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Calcium and its Role in Human Body

pravina piste

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International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences ISSN: 2229-3701

___ ______ _______ _ ______ ______ __ __________ ____ _Review Ar ticle

Calcium and its Role in Human Body

Piste Pravina*, Didwagh Sayaji and Mokashi Avinash

P.G .Department of Chemistry, Y. C. Institute of Science, Satara, Maharashtra, India.

Calcium is very essential in muscle contraction, oocyte activation, building strong bones and teeth, blood
clotting, nerve impulse, transmission, regulating heart beat and fluid balance within cells. The requirements
are greatest during the period of growth such as childhood, during pregnancy, when breast feeding. Long term
of calcium deficiency can lead to oestoporosis in which the bone deteriorates and there is an increased rise of
fractures. Eating a well-balanced diet can provide all the necessary nutrients and help prevent calcium
Key Words: Calcium, Oesteoporosis, Hypo and Hypercalcaemia, Parathyroid glands.
INTRODUCTION centuries when the ancient Romans prepared lime
The group IIA of the periodic table contains the as CaO. It was not actually isolated until 1808 in
alkaline earth metals such as Ca, St, Ba and Ra. All England when Sir Humphrey Davy electrolyzed a
the non metallic substances are insoluble in water mixture of lime and mercuric oxide. Davy was
and unchanged by five were called earths. Limes trying to isolate calcium along with magnesium,
and magnesia showed alkaline reactions hence strontium and barium.Out of alkaline earth group,
alkaline earths. Ca has achieved the greatest use and tonnage.
The name calcium is derived from latin word calas
meaning lime was known as early as the first

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International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences ISSN: 2229-3701

Calcium ranks fifth in the order of abundance of produced by neutron activation of 40Ca. It has
elements in earth’s crust, the percentage being received much attention in stellar studies because it
estimated at 3.64. Calcium does not occur free in decays to 41K, a critical indicator of solar system
nature being an active element.It occurs largely in anomalies. 97% of naturally occurring Ca is in the
the form of carbomates and sulphates. As form of 40Ca which is one of the daughter product
carbonates, it occurs in the form of lime stone, of 40K decay along with 40Ar. While K-Ar dating
chalk, calcite, marble, Iceland spar, dolomite, has been used extensively in the geological
stalactite, stalagmite etc. and sulphate, it occurs in sciences.
the form of Gypsum and its anhydride form
calcium also occurs as a phosphate in the Proportions
phosphorite rock. CaSiO3 in many complex rocks, The body contains about 2% of Ca and 98% of this
fluoride in the form of fluorspar (Caf2). is in the bones. The cell and body fluid contains
from 10 – 15 mg per 100 gm. The blood Ca is in
two distinct forms, a part is bound with protein and
is non diffusible while the diffusible moiety is
found as undissociated phosphates and carbonates
and as ionic calcium. The protein bound Ca does
not diffuse. Out of the blood, the cerebrospinal
fluid contains only 6 mg per 100 gm. The Ca in the
blood and tissues and that in the skeleton are in
equilibrium. The Ca of the bone can be drawn upon
to make up deficiency of blood Ca and when the
deficit is made up the Ca is redeposited in the bone.
The medication of parathyroid is necessary for the
withdrawal of Ca from the skeleton. In the body,
there is a balance in various forms of Ca. The ionic
forms of Ca is involved in the various
physiological activities.

