward , and advances already Must Pass Severe Tests
more than a year in the interests of service engineer can win a pencil. have taken place in some of the medium Amplifiers
and better grades of console types of Of unusual interest to service engi-
greater operating economy and ef- neers is the attention given to the de- The sensitivity of the Cathode Ray
ficiency," Mr. Cunningham said. "As Antenna Line Complete all-wave sets. The popularity of the
sign and manufacture which places Tube is such that a voltage of,75 is re-
in the past, the RCA V ictor Division The recent additions to ' the RCA smaller radio sets, however, apparently quired for either a vertical or horizontal
antenna line make it even easier to win is waning, as the price inclination in these transformers definitely in the
and the RCA Radiotron Division will quality class. Not only do the RCA deflection of one inch. Because many
operate independently of each other as a pencil. For a list price of only $7. 75, this division is downward. Manufac- voltages used in radio circuits are very
there is now a De Luxe RCA World- turers thus far have succeeded in with- Universal Transformers receive every
their different problems warrant. The check that is given to all RCA parts, small, an amplifier has been provided
same separate sales organizations and Wide Antenna which reduces noise on holding from reta\lers most of the in- for each set of deflecting plates. Both
all broadcast bands, including the creases which have resulted from the but they also receive a special baked
advertising programs will be main- varnish impregnation. This permits amplifiers use an RCA-57 tube and
tained as in the past. standard domestic broadcast. higher operating costs under the code.
them to be operated under the most have a high gain and wide frequency
severe tropical conditions. The elec- range. The gain is approximately 40
and the frequency range is 20 to 90,000
HE ALSO SERVES-An Editorial trical test consists of a "hi-pot" test of
1000 volts between the low voltage
windings and ground and a 2500-volt
cycles ± I 0 %.
Designing an amplifier circuit of such
(Continued from page /) wide frequency range is a difficult engi-
test between the high voltage plate and
filament windings to ground . A 100% neering problem I ts solution greatly
It is time for radio service engineers to stop sitting and waiting. In justice to ourselves and to increases the flexibility of the equip-
test of all transformers with a primary
the public, we must tell the public what it needs, what we have to offer. We must advertise. voltage of 460 volts ensures as nearly ment.
a perfect product as it is possible to
The people who beat a path through the woods to the door of the man who makes a manufacture. Individual windings are Power Supply
better mouse trap do so because the mice are getting bad at home-and they know they thoroughly tested at each stage of The high voltage anode of the Cath-
don't like mice. But they will not beat a path to the radio service store until they know manufacture. ode Ray Tube requires 1000 volts DC
that the old radio isn't performing as well as it should and that all it takes to bring for proper operation. Also DC voltages
are required for the amplifier. The RCA-
back its performance is a comparatively small amount spent for service. Competitively Priced 879 rectifier is used in a half-wave recti-
* • • * • The RCA Universal Power Trans- fying circuit for providing the necessary
anode voltage for the RCA-906 . The
No longer can the radio service engineer expect the simple business card-"Jobn Jones, Radios former carries the standard RCA 90-
day guarantee against all defects and RCA-80, connected in a full-wave recti-
Repaired"-to bring customers flocking to him. He must tell ·people how much they will enjoy a design in manufacture. List prices, fying circuit, provides plate and grid
properly serviced radio set and that John Jones is the man with the knowledge, the equipment, and the subject to usual discounts to the trade, voltages for the two RCA-57 amplifiers.
are: Stock No. 9551 for 10-12 tube While a single transformer is used for
integrity to do the job. sets, $6.00; Stock No. 9552, for all both rectifiers, individual filter circuits
So much of the radio service advertising that has been done has been of misleading Class B sets, $6.50; Stock No . 9553, for are provided. The transformer is over-
nature that a rich reward awaits those legitimate service engineers who advertise in a all 5-9 tube receivers, $4.75; Stock No. size to prevent stray magnetic leakage
straightforward manner, making no brash promises but offering simply honest work 9556, for four tube receivers- price to that would otherwise affect the opera-
be announced. tion of the Cathode Ray Tube.
and high-quality parts for honest prices.
February 4, 1935 RCA RADIO SERVICE NEWS 3
Better Talkies

RCA Oscillograph Production Line FUTURE RADIO To illustrate the remarkable progress
which has been made in improving the
quality of sound motion pictures, Dr.
"The X-Ray of Radio Servlco"
A remarkable new RCA device called
an oscillograph was connected to a
number of radio receivers to permit

WONDERS SEEN Goldsmith demonstrated for the first

time in public a radically new system
of high quality sound-on-film recording
which according to the RCA Victor
everyone to "see" the characteristics of
the human voice or other sound in the
form of fluctuating waves. A stream
of electrons, otherwise known as a

BY GOLDSMITH engineers who developed it will be the

"motion picture sound of tomorrow,"
because it completely eliminates back-
ground hissing noises and theoretically,
cathode ray, paints a continuous picture
of the sound waves on a glowing, or
"'fluorescent" screen. The oscillograph,
according to Dr. Goldsmith, is expected
makes possible the ultimate of realism to become to electrical, physical and
Says Radio May Tran.smit in sound-on-film recording and repro- mechanical research and development
duction . Using a special film recording what the X-ray is to diagnosis in
Sensations of Touch of a musical performance in the Radio medicine. Originally designed for radio
and Taste in Future City Music Hall in New York, Dr.
Goldsmith called attention to the
service men and engineers it is finding
seemingly limitless applications in
ability of the new system to reproduce many other fields, including certain
the full definitions and shadings of all phases of the aviation, automotive, and
CLEVELAND, OHIO. - Speaking the instruments in the orchestra. public utility industries.
through a tiny microphone no larger
than a matchbox, fastened to his coat
lapel, a device he described as "'per-
mitting one man to be heard above a
multitude," Dr. Alfred N . Goldsmith,
Well-Arranged Amateur Station I
Quantity production of the RCA Cathode Ray Oscillograph has
brought the "X-Ray of Radio" within the reach of all service
noted scientist and consulting engineer
of the RCA Manufacturing Company,
described and demonstrated some re-
- ·*"'*™la LZ " ..,...,.,.,_....-:· ... . i!!
•· ~
engineers. This sensational new instrument is complete in all cent scientific developments from the
details for the most complex circuit analysis, yet has a net price
of only $84.50 with full tube complement, including the RCA-906
Cathode Ray Tube and all other tubes.
leading radio research laboratories to
more than 400 guests of the Cleveland
Chamber of Commerce, meeting in the
Statler Hotel here.
I J[]
Broadcast Touch, Taste, Smell!

TEXAS GROUP stalled. The surprising thing about the

tactics of the racketeers was that the Pointing out that we already hear
amount of the charges might not have and will eventually see by radio, Dr.
been considered excessive if honestly Goldsmith suggested that in the remote

FIGHTS RADIO billed as a fee for professional service.

Service Engineers Organized

future radio might appeal to man's
other senses, such as touch, taste and
smell. For example, he said, there was
the possibility of transmitting three-

