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Coursework 2 notes

● Piece of descriptive writing 500-800 words

● The writing should be a connected series of progressive ideas and images that build
a successful and varied picture of the chosen point of focus.
● Create pictures, atmosphere, and feelings
● Create enough material to sustain the interest of the reader
● Use a wide range of vocab (some complex)
● The main goal is to create an atmosphere/ aura
● Good descriptive writing includes
1. Thoughts and feelings
2. people/characters
3. Vocabulary is used to create specific effects.
4. Sense of atmosphere
5. Pov
● Structure the piece as if
1. Seeing from afar
2. Walking towards
3. Being in the middle
4. Exploring further
5. Going away
● It’s an experience.
● Create images the reader can interpret
● Do not bore the reader

The City That Never Sleeps

As dawn breaks, the sun ascends above the horizon and beams of light fall upon the shores
of Bandra. Plastic bags, red slippers, and yachts drift across the back bay and into the
Arabian sea. The sound of crows cawing wakes the people of Mumbai. The snow-white
clouds form irregular and abstract yet scenic views and engulf the pale blue skies of
Mumbai. The brownish-green sea water hits the shore repeatedly and forms the calmest of
the calm sounds and relaxes the mind of the listener.

As I look deeper into the city, the sounds of wild and rampant street dogs barking violently at
each other rush through my ears and so does the sound of metal creaking rapidly coming
from shutters opening small shops scattered across the city. Pigeons fly over the city in tiny
groups in search of food and the sounds of their wings flapping rhythmically, almost
melodiously act as a wake-up call for the stressed and tensed students who stayed up all
night studying and worrying about their exam the next day. As they look into the vast skies,
stagnantly, and steadily return back to normalcy.

All over the city, in each area, in each neighbourhood and on each and every road, the noise
made from the brooms of the exhausted social workers of Mumbai, slowly indulges in chatter
from the eager and excited senior citizens. Some are eager to do yoga on the polluted and
brown beaches of Mumbai as the sun gradually shines brighter, and some, are excited to
drink a zesty hot cup of tea made out of the finest ingredients at the local “chai wala” with
their old-time buddies, as for that short amount of time they seem to forget about all their
worries in life, and enjoy themselves.

Footpaths are covered with traffic from people, and vendors attempting to sell their food to
anyone they see. Street lights all over the city shut down one after another, and as time
passes the annoying, blinking yellow light on traffic signals is replaced by the somewhat
appealing red, green and yellow to signal the start of the day.

Taxi and cab drivers bathe their cars in soapy water in an attempt to make their cars “shine”
and soon wish their family goodbye, as they prepare for a long day of some respectful, some
rude and some boring customers. The sound of bells from the temple clashes harmoniously
with the prayers coming from the mosque, to enlighten people of all kinds. Local vendors set
up shop in this humid weather and prepare for walking, working and cooking in the Mumbai
heat, as the sun shines brightly over their heads and heat from their stove gives them a
burning sensation as sweat trickles down their bodies and sometimes into the food! The
sound of Indian delicacies being fried in the hot, bubbly oil makes everyone drool and
especially catches the attention of the tired and bored job goer, who has a hectic day in front
of them.

In the city that never sleeps, everything and everyone has a story to tell. Diversity is what
describes the city of Mumbai, thousands live in this overpopulated peninsula, everyone from
Hindus to Muslims to Christians. It is a city that sees no differences and where everyone
sees no bounds. It represents unity at its finest with people of all cultures, ethnicities, races
and colours coming together, which feels as if it is something greater than life itself.

Words: 587.

1. Narrow it down
2. Write from perspective of a room view
3. A certain area (taj colaba)
4. Fix language errors (phares, idioms etc.)

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