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The Older Adult Health Promotion Project is an in-depth look at how nurses deliver health or wellness education. As nurses who interact with elderly
clients every day in various settings, it is necessary to adapt the approach to the client’s or family member’s individual needs in order to deliver
culturally sensitive, effective nursing care and health teaching.

Program Outcome:
 Practice empathetic caring within the framework of the Catholic health ministry.
 Integrate servant leadership into nursing practice to promote global health.
 Provide safe, quality care incorporating evidence-based nursing practice.

Course Objective:
 Incorporate caring behaviors and professional attitudes, values, and expectations about physical and mental aging in the provision of safe,
evidence-based care for older adults and their families.
 Create nursing care that promotes wellness, safety, and quality of life to prevent or manage geriatric syndromes and functional decline in
older adults.
 Recognize and respect the variations of care, the increased complexity, the increased use of health care resources, and the impact of diversity
inherent in caring for older adults.
 Apply nursing gerontologic concepts to appreciate global health of the older adult.

Identify a client 65 years of age or older from any setting. Identify an area where teaching could be beneficial and provide teaching using the
nursing process: assessment, diagnosis, intervention, and evaluation. Multiple client visits are required to carry out and evaluate the teaching
plan – the number of visits will depend on the client’s attention span, motivation, and ability to learn the material. The visits may be in person or
virtual. Remember an important component of this assignment is the collaboration between the students and the client in developing a teaching plan.
The client’s input is essential in developing helpful interventions for that individual.

The student will evaluate the project through a video presentation. There is not a minimum time limit, however the maximum time limit is 20

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 Part I, which includes:
o Transcultural Assessment Tool
o Assessment Data Collection Tools
o Survey of Learning Methods
o Data Analysis Sheet with Nursing Diagnosis/Outcomes & Topic Selection
o Can Scan Handwritten Copies – no need to type this information
o Be certain to review the Part I additional instructions for the Older Adult Health Promotion Project on page 13 of this document.
o Be certain to review the Part I “Older Adult Health Promotion Project Rubric”

 Part II, which includes:

o Video Presentation (may use powerpoint, Prezi, etc to present your project or may video yourself). Please make sure to grant me
access if you use goggle docs/drive. Please DO NOT use the client’s name or pictures/video of the client in the presentation.
o APA Reference List
o Be certain to review the Part II additional instructions for the Older Adult Health Promotion Project on page 13 - 15 of this
o Be certain to review the Part II “Older Adult Health Promotion Project Rubric”

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PART I of Older Adult Health Promotion Project
1. Transcultural Assessment Tool (pages 4 – 8)
2. Assessment Data Collection Tools (page 9)
3. Survey of Learning Methods (page 12)
4. Data Analysis Sheet with Nursing Diagnosis/Outcomes & Topic Selection (page 10 – 11)

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Transcultural Assessment Tool (Pages 4 – 8)
Age __85___Gender ___F___ Race __Caucasion___ Student’s Name __________Alec Rich_____________

Ethnicity _____________white_________________________ Dates of Client Visits: _____2/4/2022 and 2/10/2022____

Length of time in country (if applicable)____entire life___ Location of client’s home: Urban Rural House Apartment

Past or current jobs/occupation: Nanny Does the client have any transportation issues? Yes No Unsure
What is the client’s degree of comfort with personal space? Does client move away if
How does client like to be addressed? First Name Formal Name space is invaded? She is very open and allows you to do what you need, patient
does not enjoy pain and will shy away from care if it is too painful.
English Skills: Speak Read Write Understand

Other Languages spoken: ________none__________

Does the client have preferences for gender of his/her healthcare workers? Client has
Will a Translator be needed? Yes No Uncertain no preference.

Speech Impairments __________None___________ Does the client have preferences for ethnicity of his/her healthcare workers? Client
may have an unintentional racial bias from the time period that she was raised
Hearing Impairments ________B/l hearing aids_________ in, but does not noticeably apply it to her care

Vision Impairments ________uses readers for the paper_______

Any communication styles/techniques that seem to make client feel Other comments related to Communication or Space: Patient can have a hard time
uncomfortable? [e.g. eye contact, touch, silence, hand gestures] understanding some education, so may need to go over some things a couple
eye contact, slow well pronounced speech, using checkpoints to times or just make sure that the patient is following and understands.
make sure the patient is understanding and following along.
Is it necessary to vary the technique and style of communication with
the client to accommodate his/her cultural background? Not necessary
for this client.

