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PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 01

Practice makes perfect Section: Word formation

Collected by DDH Time: 40 minutes, including 32 questions

Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

For questions 1-8, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of
the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the
beginning (0). Write your answers in CAPITAL LETTERS.
Example: 0. significantly
The upper layers of Earth's oceans have cooled (0. signify) ................. over the past two
years, even though the planet as a whole is warming up. While this may just be part of the
natural (1. vary) ................................. of oceans, climatologists are still confounded by the
massive unaccountable loss of heat. Scientists have been (2. increase) ............... concerned by
rising sea temperatures over the last 50 years but these new (3. find) ................................. tell a
different story. Generally speaking, the (4. absorb) ............................. of heat by the oceans
reduces atmospheric warming. Now (5. measure) ................ taken by the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration have put a wrinkle in the trend. The researchers used data from
3000 floating buoys which monitor the oceans (6. world) .................................. They found that
the oceans dropped in temperature by an (7. believe) .................. 0.02 degrees centigrade between
2011 and 2013. Now, that may not seem like much, but trying to account for the missing energy
is proving to be enormously (8. problem) ............... lt is possible that volcanic eruptions are one
main cause of the phenomenon, but no firm answers have yet been provided.

For questions 9-16, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the
lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning
(0). Write your answers in CAPITAL LETTERS.
Example: 0. preparation
JOB HUMOUR: How to get away with doing nothing at work
Avoiding work is fast becoming an art form. Looking busy and achieving nothing takes skill and
(0. prepare) ........................... So if you've ever been caught out by your boss, here's an (9. fail)
........................... way to make sure it doesn't happen again. The secret to spending time doing
nothing, is to be able to lie with (10. convince) ........................... and the kind of (11. enthuse)
........................... that suggests that nothing would give you more (12. please) ...........................
than to explain what you are doing in the utmost detail. Now, this is the clever bit. Be sure that
your explanation is completely (13. comprehend) ........................... by using as much technical
jargon as you can until your questioner runs off in either boredom or total (14. confuse)
........................... You need to have in your mind an (15. end) ........................... list of jobs that just
have to be done today, but of course, in reality, don't actually exist. Then, if you think that your
boss is getting (16. suspect) ........................... change your activity to another equally time-
wasting one.

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For questions 17-24, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of
some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at
the beginning (0). Write your answers in CAPITAL LETTERS.
Example: 0. footsteps
Follow in the (0. feet) ................................. of the pioneering traders to experience one of the
world's most (17. spectacle) ................................. overland journeys. This route goes through
harsh deserts and up into mountainous lands. A greater variety of landscapes would be difficult
to find. Although the silk road is strictly a land-based route, it is worth making an (18. expect)
................................. in Cappadocia as this area is firmly established as one of the prime hot-air
balloon destinations in the world because of its (19. favour) ................. wind conditions and
agreeable geography. The bird's eye views of the valleys are (20. forget) ................... and the skill
of the balloonists is breathtaking. In theory you can now travel the entire silk route by train but
in (21. real) ................. few foreign visitors use trains outside of China because they are slow and
(22. rely) ..................
Some intrepid travellers take the brave decision to do the route by cycling. One advantage of this
is that you can stop whenever you like and enjoy your surroundings. There are however,
drawbacks to cycling, not least the fact that it can be very (23. comfort) ................. on some of the
rough tracks and bumpy roads! Bizarre as it may seem, it is actually (24. legal) ................. to
have more than one person on a bike in China, so think twice before deciding to ride a tandem
with a friend!

