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Zyra Princes M.

ACTIVITY 6: Directions. Watch the videos awareness on HIV awareness campaign and Multimodal
texts and answer the questions that follow:
1. What significant learning did you get on that video? (Give 3 and expound)
• I learned that HIV had no regard for social status, age or any demographic. It makes no
difference whether you are homebody or a wild child. If you’ve had sexual contact with
someone who has it already, you already have it too. Hence, it is important to watch who we
hang out around with.
• Having sex with another person can transmit HIV from one person to another. The video that I
watched warns us that engaging in sexual activity with another person without using protection
puts us at risk for contracting the disease. There is currently no effective cure to it, once people
get HIV, they have it for life. However, there is hope because we can prevent the spreading of
HIV and protect ourselves by promoting awareness and information about how risky HIV is.
Also, we have obligations to our loved ones and to ourselves. Educate yourself on HIV.
• It is important to comprehend how one’s everyday communication style may help in having a
good effect given the rising acceptance and usage of technology among young, middle-aged
and older people. The most popular modality is linguistics because it can be read and heard
both visually and audibly. Multimodal texts are defined as those that combine words, images,
charts, layout, and other elements to convey a message, regardless of whether they were
produced using a computer, paper, or another type of technology. And when we communicate,
we use different processes called modes. Some examples of this are reading, writing,
listening, speaking and viewing.
2. If you are to choose, which among the modality is the most effective in political campaign?
(Mention an example of a political campaign that is appealing to you) Include an image/s if
In Philippines, and many other developing economies, election advertisements have primarily
emphasized one-way communication skills, with politicians outlining their policy objectives through
part campaign events and publicity allocation. Which is why we ultimately decided on successful
communication through language, gesture and visual means. Politicians and citizens conversing
in public is more likely to be successful in obtaining information, encouraging teamwork and
improving effectiveness of the political process. The revelation of secret information has sparked a
public discussion.

ACTIVITY 7: Communication Technologies

• Choose 2 communication technologies that are most useful for you and choose 2 that likely
most dangerous/fragile to use.
• Indicate why they are useful and why they are dangerous. You can mention real life situation
on both.

Podcasts are audio recordings that may be uploaded to the internet and preserved there for
anybody to download and listen to whenever they want. The creation and delivery of audio files via
RSS feeds to the computers of subscribers. Users can download podcasts to their computers or
mobile devices in the form of a collection of previously recorded talk radio programs. Episodes from
podcasts are frequently released on a regular basis. Podcasts originated as radio technology
advanced. Podcasts are transmitted online, which is more agile and feature-rich, as opposed to radio,
which uses the airwaves. As a result, services like on-demand downloading are now possible instead
of needing users to tune in at a specific time. Podcasting has made it possible for people to listen to
audio of their favorite topics from around the world. It can be created by anyone with a computer and
microphone and target a dispersed group of listeners interested in certain subjects like politics,
personal economics or comedy. It therefore resembles the other communication technologies on the
list in many ways, like blogs. We can now all express our ideas from behind our computers, unlike the
past when only the powerful could reach vast audiences.
In addition, compared to reading an email, listening to a podcast offers information in a much
more intimate manner. When information is provided on demand, listeners have the freedom to
decide when and where they want to hear it. Another advantage of podcast is the ability to physically
engage in another activity while listening to it. However, it must be a routine task such as walking,
cleaning, driving or doing some exercise.

Blogs are private websites that you may use to share content with anyone worldwide who is
interested in the subject. Blogs can be used for personal or professional reasons. People who like to
write fanfiction about their favorite animated series, for instance, might start a blog to showcase their
work. On the other hand, a seasoned blogger with a sizable audience may profit from affiliate
marketing. Ads on the blog may be part of affiliate marketing. As an alternative, the blogger might
advise a good or service to their audience. Blogs are also used by businesses to promote themselves
and draw in new customers. For instance, an online book retailer might launch a blog to showcase its
marketing prowess. When authors read the post, they might have faith in the business and use its
services to promote their books. Professional bloggers, authors, editors, manufacturers, coaches and
digital marketers are just a few occupations that could demand knowledge of blogs.
Bloggings gives you the opportunity to create and manage your online persona. People who are
looking for you can find your blog or your author page on other blogs in addition to your social
network profiles. By reading your writing, others will be able to learn more about you thanks to that
knowledge. Regardless of what you write, you will gain a lot of knowledge about different industries,
like online marketing. Whether you like it or not, you will need to have some marketing skills if you
want to grow the number of people that visit your site. Your understanding of email marketing, search
engine optimization, and social marketing will advance.


