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9/12/22, 7:25 AM How they softened the stone. Sigiriya. Part 1. Softening of the stone.

Publications   ONWARD TO THE PAST 19.01.2015. How they softened the stone. Sigiriya. Part 1.
Softening of the stone.


How they softened the stone.

Sigiriya. Part 1. Softening of the stone.

The fact that in ancient times worked with plastic stone is

obvious to any thinking researcher, not burdened with dogmas.
Traces of such work, we see everywhere, on all continents and
in large quantities. But we only see the result and do not
understand how it has been done.

There are many versions on this subject, any self-respecting

"alternative man" put forward his hypothesis, and it is right.
Only exchanging with ideas, discussing them, we can achieve the result. We will try to contribute into
solution of this really outstanding question.

Everybody, who is familiar with the essence of the problem understand that the ancient humans could not
possess with such technologies, something is wrong here. Either they knew more than we, or they were not
humans, or humans, about which we know nothing. About this they say from all screens, write books and
create sites. More and more people begin to be interested in how it was in fact, many realize that in the history
of the seemingly well-known, there is mass completely unknown. We can say that we are not familiar with it
at all. However, we will continue.

Modern science has theoretically proved the possibility of giving a crystalline solid one body plasticity,
followed by a return to the hardness. And today it is a accepted fact. Another thing that implement this
method in practice, we cannot, because it is associated with radiation, neutron emitters and huge costs. But,
now we have the important fact that the softening of the stone is possible. Intuitively, all understand this,
because very often face with a similar phenomenon. For example, the heated rosin becomes viscous, upon
cooling it becomes solid again.

But granite is not rosin, and how much it is not heated it does not become softer. If melt stone to a liquid state,
and then cool down, then it will be completely another material with other properties. I.e the crystal lattice of
stone, of course, is amenable to thermal effects, but it breaks down and loses its properties. Therefore, it is
necessary to affect on the mineral so, that only slightly weaken the bonds in the crystal lattice without
destroying it. 1/10
9/12/22, 7:25 AM How they softened the stone. Sigiriya. Part 1. Softening of the stone.

There is another assumption, how softened stone, many ancient legends say about it, by the way, the stone can
be plastic, acting on it with specific, specially selected sound waves. Inky say that the stone watered with
juice of unknown tree became soft.

In any case, we do not possess such technology, so let us see how it made other builders in the past. Judging
by the results of their work, the ancient masters could do stone plastic in different ways, depending on the
tasks. They were not afraid of any weight or volume. With multi-ton blocks they worked easily and not

One of the best example of such work is Sigiriya rock in Sri Lanka. Translated from Tamil language, Sigiriya
means - "Lion Rock". Rock is rocky plateau with area of 1.5 hectares, which stands alone on the 170 meters
above the surrounding plain in the center of Ceylon island. Since 1982, Sigiriya was included in the list of
World Heritage Site UNESCO.

According to the official version on the top of Lion's rock

before the palace of king Kasyapy placed, who ruled in
Vcentury, and around it was the city with parks and gardens.
This so-called palace is a miracle of engineering and
construction art. And the most important is unclear how it was
possible to perform such volume of work in such remote place
and at such a height.

However, it is the height, most likely led to the construction

method. Rather even not height and presence at this height
almost everything they need for this construction. It remained only to deliver the equipment.

One of the many mysteries of Sigiriya

are deepening of rectangular shape as
suggested carved in the rock. Moreover,
these recesses are so much that they
literally cut up all plateau, and the
volume of work is such if them, of
course, digged which can be compared
with the rest of work.

No one really cannot say for what were

needed these recesses. Guides naively
claim that they were made by monks
make so that to move easier through the
smooth rocks and monoliths.

But let us look at recesses.. In the study numerous photos of Sigiriya appeared such law, wells are mainly of
two types, big and small square, and the same but rectangular. As a rule, in one location meet close both
types. So boulder which we see in the picture is typical. Here we see a large square recess coming up, and
large rectangular coming horizontally to the left. 2/10
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Here's square hole nearby. Such impression that

they were not hollowed out but pressed in.

On the following image from this

impressions simply do not get rid of.
Such feeling that along large piece of
clay drove with round roller with square

As soon as we will imagine, that the

boulder was soft and the deepening are
dents from some technical device, which
made this stone plastic, everything will
fall at once into place and Sigiriya will
appear in all its beauty and genius.

