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) Esra's meaning

The book of Ezra is a continuation of the book of Chronicles which tells about the
return of the people of Judah to the land of Canaan. The characters in contemporary events in
the book of Ezra are Nehemiah, Esther, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. Characteristics of
the book of Ezra with Chronicles: extraordinary interest in the law, interest in temple
ceremonies, attention to musical groups among the Levites, and careful mention of the names
of participants in religious events.
Ezra (Hebrew: , Ezra; lived/worked 480–440 BC) was a Jewish priest and scribe.
Therefore he is referred to as Ezra, the scribe (Hebrew: ‫הסופר‬, Ezra ha-Sofer). The book of
Ezra is included in the Hebrew Bible and the Old Testament in the Christian Bible which
records the history of Ezra, a priest who led the second group of exiles who returned from
Babylon to Jerusalem in 459-458 BC, with a letter of assignment from Artaxerxes, king of P.
The book of Ezra is a continuation of the book of Chronicles which tells about the
return of the people of Judah to the land of Canaan. The characters in contemporary events in
the book of Ezra are Nehemiah, Esther, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. Characteristics of
the book of Ezra with Chronicles: extraordinary attention to the law, interest in temple
ceremonies, attention to musical groups among the Levites, and careful mention of the names
of participants in religious events.
The book of Ezra records the side of the Israelites returning to their homeland, namely
Jerusalem the second time when they were exiled in Babylon. Chapters 1-6 return of the
Jewish nation under the leadership of Zerubbabel and Yesua. Chapters 7-10 under the
leadership of Ezra himself. In this book, it tells the way of the Lord God and fulfills His
promises through the choice of His people.
The book of Ezra tells about the results of the fulfillment of God's Word, namely in
chapter 1:1 "In the days of Cyrus, king of Persia, God moved the King of Persia to be
merciful to the Jews to fulfill the prophecy in the book of Jeremiah 29:10 "for this is what
God says: seventy years have been fulfilled for Babylon, then I. care for you (the Israelites). I
(Allah) will fulfill My promise to you by returning you to this place. In the book of Ezra in
chapter 3, the Israelites can rebuild the temple in Jerusalem even though there are obstacles
but God's plan never fails so that God's promises are fulfilled. Even though God kept his
promise to God's chosen nation, the Israelites still committed crimes in God's eyes by
violating God's commandment, namely marrying non-believers. God shows His love that He
remains faithful through Ezra whom God uses to restore His people.

2.) Purpose of the book of Ezra

The book of Ezra was written with the aim of recording the nation of Israel after the Jews
were in exile, God fulfilled his promise that God's chosen nation would be returned to its origin
through the prophecy of Jeremiah. and Ezra's emphasis on rebuilding the temple that was
destroyed. The book of Ezra was written in 460-440 BC. The contents of the book of Ezra are
prayers of repentance in Ezra 9 and Nehemiah 9. Messages from the prophets Haggai and
Zechariah that sin ensnared the Israelites so that they were in exile. Haggai was a prophet in
Ezra's day and Zechariah was a prophet in Nehemiah's day. The book of Ezra is about hope and

3.) Ezra's Work and Role

The main pioneer who gave birth to a new identity was the High Priest Ezra “The scribes
who were in the book of Moses (Ezra 7:6) Ezra had the authority to appoint leaders and judges.
And punish someone who does not carry out the law of Moses. So that Ezra got the title of
priest and scribe of the God of heaven. was the official Persian title for the official in charge of
Jewish affairs. So when Ezra arrived in Jerusalem with the power and enthusiasm to reorganize
the Jewish people so that they lived according to the law. In Ezra 7:10 it is stated that Ezra was
determined to study the Law of God and do it and teach statutes and regulations among the
Israelites. The age at that stone which has been determined to be the center of reality and the
scribe in Hebrew, namely Sofer who is the leader of the Jewish religion, is the interpreter and
commentator of the law. Before the exile, the scribe was a high official title given to the
minister of finance 2 Kings 22:3 or the clerk of the state Isaiah 36:3 or the person in charge of
state documents who had a special room in the king's palace. But since the recovery period
everything has changed. Ezra is a scribe who also doubles as a priest whose job is to study and
explain the law.[4] Purpose of Writing: The book of Ezra was written to record events that took
place in Israel after their return from captivity to the Babylonian kingdom and about a century
earlier, beginning in 538 BC. Ezra's emphasis was on rebuilding the Temp.

4.) What Assignment Did God Give Him And Ezra?

Interestingly, Ezra and Nehemiah were called to a special task by God: rebuilding the ruins.
However, this rebuilding involved a variety of tasks. They will lead the Israelites back to
Jerusalem and rebuild the temple and city.
Care for you (the Israelites). I (Allah) will fulfill My promise to you by returning you to this
place. In the book of Ezra in chapter 3, the Israelites can rebuild the temple in Jerusalem even
though there are obstacles but God's plan never fails so that God's promises are fulfilled. Even
though God kept his promise to God's chosen nation, the Israelites still committed crimes in
God's eyes by violating God's commandment, namely marrying non-believers. God shows His
love that He remains faithful through Ezra whom God uses to restore His people.