For questions 25-32, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of
some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at
the beginning (0). Write your answers in CAPITAL LETTERS.
Example: 0. invitations
Dress down Fridays, emailed (0. invite) ................................ and texting your boss - British
society is (25. appear) ................................ loosening up and the famous British etiquette is fast
eroding. Jeans are (26. accept) ................................ in many smart restaurants and casual buffets
have started to replace three-course dinner parties. Increased (27. formal) ................................
might, for some, be a sign of national liberation, but for others, it could be a cause of anxiety. It
might be that it is an (28. indicate) ................................ that the stiff-upper-lip Brits are finally
responding to fast-forward, modern, multi-cultural life by becoming less inhibited.
However, while we are social creatures, we are also (29. ritual) ................................ Over the
years we have evolved certain social codes for our (30. interact) ................................ with others.
We create little boxes around ourselves to make us feel secure. But for some, this new era is one
of despair where standards of presentation have slipped and common (31. courteous)
................................ is fast disappearing. People who hold this belief try to rationalise their
resistance by saying it amounts to (32. lazy) ................................, ignorance or loss of respect.

--- THE END ---

TOTAL: …… / 32
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Page 3 of 66
PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 02
Practice makes perfect Section: Word formation
Collected by DDH Time: 40 minutes, including 32 questions

Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

For questions 1-8, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of
the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the
beginning (0). Write your answers in CAPITAL LETTERS.
Example: 0. geographical
Of all our planet's (0. geography) ............................... features, the ocean is probably the
most schizophrenic. In one moment it can be a source of (1. serene) ............................... and
comfort, in the next a capricious and threatening force that unleashes a barrage of unimaginable
power onto coastlines. It is this (2. predict) ............................... that attracts photographer Philip
Plisson to the world's waters, prompting him to live his life travelling the seas. He has produced
a book, The Sea, and has now (3. wide) ............................... his lens to provide more global focus
in The Ocean. In nearly 200 images taken in more than 50 countries, the book celebrates
Plisson's (4. fascinate) ............................... for the variety and beauty of the sea. He honours the
sea through his lens and tries to raise (5. aware) ............................... of its importance to the
survival of the planet. 60% of the world's population lives on a (6. coast) ............................... strip
that is 60km wide. By 2025, 75% will be living on the same strip, but it will be 75% of 8 billion
instead of the present 6 billion. Images of extravagant reclamation projects like 'The Palm' and
'The World' in Dubai point towards man's attempts to defy nature and expand the coastline for
further (7. urban) ................................ Through Plisson's extraordinary photographs, it is the
portrayal of the ocean's simultaneous power and (8. fragile) ............................... that makes this
book so enthralling.

For questions 9-16, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some
of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the
beginning (0). Write your answers in CAPITAL LETTERS.
Example: 0. remarkable
If you have a spare afternoon why not take the kids to visit the (0. remark) ................... Rosslyn
Chapel? This must surely be one of Britain's most (9. ordinary) .................... buildings. If you
were shown pictures of it without any clues to its (10. locate) ............................., you might guess
it to be somewhere like Moldavia or Transylvania. In fact, it is just outside Edinburgh. The
chapel and the neighbouring village of Rosslyn are both quite stunning; in fact, the whole area is
generally very (11. picture) .................................. Nearly the entire surface of the chapel's
stonework is carved with flowers or stars and another (12. idiosyncracy) ................. feature of the
chapel is that although most of the design of the chapel is Gothic, the aisles are similar to
architecture found in Babylon or Egypt. The chapel's 15th-century builder, St Clair Prince of
Orkney, believed that he was (13. essential) ..................... buying his way into heaven by creating
such an exquisite chapel. He was famous for his (14. perfect) ........................ but this in itself
created problems. Because everything had to be exactly as he dreamed it should be it was (15.
real) ....................... of him to expect the work to be finished in his lifetime. The chapel is now
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considered to be a local treasure and a charitable trust was set up in 1996 to oversee and fund its
(16. go) ................................ restoration.