Physiological role
Daily body requirement is about 450 mg. The adult
The tensile property of calcium metal are greatly
requirements of Ca vary. During pregnancy and
affected by impurities and in the pure form by the
lactation, there is greater depletion of Ca from the
methods of fabrication. Calcium metal work upon
mother and the intake needs to be increased. On an
mechanical possessing. Bulk calcium is soft,
average, 10 mg per Kg of body weight per day
crystalline metal. It may be readily extruded on
should be sufficient. Growing children would
heating to 420 – 4600C. X-ray diffraction pattern of
require from 40 to 60 mg per day. A Cow’s milk
calcium samples exists in only two allotropic form
contains 0.126% of Ca. A litre of Cow’s milk
– face centered cubic and Body centered cubic
(4640C). According to Debye-Scherer, Ca exists in provides therefore a full day’s ration of Ca is
three allotropic modifications i.e. α-Ca-face readily assimilable form. Generally sufficient Ca
gets ingested through the normal through the
centered cubic, β-Ca-hexagonal close packed and
normal diet. It gets from upper intestinal tract and
γ-Ca-body centered cubic. It readily forms a white
is excrete through urine and faeces. As the upper
coating of nitrite in air, reacts with water by
portion of intestine the condition is acidic, it tends
forming Ca(OH)2, burns with a yellow red flame
to favour absorption of Ca. As Ca salts have better
forming the largely the nitride. They are malleable,
solubility. The alkaline condition brings about the
extrudable and machinable may be in rods, wires or
precipitation of Ca salts and the absorption is
plates. Calcium is cheapest of alkaline earth metals
but more expensive than Sodium. Ca metal itself retarded. Higher fatty acid contents also decreases
the absorption due to formation of Ca salts of fatty
comates even in metallurgical work with some of
acid which are insoluble.
its own compounds e.g. calcium silicide, calcium
Calcium is essential to maintaining total body
boride, calcium carbide, all of which are used as
health. Your body needs it every day not just to
degasifiers, reductants and sources of calcium for
keep your bones and teeth strong over your life
time but to ensure proper functioning of muscles
and nerves. It even helps your blood clot. Many
peoples think they are getting enough Ca every day
Calcium has four stable isotopes 40Ca, 42Ca, 46Ca
but the fact is, they are not so. Ca deficiency is
and 48Ca that have such long half lives that for all
usually due to an inadequate intake of Ca when
practical purposes. They can be considered stable.
blood Ca levels drop too low, the vital mineral is
It has also cosmogenic isotope radioactive 41Ca
borrowed from the bones. It is returned to the
which has a half life of 1,03,000 yrs. 41Ca is

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International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences ISSN: 2229-3701

bones from Ca supplied through the diet. If an and rushes. Ca appears to serve as a
individual’s diet is low in Ca, there may not be constituent of the intercellular cement.
sufficient amount of Ca available in the blood to be vi) Ca take part in the formation of certain tissue
returned to the bones to maintain strong bones and and bones. Normally 25 – 35% is excreted in
total body health. Taking Ca regularly everyday is the urine and the rest in the stools.
key to preventing and treating Ca deficiency. So A high protein diet especially derived from animal
how much daily Ca do you need? How much do foods causes Ca loss in the body. The higher
you get? It is very important to your health. sulphur to calcium ratio of metal increases Ca
excretion and a diet righ in meal can cause bone
demineralization. A report published in 1988
comparing the amounts of Ca excreted in the urine
showed that, the animal – protein diet cause greater
loss of bone loss and hence Oestoporosis. It is the
major cause of bone fractures in the elderly. It is
better prevented than treated and prevention
includes an adequate intake of Ca throughout life
but especially in childhood and young adult hood
and minimizing risk factors e.g. smoking, heavy
alcohol use and lack of physical exercise. Diet high
in protein and in salt also increase Ca loss from the
body and may have an effect on oestoporosis. Post
menopausal women are more prone to osteoporosis
because they produce less oestrogen which protects
the skeleton in younger women.

