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Procedia Computer Science 00 (2022) 000–000

International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Engineering

Prediction of Need for Cyber Training for University Students

Using Artificial Neural Networks
Saimul Bashira, Bhavna Arorab*
Department of Computer Science & Information Technology, Central University of Jammu Samba India(181143)
Department of Computer Science & Information Technology, Central University of Jammu Samba India(181143


In recent years, predictive analysis has received a lot of attention due to advances in technology, particularly in the areas of big
data and machine learning. The advancement in technology has also scored the cases of cybercrimes. In most cases, historical
data is used to create a mathematical model that captures key trends. The predictive model is used to analyze data to forecast
certain parameters or trends or to advise actions to achieve the best results. Artificial neural network (ANN) is an effective
technique for such predictions. In this paper, ANN is used for prediction from a survey-based dataset that has been created from
the students of universities of J&K Union Territory. The dataset that is used has been created with a dire need to understand the
level of students in terms of their knowledge and understanding of cybercrimes. A very imperative way to prevent cyber against
people is to make people aware of crimes and by training them for the same. For such a problem, a model is proposed to predict
the need for cyber training among students using ANN. In this paper, ANN with back-propagation is proposed as a tool to predict
whether there is a need for cyber training for individuals. Numerous cases have been reported in the cyber cell of J&K where
cybercrimes have been registered by individuals. [1] It is the need of the hour to train the student community on cybercrime
schemes and behavior.

Keywords: Predictive analytics; Machine Learning; artificial neural networks; Backpropagation; Cyber Crime;

1. Introduction
With the continuous increase and big data spread analytical systems have got more
importance in organizations. From the data, the information needed to be extracted using a
technique termed as Data mining. Data mining is the process in which the data is analyzed to
find intriguing patterns and knowledge. There are numerous data mining tools available like
predictive analytics. [2]

Predictive Analytics:
Predictive analytics (PA) is often used to discover connections and trends in data to foresee
the future using past data and improve preventative actions. However, the purpose for which
they are used varies per industry. [3] PA is a relatively new notion, although it has established
regular practice in fields like finance, marketing, business intelligence, and biological sciences.

* Corresponding author. Tel.: 9797972289

E-mail address:,

1877-0509 © 2023 The Authors. Published by ELSEVIER B.V.

This is an open-access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review under the responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Engineering
2 Saimul bashir/ Procedia Computer Science 00 (2019) 000–000

Data mining has become a popular target for the information industry because of the vast
amounts of the data containing vast amounts of hidden knowledge. [5] Among other things, we
use predictive analytics to detect fraud, lower risk, enhance operations, diagnose illnesses, and
enhance marketing. [6]. Moreover, predictive analysis can be incorporated into cyber security
threat prevention or avoidance programs. Out of all the methods or techniques Artificial neural
networks are the best suited for such problem. [7] A generic model of predictive analytics
is shown below in Fig.1.
The remainder of the article is summarized as follows. In section 2 we discuss the comparative
survey of various machine learning-based techniques using ANN and backpropagation. Section
3 covers proposed methodology or the framework and section 4 highlights the performance
metrics whereas section 5 covers the discussion. Section 6 includes conclusion and future

Fig.1. A generic model of predictive analytics[8]

1.1. Artificial neural networks

Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are an effective technique that does not need to be
reprogrammed because of their learning nature and parallel nature.[7] They are essentially a
type of computer model built out of a large number of single units, such as synthetic neurons,
connected by coefficients (weights) to form a neural structure. These elements are also referred
to as functional units as they process information (PE). This PEs each has weighted inputs. A
transfer function is applied through which results are passed. In essence, PE is an equation that
balances inputs and outputs. Connectionist models are another name for ANNs. The weights
represent the memory of the model. [9] ANN is of two types: feed-forward and another is feed

• Feed forward: The most well-known type of ANN is the Feed-forward Neural
Network FNN, which employs a back-propagation learning process. Hidden layer(s)
including computational nodes known as hidden neurons are present in these types of
ANN structures in which data is processed in a forward direction.[10]