For questions 17-24, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of
some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at
the beginning (0). Write your answers in CAPITAL LETTERS.
Example: 0. cravings
Are you a chocoholic or a fast food addict? Don't blame yourself - certain foods can trigger an
eating binge, but there are ways to control the (0. crave) ......................... Even if you're a fairly
disciplined eater, there are sure to be foods you'll have no (17. resist) ......................... to. For
some it's a bar of chocolate, for others a burger. You probably think there's no one to blame but
your weak-willed self. But the reassuring truth is that when it comes to controlling your junk
food intake, the odds are heavily stacked against you. High-fat, high-sugar foods can act like an
(18. addict) ......................... drug, making us crave even more of the same. In the States, where
(19. obese) ......................... rates are reaching epidemic proportions, there's even a group called
Junk Food Anonymous, which aims to help people recover from their (20. depend)
......................... on synthetic or refined food. Fat is often added to food to make it more palatable
so it's a good way of making (21. expense) ........................., bland food seem tastier. Another
reason certain foods are so (22. resist) ......................... is that they have a very real effect on our
mood, making us feel more relaxed. Our eating habits develop when we are young and as we
move into adulthood the chocolate that we were rewarded with as a young child becomes a guilty
(23. indulge) .......................... We might feel we've earned the right to treat ourselves after a hard
day at work, for example. Past (24. associate) ......................... can reinforce bad eating habits
that are difficult to break free from.

For questions 25-32, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of
some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at
the beginning (0). Write your answers in CAPITAL LETTERS.
Example: 0. civilisation
The wheel might seem to be the most simple invention, but it did not occur to every (0. civil)
.......................... to invent one and it surely has to be the greatest invention. Look around - the
wheel is everywhere in our modern world. It's (25. satisfy) .......................... simple, aesthetically
perfect and arguably the most useful thing in the world. What great moment of (26. reveal)
.......................... happened to bring us this gift? it should really have been invented much earlier
than it was. If you consider the (27. end) .......................... opportunities man had to witness fallen
trees rolling downhill, man was (28. remark) .......................... slow at catching on to the potential
of roundness and gravity. The Mayas, the Aztecs and the lncas all achieved great things without
the wheel. They must have just run a lot and were undoubtedly all the healthier for it. Sledges,
usually pulled by humans, (29. trace) .......................... to the Stone Age, were quite enough for
them. The wheel came later in human (30. develop) .......................... than most of us think. Once
it did arrive there were many (31. refine) .......................... made to it as man realised that the
possibilities of the wheel were vast and this (32. aware) .......................... spurred him on to
greater things.
--- THE END ---
Page 5 of 66
1 serenity
2 unpredictability
3 widened
4 fascination
5 awareness
6 coastal
7 urbanisation / urbanization
8 fragility
9 extraordinary
10 location
11 picturesque
12 idiosyncratic
13 essentially
14 perfectionism
15 unrealistic
16 ongoing
17 resistance
18 additive
19 obesity
20 dependence / dependency
21 inexpensive
22 irresistible
23 indulgence
24 associations
25 satisfyingly
26 revelation
27 endless
28 remarkably
29 traceable
30 development
31 refinements
32 awareness

Page 6 of 66
PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 03
Practice makes perfect Section: Word formation
Collected by DDH Time: 30 minutes, including 26 questions

Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

For questions 1-8, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of
the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the
beginning (0). Write your answers in CAPITAL LETTERS.
Example: 0. activism

Two broad themes run in bicycle (0. active) ..........................: one more overtly political with
roots in the (1. environment) ............... movement; the other drawing on the traditions of the
established bicycle lobby. Such groups promote the bicycle as a (2. real) ............... mode of
transport and emphasize the potential for energy and resource conservation and health benefits
gained from cycling versus automobile use. Due to (3. precede) ............... interest in cycling,
many cities also have community bicycle programs that promote cycling, (4. particular) ...............
as a means of inner-city transport.
Controversially, some bicycle activists seek the construction of segregated cycle facilities
for journeys of all lengths. Other activists, (5. special) ............... those from the more established
tradition, view the safety, (6. practical) ..............., and intent of many segregated cycle facilities
with suspicion. In some cases this (7. oppose) ............... has a more ideological basis: some
members of the Vehicular Cycling movement oppose segregated public facilities, such as on-
street bike lanes, on principle. Some groups offer training courses to help cyclists integrate
themselves with other traffic. This is part of the (8. go) ............... cycle path debate.