Calcium Deficiency
Calcium deficiency is a condition in which the
body has an inadequate amount of calcium.
Calcium is a mineral that is essential for many
aspects of health, including the health of bones and
teeth, and a normal heart rhythm. This mineral is
also required for muscle contractions and
According to the U.K. Dept. of Health relaxation, nerve and hormone function, and blood
recommended reference nutrients intake for Ca pressure regulation.
required according to age. The infants and children Calcium must be ingested daily and absorbed
require 350 - 550 mg/day. effectively in order to maintain optimal health.
Teenage girls and boys : 800 – 1000 Most people can get enough calcium by eating a
mg/day variety of foods rich in calcium. Foods that
Adult men and women : 700 mg/day naturally contain calcium include milk and other
The Ca play an important role to maintain some dairy products; green, leafy vegetables; seafood,
important body functions such as nuts, and dried beans. Calcium is also added to
i) Ca controls nerve excitability. The effect is orange juice, breakfast cereals, breads, and other
mainly on the peripheral neuromuscular fortified food products.
mechanism. Fibrillary twitching can be High dietary calcium intake is necessary for
produced by per fusing a muscle with Ca free infants, children and adolescents in order to
fluid. Automatic ganglia also become hyper promote bone growth and formation. Pregnant
irritable. women also have higher calcium needs, because it
ii) It is necessary for the maintenance of the is required for the normal development of fetal
integrity of the skeletal muscles. An increase bones. In addition, women who have reached
in the ionized Ca results in an increase in menopause need to ensure an adequate amount of
contractility and vice varsa. calcium intake to reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
iii) It is very essential for maintaining the tone
and contractility of heart. Ca is antidotal to Types of calcium deficiency

 Dietary calcium deficiency is a condition

the depressant action of K. There are two types of calcium deficiency
iv) It aids rennin in the coagulation of milk in
the stomach. in which there is an inadequate calcium
v) It is essential for the clotting of food.It intake, which can lead to depleted calcium
decreases cellular permeability. It is stores in the bones, thinning and
therefore used in allergic conditions to weakening of the bones, and osteoporosis.
diminish exudation which produces wheals

Vol. 4 (2) Apr– Jun 2013 661

International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences ISSN: 2229-3701

 Hypocalcemia is a low level of calcium in osteoporosis because calcium stores in the bones
the blood. It can occur from taking are not replaced as they are used by the body.
medications, such as diuretics; medical Untreated calcium deficiency can lead to serious
treatments; or disease processes, such as complications, such as osteoporosis, hypertension
renal failure or hypo-parathyroidism. and cardiac arrhythmias and follow your treatment
An insufficient amount of calcium in your diet will plan to reduce the risk of serious complications
generally not cause hypocalcemia. This is because from calcium deficiency.If you, or someone you
normal amounts of calcium in the blood are so are with, have chest pain a seizure, difficulty
critical to many vital body functions of the nerves, breathing, or an unusual change in alertness or
muscles, brain and heart, that your body will pull consciousness.
calcium from the bones as needed to maintain
normal blood calcium levels. This enables
important processes in the body to continue. Sign of Deficiency in Calcium,
However, ongoing dietary calcium deficiency can All humans lose bone density starting between the
eventually lead to thinning of the bones and ages of 30 and 40. Excessive bone loss affects over
20 million people, mostly women who are 45 and

Sign no.1: Muscle Cramping

One of the first signs of a deficiency is a nervous Sign no.4: Bone Fractures or Breakage
affliction called tetany, which is characterized by If you begin to suffer from several small bone
muscle cramps, numbness and tingling in the arms fractures or full bone breakage, you should really
and legs.Muscle Cramping can be an early sign that evaluate the amount of calcium in your diet. This is
you are developing a calcium deficiency. These a severe symptom of calcium deficiency.
types of cramps generally occur at night, especially Calcium is needed to build bones and to keep them
in the legs strong. Without this calcium, our bones will
become weak. As they weaken, fractures and
Sign no.2: Dry Skin and Brittle Nails breakage can occur i.e osteoporosis, in which the
A common calcium deficiency sign can be seen in bones become porous and fragile because calcium
your skin and your nails. When your skin becomes is withdrawn from the bones and other areas faster
dry and your fingernails become brittle (break than it is deposited in them. Moderate cases of
easily), you could be lacking from calcium. If these calcium deficiency may lead to cramps, joint pains,
symptoms are present, you may also want to check heart palpitations, increased cholesterol levels,
to see if your teeth are becoming yellow. The teeth slow pulse rates, insomnia, impaired growth,
and the bones can be severely affected from a lack excessive irritability or nerves, muscle cramps,
of calcium. brittle nails, eczema and numbness of the arms and
or legs.A deficiency may be due to a lack of
Sign no.3: Increased PMS Symptoms vitamin D or abnormal concentrations of hormones
A woman may begin experience more cramping or that regulate the availability from the bones to the
a change in her menstrual flow if she is suffering blood, not to a dietary inadequacy.
from a calcium deficiency. Adding more calcium to
a diet may ease these symptoms.

