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NAME: JEZIEL MANSEGUIAO Date: November 7, 2020

GRADE&SECTION: G10 Presentation


Directions: Make a genogram of your family (across two generations backward).You may refer to the
pattern given below and the symbols that represent family members. You may write the name of each
member inside the proper figure, and add or delete the symbol if needed depending on the members of
the family of your mother or father side. Write your answer in the sketch pad.


Directions: When you‘re done making the genogram of your family. Try to recall what
happen to your family using the quality of relationship as description and your own
Write your answer in the sketch pad.

1. What does your genogram tells you about the foundation of your person?
My Genogram tells me about the information of what person I am, what kind of family I
came from. And it tells how fun is my family, because we are big Family.
2. What are the best qualities and not so good qualities that your family have?
The best quality that I have in my family is we always eat together. And the not so good in
my family is when the elders are fighting for some things.
3. What is it in your family that you would like to change and that you don‘t want to happen in
your own family in the future?
The thing I would like to change to my family is the fighting because sometimes my
family is arguing for some things and it’s very hard for them to forgive but they ended
up in forgiving each other, because we are Family.
4. How would you connect the foundation of your person to the foundation of the Church?
I will connect the foundation of my person to the church by showing that we need to
live a Christian life to fulfill our tasks, because we didn’t own our lives and in order to
fulfill or tasks we need to follow what’s in The Bible.

Using your Bible, please read this scripture passage: Acts 2: 1-11

1. From what you have just read, what were the signs/manifestations that mark the arrival
of the Holy Spirit?

 From what I just read in The Bible, the signs of the arrival of the Holy Spirit is when
John and Peter went to The Temple at Three o’clock in the afternoon. The Holy Spirit
is with them and when they saw the Beggar instead they give the beggar a money
they gave them Him a new life where the beggar can walk freely. And that is the
power of The Holy Spirit.

2. Describe the appearance and significance of the ―Tongues of Fire‖

 The appearance of the tongues of fire II is when they’re in one place and then The
Holy Spirit arrived and the tongues divided and fire showed to them and they started
talking different tongues.

3. In your own opinion, why do you think God made them speak in different tongues?
 It was because God was concerned that humans had blasphemed by building the tower
to avoid a second flood so God made them speaks multiple tongues.

4. What story in the book of Genesis can you remember that narrates the story of different
 In Genesis chapter 11 verses 1-9 is talking about the origin myth explained why the
people speaks different languages.

5. Were the disciples scared after the death of Jesus? If yes/no, why?
 Yes, because the disciples have seen the actual crucifixion of God.

6. If you were one of the disciples of Jesus, would you be scared of Jesus’s death?

 No, because I have faith in Jesus, I trust His promises that He will rise from the dead
and come back.


Read the questions carefully. Please write your answers on the sketchpad. (10points each)

1. Based on your readings in Exodus 12:1-29, what happened during the Passover?

When sun is down all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh who sat on his
throne to the firstborn of the captive who was in the prison will die if they will not put a blood of Lamb
in their doors, windows, all to their houses.

2.Why do you think they called it a Passover feast?

They called it The Passover feast, to protect their First born Son, they marked their houses with the
lamb’s blood so The Angel of Death will pass their house, so it was named The Passover.

3. The first Christians were given power from the Holy Spirit, what were their abilities?

The Holy Spirit are the Individual believers to live a righteous and faithful life and they are the helper
who teaches us and reminds us what to do and they are the one who guides us.

4. In the Pentecost account, in what ways is the New Testament hidden in the Old Testament? Explain
the connection of the Feast of the Passover in the Old Testament to the Feast of the Passover in the
New Testament.

The Bible is divided into two parts, the Old and New Testaments. The Old Testament contains the
history of God’s people, The Creation, The Fall, and the connection of it from the Passover was the
celebration of Passover is in the book of Exodus.

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