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Read the messages again and complete the sentences

1Read the messages and choose the 2
correct answer. with one word.

Who is Harry? o William can't find his jacket

1 William went to Hasan's house to see his newv
A William's dad
B William's friend
2 The chair in Hasan's hall is made of
C William's brother
3 The black jacket is a ******
4 The black jacket is not Hasan's, it's not William's and it's
not Hasan's
Hi Hasan, 1can't find my jacket. Did I leave it 5 Hasan says that William can get his jacket in the
at your house yesterday afternoon when Harry
and I came to see your new scooter? lt's a soft 6 William thinks his will be happy
-***** *****************************

green jacket I wore it to walk to your house because his jacket is not lost.
andI put it over that big wooden chair in your
7 William wants to go to Hasan's at o'clock.
hal. I can't remermber if I wore it to walk homne
hope you've got it -it cost a lot!

Hi William, I have oot your jacket, yes. Ijust went to look

in the hall, and it was on the chair, as you thought. And
found another jacket on that chair. It's a black,
leather one. If's not mine and it's not my brother's. Do
you think it's Harry's? V'm not going out this evening.
So you can come and get your jacket then if you want to.

HiHasan, that's great. m soglad ft's there. My dad will be

foo-he bought it for me, 1 can come to your place at about
Six. Is that OK? 1 think that other jacket is Harry's. He was
wearing a black leather jacket when we walked to your
house. 1 can get it when I come to get mine-then 1'1l give
itto him tomorrow I'm going out for the day with his family
l callhim and tell him his jacket's at yours


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