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International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences ISSN: 2229-3701

Regulators of Blood Calcium Hypocalcemia

Prompt diagnosis and treatment of dietary calcium Hypocalcemia is common and can occur unnoticed
deficiency reduces the risk of developing serious with no symptoms or, in severe cases, can have
complications, such as hypertension and dramatic symptoms and be life-threatening.
osteoporosis. Treatments involve replacing the Hypocalcemia can be parathyroid related or
body’s depleted calcium stores and may include: Vitamin D related. Parathyroid related
Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human hypocalcemia includes post-surgical
body and has several important functions. Calcium hypothyroidism, inherited
is the top macro mineral when it comes to your hypoparathyroidism,pseudohypopara thyroidism
bones. This mineral helps build strong bones, so and pseudo-pseudohypoparathyroidism. Post-
you can do everything from standing up straight to surgical hypoparathyroidism is the most common
scoring that winning goal. Calcium is a primary form, and can be temporary (due to suppression of
structural constituent of the skeleton, but it is also tissue after removal of a malfunctioning gland) or
widely distributed in soft tissue where it is involved permanent, if all parathyroid tissue has been
in neuromuscular, enzymatic, hormonal, and other removed. Inherited hypoparathyroidism is rare and
metabolic activity. Calcium absorption is is due to a mutation in the calcium sensing
dependent upon the calcium needs of the body, the receptor. Pseudohypoparathyroidism is maternally
foods eaten, and the amount of calcium in the foods inherited and is categorized by hypocalcemia and
eaten. Vitamin D from diet or exposure to the hyperphosphatemia. Finally, pseudo-
ultraviolet light of the sun increases calcium pseudohypoparathyroidism is paternally inherited.
absorption. Calcium absorption tends to decrease Patients display normal parathyroid hormone action
with increased age for both men and women. More in the kidney, but exhibit altered parathyroid
than 99% of total body calcium is stored in the hormone action in the bone. Vitamin D related
bones and teeth where it functions to support their hypocalcemia may be associated with a lack of
structure. The remaining 1% is found throughout vitamin D in the diet, a lack of sufficient UV
the body in blood, muscle, and the fluid between exposure, or disturbances in renal function. Low
cells. Because of its biological importance, calcium vitamin D in the body can lead to a lack of calcium
levels are carefully controlled in various absorption and secondary hyperparathyroidism.
compartments of the body. The three major Symptoms of hypocalcemia include numbness in
regulators of blood calcium are parathyroid fingers and toes, muscle cramps, irritability,
hormone (PTH), vitamin D, and calcitonin. impaired mental capacity and muscle twitching.

Disorders of calcium metabolism Hypercalcemia

It occur when the body has too little or too much Hypercalcemia is suspected to occur in
calcium. The serum level of calcium is closely approximately 1 in 500 adults in the general adult
regulated within a fairly limited range in the human population. Like hypocalcemia, hypercalcemia can
body. In a healthy physiology, extracellular be non-severe and present with no symptoms, or it
calcium levels are maintained within a tight range may be severe, with life-threatening symptoms.
through the actions of parathyroid hormone, Hypercalcemia is most commonly caused by
vitamin D and the calcium sensing receptor. hyperparathyroidism and by malignancy, and less
Disorders in calcium metabolism can lead to commonly by vitamin D intoxication, familial
hypocalcemia, decreased plasma levels of calcium hypocalciuric hypercalcemia and by sarcoidosis.
or hypercalcemia, elevated plasma calcium levels. Hyperparathyroidism occurs most commonly in
postmenopausal women. Hyperparathyroidism can