If to assume that for softening the stone was necessary application of two types of devices, for example, for
creation of vibrations with different frequency, then the square tracks it is one "contact" and rectangular the
other one. Machines, moving on boulder made it soft and gave it the desired shape.

There is a reasonable question at once- why? The explanation may be very simple. Still, it's a palace and the
shapeless lumps here for nothing. Slightly trim the flattened corners, and get a beauty.

It should be noted a very important moment. Those who created this and many other similar objects, never
did anything for nothing. In everything had to be present versatility and harmony this is a characteristic and
distinctive feature of monumental structures of such level.

It is unclear how all these giant boulders were in this place. It is possible that they were broken out of the
rock, planning the top part of plateau and then having gave aesthetic form, made garden of rocks.

But let's go further. As seen in this image, the upper part of rock slope differs from bottom part. And it is
impossible to escape from feeling that rock was poured with something from the top. This is because it is so.

In some places the top layer even is folded up like an ordinary plaster. This occurs due to the fact, that
although this layer is integral with the parent material, but has other characteristics, it is more solid. This layer
causes many disputes in the scientific environment. 3/10
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If such similar to enamel coating was not, then the water would seep into
the rock and gradually destroyed it. There is s no sense to build such
monumental structures on the rock, which in 200-300 years can collapse.
Therefore, the upper part of Sigiriya was treated and strengthened.

Now let us see how it was made. Only first, imagine yourself the mad
monk who would agree in this place to cut down a "steps". If you can not,
then you will be easier to perceive reality.

In fact, those are tracks from setting, which were going and melted the
rock. Viscous mass flowed down, covering the appropriate sections with
protective layer. Agree that with the naked eye you can see that those are
dents left in something viscous, like plasticine. And nothing to do with
erosion, this cover makes nothing for hundreds of years.

Here's another obvious example. Here

used rectangular "nozzles" and the rock
apparently floated. It is clearly visible
that is an imprint of the same subject.

There is another simply amazing artifact. Moreover, that weakly represents how it was possible to make such
a drain, on such height but in order to the lower part had ledge it was necessary to cut out all the rock around.
On the rock, as we see there is no trace of machining. 4/10
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But if we assume that the rock was soft, then from material of drain gutter
it is possible to make the bottom part. And no matter how much they
would break your head, there is no other explanation.

In addition, on the left lobe of the gutter, it is clearly visible, familiar to all
alternative men ledge, so-called "nipple", to which apparently were
connected mechanisms.

But that's not all. On the left side of the wall from the gutter, it is clearly
visible straight line, which can be formed only if to the soft material press
a narrow, straight object, such as a ruler. So that the drain seems to be
made on the left side, and the band, this is the second "contact".

About gutters we'll talk, but for now let

us return back to garden rocks. Now
when the essence of process began more
or less clear up, you can try to explain
this boulder lying in the suburbs.

Most likely, on this lump they tuned

technique. Chose the frequency, melt a
bit adjusted, cut out volume, made
border make were sure everything is
working, and forward.

Here is another wonderful example.

Again we see longitudinal stripes formed
with rectangular "contact" in several
passages and large square recess.

From this picture, you can make a very

interesting hypothesis the stone melted in
large rectangular nozzles, and squares
this is trace of support on which moved
apparatus itself. In this case, nothing
prevents the support to be second

What they have achieved in this case.

There was a large shapeless lump, which
is a hindrance. The left edge melted,
right one flown down itself, formed an interesting boulder.

If you look on the right side of the stone it is clearly visible imprint of something flat. As if they put an 5/10
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uncured cement sheet of metal, and then removed. Apparently held flow ability or vice versa accelerated. Or
maybe "warmed up" the stone.

The next picture also suggests many

reflections. In general, about dating of
Sigiriya. Until now, there are disputes
about whether the brickwork was, which
is very much on the plateau made
simultaneously with megaliths or later. It
is believed that still later, at least,

Simply if at the same time and so well

preserved the brick, then one of two
things, either this is heavy-duty brick or
rock melted not long ago.

But in this case it seems that

simultaneously. What monolith partially
softened and he flowed this is clearly, but it partially flowed onto brickwork, having pressed several rows.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to see so it or not but the rock apparently took the form of rock masonry.

Of course, we can say that the stone was pretreated and then slipped brick but it seems that this has not been

The following image confirms this idea.