RACKETEERING dimensional replicas of objects in the

Turner states that it is his desire to studio through "Teletactile Broadcast-
see service men organized on a business ing," so that a solid representation
basis and have standard service and which "might even be touched as well
Dr. H. A. D. Baer, Director of the Baer Hospital, Allentown.
Pa., reports excellent results from the new R . C.A. Communica-
tions Receiver, ACR-136, recently installed in his amateur
Vigilance Committee and repair charges to which all repair shops as viewed could be sent into the home." station W3EEY. A remarkable value at $69.50, this new RCA
would adhere. He stated that if each "Telegustatory Broadcasting," or the receiver has already become favorably known with a large
Association Trap and service organization had a good business transmission of taste, might make it number of progressive amateurs.
man at the head of it to teach them the possible to "taste" a fine brand of Using a separate R. F., oscillator and detector coil system
Prosecute Gyps business side, they would go far . In his coffee, for instance, by radio. The trans- similar to that of the famous RCA Victor "Magic Brain" re-
radio broadcast report of the expose, mission of smells would perhaps be
SAN ANTONIO, TEX.- Spurred Turner quoted liberally from the
easier, he said, since t't1e "'Telolfactory" ceivers, this instrument has excellent performance in every
on by the "'Caesar's Wife" editorial in receiver need only spray into the air a operating requirement.
"'Caesar's Wife" editorial. The Vigi-
the August 18th issue of RCA RADIO duplicate of the odor transmitted. He Dr. Baer is to be congratulated on the fine appearance and
lance Committee proposes to continue emphasized, however, that these possi-
SERVICE NEWS. legitimate radio its Anti-Racketeering Campaign un- bilities were now "'only whimsical and excellent equipment used in his station, which also includes
service men of San Antonio are con- abated .
ducting a successful plan to clean up remote imaginings." an RCA Test Oscillator, Type TMV-97-B.
competitive conditions in the radio
service business. With the local Vigi-
lance Committee lending the full weight
of its support to the campaign, gyp
advertising has been exposed a nd the
Chassis View Shows Details of Quality Construction
pu-Olic-ts being educated"t~~~
the work of cut-price artists is usually
worth just what it costs-or less.
Results: Several so-called service men RCA leadership in engineering and manufacturing is evident in every construc-
who are defrauding the public have been
brought to the bar of justice and fined. tional detail of the RCA Cathode Ray Oscillograph. Symmetrical layout of parts,
and more profitable conditions are com-
ing into being for legitimate service elimination of shielding, advanced circuit design and fool-proof construction are
engineers who give the public a fair
dollar's worth and expect a dollar in visible evidence of the built-in quality of the RCA Cathode Ray Oscillograph.
return .
Receivers "Planted"
T. J. Turner, Secretary of the San POWER TRANS- SAFETY SWITCH-
Antonio Vigilance Committee, con- FORMER - SUP- T URNS POWER
ducted the expose of the racketeers.
"'A month or more ago," he reports,
"a Committee of the Radio Repair- RECTI Fl ER Cl R- WHEN CHASSIS IS
men's Association waited on me and CUITS - OVER----------"":"':'"--~ REMOVED FROM
asked my assistance in helping to stamp SIZE TO PREVENT HOUSING.
out this racket. This Committee pro- STRAY MAGNETIC
vided three radios. The sets were care- FIELDS.
fully examined by seven or eight com- VERTICAL AND
petent radio service men, who signed HORIZONTAL
statements that the radios were in first- BEAM CENTER-
class condition. New tubes were then SPRING MOUNT- 1NG ADJUST-
installed and the radios were sent to my ED CATHODE RAY - - - - - - - - - ' MENTS - PRO-
investigator's home and my own home. TUBE SOCKET - V I DE A SIMPLE
There the various radio companies PERMITS QUICK MEANS OF CEN-
called to repair the instruments. CHANGING OF TERING BEAM
"'The case is clearly defined in a radio TUBES -A LSO ON SCREEN .
talk that I made over station KABC on ALLOWS FOR
September 22nd. You will notice that VARIATION IN
part of my thunder for this talk came CATHODE RAY
from a former issue of RCA RADIO
Gyp Fined
"The Vigilance filed charges in Cor- RCA-80 - LOW ODE RAY TUBE.
porations' Court against three iltdi- VOLTAGE FULL-
viduals, " continued Turner. "'After two WAVE RECTIFIER
postponements the cases were tried on - SUPPLIES AM- ·
October I 0th . In one case the defendants RCA-57 - HORl-
were acquitted on account of a techni-
cality or faulty complaint. In another
case, an employee of a gyp outfit was GAIN, WIDE FRE-
found guilty and assessed the fine of
$20.00. This employee later signed an RCA-57 VERTICAL
affidavit stating that customers were AMPLIFIER-
over-charged and charged for parts and HIGH GAIN, WIDE RCA - 906 CA TH-
tubes that were not actually installed FREQUENCY ODE RAY TUBE-
by express orders of his employer. It RANGE. 3-INCH SCREEN.
seemed to be a regular practice to sub-
stitute their used tubes for compara-
tively new tubes and to charge for tubes RCA-885 - GAS BINDING POSTS
that were not actually installed. The TRIODE - "SAW- FOR EXTERNAL
employee stated that such practices TOOTH" TIMING HORIZONTAL DE-
were the regular procedure in that shop." AXIS OSCIL- FLECTING VOLT-
In each case prosecuted by the Vigi- LATOR. AGE.
lance Committee, indisputable evidence
was prepared of the dishonest practices.
The parts and tubes in the receivers BINDING POSTS
submitted to the gyp operator .. were POSTS - FOR
marked before the set was given to SYNCH RONI Z-
them to repair and were checked after TO VOLT AGE TO
the set was returned. On one set a con- BE OBSERVED.
nection was purposely broken. The bill 1·