Vol. 4 (2) Apr– Jun 2013 663

International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences ISSN: 2229-3701

be caused by a tumor, or adenoma , in the bedtime it promotes a deep sleep. The production
parathyroid gland or by increased levels of of energy and the maintenance of the immune
parathyroid hormone due to hypocalcemia. system benefit from calcium. By lowering
Approximately 10% of cancer sufferers experience cholesterol, calcium is thought to be beneficial in
hypercalcemia due to malignancy. Hypercalcemia the treatment of cardiovascular disorders. Calcium
occurs most commonly in breast cancer, supplements up to 1500 mg have lowered blood
lymphoma, prostate cancer, thyroid cancer, lung pressure in people with or without hypertension
cancer, myeloma, and colon cancer. It may be and are thought to do so because of the condition of
caused by secretion of parathyroid hormone-related the smooth muscle that surrounds the blood
peptide by the tumor or may be a result of direct vessels. Early supplementation may help prevent
invasion of the bone, causing calcium release. arthritis. Rheumatism may also be helped
Symptoms of hypercalcemia include anorexia, positively with calcium therapy. The hormones
nausea, vomiting, constipation, abdominal pain, involved are stimulated by the concentration of
lethargy, depression, confusion, polyurea, calcium ions in the blood. Problems of menopause
polydipsia and generalized aches and pains. such as nervousness, irritability, insomnia and
headaches have been overcome with administration
Plasma Calcium of calcium, magnesium and vitamin D. Prevention
The amount of biologically active calcium varies of premenstrual tension and menstrual cramps has
with the level of serum albumin, a protein to which also been noticed.Absorption takes place in the
calcium is bound, and therefore levels of ionized duodenum and ceases in the lower part of the
calcium are better measures than a total calcium; intestinal tract when food content becomes
however, one can correct a total calcium if the alkaline.

 A normal ionized calcium is 1.12-

albumin level is known.
Interfering factors in absorbing Calcium

 A normal total calcium is 2.2-2.6 mmol/L

1.45 mmol/L (4.54-5.61 mg/dL). When excess amounts of fat, protein or sugar
combine with calcium an insoluble compound is
(9-10.5 mg/dl). formed which cannot be absorbed. Insufficient
o Total calcium of less than 8.0 mg/dL is vitamin D intake or excess phosphorus and
hypocalcaemia, with levels below magnesium hinder the absorption of calcium. Large
1.59 mmol/L (6 mg/dL) generally fatal. amounts of phytic acid present in unleavened
o Total calcium of more than 10.6 mg/dL is grains may also inhibit absorption by the
hypercalcaemia, with levels over body.Other interfering factors include lack of
3.753 mmol/L (15.12 mg/dL) generally exercise, physical and emotional stress, excitement,
fatal. depression and too rapid a flow of food through the
Long-term calcium deficiency can lead to intestinal tract.
osteopenia, which is a loss of bone density. The parathyroid glands in the neck help adjust the
Osteopenia may progress into osteoporosis, a body's storage of calcium. If these glands are not
health condition where bones become weak and functioning properly, accumulation may occur.
brittle. Most adults need from 1,000 to 1,200 Calcium needs acid for proper assimilation. If acid
milligrams of calcium every day. That need can be in some form is not present in the body, the mineral
met when you eat a balanced diet that includes will not be dissolved and therefore cannot be used
dairy products as needed by the body. Instead it may build up in
When you don't get enough calcium over an tissues or joints as deposits, leading to a variety of
extended period of time, you may increase your disturbances. Drugs affecting absorption include
risk of osteopenia and osteoporosis, which in turn caffeine, diuretics, fatty acids, fibre oxalates,
increase your risk of bone fractures. But you glucocorticoids, fluoride, losec, Mylanta, protein,
probably won't feel any actual symptoms of thyroxine.
calcium deficiency, unless you have hypocalcemia
(low blood calcium), which is usually due to health Absorption of Calcium and Harmone
conditions or certain medications and treatments. Absorption depends upon the presence of adequate
The symptoms of hypocalcemia include muscle amounts of Vitamin D, which works with the
cramps, lethargy, numbness and tingling in the parathyroid hormone to regulate the amount of
fingers, and problems with heart rhythm. These can calcium in the blood. Phosphorus is needed in the
all be signs of other health conditions too, so if you same amount but should not exceed the exact
have them, you need to see your health care amount of calcium. The body uses them together to
provider. give firmness to the bones. If excess amounts of
either mineral is taken, that excess cannot be used
Calcium as a Natural Tranquilizer efficiently.Vitamins A & C are also necessary for
Calcium acts as a Natural Tranquilizer. It tends to absorption. Fat content in moderate amounts,
calm the nerves. When taken 20-40 minutes before moving slowly through the digestive tract, helps