Here first for backup tore a piece of

stone from the monolithic rock below,
which, however, stayed with it one.
Then, between two rocks built a wall of
ordinary stone.

For greater reliability gently walked

along the edges with miracle machine
and overlap a bit the rock on the wall. It
is clear that such a structure will stand

You may ask, why in such technologies

to use broken stone. It's just a style of construction - maximum of efficiency at minimum cost. If in this place
it is possible to use such boulders, then so it will be. Most likely because of unnecessary scattered around
stone laid great wall and debris was removed and the task was completed.

Return to the rock garden, to a boulder, which we saw in the beginning. Let us look at it from the other side. 6/10
9/12/22, 7:25 AM How they softened the stone. Sigiriya. Part 1. Softening of the stone.

We can assume now that first with

longitudinal "nozzles", apparently more
potent in two rows in the middle upper
portion of the monolith softened. Then
with small square, perhaps, with
vibrators, brought it to a point at the
center, having gave sharp-nosed shape.

Apparently, the stone strongly protruding

and it had to be pressed a bit with small
rectangular nozzles.

This picture confirms once again that

masonry and megaliths were created at
the same time. Neighboring stone,
probably, did not need in treatment, it was civilized and laid with brickwork.

This is only a boulder from a different

perspective. It is clearly seen that the
stone just flowed like flow concrete
when it is exposed with vibrator.

Most likely, the longitudinal "nozzles"

just melted monolith, and the square ones
gave the desired shape with vibration.

And on this side perfectly clear that

flowed only the top layer and the bottom
part of the cliff remained unchanged.

The top layer looks as if it has just done,

and it is clear "enamel", on which even
the moss does not grow, and the lower part gradually destroyed. The same thing would have happened to all
of Lion Rock, if it did not cover with molten mass.

The following photo again shows that the boulders it is covered with melt like chocolate cake icing.

If you open a large image (click on photo) and to bring the stone in the background, you can see that on the
parent rock is also affected direct "attachment". Did it seems to melt dotek to the right place rocks below its
widest part. Now the water will drain, without destroying the monolith.

In the foreground, the block a little Patanjali, and the excess is simply pulled forward. Do shovel, when
interfering with the concrete. 7/10
9/12/22, 7:25 AM How they softened the stone. Sigiriya. Part 1. Softening of the stone.

Another remarkable instance, which has

all kinds of holes. Here we see a smaller,
but more correct square holes. They
obviously left another modification of
the tool and, as a rule, are located
separately, without explicit scheme.
Although in this case the small squares
are parallel to the great, but there are
other places of stone.

In this picture there is another interesting

point. Ladder large squares, rising to
mid-boulder, dropped, and then there is a
continuous gutter. The impression that
the ski-bearing he slid across the liquid

The following photo is just unique. The

fact that Sigiriya is a real Seid, exactly
the same, which are found on the Kola
Peninsula, Karelia and other areas. Only
this Seid huge. Monolith weighing at
least 2500 tons, delivered on props from
small stones.

On the left of the image, we just see

these stones, which relies on a huge
boulder. To backup has not gone out of
stone dumped here "car solution" and
propped them bearing support.

Very well seen, as viscous stone weight 8/10
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wrapped around the stones under the monolith. This photo takes all questions and unambiguously says that
the stone was liquid.

And finally another photo, just put you in

a stupor. The image is perfectly visible
that masonry is simply filled with liquid
rock. Here already I would not say that
the bricks were laid.

In this part, we looked at the objects, which, most likely, was treated with "rough" machine that can melt large
volumes, but not fitted to do fine things. Therefore, in the next part we will consider small architectural forms
Sigiriya, which were made with the help soften stone.

 All photos used in this article comes from website A. C. Koltypin

Author:  © Copying prohibited.


  How they softened the stone. Sigiriya. Part 2: Small architectural forms.

  How they softened the stone. Sigiriya. Part 3. Masonry.

  As theу soften the stone. Sigiriya. Part 4. "Throne Room".

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Freddie 11.03.2020 21:07:06

To whom it may concern, 9/10
9/12/22, 7:25 AM How they softened the stone. Sigiriya. Part 1. Softening of the stone.

I am asking permission to quote your work (properly cited and credited) in my upcoming article based around
Sri Lankan ancient history? I believe it would compliment my article greatly.

Thanks so much for your fantastic article, Freddie

undefined 04.04.2021 23:53:20
No problems. Just give a link to the source.

Гость 09.08.2019 15:05:10

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