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ENROLLMENTNO.: Q.k17.65.21..
ADDRESS: hi.,agasa

cOURSE TITLE: .. 213.Lng Braio asd Pt setng
coURSE CoDE: . SO13

PHONENO.: SL32.14h.7S.
EMAIL ID .AMgsisiaoca.Ramaik.tom



(a) Execute the following Linux commands and write its output.

(i) date (ii) history (iii) find

(iv) head (v) grep (vi) du


(i) date: Linux command is used to display the system date and time. "date" command is
also used to set date and time of the system.

(ii) history: Linux command is used to view the previously executed command.

(iii) find: It command in linux is a command line utility for walking a file hierarchy. It can be
used to find files and directories and perform subsequent operations on them.

(iv) head: First we will create a file using a Linux command. To create a new file, run the cat
command followed by the redirection operator > and the name of the file we want to
create. Press Enter type the text and once you are done press the CRTL+D to save the
The "head" command prints the first lines (10 lines by default) of one or more files or
piped data to standard output. Syntax:
Command | head <file name>

(v) grep: The ‘grep’ command stands for “global regular expression print”. Grep command
filters the content which makes our search easy.
command I grep <searchWord> <file name>
We have already created a file named dummy_file.txt (see the above command). So,
now we are going to search particular word or letter/s in the file dummy_file.txt using
grep command.

(vi) du: The "du" command is a standard Linux command that allows a user to gain disk
usage information quickly.

(b) Write commands to execute the following tasks:

(i) Examine files and displays whether the file contains data, text etc.
(ii) Show one line summary of system status.
(iii) Find out free space on disk.


(i) Command: cat

The cat command is used to:

• Display text file on screen

• Read text file

• Create a new text file

• File concatenation

• Modifying file

• Combining text files

• Combining binary files

(ii) Command: uptime

This command displays a one line summary showing the computer’s up time or since when has it
been turned on:

(iii) Command: df -h

The simplest way to find the free disk space on Linux is to use df command. The df command stands
for disk free and quite obviously, it shows you the free and available disk space on Linux systems.


With -h option, it shows the disk space in human-readable format (MB and GB).
(c) (i) Display the last 10 lines of a file.
(ii) List all the files stored in /sbin.
(iii) Write all the steps to add extra RAMs.


(i) To see the last 10 lines in a file, first we have to create a text file . Now, here we are
using cat command to create a text file " randomwords.txt "
To create a new file run the "cat" command followed by the redirection operator> and
the name of the file we want to create (in this case randomwords.txt). Press Enter type
the text and once you are done press the CRTL +D to save the files. Then to see the 10
lines of that file type the following command (Syntax: tail -10 <file name>).
Command: tail -10 randomwords.txt
(ii) Command: cd /sbin
Next command: ls

(iii) The swap file is a file in Hard disc that stores the RAM content on the time of swapping
page. Virtual memory (Virtual RAM) size depends upon the swap file size. To create the
swap file and allocate virtual RAM in Ubuntu uses the mkswap command. Step by step
commands to create virtual RAM is given below:
free -m
mkdir -p /var/swapmemory
cd /var/swapmemory
#Here, lM * 2000 ~= 2GB of swap memory
dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile bs=1M count=2000
mkswap swapfile
swapon swapfile
chmod 600 swapfile
echo "/var/swapmemory/swapfile none swap sw 0 0">> /etc/fstab
#cat /proc/meminfo

free -m
free -m is used to free the RAM by swapping pages from RAM into the swap file.

Q2: Create a Power Point Presentation on the important features of Windows OS (minimum 10

(i) All slides should follow the common design format

(ii) Add a video to at least one slide which can be run on full screen option

(iii) AII the slides should have timer based transition.

(iv) All the slides should have perform heading and slide notes.

(v) Each slide should have one image related to Windows operating system.

Creating a Power Point Presentation on the important features of Windows OS:-

Create the following formulas using superscript and subscript features:



Use the following shortcuts:

• Subscript: Ctrl + Plus/ ctrl + +

• Subscript: Ctrl + Plus/ ctrl + shift + +
To write superscript or subscript text, hit the shortcut key as mentioned above and continue typing
as normal. To type the formula A5B6C7 in MS PowerPoint, just type “[A + (CTRL + plus button) + 5]
<space bar> [B + (CTRL + SHIFT + plus button) + 6] <space bar> [C + (CTRL + plus button) + 7]”

Q3: Below are the details of percentage increase of prices of certain products. You are required to
create a spreadsheet in approximate format for the sample labels and data and create a formula for
a new price. Place the heading of the spreadsheet as "Increased cost of products" at the center.
Q4: Create a power point presentation, which should include the following details.

• All the slides should have proper heading and should have slide notes.
• Except the first slide, all the remaining slides should have common format.
• There should be a sound effect while moving from one slide to another slide.
• Add a video to at least one slide which can be run in play full screen option.


First Slide with different format than other slides. Slide Note and Heading added:
Video added to slide and can be run in PLAY FULL SCREEN. Slide Note and Heading added:

All other slides have common format except first slide. Slide Note and Heading added:
All other slides have common format except first slide. Slide Note and Heading added:

All other slides have common format except first slide. Slide Note and Heading added:
Transition sound effect added when moving from one slide to the other:

Q5 : As a lab instructor you are required to reschedule your practical classes on BCSL-013. You
are required to fix time slots for every batch, book a lab and other resource and inform students
and counselor through an email.

(i) Write all the options available in outlook to fulfill the scenario above.

(ii) Collaborate online (in-a group) through Google Docs or Yahoo group to create a
presentation on mobile OS. All the groups should work on the presentation simultaneously from
their respective computers.


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