for repairing it was $4.50, includinii

$3.00 for new part• which were not in·
4 RCA RADIO SERVICE NEWS February 4, 1935

Velocity Microphones, Directional Speakers, and
Twenty-Watt Amplifier Solve Problem
Gloss Finish Requires Dif-
Tremendous sales possibilities for
service engineers and dealers in every
the poles of a permanent magnet, thus
eliminating the necessity of any field
ferent Treatment For
city, town and village are revealed by supply. The unique, simplified, rugged Removing Blemishes
the story of how RCA engineers cor- construction, together with high-quality
rected a poor-acoustics condition in performance, makes the Velocity Micro- Retouching of any type of cabinet
St. Gregory's Church, Brooklyn, New phones ideally suited for public-address finish is a simple matter with the re-
York. and sound-reenforcing applications in cently introduced RCA Cabinet Re-
Similar problems confront thousands churches or other public halls. finishing Kit. The new RCA Victor
of churches-and few now realize that Cabinets have a special high gloss
Directional Feature an Asset
radio dealers have the solution. RCA finish that requires special touch-up
The most important characteristic of methods for scratches or other types of
Victor distributors will gladly co- the velocity microphone in comparison
damage. The following instructions
cover the usual refinishing that is re-
quired. It is important that these in-
structions be followed carefully both as
to procedure and materials used.
The RCA Cabinet Refinishing Kit In the shadow of the nation's Capitol, two of RCA Victor's
contains the necessary equipment for
remedying minor scratche~ and blem- fleet of sound trucks pause in their travels to have their
ishes that occur. In addition, an inter- "picture took." Built-except for the chassis and body-
mediate lacquer, Stock No. 4822 and a by and for RCA Victor, these trucks are continually in the
spraying lacquer (Du Pont 1740 or field helping dealers sell RCA products. RCA Victor has
Pittsburgh CD-10701) may be re-
quired for more extensive refinishing. built sound trucks for Bayer Aspirin, Williamson Tobacco
The RCA Cabinet Refinishing Kit is a Company, General Baking Company, and many other well-
collection of all the essential and hard- known advertisers in this and other countries.
to-get materials needed for cabinet
touch-up work. The materials are con- burning-in process should be used . pad without sandpaper to bring back
tained in convenient cans which are This process makes use of stick shellac the lustre. Then wipe off the entire
rolled neatly in a handy leatherette for filling in the scratch or bruise, and surface with a soft rag .
case that can be easily carried. then refinish as described by the above
Scratches Light Spots
method. The stick shellac should be
Fine scratches may be removed from blended to obtain the proper color, Where the finish has been rubbed
Interior of St. Gregory's Church, Brooklyn, showing the RCA sound any cabinet finish by rubbing with the using a heated knife or spatula (alcohol white, a stain should be applied. the
system units that solved a difficult problem of poor acoustics. felt pad, using Valvoline Rubbing Oil lamp or electric heater preferred) to stain to be made as follows:
and Tripoli. Care should be taken to slightly melt the cement. The two envelopes of the kit contain
operate to help any retailer cash in on with the pressure-operated microphone, stain powders (red and black). These
this market. such as the condenser, electro-dynamic rub with the grain until the scratches Deep Scratches and Bruises
have been removed. Then rub over the should be mixed to obtain the desired
;A beautiful, spacious church, St. and carbon types, is its directional prop- Place enough shellac on the edge of shade, using shellac and alcohol as a
Gregory's of Brooklyn, with acoustic erty, which is practically independent spot with a soft rag and "Refco"
Polishing Oil to bring back the lustre. the knife or spatula to fill the scratch vehicle (I part shellac and 3 parts
conditions that made it difficult for all of frequency within the working range or bruise, work the cement in the defect alcohol) blending the two colors until
the congregation to hear the sermons of the microphone. This directional When a scratch or bruise is too deep
to rub out by the above method the with edge of knife while hot, and level the desired shade is obtained. Then
distinctly. Only those in the front pews characteristic is particularly valuable in off with flat side of knife while still apply the stain to the defects with the
heard the addresses clearly, the major- the solution of some of the difficulties warm, leaving the cement slightly camel's hair brush.
ity of the congregation being unable to usually encountered in reverberant lo- selectivity in sound pickup, and in the higher than the surrounding surface. Blisters or Peel
understand what was being said. reduction of resonance and other dis- After the cement has set, level to the
To correct this condition, St. Gregory's turbing acoustic phenomena. Blisters or peeling of cabinets may be
surrounding surface with fine sandpaper refinished in the following manner:
turned to an RCA Victor Sound Re- The microphone, finished in white to held over a felt pad and use Valvoline
enforcing System for a solution that was
rapidly forthcoming. Moreover, the
facilities of the S unday School wo:re ex-
match the marble pulpit, is indicated by
an arrow in the illustration.
Rubbing Oil. Follow the rubbing with
Refco Polish and Tripoli, using the felt
I . Sand off the checked or blistered sur-
faces with 9/ 0 fine sandpaper until
ther surface cra cks or checks disap-
tended through the installation of a The Directionai Baffle Speakers pear >and the coat is again level. This
Bearing a catalog number of MI- In the St. Gregory's installation, the requires sanding down to the sealer
radio-phonograph and two loudspeak- fields of the two speakers were connected
ers. The latter were used not only in con- 4426/ 1425, these speakers consist essen- coat.
tially of a large throat horn of the ex- in series, using one field supply unit, 2. Make a cotton pad and dampen with
nection with the radio and record pro- MI-6143 . This unit was mounted in the
grams, but also for reproduction of the ponential type coupled to a cone driving Ansol. (Ansol is the trade-name for
unit of a rugged dynamic type. same cabinet with the amplifier. Anhydrous Alcohol, a product of
sermons in the church itself.
Since any service engineer may run Directional sound projectors are of Profitable Field for all Service Men U . S. Industrial Alcohol Co.) Then
up against conditions similar to those particular importance in Public-Address rub the surface with this pad until
and Sound-Reenforcing Systems for ob- The inquiries received on Portable the whole coated surface is fused into
prevailing in the church proper, it will
be interesting to follow the steps that taining minimum interference from hard Public-Address Systems as a result of one continuous film.
were taken to eliminate the undesirable walls and reflecting surfaces in audi- the recent article in SERVICE NEWS in- 3. Continue with the pad as an ap-
toriums and for obtaining minimum loss dicate that hundreds of service men are plicator and put a small amount of
acoustic conditions. The entire installa-
tion was made with RCA Victor Sound of power in covering large and remote interested in obtaining their share of the intermediate lacquer (mentioned
seating areas out-of-doors. The inherent profits in that lucrative field . above) into the surface until you
Reenforcing units.
characteristics of the RCA Victor direc- Any service engineer or dealer can get again add a new surface with the
The Amplifier tional sound projectors, combining high help in designing either permanent or intermediate lacquer, similar to that
The size of the church indicated that Amplifier and field supply efficiency of transformation of electrical temporary sound reenforcing systems called "French Polish."
a 20-watt amplifier was required . Known into acoustical energy with uniform re- by writing or calling on his RCA Victor 4. Again dampen the pad with Anso
as Model Ml-4275 , this amplifier is a cations by the reduction of the apparent sponse and directional characteristics instrument distributor, or in certain and a few drops of paraffin base oil,
five-stage, high-quality, high-gain unit, reverberation, and the increased possi- over a wide frequency band, make it cities, the special RCA Victor Sound rubbing well into the surface until
employing seven RCA Radiotrons . It bilities of obtaining better balance and particularly suited for church use. Distributors. the original finish is reproduced.
consists of a power-supply unit and a
voltage-amplifier unit mounted on sepa-
rate bases in order to keep hum at a
minimum when mounted on a shelf or
bracket. Designed to take the input
from a standard MI-4000 (velocity)
Oscillograph Made by RCA from Start to Finish
microphone and phonograph units, com-
pensation has been provided to accentu- The views shown here were taken in the cathode-ray tube factory of the RCA Radiotron Division, the largest
ate the reproduction of voice alone and, makers of cathode-ray tubes in the world. The manufacture of these tubes is based on a vast amount of
if desired, to use voice pick-up against a
background of phonograph music. Con- research development and manufacturing experience. Each tube is given a series of comprehensive tests to
trols and switches mounted on the units insure that quality and uniformity are maintained at the highest possible level.
include AC power switch, tone control,
voice to music transfer switch and
velocity microphone to carbon micro-
phone switch.
Dimensions and ratings: PB-89 power-
supply unit. 16;1' inches wide, 6 inches
deep, 8}'8 inches high. PB-88 voltage
amplifier unit. 14 inches wide, 4X' inches
deep, 6 ~ inches high.
One hundred and ten watts, 105- 125
volts, 50-60 cycles, AC; 115 db. gain,
output impedance 7 Y. ohms, 20 watts
output. Radiotrons: I RCA-57, 2
RCA-56. 3 RCA-59, I RCA-83.
As you will notice in the illustration,
these two units have been installed in a
steel cabinet, conveniently located for
easy accessibility.
The Velocity Microphone
The RCA Victor velocity microphone
has met with such popular favor that it
is in service in the studios of both major
networks and many of the prominent
independent stations. It is also an im-
portant unit in the sound reenforcement
systems of the leading theatres in the A precision lathe for fusing the deflecting electrodes into the Sealing and exhausting Cathode-Ray Tubes. Each tube is
country. including Radio City's famous side wall of the glass bulb. In addition to this operation in glass-sealed to the high-vacuum pumps. The glass bulb is
Music Hall. the larger types of tubes, the bulbs are welded together in exhausted to a pressure of more than I/ I 00,000,000 of
The usual stiff diaphragm used in all sections to facilitate manufacturing operations. Unlike the atmospheric pressure at sea-level. High-frequency bom-
previous types of microphones is dis-
placed in the new Velocity Microphone
ordinary lathe, the head and tail chucks are gear-driven so barders are employed in the evacuating process to drive out
by a thin, light-weight, aluminum rib- that both units rotate at exactly the same speed. Three sets gas from the metal parts. After exhausting and sealing, bases
bon. This ribbon is suspended between of intense fires melt and fashion the 1lass of the lar1e bulb. are cemented to the 1la88 bulbs and the tubes are tested.
February 4, 1935 RCA RADIO SERVICE NEWS 5


