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PASIVE VOICE A curriculum vitae is being written by Rudy

S + to be V3 + by….
b. Modal (can, shall, may, must, will, …)
Active: Passive:
A. Present Tense
Active: Passive: S + Modal V1+ … O + Modal + be V3 …

S + V1 + O O + is/am/are (not) V3 + by… Example:

Agus must follow the rules of the office (active)
Example: The rules of the office must be followed by Agus
Andy see the cute cat under the tree (active) (passive)
The cat under the tree is seen by Andy (passive)
c. (have, has, had)
B. Past Tense Active: Passive:
Active: Passive:
S + have/has V3… O + have/has + been V3
S + V2 + O O + was/were (not) V3 + had had
Example: Roni has finished the tasks. (active)
Julia took some pepper on the jar (active)
Some pepper on the jar were taken by Julia (passive) The tasks have been finished by Roni (passive)

C. Auxiliary
a. (is, am, are, was ,were)
Active: Passive:

S +is/am/are Ving+… O +is/am/are+ being V3..

was/were was/were

Rudy is writing a curriculum vitae (active)

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