5.) Prayer ezra

1. Reports or complaints from leaders 1-2
a. The leaders come to ezra verse 1
b. take the wife of an infidel (2)
2. Ezra's Response
a. Ezra's frustration at hearing the news verse 3
b. what Ezra did verses 4-5

3. Ezra's heart
a. confession contains confession 6-7
b. Experiencing God's grace verses 8-9
c. Ezra pleads for restoration from God for himself and his people verses 10-11
d. The prohibition of the Israelites to intermarry Masukan Orang lain juga.

6.) Background of the book of Ezra
The Babylonian empire finally collapsed after the Medes and Persian Babylonians fell in
539 BC. The Persian king appreciated the hearts of his conquered and enslaved subjects by
returning them to their homeland. A number of Jews, under the leadership of the descendants of
David, returned to Jerusalem in 538 BC. During the Babylonian exile at that time there were
those named Haggai, Nehemiah, Esther etc. Ezra in Indonesian, LXX Esadras. the book of Ezra
is almost the same as the book of Nehemiah because they were both in exile. Nehemiah was in
Jerusalem from the 20th year of Artaxerxes 1 (Ne 2:1) until the 32nd year (Ne 13:6) i.e. 445-
433 BC. Nehemiah returned to Jerusalem a second time, within the time permitted by the
Persian king to return to Jerusalem.
There was a name named Johanan, the grandson of Eliashib, who was in the same age as
Nehemiah (Neh 3:1; 12:10, 22). According to Wright "the date of Ezra's Return to Jerusalem,
1958, Ezra in the year 458 BC who did not stay in Jerusalem shortly and Ezra returned to the
royal capital on duties performed in the kingdom as the right hand or confidant of the king
namely treasurer. In 444 B.C.E., Ezra accompanied Nehemiah to Jerusalem and at that time
read the law. It means being a careful spiritual leader. The purpose of this book is histiographic,
providing for the need to maintain records of the return of the people from Babylonian exile to
Jerusalem. The story of the book of Ezra and Nehemiah is the faithfulness of Yahweh by
paying attention to the post-exilic period by means of God's providence working between kings
and governments. Theologically the story of this book tells about Ezra's ministry of restoration.
Based on the lineage of Levi, Ezra had the position of secretary or caretaker for the affairs of
the Jewish people in the royal cabinet of Ezra 7:1-6.


That God's plan for his people never fails must be fulfilled no matter what, because God
has a thousand ways to keep his promises so God never lies as he did to the Israelites God
keeps his promise to return them to their homeland, namely to Jerusalem through the Persians
God helps His people That's what happened in the nation of Israel how God kept His promise
that had been promised to the prophet Jeremiah God would return. God worked by moving the
heart of the Persian king, thus giving the nation of Israel and feeling freedom from slavery.
Through someone that God uses, namely Ezra. With his return to his homeland and there God
gave the opportunity to build temples and the nation rejoiced. But after the construction of the
temple, Ezra received a report that his people had violated God's command by taking a wife or
husband from the pagan nation which made Ezra feel very, very sad but Ezra did not
immediately judge Ezra immediately prayed to God for forgiveness. God is full of love and
grace after the nation heard Ezra's prayer, Israel was willing to repent and dared to take an
extraordinary decision where the Israelites wanted to cut ties with the pagan nations at that


Syalom, Puji dan syukur kita panjatkan kehadirat Tuhan yang mahaesa sebab , karena
berkat dan Dan rahmatnya penulis dapat menyelesaikan makalah yang berjudul ”Old Wisdom
book through the prophet Ezra.”
Makalah ini disusun untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris. Selain itu
makalah ini bertujuan untuk menambah wawasan mengenai bahasa Inggris bagi para
pembaca dan penulis. Penulis mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Ibu dosen selaku dosen
pengampu mata kuliah Bahasa inggris. Dan juga ucapan terima kasih kepada semua pihak
yang membantu diselesaikannya makalah ini. Makalah ini jauh dari kata sempurna maka
saran dan kritik diharapkan untuk menyempurnakan makalah ini.

KATA PENGANTAR................................................................................................i
DAFTAR ISI...............................................................................................................ii
1. Pengertian Ezra.................................................................................................1
2. Tujuan dari kitab Esra.......................................................................................2
3. Mengapa Esra dipanggil...................................................................................2
4. Dan diutus oleh Tuhan......................................................................................3
5. Doa Ezra...........................................................................................................3
6. Latar belakang kitab Ezra.................................................................................4


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