Should be Retuned
Win a handsome pigskin wallet. Until further notice, these popular wallets will
be given to all whose tips on any phase of radio service are published in this column.
Send your favorite idea to RCA RADIO SERVICE NEWS, Camden, N. J.
SERVICE TIPS With New Antenna
Service Tips are our readers' ideas, not ours. While RCA RADIO SERVICE NEWS
believes they are worth while, we can not be responsible in any way for results
obtained. Drawings or photographs submitted will be returned only on request.
POINTED OUT A valuable tip on installing the RCA
World-Wide Antenna is given by G . W .
Kimball of the RCA Victor Service
Intermittent Operation is Department.
"In most factories a standard dummy
Use of Wattmeter
The wattmeter I use is an integrating
Adapter Loudspeaker Fields Likely Subject for antenna is used for alignment work.
Almost invariably this dummy antenna
I have made and am using the simple The next time that you get a call and
wattmeter which was manufactured by
the Fort Wayne Electric Co., and has a
adapter as shown in the sketch with find an open speaker field, don ' t be in Wallet Winner has different characteristics from any
short-wave antenna which may later be
good results . It does the following: too much of a hurry to replace the field .
rotating drum . I removed the gearing installed with the set. For highest ef-
I . Brings the tube contacts above the Take the field out and remove the paper The "Service Tips" section of RCA
and indicating hands, lowered the damp- ficiency, therefore, the first stage of the
receiver chassis for individual test- coating, and ten to one you will find the
ing magnet and attached a pointer to RADIO SERVICE NEWS is rapidly receiver should be retuned, using a
ing, doing away with having to field open where the fine wire is joined becoming a recognized medium for ex-
this. I attached a hair spring to the weak signal in the 16 or 19 meter bands.
turn it over. to the heavy wire that is brought out
shaft carrying the drum, which limits changing worthwhile service ideas. A code signal outside the short-wave
from the field .
the rotation of the drum, applying suf- While it is impossible to use all of the bands can be used if desired .
ficient pressure to the drum to allow one WAFER SOCKET TAP~ED WASHER All that is necessary is to re-make the many tips sent in, the Technical Editor "With the RCA World-Wide An-
rotation to 500 watts. No other changes connection and the field is as good as new. wishes to thank those who have sent tenna, the first stage of the receiver
are necessary and the calibration may Henry E . Schurman, in tips and ideas which have not been should be retuned . It is only necessary
be marked on the drum . W8DJE - WNBO, used . to adjust one trimmer- the one used to
Then use the meter as it was pri- 105 Virginia Ave., Reviewing many of the tips sent in trim the first stage and generally its
marily intended. That is, using the in- Pittsburgh, Penna . reveals that some of them are not really capacity must be reduced. Making this
put terminals to the line, the output "tips," but may be classified as routine adjustment usually increases the signal
terminals to a convenient outlet. service procedure. For example, a strength up to I 00%
The uses of such a meter are self- A Peak Voltmeter number of letters merely mentioned "This trimming adjustment is very
evident. Some I have found are as fol- that after thoroughly checking a re- simple. A weak incoming signal is used
This peak voltmeter is very essential ceiver it was found that a tube caused
lows: I have a catalogue file I have con- and the set is trimmed for greatest
on the repair bench and in the labora- the difficulty. Others have reported the
tributed to for a number of years, giv- 2. Many analyzer plugs or their signal strength. No oscillator or output
tory. It is especially valuable to meas-
ing me the readings on most machines. adapters are too large to fit in tube failure of a particular part, such as a meter are necessary for this adjust-
ure the peak voltages on the filter
Those not known can easily be approxi- sockets using closely shielded tubes resistor or a capacitor, and still others ment."
condenser immediately after the recti- have reported lack of alignment as
mated. Power transformers, when no of the 6 and 7 prong type. This fier. Thus you know how high the
tubes or pilot light are in machine, adapter does away with that diffi- being the cause of some difficulty.
first condenser needs to be rated . The
should give no reading; with rectifier in culty.
socket the reading will increase to ap-
proximately 15 watts. Any greater in-
These are the two main uses for this
adapter, possibly there may be other
readings are very accurate, especially
if a heavy-duty tube is used, to keep
Good Tips Usually Simple
While many service tips are extremely
Better Service
crease should be investigated, of course.
Any reading obtained without rectifier
uses also.
The tube bases of 6 and 7 prong tubes
the tube drop low. The measuring
terminals are connected across A . C .
or D . C., observing polarity if D . C.
simple (usually the best tip is of an
extremely simple nature), letters con-
Demand Grows
will indicate a transformer with one or are used with corresponding wafer-type cerning the changing of tubes or the
The voltmeter terminals are connected
more shorted turns. A reading above sockets and fastened together with a to the proper range of the high-resist-
locating of defective parts are not usually
considered suitable for the "Tips" col-
Seattle Victims of Poor Work
normal with rectifier will indicate an 6 / 32 flathead machine screw. The eye- ance voltmeter in the service kit. By
electrolytic condenser with too high let in the center of the wafer socket may switching to " DC" the D. C. voltage
umn, since these ideas are fundamentals Complain to Local Papers,
leakage or a short either in condensers be easily tapped to accommodate this of servicing.
or circuits. In my opinion the greatest screw.
is read . The condenser should be about An example of the kind of tips that Dealer Reports
four microfarads and of voltage rating are of interest to all is a tip having to
advantage lies in being instantly able to Charles L Levin, as high as will be needed. This also
classify the trouble as short or open . Haddon Hall Electric Co. do with intermittent operation. The SEATTLE, WASH - "Radioowners
makes an excellent output meter of simple tip of placing a pig-tail on a of this city are waking up to the fact
Also, I have located a number of trans- 3182 West Eighth Street, the high-resistance type .
formers with one side of the high-volt- Los Angeles, Calif. main tuning capacitor to remedy inter- that it pays to patronize radio service
age secondary open and, too, it puts Raymond C. Wyman, mittent operation caused by the RF organizations who have the courage to
down lots of disputes as to cost of radio 51 Central Avenue, circuit oscillating is an extremely worth- charge fair and reasonably profitable
Wells-Gardner 7A or Airline 103
operation. Medford, Mass. while tip.
Here is a service tip on Models 7A prices instead of those who offer ·some-
The meter used for this construction Wells-Gardner or Airline l 03. . thing for nothing.' Several letters on
can be secured from most public service The tone control condenser has • Suggested Subjects ~ this subject have appeared recently
companies for ten cents. Purchase ob- broken down . When this occurs the Zenith 52 Other tips of this sort concern poor in the 'Letters from Readers'column
solete type. The hair spring can be ob- output plate voltage is applied across Recently I was called to service a welds in audio transformers, high volt- of the Seattle Times," reports Biz
tained from a jeweler. the tone-control resistor and in many Zenith 52 for fading. The customer had age of heaters of AVC tubes, etc. All of Nazarenus, well-known local radio
Harley H . McConnell, cases the resulting current burns up two radio men service that set before · these may cause intermittent operation service engineer.
Hub Music am:! SUJ>pl:,>-Co., - the tone-control . resistor. For this each- changed condenst:fs;"'l5u e se' · · o ttio !-===================
I 06 North Main Street, reason, if it is necessary to replace still faded . After checking the radio for rather than a specific failure of any part. oscillating circuit? How do you detect
Crown Point, Indiana. either the condenser or resistor in this an hour I found that the vernier control The usual service methods will not dis- and remedy rosin joints? What are
model, connect the side of the condenser was loose, and a strong vibration would close such difficulties. some of the causes of intermittent op-
General Electric K-62 which formerly went to the ground to detune the station enough for fading to A few suggestions for tips: How do eration in specific receivers and what is
the "B" plus end of the output trans- be noticed. Remedy- tighten the out- you locate an open by-pass capacitor, your pet method of initially checking
The persistence of an annoying audio sidenutalittleandsetisasgoodasever. especially if it is a small by-pass ca- a receiver? Write your idea to "Service
noise or whistle may be traced to an former primary. This connects the
tone-control condenser and resistor Irving bosick, pacitor and the only indication is an Tips" column and win a pigskin wallet.
open or shorting fixed condenser or con-
densers mounted on the end of the re- across the primary of the output Apex Radio Shop,
sistor strip at the front underside of the transformer. In this method of con- 424 Kingston Ave.,
chassis. Check and replace if defective.
Sometimes this trouble may be deter-
nection, should the tone control con-
denser break down, no damage will be
done to the tone control.
B rooklyn, N. Y.
Connects Pickup To Any Radio
mined promptly if the resistor strip is
bent or pushed in a little, in which in- Alex W. Inglis RCA Model 80
stance the noise will cease; denoting 533 South York Street, I have had a number of RCA Model
that the condensers are shorting nor- Elmhurst. Ill. 80 receivers that have had a great deal
mally. Removing the strip will show of distortion on low volume; however,
that two sections are side by side and Stromberg-Carlson 846-A when the volume is increased, the tone
held firm with a metal ribbon strap. clears up. This is caused by a drop in
In the Stromberg-Carlson 846-A, I
Often this may be corrected by insert- experienced a lack of volume. This was resistance of the 110,000-ohm carbon
ing a small piece of waxed paper or mica resistor which is between the second
finally traced to an open antenna coil.
so as to separate the two sections and Replacing this coil and the sensitivity detector cathode and the high-voltage
prevent contact thereat. plate supply circu it. This drop in
control, which changed from 20,000
L F . B. Carini, ohms to 35,000 or 40,000 ohms, the resistance greatly increases the grid
Carini Radio Laboratory, set worked normally again . This trouble bias on the second, detector.
246 Wolcott Hill Road, was located after considerable trouble. In this same receiver a steady crack-
Wethersfield, Conn. Rebalance condenser at 1400 K .C. ling sound and an occasional cutting-
out, regardless of the position of the
Robert S . Sherman,
Stewart Warner R102A, B & E volume control, is generally due to a
Dunn & Dunn,
I had a condenser to cut in and out in defective push-pull input audio trans-
25 Livingston Ave., former .
a Stewart Warner Rl02A, B & E. I New Brunswick. N . J.
found a I 00,000-ohm resistor color code, Benner Essington,
brown, black and yellow, which would Feliz Radio Service,
Sterling Model F 32 E. Carrillo Street,
cut in and out. This won't show up by
voltmeter, as anything you touch in After replacing a tube in a Sterling San ta Barbara, Calif.
radio would cut back in and the radio Model F, I went and turned the set on.
would play normal for two or three Turning the dial , I found the set tun-
days. The best way to find this troJ.lble ing very broad between 900 and 950 Radiola Model 48
is to keep the radio playing and wl\en kilocycles. I then aligned the con- Some of these sets have been causing
the resistor starts breaking it will make densers, but with no success. I noticed trouble due to plating on condensers
a buzzing sound and the reproduction a set screw in the rear of the gang coming off. Scraping does not remove
will get mushy. condenser. After adjusting the set all of this. Disconnect coil from stator,
Geo. Payad, screw, the set tuned perfectly over the connect high voltage (600-700 volts) Here's the new RCA Phonograph Oscillator which takes
entire band.
Payad Radio Service,
Martin J. Oleszkiewicz,
secondary of a power transformer to the "guesswork" out of phonograph modernization. Connect·
604 N . Adams, rotor and stator, turn on 110 A . C . and ing any pickup to any radio receiver is but a few minutes work
Gillespie, 1llinois. Triangle Radio Service,
2904 Archer Avenue, and proper operation is secured every time. Using the RCA-
Majestic Dial Cables Chicago, Illinois. 2A7 or 6A7 tube, the RCA Phonograph may be used with
Wind one end of the cable on the G. E. J-83 600-700 VOLTS '-+ROTATE SHAFT receivers using either 2.5 or 6.3-volt tubes. The circuit consists
shaft. Put a knob on the dial shaft and j ro EAC H EXTREME
of a modulator-oscillator stage for broadcasting the phonograph
run a heavy rubber band from the dial Cutting on and off suddenly. Look
for broken connection under paper
output into the receiver at any frequency from 1400 KC to
shaft to the volume control or tone
control. insulation of choke coil (L-12 in A.. 1700 KC.
If the dial shaft is a little loose after V . C . circuit) . rotate condenser slowly. Do this to Note the special connectors for obtaining power supply by
putting the rubber around the two Any radio : each section. Have had jobs out for placing them under the heater prongs of the receiver. A radio-
shafts, turn the dial shaft tighter and Suddenly cutting off to a faint over 18 months and still 0 . K .
signal on all except very powerful or Pat Daly Radio Service,
record switch gives a quick change from radio to phonograph
also pull rubber band in whatever direc-
tion you tighten knob. In this way the nearby locals. Look for broken 118 E. 2nd Street, operation and turns off the power supply when the phonograph
knob will not spring back after it is window strips. These nuisances make Beardstown, Illinois. is not in use. A complete description of the RCA Phonograph
tightened. contact when window is closed, but Oscillator and other essentials for phonograph modernization
After adjusting cables as tightly as is when it is opened then the fun starts. Editor's Nole : Also recommended for is included in the booklet "Phonograph Modernization,"
necessary, wind the other end of cable Max M . Goldberg, all other receivers employing tuning
on shaft and the job is done. New York Section, capacitors having plated rotor plates.
obtainable from any RCA Parts Distributor or from the
Alfonso F alletta, I. R. S. M .. Duplicate award also made to Mr. A. J. RCA Parts Division, Camden, N. J. The list price of the
21 18th Street, 21 Sherman Ave .. Bernard, W. A. Kennedy Radio Serv- RCA Phonograph Oscillator is $7.75, subject to the usual
Buffalo, N. Y. New York City. ice, Rayne, La., for eimilar tip. trade discounts to radio service ensineers or radio dealers.
6 RCA RADIO SERVICE NEWS February 4, 1935
magnetic ac tivity reports furnished by