• Feed backward: Another type of neural network is feed backward neural network and
unlike feed-forward here in order to process a succession of data inputs, a feed-
backward neural network can use internal state information storage. That means FFNN
can rationally handle tasks based on the order in which they are received.[11]

1.2. Back propagation

One input layer and one output layer make up the back neural network. It could also have a
layer or layers that are concealed. The nodes in the hidden layer are referred to as hidden nodes.
Input hidden layer weights are weights associated to the input layer and data connected to the
hidden layer. They have been proven to be an overall estimate algorithm and can learn any
mapping function.[12] It is a method used to minimize the total squared error of the output
which is computed by the net. Propagation from the back Because of its ability to learn system
Saimul bashir/ Procedia Computer Science 00 (2019) 000–000 3
features through nonlinear mapping. Backpropagation is used to train a network in three stages:
1) The feed-forward with respect to the input pattern.
2) The corresponding error is calculated and propagated backward.
3) Weight adjustment.
• ANN has several advantages as neural network can do those tasks which a linear
output cannot. Because of its parallel nature, even if one of the neural network's
elements fails, the network can still function normally. Because a neural network
learns, it does not require any reprogramming. Furthermore, ANN is gaining
Popularity for predicting results for specific criteria. ANN can also be applied for
prediction of response parameters from process parameters, once it has been trained
properly. We need to be cautious while applying the ANN to these processes and in
training to operate.[13]
This course of action of applying ANN with backpropagation to prepare a model is necessary
because to tackle the cybercrimes or incidents we have to coop with or incorporate the trending
technology which is machine learning.

The survey data used in this research has been taken from the dataset of UGC-Startup Grant
project allocated to the co-author-Dr.Bhavna Arora.

2. Literature survey
For determination of methodologies that have been used in past studies of the similar topics, it
was necessary to do a literature survey of such papers .Once the determination is done, search
of relevant information sources helps to determine what is already known about the topic and
how extensively the topic has already been researched. A brief description of some of the
papers is given below.
In 2016, Jun Cheng et al. [14] suggested a model for estimating the ignition temperature of
common Chinese coals, their activation energy and blends with precision. In this paper, they
employed three-layer BP neural network models with five input parameters to forecast the
igniting properties of power coal blends.
In 2017, Ali M et al. [15] presented a comparison ANN (Artificial neural network) with BP
back propagation and ANN with particle swarm optimization. The BP neural network had a
relative mean error of 1.22 percent, which is lower than quadratic polynomial regression.
Donald Barron et al. [16] in 2018 developed an artificial neural network to discover critical
performance variables for soccer that determine outfield players league position. In order to
acquire data for this work, they employed internet databases and Prozone's Match Viewer
system for total number and accuracy measures. Furthermore, the consistency of passes or
tackles, as well as possessions regained clearance, were taken into account.
Sammarraie.N et al. [17] proposed a method for Classification and diagnosis of human blood
groups.. The backpropagation classified human blood types in this paper. Similar program was
used to run the same analysis for finding the suitable number of neurons in the hidden layer
that required the fewest repetitions. They also determined that the sum of the input and
4 Saimul bashir/ Procedia Computer Science 00 (2019) 000–000