For questions 9-16, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some
of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the
beginning (0). Write your answers in CAPITAL LETTERS.
Example: 0. protection
The major rationale cited for smoking bans is the (0. protect) ............................. of workers,
in particular, from the harmful effects of second-hand smoke, which include an increased risk of
heart disease, cancer, emphysema and other chronic and acute diseases. Laws implementing
bans on indoor smoking have been introduced by many countries in (9. vary) .............................
forms over the years, with legislators citing scientific evidence that shows tobacco smoking is
often (10. harm) ............................. to the smokers themselves and to those inhaling second-hand
Such laws may reduce health care costs in the short term but do not account for the
increased health care cost of an ever ageing population. However, consequent improvements in
worker productivity and lower overall labour costs make the "smoke-free" community more (11.
attract) ............................. for bringing new jobs into the area and keeping current jobs and
employers there. In Indiana, USA, for example, the state's economic development agency wrote
into its plan for (12. accelerate) ............................. of economic growth that it encourages cities
and towns to adopt local smoke-free workplace laws as a means of promoting job growth in
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communities. (13. add) ............................. rationales for smoking restrictions include: reduced
risk of fire in areas with (14. explode) ............................. hazards or where (15. flame)
............................. materials are handled and cleanliness in places where food or
pharmaceuticals, semiconductors or precision instruments and machinery are produced. Also,
the cancellation of many previously (16. enjoy ............................. events due to rising insurance

For questions 17-26, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of
some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at
the beginning (0). Write your answers in CAPITAL LETTERS.
Example: 0. founder
Sigmund Freud is regarded as the (0. found) …………………... of psychoanalysis. His work
has been (17. influence) …………………... in many areas but he is perhaps best known for
having drawn our (18. attend) …………………... to dreams, which he believed were clues to inner
conflicts. The fact that a dream is (19. essential) …………………... a disguised expression of what
is happening in the unconscious mind means that it is difficult for the dreamer to understand its
(20. signify) …………………... Freud believed that the sleeping mind resorted to a whole range of
unconscious wishes in forms which would prevent the dreamer from having any (21. aware)
…………………... of their true nature. In Freud's view, interpreting the meaning of the dream
required a psychoanalyst with an expert (22. know) …………………... of how dreams disguise
desires. The psychoanalyst's lack of personal (23. involve) …………………... in the dream would
enable him to see the dream objectively.
According to Freud, dreams use a (24. mystery) …………………... symbolic language quite
different from that of waking life, but the fact is there is no hard (25. evident) …………………...
for believing that dreams really do reflect our unconscious wishes. Nevertheless, Freud (26.
doubt) …………………... made a major contribution to twentieth-century thought and many
useful insights into psychological processes have been gained through his work.

--- THE END ---

TOTAL: …… / 26
Page 8 of 66
1 environmental
2 realistic
3 unprecedented
4 particularly
5 especially
6 practicality
7 opposition
8 ongoing
9 various
10 harmful
11 attractive
12 acceleration
13 additional
14 explosive
15 flammable
16 enjoyable
17 influential
18 attention
19 essentially
20 significance
21 awareness
22 knowledge
23 involvement
24 mysterious
25 evidence
26 doubtless (adv) / undoubtedly

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PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 04
Practice makes perfect Section: Word formation
Collected by DDH Time: 35 minutes, including 30 questions

Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

For questions 1-10, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some
of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the
beginning (0). Write your answers in CAPITAL LETTERS.
Example: 0. flight
A live broadcast of any public event, such as a space (0. fly) …………… or sporting
occasion, is almost (1. variable) …………… accompanied by the thoughts of a commentator. This
may be on television, along with the relevant pictures, or (2. alternate) …………… on radio. The
technique involved differs between the two media, with radio broadcasters needing to be more
explicit and (3. describe) …………… because of the (4. absent) …………… of visual information.
TV commentators do not need to paint a picture for their audience; instead their various (5.
observe) …………… should add to the images that are already there. There will sometimes be
silences and pauses in TV commentary, although these are becoming increasingly rare. Both
types of commentator should try to be informative, but should avoid sounding (6. opinion)
In sports commentary, (7. fair) …………… and impartiality to both sides is vital, but
spontaneity and (8. enthuse) …………… are valued by those watching or listening. Sports
commentators usually broadcast live in an essentially unscripted way, although they may refer
to previously prepared materials such as sports statistics. Because of the (9. predict) ……………
nature of live events, thorough preparation in advance is vital. The internet has helped
enormously with this aspect of the job. Anyone interested in becoming a commentator should
have excellent organisational skills, the willingness to work (10. regular) …………… hours and a
strong voice.

For questions 11-20, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some
of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the
beginning (0). Write your answers in CAPITAL LETTERS.
Example: 0. independent

Lesotho is a small (0. depend) …………… nation in the middle of southern Africa. The (11. king)
…………… of Lesotho lies more than 1,000 metres above sea level. With its wild (12. spoil)
…………… landscapes, it is a paradise for nature lovers and outdoor (13. enthuse) ……………,
and also offers the opportunity for visitors to gain (14. practice) …………… experience of African
culture. This is particularly true in the rural areas, where the distinctive and (15. colour)
…………… traditions of the country are still very much alive.
Volunteers are now needed for two related projects for a community based organisation in
the Maletsunyane gorge, a remote and spectacular region in the highlands of Lesotho. One
project will involve improving the (16. hazard) …………… track used by both visitors and locals
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to reach the base of a waterfall in the gorge. For the second project, volunteers are needed to (17.
take) …………… a biodiversity survey of the region. (18. fortunate) ……………, much of this area
is suffering from overgrazing, hunting and other activities which threaten the (19. sustain)
…………… of the land.
Volunteers will be accommodated in shared rooms. There is a communal kitchen, and also a
chance to experience the local restaurants. Special dietary (20. require) …………… can be
provided for if advance notice is given.

For questions 21-30, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some
of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the
beginning (0). Write your answers in CAPITAL LETTERS.
Example: 0. western
The familiar (0. west) …………… system of notation - writing down music using symbols -
has taken thousands of years to develop. In ancient times, elaborate music was in (21. exist)
……………, even though it was never written down. Eventually, however, (22. civilise)
…………… felt the need to record their music, and so the search began for a system of symbols
that could (23. rely) …………… denote the exact pitch of the note to be sung or played, and at the
same time tell the (24. perform) …………… how long that note should be held.
The ancient Greeks and Romans did this by using their alphabetical letters in a (25. vary)
…………… of ways, but the slow development of notation could not keep pace with (26. increase)
…………… complex musical developments. The 13th century saw the introduction of colours to
represent more complex note values. With the invention of printing in the 15th century, the
writing of notes was (27. standard) …………… to black and white and the number of lines
became fixed at five. By the middle of the 18th century, musical notation had settled down to its
modern usage.
The main (28. add) …………… to this system has been the adoption of expression marks,
which multiplied (29. signify) …………… in the 19th century. These convey the composer's
intentions as regards speed, (30. intense) …………… and so on, to the player or singer.

--- THE END ---

TOTAL: …… / 30
Page 11 of 66
1 invariably
2 alternatively
3 descriptive
4 absence
5 observations
6 opinionated
7 fairness
8 enthusiasm
9 unpredictable
10 irregular
11 kingdom
12 unspoilt / unspoiled
13 enthusiasts
14 practical
15 colorful / colourful
16 hazardous
17 undertake
18 unfortunately
19 sustainability
20 requirements
21 existence
22 civilisations / civilizations
23 reliably
24 performer(s)
25 variety
26 increasingly
27 standardized / standardised
28 addition
29 significantly
30 intensity

Page 12 of 66
PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 05
Practice makes perfect Section: Word formation
Collected by DDH Time: 35 minutes, including 30 questions

Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

For questions 1-10, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some
of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the
beginning (0). Write your answers in CAPITAL LETTERS.
Example: 0. straightforward
Skiing is one of the most (0. straight) …………… forms of exercise there is. It offers the
participant, whether a novice or an old hand at the sport, a great deal of excitement and (1.
please) …………… plus lots of fresh air. But skiing does have its various (2. advantage)
…………… When it comes to guaranteeing a profitable day's downhill skiing, there are two
essential ingredients. You need hills, or (3. prefer) …………… mountains, in order to get the
most out of this (4. pursue) …………… then you need a fairly generous covering of snow. (5.
fortunate) ……………, there are usually snow machines to supplement any natural (6. deficient)
…………… in the supply of this second (7. require) ……………, and help may now be at hand too
for those lacking in the first, through the sport of snow-kiting.
Snow-kiting is a wintry offshoot of kite-surfing, an established watersport. By harnessing
their skis to an inflated kite, snow-kiters can move at speed across even the very flattest of
landscapes. All they need is a (8. reason) …………… wind, then they can enjoy all the
exhilaration of a fast downhill ski run. In fact, partly because of (9. hazard) …………… objects
such as electricity pylons and trees, the best location for snow-kiting is not a ski resort at all -
but a vast (10. interrupt) …………… plain. Skiing may never be the same again.

For questions 11-20, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some
of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the
beginning (0). Write your answers in CAPITAL LETTERS.
Example: 0. companion
On holiday last year my two travelling (0. company) …………… and I joined a day's cookery
course in a Mexican restaurant. There were eight (11. participate) …………… all keen to learn
the secrets of the nation's cuisine. The students ranged from people who already had some (12.
expert) …………… in the kitchen, to totally (13. skill) …………… people like myself.
Our teacher, Llana Cabrera, started with a short talk, then handed out some notos giving (14.
explain) …………… of terms we'd be coming across. Soon we were trying out a range of exotic
ingredients, with (15. surprise) …………… good results. Cabrera started giving cookery lessons
five years ago, and has become quite a (16. celebrate) ……………, with long waiting lists for her
courses. And because of her extensive knowledge of almost forgotten regional dishes she is also a
regular (17. contribute) …………… to cookery programmes on national television.
In the afternoon I joined the salsa-making team, with rather (18. disaster) …………… results.
My colleagues complained that my food was so (19. pain) …………… hot it made their mouth
water. Their own efforts turned out (20. consider) …………… better than mine. The communal
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meal at the end of the day was delicious, and I'd not only learnt something about cooking, but I'd
also broadened my understanding of Mexican culture.

For questions 21-30, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some
of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the
beginning (0). Write your answers in CAPITAL LETTERS.
Example: 0. archaeologist
The Norwegian explorer and (0. archaeology) ……………, Thor Heyerdahl, accomplished
many things during his life but his name has become (21. separable) ……………linked with the
Kon-Tikivoyage. In 1937, while doing research in the western Pacific, Heyerdahl became (22.
increase) ……………interested in how the Polynesian Islands had become populated. He made
the observation that ocean currents flowed across the Pacific from east to west. Since there were
cultural (23. similar) ……………to be found on either side of this ocean, he was convinced that
South Americans had sailed westwards to populate these islands before the eleventh century.
The (24. centre) ……………argument against Heyerdahl's theory was lack of evidence
that, at that time, boats existed with the (25. capable) ……………to cross such an (26. expand)
……………of ocean. So a determined Heyerdahl built a primitive raft of balsa wood, named it
Kon-Tiki, and on April 28th, 1947, left Peru with a crew of five. Moved along by the ocean
currents, the fragile raft Kon-Tiki sailed a steady 70 kilometres a day.
Despite heavy storms, failure never crossed the crew's minds. After 97 days, they caught
(27. see) ……………of one of the islands. However, due to unusually high winds they could not
land and realising that a roof presented an (28. avoid) ……………obstacle, they prepared for the
inevitable (29. collide) ……………Amazingly, they all survived the crash, and Heyerdahl had his
(30. prove) ……………