1935 SERVICE CHECK AND DOUBLE CHECK RECEPTION IS the United Sta tes Observatory at Tuc-
son, Arizona. It has been found that
the spots on the sun have a more or less

MEETINGS ARE PREDICTED BY direct rel a tion to the magnetic condi-

tions on earth, which in turn have a
definite rela tion to the reception condi-
tion s for short waves.

STARTING NOW SPOTS ON SUN The illus tra tion shows a typical mag-
netic ac tivity cha rt prepared for such
predictions. On this chart, ordina tes
(vertical divisions) a re magne tic ra nge,
one sca le division being 30 gammas (a
(Continued from page I, col. 3) System Devised by RCA ga mm a is a measure of ma gnetic field
is "Antenna Systems." History, theory
and practical application of all antenna
Expert Follows Cycle of intensity) . If the m agnetic range ex-
tends beyond 60 ga mmas it has been
systems from the initial experiments of Twenty-Seven Days found th a t this range is sufficient to dis-
Professor Hertz up to the present fa- turb the reception of short-wave signals.
mous RCA World-Wide Antenna Sys- By H . H . Beveridge Accordingly, all range above 60 gam-
tems will be thoroughly discussed . R. C. A . Communications , Inc . m as ha ve been fi lled in with black to
Special demonstrations will be made Through the combined efforts of m a ke it a ppa rent, in looking at the
and all lectures will be illustrated by a R. C. A. Communications, Inc., and chart. where the dis turbing magnetic
large number of slides. the United Sta tes Government, it is co ndition s lie.
Below are tentative dates for some now possible to forecast probable radio It ha s bee n found tha t the co-ordina-
of the meetings. The meetings to be reception conditions for a considera ble tion be tween disturbed signals and
held in smaller towns have not yet been period in advance. Although these pre- m a gnetic range is very close, so that
definitely scheduled. RCA Parts dis- dictions are not entirely accurate, they wherever a black pea k a ppears on the
tributors can supply the dates for them compare in accuracy with the ordinary chart, it has a lmost invariably been
upon request. weather forecasts , which are generally
considered reliable. confronted with bad signal transmission .
Albany, N. Y ....... . . . . Feb. 11, 1935 Based on Earth's Magnetism It will be noted that the abcissa
Atlanta, Ga ..... .. .. .. . Feb. 11, 1935 These predictions are based on the (horizontal divisions) extend from 1 to
Baltimore, Md . .. .... .. . Feb. 15, 1935
Binghamton, N . Y. .. ... Feb. 20, 1935 MAGNETIC ACTIVITY
Birmingham, Ala . .... . .. Feb. 15 , 1935 SIX HOUR TOTALS OF HOURLY RANGES OF
Charlotte, N . C . .. . . .. .. Jan. 29, 1935 HORIZONTAL INTENSITY. ONE SCALE DIVISION=30GAMMAS
Chicago. Ill. .. ... .. . . .. . . Feb. 5, 1935 DAT1:
Cincinnati, Ohio .. .... . . Feb. 8, 1935
Testing at every stage of manufacture a88ures perfect products. Jan . 14
Columbus, Ohio .... . . ... Feb. 4, 1935
The illustration shows continuity testing of the plate windings of Feb. 10
Denver, Colo .... . . ... .. Feb. 15, 1935 RCA Universal Transformers.
Mar. 9
Detroit, Mich ...... . .... Feb. 19, 1935
Des Moines, la . . .. . ... . . Feb. 6, 1935 Omaha, Neb .... . ...... . Feb. 11, 1935 Washington, D. C. .. .. . . Feb. 13, 1935 Apr . 5

Elmira, N. Y. . ..... .. .. Feb. 19, 1935 Peoria, Ill . . ..... ....... Feb. 19, 1935 Watertown, N. Y .. . . .. . Feb. 15, 1935 May 2
Grand Rapids, Mich . . . . . Feb. 12. 1935 Philadelphia, Pa....... . Feb. 19, 1935 Wilmington, Del.. .. . .. . . Feb. 5, 1935 May29
Harrisburg, Pa .... ...... Feb. 27, 1935 Richmond, Va .......... Feb. 11, 1935 Wilkes-Barre, Pa ... . . . .. Feb. 26, 1935
Indianapolis, Ind . . .. ... . Feb. 14, 1935 Riverside, Calif . ... ..... . Feb. '7, 1935 ~run. 25
Jacksonville, Fla . ..... . . . Feb. -4, 1935 Rochester, N. Y . ..... .. . Feb. 18, 1935 3
Kansas City, Mo . .. .. . . . Feb. 13, 1935 San Diego, Calif .... . ... . Feb. 5, 1935 The anonymous "Service Tip" en- Aug.18

Long Beach, Calif.. . .. . .. Feb. 4, 1935 San Francisco, Calif . . .... Feb. 5, 1935 titled "Lightning Arrestors for RCA Sep.14
Los Angeles, Calif . . . .. ... Feb. 1, 1935 Santa Barbara, Calif. ..... Feb. 8, 1935 World-Wide Antenna" which appeared
Oct. 11
St. Louis, Mo ... . ...... .. Feb. 4, 1935 in the October 30th issue was the con-
Miami, Fla . . ... .. . . .. ... Feb. 8, 1935
tribution of lngvar Paulsen, 144 Cedar Nov. 1
Milwaukee, Wis . . . .. . .. March 1, 1935 Sioux City, Ia . .. . ....... Feb. 8, 1935
St., Roxbury, Mass. Because the "Tip" Dec. 4
Minneapolis, Minn . ..... Feb. 25, 1935 Springfield, Mo .......... Feb. I, 1935 was received indirectly proper credit Dec. 31
Nashville, Tenn . . . ... . . . Feb. 13, 1935 Syracuse, N . Y ......... Feb. 14, 1935
Newark, N. ]. .. . .... ... . Feb. 5, 1935 Tampa, Fla ..... . ...... . Feb. 6, 1935
was not given to the author. RCA
Jan. 27
New York, N . Y . . ...... Feb. 25, 1935 Toledo, Ohio . .......... . Feb. 5, 1935 Paulsen and has sent him the pigskin F"eb. 23
Norfolk, Va ...... . . . . ... Feb. 8, 1935 Utica, N . Y . ....... . ... Feb. 13, 1935 wallet his "Tip" won.
Mar. 22

Apr. 18

·Sources of Signal and Profits May 16


Jul . 8

Aug. 4

Aug . 31

Sep. 27

Oct" 24

Nov. 20

Dec. 17
- --
Jan . 13

~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ~

27, indicating that the magnetic ranges

MAT SERVICE ON are plotted on the basis of a 27-day

period. The date of the first division of
each 27-d a y period is shown on the left
of each p eriod . To find a particular date

ANTENNA ADS IS it is but necessary to count the dates

from left to right, from those given.