output layer neurons is the appropriate number of neurons in the hidden layer for a minimal
number of iterations and learning process.
Cynthia.H et al. [18] developed an ANN architectural model for the identification of several
types of malnutrition. In this paper, they have generated ANN weight by using feed-forward of
activation function. Also the testing phase in which the result of the previous stage was tested to
obtain output. They have used 20 training data and 14 testing data. These data were collected
based on malnutrition rules which were obtained from the nutrition experts. The model
produced reached data testing accuracy of 96%.
In 2019, Sourav et al. [7] put out a job applicant prediction model that can be utilized to
anticipate the jobs of diverse applicants. They have used an ANN (artificial neural network)
technique and have used two hidden layers with back propagation algorithm. They have also
calculated errors like sum of square error, relative absolute error.
In 2020, Rajesh K. Yadav et al. PSO-GA, a hybrid training method based on Adam
Optimization, was presented for training Artificial Neural Networks, and its performance was
compared to that of the general Gradient Descent, which is based on a back propagation
technique with Adam Optimization. To address the drawbacks of classical algorithms, such as
slower convergence rates and frequent convergence to local minima, they developed this hybrid
model that incorporates evolutionary algorithm traits.
Table 2.1. Inclusive overview of the review of recent papers

S. Author/year Objectives Method Dataset Accuracy Remarks

01. Jun Cheng et Backpropagation quadratic polynomial Private _ The relative mean
al./2016[13] and polynomial regression, errors for ignition
regression were Backpropagation characteristics and
used to forecast the activation energy
ignition were 1.22 percent
temperature and and 3.89 percent,
activation energy respectively.
02. Ali.m et To compare ANN ANN-BP and ANN- Private _ ANN-PSO
al./2017[14] using PSO and PSO algorithm performs
ANN used MPPT better than
backpropagation the ANN algorithm
to track MPP in and the ANN-PSO
photovoltaic algorithm
system .
03. Donald.B et ANN was used to Backpropagation Private 78.8% The analysis of the
al./2018[15] identify key three separate
performance groups regardless of
metrics in playing position
professional was the work's
soccer. principal drawback.
04. Sammarraie.N classifying human ANN, Private >90% Change in
et/2018[16] blood groups using backpropagation, µ and α can enhance
ANN with a back Classification training process.
Saimul bashir/ Procedia Computer Science 00 (2019) 000–000 5

05. Cynthia Hayat ANN with Back- ANN, Back- Books, 96% Symptoms are
et al./2018[17] propagation is used propagation journals,research determined through
to detect location an interview, and
malnutrition early. the best network
design parameters
are selected.
06. sourav et ANN is used for Backpropagation Private >90% Using ANN they
al./2019[5] Job prediction have overcome the
analysis using problem in different
various techniques business
like Multi-Layer corporations, and
Perceptron etc organizations by
predicting the job
07. Rajesh K. et Hybrid training PSO-ANN hybrid Acute >70% PSO-GA hybrid
al/2020[18] algorithm PSO-GA Inflammations, outperformed the
based with Adam Mammographic simple Gradient
Optimization for Mass, Blood Descent BP.
ANN training. Transfusion Service
Centre, Somerville
Happiness Survey
08. Mehdi.H et ANN in IoMT Multiple multilayer Thyroid disease 99% The ability to deal
al./2021[19] systems for perceptron, ANN, dataset over- Increased
Thyroid disease backpropagation Accuracy than
diagnosis previous ones with
09. Wei.Wi et Diagnosis ANN 319 _ In the diagnostic
al./2021[20] Accuracy backpropagation, model, The BP-
comparison using linear regression ANN method with
ANN with linear regression
backpropagation exhibited a high
and linear capacity for fitting
10. Ying.D et To predict the ANN with Chemical _ The relative mean
al./2021[11] ignition backpropagation composition and errors are modest,
temperature and ignition table at 1.22 percent and
activation energy 3.89 percent,
using ANN with respectively.

3. Proposed methodology

It comprises of a framework with 7 processes to get the desired output. The framework can be
visualized in the Fig.2. as given below.

