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Representação de linhas de campos

conceitos de magnetismo
Forças que causam movimentos
magnetic gradiente

The magnetic field is the area around a magnet in which the effect of magnetism is felt. We use the
magnetic field as a tool to describe how the magnetic force is distributed in the space around and
within something magnetic in nature. In this article, let us familiarise ourselves with the magnetic field,
magnetic field intensity, and its characteristics

The network effect is a phenomenon whereby a good or service becomes more valuable when more people use it.
The network effect can also be seen with online social networks such as Facebook and LinkedIn. The more users
these platforms have, the more valuable they are to each individual user in terms of the number of potential
connections that can be made. The network effect is often cited as a reason for why it is difficult for new
companies to compete with established ones in many industries. This is because the established companies have
already amassed a large number of users, making it difficult for new companies to get enough users to make their
products or services competitive.

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