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Fill in the blanks with the correct verb form ( using “be going to, will, would like to, or present
continuous”) and answer the questions as the example given.

For example : the radio is broken. I . . . (ask) somebody to fix it tomorrow

1. A : we bought the parts separately. We . . .(assemble) them ourselves.

B : that sounds rather interesting. I . . . (come) and help you if you like.
2. A : why do you want all the furniture out of the room?
B : because I . . . (shampoo) the carpet. It’s impossible to do it unless you take everything out
3. A : here is the lighter. But, what do you want it for?
B : I . . . (light) the candles. There are many flies around here.
A : well, be careful. If the candles fall down, it . . .(burn) the paper.
4. A : have you decided on your colour scheme?
B : Oh yes, and I’ve bought the paint. I . . .(paint) this room blue and the sitting room green.
5. I borrowed the book from Tania. I . . . (have) and exam tomorrow.
6. A : I wonder if Berta knows that school is closed because of the flood.
B : probably not. I . . .(look) in on my way home and tell her. I am glad you thought of it.
7. Leave the present on the table and she . . .(see) it when she comes in.
8. A : do you have to carry so much stuff on your back?
B : Yes. We . . . (climb) the mountain. We . . .(camp) out there and . . .(cook) our own meals, so
we have to carry a lot.
9. There’s so much bread, I am afraid. I . . .(buy) some in the supermarket before they come.
10. If you leave your keys with the porter, he . . .(take) the car to the parking area.
11. Over the next six months, the company . . .(open) ten new supermarkets in East Java.
12. A : this bread is absolutely tasteless! Why don’t you make some yourself?
B : all right. I . . .(start) making it. I . . .(get) a book about home baking today and from now on
I . . .(bake) all our bread.
13. Well, that’s all for today. I . . .(see) you next week at the same time.
14. Once Susan arrives, I . . .(take) her to the cinema.

For example : am going to ask

1. A : We going to assemble
B : I will come
2. B : I am going to shampoo
3. B : I am going to light the candles
A : It will burn
4. B : I am going to paint
5. I am have
7. …
8. …

9. …
10. …
11. …
12. …

13. …
14. …
15. …

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