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Finding and creating meaning of life.

The Psychiatrist

Dr. Victor E. Prankl

• Bom in Vienna, Austria on March 26, 1905 where also the
famous psychiatrists Sigmund Freud and Alfred Adler lived.

• A holocaust Survivor , published a book “Man’s search for

meaning” and about logotheraphy in 1959 , the book was
translated to English in and was revised in 1963 as The Doctor
and the Soul: An Introduction to Logotherapy.

•Dr. Frankl died in 1997


A psychotherapy introduced by Dr. Viktor Frankl (Father of Logotheraphy) which main belief is
that “man’s primary motivational force is search for meaning.”

Logotherapy aids individuals to find personal meaning of life, Whatever life situation they may
be. Meaning can be discovered by creating a work or doing a deed, experiencing something or
encountering someone and the attitude toward unavoidable suffering.
 “turning suffering into human achievement and Accomplishment, deriving from guilt the
opportunity to change oneself for the better and deriving from life’s transitoriness an
incentive to take responsible action.”

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