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Sara Saeed

Eng 225

October 13

My Room

            My room, which I consider as my comfort zone, has uncomplicated design. On the left

side of the door, you can see a light brown board. It is for hanging pictures, notes, and tasks.

Next to the board there is my bed. It has heavy brown blanket with white decorate on it. Beside

the bed in the corner, my beautiful white desk located. Where I can study, watch, or read.

Against my desk, there is my vintage tall closet with a mirror on the front of it. Toward my

closet there is a simple big vase. Between my closet and vase there is a mid-refrigerator. I put

snacks and drinks inside it. There is a box above the refrigerator has old CDs, and random stuff.

This is how my humble room arranged.

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