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Client’s Perception of his/her normal state of health:
Poor Fair Good Excellent Current Living Situation: Single Partnered Married Other(Widowed)

How does the client define “good health”? “Living a long life” Number of Children: __7___

How does the client define “bad health”? “Not feeling well” Parents/Siblings Living? _____________________________________

What home remedies does the client use? Sleep, pharmacology, tea What is the client’s role in his/her family? Mother, Grandmother, and Great-
Any special practices that hasten healing and recovery? Good diabetes
How would the client classify the decision making in the family: patriarchal (male-
What does the client do to promote personal good health? Client led), matriarchal (female-led), or egalitarian (equal between genders)?
maintains medication regimen and follows suggestions by In the entire family, including kids/grandkids. She is widowed, so decisions in the
healthcare providers well. Client hydrates often. Client gets household are made strictly by her, but when it comes to entire family decisions
adequate sleep. there is a more egalitarian approach.

Does the client make his/her own personal decisions about health care or should the
Does the client believe in prayer or supernatural forces or a Supreme family be consulted?
Being? If so, how important are these in the maintenance of good Ultimately, the client makes her own decisions, but consults her children about
health? Client is religious and believes in prayer. She applies prayer every health care decision for advice and opinion.
and religion as a supernatural means to keep her and her family
safe. She watches televised church every Sunday morning because Does the client want to have any family members present during the teaching project?
she cannot get to church anymore. Patient’s faith does not seem to The client likes to usually have at least 1 family present to help understand and
have a connection to her health. explain the teaching, take notes, and remember the information (because she has
trouble remembering sometimes – not dementia related). This just depends on
availability, it is not a requirement.

Does the client have any illnesses that he/she does not want the family to know about?
Not applicable

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Pertinent Physical Assessment/Review of Systems Data
Locus of Control (check all that apply): Height __5 ft__ Weight 175 BMI_____
X Client feels in control of his/her environment (internal) Body Type: well-developed well-nourished cachectic obese
X Client believes his/her decisions are important for BP__118/75_ Skin Color__white/pallor_ Gait___abnormal gait_
determining health (internal) Skin problems ____Age related__ Incontinence problems __Urinary incontinence_
X Client has a strong belief in fate, luck, or chance (external) Use of Assistive Devices for Mobility:_No, but has a cane_
Client believes that illness is “God’s will” (external) Get Up and Go Test: Pass Fail
Recent Falls _No_
Locus of control is: Internal External Any confusion __No__ Forgetfulness ___Yes____
Client uses: Hearing aids Glasses Dentures
TIME Food or Medication Allergies: Not that she knows of
Orientation to time (check all that apply) Family Medical History:__4 sisters died of cancer (unspecified)_
Current Medical Conditions: Diabetes type 2, frequent UTIs
Client relies on traditions and rituals to pass cultural
Past Medical History: Controlled HTN
heritage to successive generations (past)
Past Surgical History: Right TKR, Choleycystectomy
X Client lives for the “here and now” (present)
Client plans extensively for the future (future)
Current Medications: (Put a * by any meds that are on “BEERS” List)
X Client does not tend to make appointments (past)
Medication Dosage Action
Client finds it acceptable to be late for appointments
Insulin Sugar Glucose Control
X Client finds it unacceptable to be late for appointments
Irbesartan 150mg Anti-hypertensive
Levothyroxine 0.075mg Thyroid
Amlodipine 5mg Calcium-channel blocker
Time Orientation is: Past Present Future
Pravastatin 40mg Treats high cholesterol
Sleeps: Poorly Fair Very Well Aspirin 81mg Anti-stroke/Anti-heart
Does the client wear a watch? No

When asked to take a medication 3 times a day, does the client tend to: Traditional Family foods? Red meats, country style southern comfort foods.
a) take it with each meal (socially oriented)
b) take it at 8am, 2pm, and 8pm (clock oriented) Favorite Foods? Beans, Cornbread, Coleslaw, Chili

Dietary Restrictions r/t culture or religion? Not applicable

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Any problems with eating or feeding?
Adapted from: Giger and Davidhizar’s Transcultural Assessment Model and Welch Culturologic
Assessment Tool. Modifications added.
Loss of apetite at times, taste buds are diminishing, and not always

Assessment Data Collection Tools

The following assessment tools are to be completed on your client:

Mini-mental (MMSE) or Mini-Cog (If is frustrated easily or has dementia)

Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS)
Katz ADL
SPICES (If a client has any of the six geriatric syndromes, choose an
appropriate assessment tool for further evaluation of the client problem.) This
does not count towards your additional assessment tool.