FREE TO DEALERS Effect of Sun's Rotation

As tronomers tell us that the Polar
regions of the sun rotate once in ap-
proxim a tely 34 d ays, while the Equator
Factory-Prepared Ads Give rotates once in a pproxima tely 24 days .
Since the m agnetic disturbances appear
Dealers Tie-Up with to repea t themselves on the average
every 27 days, it seems probable that
National Ads the sun spots which ha ve the greatest
effect on the m agnetic conditions on
More and more service organizations the ea rth are located at such a latitude
and dealers appear to be going into the on the sun tha t the period of rotation
antenna business as a major activity. is 27 days. This is the basis of the pre-
So many requests for mats for retailers diction service. Th a t is, a magnetic
to use in newspaper advertising on disturbance on a certain day, say
Because of its remarkable performance, small frequencies of alignment points and because mis- RCA World-Wide Antenna Systems November 7th, would indicate a similar
size and quality construction, the RCA Test alignment is much more evident due to the general have been received by the RCA Parts disturbance to appear again 27 days
Oscillator, TMV-97-B continues to lead in low level of signals, a satisfactory job cannot be Division that they are now preparing later, or on December 4th. In general,
popularity with service engineers, although it was performed without proper equipment. an assortment of mats that dealers or it will be noted that this repetition does
service engineers may obtain for the occur, although it is not an invariable
introduced more than a year ago. l ts companion As more all-wave receivers are sold and those asking. rule. For example, it will be noted that
instrument, the RCA Output Indicator, Type now sold become older, re-alignment will become Tie-Up With Factory Advertising a severe storm occurred on August 5,
TMV-121-A, which cannot be burnt out, also a more important item of revenue for service The ads now in preparation for 1933, but this storm did not repeat
continues to be one of the most popular items of engineers than it has been in the past. All radio dealer use will closely follow the style itself 27 days la ter, although it did ap-
the RCA World-Wide Antenna System pear again 54 days later with much less
the RCA Service Equipment Line. receivers perform better if re-aligned periodically, ads that are now running in national amplitude than on August 5th.
These two instruments enable service engi- at least once a year. All-wave receivers, es- magazines. Thus the dealer will obtain
neers to cash in on the tremendous popularity of pecially their short-wave bands, require periodic the benefit of a close tie-up and identifi- Accurate Predictions
aH-wave receivers by placing in their hands re-alignment. cation with the largest advertising
equiµment for rendering factory type service. All RCA Parts Distributors are featuring campaign now appearing on any an- In this case, we would have predicted
tenna system. disturbed conditions on September I st,
Wher.: it is realized that the line-up problem of a these instruments. The RCA Test Oscillator, Requests for Mats Invited but actually we would have found that
five-band all-wave receiver is equal to that of Type TMV-97-B, is sold with standard calibra- The mats for dealers' use will be there was no disturbance; .therefore, it
five broadcast band receivers (there are also five tion, plus or minus 3% at $29.50 net. Individual ready for distribution early in February. is not possible to guarantee the predic-
times as many possibilities for mis-alignment) it calibration guaranteed accurate plus or minus They will be shown in the next issue tions, but, in general, it is possible to
of RCA SERVICE NEWS. Dealers wish- predict the -times which are subject to
is readily understood that this all important serv- }-5 of 1% is $5.00 additional. The RCA Output ing to use them at once are urged to disturbances and the times which are
ice function cannot be performed without proper Indicator, including its neon bulb, is sold by RCA write to RCA Parts Division, Advertis- almost certain to be free from dis-
equipment. Also because of the extremely high Parts Distributors for $4 net to service engineers. ing Department, Camden, New Jersey• turbances.
February 4, 1935 RCA RADIO SERVICE NEWS 7



The new De Luxe RCA World-Wide signals, since lead-in pick-up has been
passes the short-wave frequencies
Antenna System, Stock No. 9SSS, has eliminated and only the "out-of-phase"
around the secondary of the broadcast
been developed to meet the growing de- signals from the two sides of the "Dou-
mand for an antenna system in which ble-Doublet" are utilized. Similarly the "Do~1ble-Doublet" an-
the noise-reducing feature has been re- To correct this a change must betenna impedance is matched to the
tained over the entire frequency spec- made at the antenna end of the trans-
transmission line impedance for short-
trum of the average All-Wave Receiver. mission line. One possibility is to add a
wave frequencies by means of the short-
The unique design of this new system third doublet of a suitable length to
wave transformer (a) , the primary of
has also eliminated the need for a favor the broadcast band . This is ordi-
the broadcast transformer acting as high
-Switch on the Receiver Coupling trans- narily impractical because the required
impedance to ground for short-wave
former. space is not avai lable. (A doublet to
frequencies, and being connected to the
The De"LuxeSystem, Stock No . 9SSS, tune to 1000 KC must have a span ofcenter tap of the short-wave trans-
differs from the first a nd standard sys- 213 .S feet.) former primary has relatively little ef-
tem , Stock No . 9SOO System, in that a The circuit of Figure 7 shows the re-
fect on short-wave reception.
transformer has been designed for use sult of the new De Luxe World-Wide The receiver coupling transformer
at the antenna end of the transmission Antenna System development to avoid(see Figure 7) is similar to the arrange-
line, and in that a new tran sformer erecting a third doublet, giving a good
ments shown in Figure 6 and should
without the "SW-STD" switch has been practica l solution to the problem .
need no further explanation.
des~ned for use at the receiver end of Resistors (c) arid (k) (see Figure 7)
th~ansmission line. The same "Dou- ''Double-Doublet'' are used to prevent the system from col-
ble-IToublet" antenna arrangement is The "Double-Doublet" (same as in lecting a high static potential and spark-
ing to ground, which would cause dis-
' tu;bing a nd periodic clicks in the re-

,, (8)
Advantages of World-Wide
The advantages of the new De Luxe
RCA World- Wide Antenna System,
C, c; Stock No . 9SSS, should be readily ap-
parent from the preceding technical
Cz c; discussion.
They may be summed up as follows :
1. Efficient All-Wave (SSO KC-
2SOOO KC) reception with only one an-
tenna. the "Double-Doublet."
(A) 2. Effective elimination of noise
c' I
pick-up on the lead-in over the all-wave
frequency spectrum.
EXTENDED fREf)VENCY RAN6fS. 3. Elimination of all switches-cir-
cuits are eles,!rical~ automatic.
4. Ease of mstallation- no transposi-
tion blocks, etc., !lecessary.
( DE Li/XE RCA J¥_ORLIJ-WIDE ANTENNA Results of operating tests held by the
Gabrielle DeLys, shown above, will be a featured singer on February
c' %
Radio News Technical Staff (reprinted
from the September, 1934, issue of
13, on the RCA-sponsored Radio City Matinee, NBC feature which
is already a great favorite with all Wednesday afternoon (2 P. M.
Radio News by permission of the pub- to 3 P. M.) radio listeners.
lishers) prove again the outstanding
FIG-~ performance of the RCA World-Wide NEW YORK- Radio listeners- who Wednesday, January 23, at 2:00 p. m.,
Antenna System. have heard many novel broadcasts- E. S. T.
. . . listened in on the actual making of a The Radio City Matinee is rapidly
~sed and the same type of transm1ss1on the Stock No. ?S~OSJ:'stem) is.connected Operating Tests phonograph record by a world famous becoming one of the most popular of
!me. The latter has ,be~n chang~d t~~ to the transm1ss1on lme lead-m through f .,-r, s m hon orchestra for the fint timi .alte~~P.r<> TA-
lcng.~h-<>t1ffit0Ct -aa u ul a d1llerei• L T'y}.le a '-'" ' - a '.t . Listening Post al Fairfield Beach, uring t e ad10 City M atinee broad- port that results in the form of in-
of ~ire . tran~former. By refernng t? Figure 7 Connecticut) cast over an NBC-WJZ network on creased sales of all RCA Victor prod-
. 1t will be seen that both primary and . . . ucts-from receivers to world-wide an-
De Luxe System Explained secondary are divided into two parts. In the test mstallat1on at Fairfield tenna systems- have already been
The fundamental development which The center tap of the short-wave trans- the conditions wern not ideal because other. The Ford was stopped about 100 noticeable.
~ade_ the J?e Luxe S_ystem design pos- former (a) primary is connected to the antenna, stru~g bet"'.een thi; per!Da- feet down the road from the house and The Boston Symphony Orchestra,
s1ble 1s the idea of usmg different trans- ground through the primary of the nent masts at this location, pomts m a its engine speeded up to provide maxi- under the direction of its famed con-
formers for different frequency bands broadcast frequency (S00- 1SOO KC) northeast-southwest direction and runs mum interference. With the "L" an- ductor, Serge Koussevitzky, was the
and placing th~ t~ansformers in seri~s to transformer (b). The secondary of the parallel to _the r<;>ad_~here '?ot<;>r traffic tenna the noise from the loudspeaker guest attraction at the broadcast on
obtam transm1ss1on over the combmed broadcast frequency transformer is in causes senous 1gmt1on-no1se mterfer- was sufficient to be heard outside the January 23, and made a new RCA
frequenc~ ra:nges. . series with the split short-wave trans- ence: As a_ doublet a_ntenna provi?es house, but with the doublet antenna not Victor record while the program was on
!~e circu1_t a~rangement for domg former secondary. If a suitable ground max1mu~p1c_k-upfor~1gn~ls(~ndno1se) a sound could be heard . This procedure the a1r.
this 1s shown m ~1gure 6-(A) . The_trans- is not available it may be replaced by a approa~hmg 1t broadside, 1t w1_ll be seen was repeated, moving the Ford along
former (d), havmg the smaller mduc- counterpoise about 60 feet long. that th1_s test was ~o directed as the road a few feet at a time, but the re- Program on Victor Records
tance transmits the highest frequency to provide the mm1mum pick-up of sig- sults were the same each time. Even The recording equipment in Sym-
wave~. These waves are by-passed "T" Type on Standard Broadcast nals from Europe and Australia and the when the Ford was directly opposite the phony Hall, Boston, where the orches-
around the other transformers (e) and It can be seen from Figure 7 that the maximum pick-up of noise from the antenna no interference could be heard tra makes all of its phonograph discs
(f) by condensers C and C 2 . "Double-Doublet" becomes a " T" Type ·nearby road . when the doublet was connected, while and where the radio program originated,
Lower frequency waves are trans- f)OVBLE IJOl/BLET with the "L" antenna connected the din was set in action during the broadc'a st
mitted , by the transformers (e) and (f) .
There is a certain intervening frequency
at which the transformers (d) and (e)
.............__ ANTENNA
;;O)v '•' from the loudspeaker was such as to and a selection by the orchestra re-
preclude any possibility of hearing sta- corded for future release as a regular
tions through it. RCA Victor record .