Vol. 4 (2) Apr– Jun 2013 664

International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences ISSN: 2229-3701

facilitate absorption as does bile and bile salts. To with the functions of the nervous and muscular
function properly, Calcium must be accompanied systems. An excess amount in the blood causes
by magnesium, phosphorus, boron and the calcium rigour, which is characterized by muscles
Vitamins A,C,D, K and possibly E. that contract and cannot relax. When an excess is
If the intake of calcium is too high, magnesium added to blood plasma, coagulation does not take
levels also need to be high. Too little magnesium place. Too much calcium will decrease the body's
results in calcium accumulations in the muscles, absorption of zinc and iron.
heart and kidneys. Too much calcium can interfere

The parathyroid and thyroid glands function to control the level of blood calcium

Hormones that affect bone growth and result, the excessive calcium is stored in bone
development include those secreted by the pituitary matrix. The actions of these hormones are both
gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, and the excellent examples of some important negative
ovaries and testes . The pituitary gland, for feedback loops present in our bodies. Without
instance, secretes growth hormone (GH), also adequate supplies of these important chemicals, the
called somatotropin, which stimulates activity in bones will not develop or grow normally.
the epiphyseal plates.
This hormone is the main regulator of height. How to prevent deficiency of Calcium
Somatotropin plays many roles in the body: it especially in Women ?
stimulates bone and muscle growth, maintains the Menopausal Woman
normal rate of protein synthesis in all body cells, Drop in estrogen production after menopause result
and speeds the release of fats as an energy source in increased bone resorption, and decreased
for growth. Other hormones play a part in calcium absorption. Estrogen therapy works to
maintaining the strength and health of the bone restore postmenopausal bone remodeling levels
matrix by functioning to control the level of blood back to those of pre-menopause, leading to a lower
calcium. In fact, calcium is needed for a number of rate of bone loss. Estrogen appears to interact with
metabolic processes other than for bone formation, supplemental calcium by increasing calcium
including blood clot formation, nerve impulse absorption in the gut. However, including adequate
conduction, and muscle cell contraction. When a amounts of calcium in the diet may help slow the
low blood calcium condition exists, the parathyroid rate of bone loss for all women.
glands respond by releasing parathyroid hormone
(PTH). This hormone stimulates osteoclasts to Amenorrheic Women and the Female Athlete
break down bone tissue, and as a result, calcium Triad
salts are released into the blood. On the other hand, Amenorrhea is the condition when menstrual
if the blood calcium level is excessively high, the periods stop or fail to initiate in women who are of
thyroid gland responds by releasing a hormone childbearing age. Secondary amenorrhea is the
called calcitonin. Its effect is opposite that of absence of three or more consecutive menstrual
parathyroid hormone; it inhibits osteoclast activity cycles after menarche occurs (first menstrual
allowing osteoblasts to form bone tissue. As a period). The secondary type of amenorrhea can be

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