In addition, the student will choose an additional assessment tool to

complete, related to a client problem that has been identified in the assessment
data. You may not use any of the above assessment tools, including SPICES,
as your additional assessment tool. You MUST identify a different client
problem than above and choose a different assessment tool, ie: hearing screen,
alcohol screen.

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HEALTH PROMOTION AND TEACHING NEEDS: based upon your discussions with the client and the information found above, identify topic(s) that
the client would like to/needs to learn about:

Topic Selection for Older Adult Health Promotion Project: Diabetic Nutrition Management

How does this topic relate to Healthy People 2030 and/or USPSTF: Reduce the rate of death from any cause in adults with diabetes?

Variables which may impact the client’s learning and how this can affect your teaching plan (SYNTHESIZE & remember to discuss these in your presentation):

Economic: Economics does not pose a problem. Patient has insurance that would cover a nutritionist visit, and the patient has the means to get the foods
she needs from the grocery store.

Cognitive: She does not have any cognitive impairments that would cause her to forget to eat or maintain a proper nutrition, but she says “she chooses not
to sometimes, because she has never really been strict about her diet”

Hearing/sight impairments: Patient wear b/l hearing aids and reading glasses for reading. Will just need to use good pronunciation and reiterate with the
patient to make sure that she understands.

Sensory-motor capabilities or deficits: Not applicable.

Education Level: High school diploma, patient was never educated on nutrition, portions, and healthy foods. “she states growing up, she was one of 7 kids
and that you ate what was on the table, because if you didn’t eat that, everyone else would and you would have no food that night” – learned behavior

Family System/Support: Patient has good support from daughters when it comes to food and medical problems

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Nursing diagnosis for the client that addresses their health promotion learning needs, including “related to” and “as evidenced by”. You also may use
“at risk for” nursing diagnosis.

Imbalanced Nutrition related to decreased oral intake as evidenced by reported lack of interest in food and recent weight loss

Desired Measurable Short-term Outcome(s) – with time frame and method for evaluating outcomes:

Patient will ingest appropriate amounts of calories and nutrients daily for 7 days (1 full week)
- evaluated with the use of a food log for 7 days.

Desired Measurable Long-term Outcome(s) – with time frame and method for client to evaluate outcomes:

Patient’s weight loss will stabilize and the patient will display better sugar ranges after 2-3 months.
- Patient will record sugars and keep an eye on weight loss/gain at the end of each week (will evaluate the overall progress at the end of the 2-3 months)

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Survey of Preferred Learning Method(s) *

DIRECTIONS: Read the following statements. If the statement is mostly true for you, then circle the letter that follows the statement.

1. Once I’ve done something, then I’ve got it…………………………………….…K

2. I must look directly at the speaker to understand him or her……………………..V circle
3. My handwriting is quite good…………………………………………………….K circle
4. I can spell words out loud better than when I have to write them down…………A
5. If someone asks me to spell a word, I have to write it down to answer………….V circle
6. I would rather listen to tapes then view slides……………………………………A circle
7. I remember a lecture better than what I read……………………………………..A circle
8. I understand material better if I read out loud……………………………...…….A
9. I am often the last person to notice that something has been added to a room…..A circle
10. I learn better if I see and hear the material at the same time…………………V&A
11. I often need to ask people to repeat what has just been said……………………..V circle
12. Sometimes in a lecture I tune out even when I am really trying to pay attention..V circle
13. I use my hands a great deal when I speak………………………………………..K
14. I can tell if I’m doing a new physical skill right by the way it feels……………..K
15. I would rather demonstrate how to do something than explain it………………..K
16. I have trouble remembering unless I write things down……………………..V&K circle
17. A page full of print is too much for me to read…………………………………..A circle
18. The easiest way(s) for me to learn something is to:
a. Read it……………………………………………………………………V
b. Hear it…………………………………………………………………….A
c. Try it……………………………………………………………...………K
d. Write it in my own words………………………………………………...K circle
e. Explain it to someone………………………………………………….....A
f. Draw a picture or diagram of it………………………………………......K

