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All kids over 10 should have a mobile phone (pro)

Ahmad Alfaidh Nasution (210204110097)


1. Use gadgets on children have an impact positive for children's motoric and cognitive
2. the use of gadgets can also be used for entertainment and training the spirit of
competition in children.
3. the use of gadgets can be used to help kids expand their knowledge in learning
4. the main function of the gadget is a means of communication between one person and
5. Gadgets can make children's imagination develop to create something new
6. gadgets can help children in doing the tasks given by the teacher

conclusion: Gadgets have many benefits and as well as a negative impact on users,
gadgets become an interesting thing for children because it has a variety of features
equipped with color, image and sound which can attract children's attention. Child can
use gadgets to play games, watch youtube videos and learn. Problems from using gadgets
can be experienced by children because of their parents less supportive its use and maybe
not understand the impact that will generated from gadgets

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