are equally effective in passing on the The composition to be thus preserved
energy. At this frequency transformer Silences Noise in House in wax was the "piece de resistance" of
(e) gives a double phase reversal due to I A later test was made to determine the full hour broadcast by the famous
the presence of the condensers C and I
the ability of the new antenna to elimi- orchestra.
The Radio City Matinees, featuring
C, and the leakage reactance of the
transformer. As a result the outputs of
I ~ nate electrical disturbances within the
house. An a.c. operated oscillator (with outstanding RCA Victor recording

'y\~ c/ \
the two transformers (d) and (e) are ad- I /INTENNA a particularly raucous 60-cycle note) artists and one of radio's most impres-
ditive, provided the sign of the mutual t TRANSFORMER was hooked up and placed so that the sive daytime programs, already has
inductances of the transformers are the I transmission line from the "double- brought listeners such performers as
same. I (j(- doublet" and the single-wire lead from Giovanni Martinelli, Efrem Zimbalist,
In this manner any desired number I
the "L" antenna were equidistant from Rudy Vallee, Richard Himber and the
of transformers may be connected in I it. Under actual measurement. the Sisters of the Skillet, and future guests
series and the frequency range extended IL __ _ __ _,I noise (measured at the receiver output will include Richard Crooks, Nathaniel
almost without limit in either direction . BLl/E transformer) picked up by the "L" an- Shilkret and Paul Whiteman.
The efficiency of transformation is high LEAP tenna was over twenty times as great as
and practically constant over the ex- that picked up with . the doublet con-
tended frequency band. , nected . RCA Oscillograpb
In designing this transformer system
the component transformers are de-
signed separately for adjacent bands,
Better Signal-to-Noise Ratio
So far as signal strength was con-
Sells For Only $84.50
providing a slight over-lap. These trans- cerned, the conclusion arrived at after (Continued from page I, column 5)
formers are then connected together as several days, intermittent test was that ode Ray Oscillograph. One new feature
shown. GROVNO LEAIJ OR COUNTERPOISE at wavelengths of SO meters and below for a moderately-priced oscillograph,
60~0" LONG IF NO CONVENIENT the doublet provided appreciably greater for instance, is the vertical and hori-
Feeding an All-Wave Receiver 6ROl/NIJ AVAILABLE NEAR signal strength-except at 2S meters, zontal amplifiers having a flat frequency
In feeding an All-Wave Receiver from ANTENNA. where the "L" antenna provided a little range of from twenty to 90,000 cycles
a balanced transmission line with this superior signal. On all of the short- with an amplifier gain of 40. This is a
system, it is best to maintain primary RECEIVER I wave bands the signal-to-noise ratio was feature without which the high sensi-
symmetry by using the circuit as shown I
I better with the "double-doublet." Con- tivity of two volts per inch could not
in Figure 6-(B) . The values of the induc- I sidering the fact that the antenna as in- be obtained.
I~ \Y'"I
tances are the same as in Figure 6-(A), ,I______________
GNIJ ANT _)I t, stalled did not take advantage of direc- "Another important feature is the
but the windings are split into two parts tional qualities, the above findings were linear variable timing-frequency oscil-
so that the stray capacities to ground F/6-7 ~ , ~)b~ ~-­ considered excellent. Had it been prop- lator which has a wide frequency range
are the same for each side of the line. erly installed it is probable that the from 20 to 1S,000 cycles. This permits
A transformer of the type of Figure Receiving Antenna for receiving stand- No Auto Noise in Test signal strength and the signal-to-noise the close observation of extremely high
6-(B) may be used in place of the single- ard broadcast frequencies (SSO KC- One of the first tests was to borrow a ratio would have been still further im- frequencies."
shielded transformer as used with the 1SOO KC) . four-cylinder Ford and "spot" it at dif- proved. Although the many contr_o ls de-
original RCA World-Wide Antenna The antenna impedance is matched ferent points along the road with its en- In conclusion it is pointed out that manded by the completeness of the in-
System, Stock No. 9SOO, and as illus- to the line impedance by means of the gine racing, to provide a source of igni- the receiver used in these tests was not strument make for a control panel that
trated schematically in Figure 2 and Primary of broadcast transformer (b) tion noise. An "L" type antenna with an RCA set, but one of a well-known would bewilder a layman, the operation
noise pick-up on the transmission line through the secondary of the broadcast an ordinary single wire lead waR also "laboratory-built" make . This is an im- of the oscillograph is easily understood
lead-in eliminated over the entire fre- transformer (b) in series with the split employed for purposes of comparison. portant fact because it indicates that by any competent radio service man
quency band. Without further change, secondary of the short-wave trans- The two antennas were controlled by a the practical application of this antenna after a few minutes actual operation.
however, the nick-up is too weak for former (a) . switch so that an instantaneous change- system is by no means limited to RCA RCA Parts Distributors gladly demon-
broadcast band (SSO KC to I SOO KC) The condenser (d) (see Figure 7) by- over could be made from one to the Receivers. strate this sensational new instrument.
8 RCA RADIO SERVICE NEWS February 4, 1935
With these connections the wave form servation of experiments with tuned
Engineer Explains Oscillograph Uses of the modulation may be readily ob-
served and corrections to the transmit-
ter made if improvement is desired .
circuits was virtually impossible until
the introduction of the Cathode Ray
Tube. Until the present time cathode
For Service Men, Amateurs and Schools If it is desired to monitor the per-
centage modulation and obtain an
image on the screen which does not
ray equipment has been both costly
and cumbersome and its upkeep a con-
siderable item. The RCA No. 9545 Os-
move as the modulating frequency is cillograph offers a complete cathode ray
Visual Alignment and Locating Overloads Among varied, a second method is perhaps pref-
erable. Apply the r. f. voltage as before
instrument which is portable, and inex-
pensive both in original cost and up-
Valuable Uses for Service Men. Amateurs ~
keep. Sufficient brilliancy is provided
so that the instrument may be readily
used for actual demonstration of tuned
Can Monitor Modulation 4:
\!I circuit theory to classes or groups as
well as for individual experimental work
By H. H. Schrader wave form will vary from its original centage modulation and purity of in the laboratory. A hood is not re-
RCA Deoelopment Engineer shape. Probably the peaks of the waves modulation of his transmitters. The quired to shade the tube.
will become flat . This indicates an over- No, 9545 oscillograph is very adapt-
The Cathode Ray load condition . By connecting the out- able to these uses and eliminates any Demonstrating Tuned Circuits
Oscillograph as put of the various audio amplifier stages necessity of guessing. While the per- The method of obtaining resonance
presented in the centage modulation of a transmitter 450 4GO 470 curves has been described in the section
RCA Stock No. may be determined by observing the of uses for service engineers. By a simi-
9545 is an in- ~ rise in antenna current during modula- FREQUENCY lar method the resonance curve of a
strument of many <
tion , this can under the best of~condi­ Figure 3 single tuned circuit or coupled circuits
and varied uses in tions only indicate the average modula- and in addition supply to the horizontal may be observed and the effect of re-
the en tire electri- tion . Modulating peaks may be rising deflecting circuit a voltage of about sistance and degree of coupling studied.
cal industry. The to over I 00% and so bad operating two volts from the speech amplifier An amplifier tube should be provided to
completeness of conditions result. Also, due to improper equipment. The amplifier B switch couple the test oscillator to the circuit
the instrument operating adjustments , the percentage should be turned to the "on" position. SDz~rlOl'I
recommends it modulation might be even lower than An image as Figure 5 will now appear
H. H. Schrader equally w~ll t.o 450 4!00 470 that indicated by the antenna current on the screen. For either of these two
schools, universi- meter . methods the percentage modulation B
ties, engineers and experimenters. To FREQUENCY may be readily calculated and equals "
explain all of the uses of the instrument Monitoring Modulation l - i.
Figure 2 (see Figures 4 and 5) A-B X IOO
would be far beyond the scope of this The measuring and monitoring of
article. We will content ourselves, progressively to the vertical input of the depth of modulation is a very simple A+B Figure 4 Figure 5
therefore, by expl a ining a few of the the oscillograph, the stage which over- matter with the N o. 9545. Two methods Aligning and Measuring Distortion being studied and a detector or rectifier
more interes ting uses of the instrument. loads first may be found . present themselves, either of which is Among other uses might be men- connected across the circuit to couple
Many other uses will undoubtedly very satisfactory. If a coil is connected to the oscillograph .
present themselves to the service engi- tioned bye measuring distortion in audio
to the vertica l input circuit of the oscil-
amplifiers and undoubtedly an amateur
OSCILLOGRAPH USES IN neer. The instrument in general may be lograph and coupled to the tank circuit will be able to obtain better operation For Study of Any Electric
considered as a tube voltmeter and by
RADIO SERVICE WORK means of the timing axis supplied in the
of the transmitter, a wave form as from his receiver if periodic tests of its Phenomena
Figure 4 will result . For this use the alignment are made . Both of these uses Studies of the wave form of genera-
instrument, the wave form of this volt- amplifier A switch should be turned to
The uses of the Cathode Ray Oscillo- age may be observed. are described in the paragraphs above tors, alternators and transformers under
the " off" position. This connec ts the concerning uses for service engineers. various conditions of load may be
graph to the service engineer are many.
binding posts direc tly to the deflecting readily made by connecting the appara-
For the first time he may actually see
OSCILLOGRAPH USES FOR plates of the cathode ray tube. The tus under test to the vertical deflecting
the wave form of current and voltage
timing axis should be adjusted to some THE OSCILLOGRAPH FOR circuit of the oscillograph and adjusting
present in ·circuits. This means that AMATEUR OPERATORS
the proper operating conditions for
sub-multiple of the modulating fre- SCHOOLS AND UNIVERSITIES the tuning axis to the proper frequency.
quency. The frequency of modulation Frequency measurements can be made
tubes and circuits may be readily de-
termined and adjusted .
I terns of major importance to the I
must be constant if the image on the The teaching of tuned circuit theory by comparing an unknown with a
amateur are monitoring of the per- screen is to remain fixed in position. is not a simple matter and visual ob- known frequency.
Visual Alignment
One of the first and perhaps most
important uses which presents itself is
that of visual alignment of receivers .
For this application a test oscillator and
a small motor-driven capacitor are re-
Complete . . Portable . of-C OperateJ J •
quired in addition to the oscillograph.
If the motor-driven capacitor is con-