TOTAL EACH OF THE LETTERS YOU CIRCLED: V’s __5__ A’s __4__ K’s __3__

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V’s indicate visual method; A’s indicate auditory method; K’s indicate kinesthetic method. Add up the number of A’s, K’s, and V’s. The
highest total indicates your preferred learning method.
*Adaptation of the Swassing-Barbe Modality Index

Older Adult Health Promotion Project Instructions for Part I & II

Section Details
I. Assessment/
 In Part I of the Older Adult Health Promotion Project:
 Complete “Survey of Preferred Learning Method(s)” tool (submit Survey to Blackboard)
 Complete assessment tools (MMSE, GDS, Katz ADL, SPICES) (submit completed tools to Blackboard)
 Complete “SPICES” additional assessment tools if indicated. (submit completed tools to Blackboard)
 Complete assessment tool related to an identified client problem (in addition to above, complete & submit tool to Blackboard)
 In Part II of the Older Adult Health Promotion Project:
 Begin video presentation by providing brief summary of a client 65 years or older, based upon information gained from Part I
 only include pertinent details that relate to your teaching plan, discuss how this plan relates to
Healthy People 2030 and/or USPSTF
II. Nursing
In Part I of the Older Adult Health Promotion Project:
 Complete “Data Analysis Sheet” (submit sheet to Blackboard)
 Make sure to include:
 Topic Selection
 One nursing diagnosis for the client that addresses his/her health promotion learning needs
 Include r/t and AEB to support the nursing diagnosis (based on relevant info from your assessment tools)
 Include measurable Short-term & Long-term outcome(s) – with time frame and method for evaluating outcome
 In Part II of the Older Adult Health Promotion Project:
In the video presentation:
 Discuss the choice of this diagnosis & why it is important for this client
 Discuss short term outcomes, with time frames, which are easily measurable and client-appropriate
 Discuss long term outcomes, with time frames, on which the client and/or family can follow-up themselves

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III. Teaching
Plan (Intervention)
for Nursing
In Part II of the Older Adult Health Promotion Project:
In the video presentation: discuss how the teaching plan was mutually developed with client and/or family
In Part II of the Older Adult Health Promotion Project:
Teaching sessions – In the video presentation:
 Describe content of teaching and teaching approach utilized—in relation to the client goals outlined above
 Provide details of research to support the teaching provided
 Discuss and show all teaching aids/tools used and their appropriateness considering various factors that may affect learning
(such as education level, socioeconomic status, Survey of Preferred Learning results, etc)

IV. Evaluation
In Part II of the Older Adult Health Promotion Project:
Evaluation – In the video presentation:
 Explain whether each short-term outcome was achieved
 Discuss the plan for helping the client follow-up on long-term goals—this should be a plan the client and/or family can follow
 Identify if the nursing outcomes were related to primary, secondary, or tertiary prevention
 Describe the effectiveness or limitations of your teaching—how did the client respond to the teaching?
 Discuss what could have been done differently and how the teaching strategies could be revised
In Part II of the Older Adult Health Promotion Project:
Summary – In the video presentation:
 Describe your reactions and feeling in the role of nurse-teacher & what you learned from this project
V. Delivery
Part II of the Older Adult Health Promotion Project:
Video Presentation
1. Logical flow of ideas (follows rubric)
2. Unique and memorable introduction which engages the audience immediately and clearly communicates the purpose of the presentation.
3. Content thoroughly presented in an interesting and knowledgeable way with key points clearly expressed.
4. Narrator sounds comfortable and has practiced the presentation for an excellent delivery. Words are clear and pacing is
5. Correct speaking grammar is consistently used.
6. Confidentiality and objectivity are maintained. Please DO NOT use the client’s name or pictures/video of the client in the
presentation - this includes family members.
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VI. Research/APA
_________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Part II of the Older Adult Health Promotion Project.
1. APA format in reference list
2. Minimum of 4 references
VII. Technical
_________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Part II of the Older Adult Health Promotion Project.
1. Graphics and images contribute to a creative presentation and enhance key points.
2. All video audio was created by the presenter.
3. Followed the guidelines of maximum length video presentation of 20 minutes. There is no minimum length required.

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