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Project - I Details Group


Students Group :
Enrollment No. 1 : 206160307025 Student Name : Dev Sureshbhai Barot
Enrollment No. 2 : 206160307029 Student Name : Dalin Shaileshbhai Patel
Enrollment No. 3 : 206160307030 Student Name : Bit Dipakbhai Patel

Project Definition 1 : Car Rental management system

Basic Description about Project : Customers will be able to reserve their vehicles from anywhere in the world due to
the Car Rental System. Consumers provide information to this application by filling in their personal information. When a
consumer creates an account on the website, he or she can reserve a car. The proposed system is an online system that is
fully integrated. It effectively and efficiently automates manual procedures. Customers are aided by this automated method,
which allows them to fill in the specifics according to their needs. It contains information on the sort of car they want to
hire as well as the location. The goal of this system is to create a website where customers can book their automobiles and
request services from anywhere in the world.

Programming Language & Tools :

Programming Language :

Tools :
 My SQL
 Virtual studio code

Important Modules :

 Car Booking module : We can manage all the operations related to Car Booking from this module
 Cars module : This module is normally developed for managing the Cars operations
 Drivers module : All the operations realated to Drivers will be managed by Drivers
 Car Routes module : This module manages Car Routes functionalities
 Passengar Informations module : Passengar Informations modules performs all the create, read, update
and delete...

Sources lead to Project Definition : Objectives and Success Criteria of The Online Car Rental System.
The development in Information Technology and internet penetration has greatly improved various
corporate processes and communication between services providers and their customers of which the
car rental market is not left out.

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