Some examples of well-known dating applications include Tinder, Omegle, Bumble, and Raya. An
online dating application is an online service offered through mobile phone app, frequently enhancing
the conventional aspects of online dating by utilizing a smartphone’s GPS location capabilities,
constant availability, simple access to digital photo galleries, and mobile wallets. Compared to
conventional online dating services, these applications are meant to make the process of sorting
through potential dates, flirting, and even meeting or getting romantically involved easier and faster.
In fact, dating websites and apps have created a practical new method of social interaction for single
people. But these new problems, particularly in terms of safety, come along with this accessibility.
Online communication lacks the physical chemistry component that is necessary for selecting a
possible companion. Through texting, a lot is lost in translation. Online dating has become dating
incredibly shallow; a user’s profile photo may influence someone’s decision to match or not before
even learning about their personalities. Online dating sites are increasingly evolving into honeypots
where attackers set up fake profiles to steal users’ personal data, according to one study. There may
be real profiles, but don’t expect them to be looking for love; the majority are just looking for an
appropriate time. In my opinion, lot of people do not go there to search for love. Some individuals
merely seek out thrilling experiences. Some people use this app to cheat, while others use it for
flirtation, satisfaction, and self-esteem. Some people have been married for a year and want to try
something new.
There are no assurances, even if many dating apps have improved algorithms to block
unscrupulous people. One of the major inconveniences of online dating applications is the presence
of scammers and malicious people. On a crowded platform, it is challenging to find true love or
friendship. You'll never be able to tell if someone is lying to you. To keep other user safe, keep an eye
out for questionable characters and report any wrongdoing. Be patient; it could take some time to find
someone who is interested in you. Users that are dishonest may take advantage of your trust and
even approach for money or other services. In summary, without a doubt, dating apps have a
significant influence on how people search for partnerships. These options are practical and simple
utilize. Additionally, finding a date is a simple as swiping on the screen. Knowing the benefits and
drawbacks of online dating apps is crucial before launching your unique solution in this market.

Facebook is a social networking service that makes it simple to communicate and share content
with loved ones online. Similar to having your own email, address, many people now consider having
a Facebook account to be necessary component of being online, Due of Facebook’s immense
popularity, other websites have sought to include it. Thus, you can log into numerous Web services
with a single Facebook account. Facebook makes it possible for you to communicate with friends and
family by sending messages and updating your status. You can also distribute various forms of
content, including picture, videos and links. However, distributing content on Facebook differs slightly
from other form of online communication. The information you share on Facebook is more public than
it is on email or instant messaging, which means that more people will typically see it. Facebook is
still one of the most widely used sited today. Many people furthermore use it to advertise their
businesses. Facebook undoubtedly offers a number of benefits, but there are also drawbacks or
Facebook can be more of a distraction than a benefit. It can take over your life and prevent you
from reading your Facebook feed or taking care of the things that need to be done. It has been
demonstrated that Facebook can negatively affect a person’s lifestyle choices. Due to their acute
Facebook addiction, some users log in as soon as their phones wake up in the morning and phones
check their alerts before doing anything else. Using Facebook can also result in privacy invasion,
cyberbullying, insecurity and jealousy. An identity fraudster might steal your identity, or a hacker could
risk your business by comprising one of your employees. Cyberbullying, or act of using the internet to
threaten or intimidate another person, is one of the most dangerous that can happen on Facebook.
This abuse frequently begins by bombarding the victim with mentally upsetting comments, post,
photographs. It can carried out by known followers, anonymously, or behind a false profile.

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