Fig.2. Proposed flow diagram of the model

6 Saimul bashir/ Procedia Computer Science 00 (2019) 000–000

• Survey based data collection: The first process of the framework is the survey-based
data collection for which a survey was done in the top five universities of Jammu and
Kashmir through a questionnaire-based method. The response of the students was
• Creation of dataset: A dataset was prepared from the data collected from the
questionnaire in which out of 50 queries only 24 were selected as the key columns and
more than 300 rows were prepared as dataset.
• Data pre-processing: Once the dataset was prepared there was a requirement of data
modifications because in some cases students have not answered some of the queries
so it was required to choose featured elements or required ones into the dataset. Also
handling missing data was done in data pre-processing.
• Model training: A part of the data was feed to the model to train it and some
outputs were produced to check upon the accuracy or learning of the model.
• Test data: Remaining part of the data is used to the test the model that has been
already trained used the training data.
• Data pre-processing: This process of data pre- processing is done on the test data
same as done for the training data to check upon missing and required fields.
• Trained model: The trained model takes up the inputs from the training model inputs
process and others to pass it to the last process to produce the result.
• Predicted output: This process produces the desired output after all the processes
have done their work on the input and we finally are able to decide whether the user
should be provided with the training or not.

3.1. Data collection

Since all the queries in the questionnaire were framed in the view of cyber security in
different sections like demographic, general awareness, cyber victimization and evaluation of
effects of cybercrimes. Out of those some fundamental and most relevant ones were chosen
and considered as key features. These features were taken as input to the system. Given
below is the flow diagram of the proposed model given in figure. The dataset for this paper is
a private dataset for which a survey was done among students of top 5 universities of Jammu
and Kashmir and a questionnaire of 50 queries was asked to the students under different
sections. The first section was demographic details followed by another section of general
awareness on internet and cybercrime. Third section comprises of queries for cyber
victimization and the last section includes evaluation of effects of cybercrime. Out of these
50 queries from all sections 25 were selected as key columns for our dataset and there are
more than 300 rows in our dataset.
Table 2 shows the transformed data. Fig 3, 4,5,6 and 7 below shows the probability plot for
the sample data against the range intensities like internet use graph plot is the plot of daily
versus the rarely distribution of the inputs taken for the query. It produces the best fit line for
that data and the result is plotted.
Table 2 Correlation features transformation into numerals
Correlated features:
0 Hacking(phishing, spoofing, password
1 Distributing obscene material
2 Online shopping scams
3 cyber stalking & bullying
4 Sending annoying and defaming
5 card frauds(ATM, credit cards etc)
6 Insurance & SEBI scams
7 spam email
8 cyber crimes can happen irrespective of
Saimul bashir/ Procedia Computer Science 00 (2019) 000–000 7
9 women are more prone to cyber attacks

Fig.3 Plot of internet use.

Fig.4.Plot of committed cyber crime

fig 5. Plot of cybercrime committed.

3.2. Training data

Bifurcation was done on dataset into test data and training data. 80% of the data is used for
training and the remaining 20% is for testing.
3.3. Test data
Since the data set was bifurcated into two parts the remaining of the data is fed to test on the
model to produce the result with required accuracy.
3.4. Prediction
The proposed work comprises of developing a model for the prediction of cyber security
among students on the basis of some parameters like age, knowledge of cyber security,
victimization and hacking skills etc. A range or rating will be functional to the constraints on a
scale of 0 to 10. For this an ANN with back propagation will be used. The description of the
model is as below and can be visualized from the Fig .6 below.
8 Saimul bashir/ Procedia Computer Science 00 (2019) 000–000

Fig.6. Three layer architecture of ANN

• The proposed model will have three layers input, hidden layer, and output layer.

• I1, i2, i3, i4, i5 and i6 are the inputs in first layer and h1,h2,h3 and h4 are inputs in hidden
layer and O is the output.

• These layers are simply the interconnected neurons through which we feed our input and
pass it to the several layers to get the desired output.

• The input layer consists of several inputs. [17]

• The number of information variables in the dataset is equivalent to the number of neurons
in the input layer.[19]

• The inputs are then carried to the hidden layer and the values are multiplied with the
weights applied.[5]

• The backpropagation algorithm will be used for training the system. An activation function
will be applied by which the output value is limited by a threshold value so that it is always
within the given range.

