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1. What other title would you give this video? ¿ Why?

The other title is technology development because In the video describe four waves of the
technology, first personal computer, second smart phones, Third all electronic device and it
can connect to the internet. Finally, The concept IoT is about connecting just everything to the
internet in in real time.

2. What do you think of the development of technology in the world?

The development of technology is very import because It improves the quality of life and could
be way more exciting

The technology could make the life easy for example with self drive tractor, automatic
temperature control, car self drive, irrigation system

3. Do you think people’s lives improve with the 4 th wave “Internet of everything” ?

Yes sensors will allow us to be connected with everything at any time

The concept IoT is about connecting just everything to the internet in in real time.

4. Would you like your car park itself automatically or with your voice control all home
appliances? ¿ Why?

Yes, I would because I think the life will be more easy and the people could be exited
to experience a smart future.

5. What is the message that this video leaves you?

The messages is The development of technology is in all sectors such as health, education, car

And The technology is of great importance for society because it facilitates the survival of
people and allows comfort or tranquility.

6. Consider that this development could be harmful to human health! Explain.

Not I think the development is positive because technological development helps people to
have a better life

Implanting sensors will allow us to be connected with everything at any time.

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