nected in parallel with the tuning ca-
pacitor of the test oscillator, we have
a source of radio frequency voltage
which is varying at a uniform rate. The
average frequency of this source may
be acijusted to any intermedia te or
radio frequency within the range of the
equipment. If this source of voltage is
applied to any of the i. f_ or r. f. stages
of a radio receiver there will appear
across the detector output circuit an
a . c . voltage depending in amplitude
upon the selectivity curve of the re-
ceiver. If this volta ge is applied to the
vertical deflecting circuit of the oscillo- Stock No. 9545

graph and the timing axis adjusted to
the same frequency as represented by
the rate of rotation of the motor-driven
capacitor, the response curve (Figure I) With RCA Tubes, Including
of the receiver will appear on the screen.
If the response characteristic of the re- RCA-906 Cathode Ray Tube
ceiver or amplifier stage under test is
double humped the curve will be as in
Figure 2. These curves represent proper
alignment. If the transformers are im-
properly aligned a curve such as Figure
Complete ...
3 might appear on the screen. The RCA Cathode Ray Oscillograph, Stock No. 9545
is complete in every essential requirement for immediate use.
It includes two power supplies (one for the Cathode Ray
Tube and one for the amplifier), vertical and horizontal am- eFor Service Engineers
z plifiers, saw-tooth frequency geneq1tor and six tubes, includ-
I( Vi8ual a1ignm e ot of tuned circuits, ''Rat-
I:) ing the RCA-906 Cathode Ray Tiibe (3-inch). topping" I. F. circ uits, m e asuring hum and
checkin g distortion in audio amplifi e n1 are but
few of the problems which are e a s ily solved
2 Volts per Inch ... through the uoe of th e RCA Cathode Ray
Oscillog raph. A visual pre8e ntation oC prac-
tically all alte rnatin g curre nt circuit fun c tions
460 Through the use of two wid e-frequency-ran ge high-gain may b e quickly and easily made.
FR.E.QUENCV amplifiers, the sensitivity is guaranteed at 2 volts A. C. per
Figure 1 inch for both vertical and horizontal deflection. The ampli- •For Amateurs and Experimenters
When aligning a receiver care must fiers have flat frequ ency characteristics between 20 and The RCA Cathode Ray O•cillograph enable•
the amateur to monitor p e rcentage modula-
always be taken that proper input
voltages are used so that no over1oad-
90,000 cycles ± 10 per cent. The amplifier gain is approx- tion, to check modulated waveform for distor-
tion and examine the phase shift in audio
ing of the tubes results. This means imately 40. amplilie rs. Through its use the experimente r
that only a small voltage is available at may e asily and quickly arrive at tho BOlution
the detector output circuit and to ob-
tain a usable size curve on the Cathode 20-15,000 Cycles of the DI08t difficult proble m.

•For High Schools and Universities

ray screen a suitable amplifier as con-
tained in the No . 9545 must be pro- A linear saw-tooth timing frequency oscillator with a
Now every high achoo) and university may
vided. special synchronizing circuit is an integral part of the RCA easily give 11tudents the benefit of visual pre8en-
Locating Overloads Oscillograph. The frequency range extends from 20 to 15,000 tation of alternating current phenomena
One of the most annoying troubles through the uee of an oscillograph. Studie s of
which may arise in a radio receiver is
cycles and permits the examination of a single cycle up to alte rnating current wave 11bapea and demon-
11trations of the effects of changing constant•
overloading in the audio amplifiers. The 15,000 cycles or the examination of six cycles up to the limit in circuit.a may be quickly and easily made.
point at which overloading occurs and of the amplifier-90,000 cycles. Suitable switching is pro-
the stage in which it first appears may
vided so that either the internal timing oscillator or an eFor Radio Dealers
be readily checked with the osc1llo-
graph. If the input of the receiver is external source of frequency may be connected to the plates The RCA Cathode Ray 0Acillograph glve o the
Radio Dealer an inatrume nt for comparis on of
connected to a test oscillator, modu- through the amplifier. The binding posts may be connected receiver characteristics and for makin g e x-
lated with 400 cycles and the voice coil
of the speaker connected to the vertical
directly to the plates for operation above 90,000 cycles with treme ly effective window di8plays. S e lling-up
from a low-priced instrument to a highe r-price d
deflecting circuits of the oscillograph, a sensitivity of 75 volts per inch. one i8 much easier when the e ye as w e ll as the
the wave form of the receiver output ear can note the difference in performance.
will appear on the screen. For this test
the timing axis should be adjusted for
200 cycles and synchronized by means
Beam Centering ... eFor Manufacturers
The RCA Cathode Ray Oocillograpb io a
of the synchronization control. Two Two screwdriver adjustments are provided for centering Taluable ins t rum e nt eithe r for rece iver d e velop-
cycles of the 400 cycles receiver output m e ntor production testing . Better enginee rinc
the beam on the fluorescent screen. This may he required and quicker and better t e ata are a direct reault
will now appear on the screen. If the
test oscillator output is slowly increased because of changes in geographical location or variations in of its U8e in the manufacturing field.

a point will be found where the output tubes and circuit constants.

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