• Learning rate and epoch will be applied to the same and an output will be produced based
on which we will decide whether the student will be provided with the training or not.

Why ANN is used for the prediction: ANN has the capability to solve the difficult
computations for which other methods have failed. It basically has a property i.e. its learning
nature because of which we don’t need to reprogram it. That is because of its structure of
neurons same as the human brain. Also from the literature survey ANN with backpropagation
was found to be best suited than the other methods with efficient accuracy.
To start with the ANN problem set of inputs can be used in (1). [22]

X= [x=xi, x € R", i = 1, 2……. n} (1)

And outputs in (2)

Y= [y=yo, x € R", i = 1, 2……...m} (2)

From (1) and (2), it is clear that both layers input and output layers of the ANN have n
and m neurons respectively. F number of hidden layer to design an ANN for the
data in (1) and (2) and equation for F is given by [23]

F = f(X, Y, W) (3)
W is the weight connections between the layers. It is given by[24]

W= [W12, W23… Wi-1, I] (4)

Saimul bashir/ Procedia Computer Science 00 (2019) 000–000 9
In [22], the depiction makes it evident that the model first adds all of the inputs, after
which the result of the addition is transferred via the transfer function. The neuron in a
different layer receives the output from the transfer function as input. The neuron formed
is given below in [25]


Where i is the input, w is the weight and b is the bias in the transfer function. Here the
bias is associated to every neuron and denoted by b. Yj is the output of the ith neuron.

After the application of back propagation, the model was run and an accuracy of more
than 82% was achieved which can be visualized from the image below.

4. Comparison with existing techniques

For accessing the efficiency of our proposed approach, our proposed ANN model is
compared with the previous ANN approaches. Tables 3 gives a contrast between the
techniques. From the comparison, we can see that our strategy has achieved an appreciable
ACC> 82%.

Table 3. Comparison with existing techniques

S.No. Author(s)/Year Approach Dataset(s) ACER(%)
01. Mehdi et al/2020 Adaptive learming algorithm for Tyroid disease dataset 4.6%
thyroid disease diagnosis
02. Najeeb et al/2018 Classification and diagnosis using Private dataset 4.2%
03. Ying et al/2021 Methods based on BP and RBF 63 datasets 62-69%
04. Cynthia et al/2018 Modeling of ANN for early Books,journals, private 9.7%
diagnosis of malnutrition
05. Maryam et al/2021 Optimization through levenberg- Private dataset 1.77%
marquardt backpropagation

5. Discussion
The model comprises of input layer with six inputs which are basically the key features from
the dataset as internet use, victim of cyber security, committed cybercrimes, considering cyber
offenses, and replying to known or unknown persons or emails. These inputs were used in the
first level and the corresponding weights were applied and were passed to layer second. At the
second layer, the remaining selected features were taken as inputs like IT act, advanced
victimization. There were four inputs at this layer and the respective weights were applied and
the result was calculated using transfer function and passed to the output layer. The work on
this project is still going on in the central university of Jammu. There were some out layers as
some data while collection was insufficient because at the time of survey the response received
was not complete so it was necessary to choose the compatible or appropriate features or data.
Finally, on the basis of the output received we are able to decide to provide the training or not.
10 Saimul bashir/ Procedia Computer Science 00 (2019) 000–000

6. Conclusion
To predict future outcomes in several scenarios, predictive analytics is widely used. Artificial
Neural Network is best suited and powerful technique that can be used for prediction problems.
By the analysis it is clearly contingent that ANN-based methods provide more accuracy in
prediction techniques. In our comprehensive study, ANN is found to be the most promising
technique to predict such events. The model was designed with 6×4 input where the first layer
was fed with 6 inputs and at the second layer 4 other inputs were fed. The batch size was set to
32 and an epoch value was set to
100. The model produced an accuracy of 82%. In this work a model is developed that can
predict the need of cyber training. In the future, increased survey and collection of data from
other institutions can be also used to improve the accuracy of the model.
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