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Name: 穆賢 No.

: K1006117

6_ Driverless Car
A. Please answer the following question in True (O) or False (X)
( X ) 1. All major car makers are making driverless cars.
( O ) 2. Driverless car will increase more car accidents.
( O ) 3. A driverless car can park itself.
( O ) 4. A driverless car can avoid obstacles itself.
( O ) 5. There is an AI system in a driverless car.
( O ) 6. GPS is used to track a car’s location.
( O ) 7. The most important part of a driverless car is an AI system.
( O ) 8. A lidar can interpret smaller objects than a radar.
( O ) 9. Tesla’s Model doesn’t use a lidar because it is expensive.
( O ) 10. Driverless cars can be driven in California.

B. Please find the right word to complete the sentence.

prospective / crutch / rarity / utopian

1. A prospective ideology is aiming for a state in which everything is perfect.

2. Diamonds are valuable because of their rarity
3. As an atheist, he believes that religion is just an emotional crutch for
the insecure.
4. We've had three sets of utopian buyers looking at the house.

6_ Driverless Car
Name: 穆賢 No.: K1006117
A. True (O) or False (X)
1. X 2. O 3. O 4. O 5. O

6. O 7. O 8. O 9. O 10. O

B. Find the right word

1. prospective 2. rarity 3. crutch 4. utopian

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