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Refugees in Europe

Are you against the acceptance of many refugees in Europe?

I am in favor of the acceptance of many refugees in Europe.
I think that many refugees should be accepted in Europe because, first of
all, they are human and have rights like all of us.
Many refugees do not have the essential conditions for a normal life, they
often violate their human rights in the countries where they live.
The refugees leave their country in search of international protection,
these people flee from wars, armed conflicts, and political or religious
Therefore, we must accept them. Above all, one day we may need help
from another country.
Last but not least, in the universal declaration of human rights in article
fourteen it says the following: “Everyone has the right to apply for and
enjoy asylum in other countries against asylum against persecution”, that
is, whoever seeks a country in seeking protection.
In short, all humans have rights, and, once violated, we are depriving
people of being free and enjoying their rights. Anyway, if there is someone
who needs the help of others because the politics of their country is not
the most correct, suffered abuse of their rights as a human being, who is
fleeing armed conflicts and the like, we must help them as much as
possible because it is our duty.

Juliana Dantas nº9 10ºA

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