--- THE END ---

TOTAL: …… / 30
Page 14 of 66
1 pleasure
2 disadvantages
3 preferably
4 pursuit
5 Fortunately
6 deficiency/deficiencies
7 requirement
8 reasonable
9 hazardous
10 uninterrupted
11 participants
12 expertise
13 unskilled
14 explanations
15 surprisingly
16 celebrity
17 contributor
18 disastrous
19 painfully
20 considerably
21 inseparably
22 increasingly
23 similarities
24 central
25 capability
26 expanse
27 sight
28 unavoidable
29 collision
30 proof

Page 15 of 66
PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 06
Practice makes perfect Section: Word formation
Collected by DDH Time: 40 minutes, including 32 questions

Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

For questions 1-8, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of
the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.
Anyone taking the trouble to look (1. up) ………… on a clear moonlit night cannot fail to
be moved by the sight of our sister planet hanging up there in the sky like a silver ball casting
(2. ghost) ………… shadows on the Earth below. Few (3. animate) ………… objects can have had
such an influence over religion and the arts. And never is the Moon's visual impact more (4.
impress) ………… than when it is full and just above the distant horizon. Under these
conditions, the apparent (5. proximate) ………… of the lunar disc to familiar terrestrial objects
makes the Moon appear to be very much larger and closer than normal. But the fact that our (6.
aid) ………… eyes still cannot discern more than just a few dark blotches on its surface
demonstrates that this effect must indeed be just an (7. optics) ………… illusion. The light from
the Moon cannot really become (8. intense ………… as it passes at a grazing angle through our

For questions 9-16, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some
of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.
The nursery industry is literally a growing industry. It produces billions of plants every
year, making (9. stand) ………… contributions to the forestry, vegetable, fruit, landscape, cut
flower and parks industries. There will always be a demand for plants and, in turn, there will be
a need for nurseries. Throughout the world, nurseries come in all types and sizes. Many are
small family businesses, sometimes just a small hobby business to (10. supply) ………… the
family's normal source of income. At the other end of the scale are large (11. merchant) …………
enterprises that employ dozens of people and grow millions of plants. No matter what size, a
nursery always needs good management if it is to be (12. finance) ………… viable. This aims to
show how to make a difference to the financial viability of any nursery (13. respect) ………… of
size and type. Nursery (14. credit) ………… schemes are an important new development in both
the production and retail sectors. The schemes operate in many countries, with the aim of
raising the status and (15. profess) ………… of the nursery industry. The programs differ in their
(16. technology) ………… focus and assessment procedures.

For questions 17-24, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of
some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.
The twentieth century witnessed a (17. moment) ………… change in the relationship between
science and society. In World War I scientists were conscripted and died in the trenches. In
Page 16 of 66
World War II they were exempted as national treasures and committed to (18. secret) …………,
and they rallied behind their country's war effort. The explanation of the change is not hard to
find - governments came to believe that (19. theory) ………… research can produce practical
improvements in industry, agriculture, and medicine. The belief was firmly (20. force) …………
by developments such as the discovery of antibiotics and the (21. apply) ………… of nuclear
physics to the production of atomic weapons. Science became so identified with practical benefits
that the dependence of technology on science is (22. common) ………… assumed to be a (23. time)
………… relationship and a single enterprise. Science and technology, research and development
- there are assumed to be almost (24. separate) ………… twins. These rank among the sacred
phrases of our time. The belief in the coupling of science and technology is now petrified in the
dictionary definition of technology as applied science.

For questions 25-32, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of
some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.
The idea of flight is nearly as old as human imagination. Inspired by birds and religion, (25.
virtue) ………… every epoch of recorded human history includes references to flight in its art,
history, music, and literature. The ancient Egyptians (26. worth) ………… winged gods, the
Greeks (27. count) ………… the legend of Icarus's risky business, and formidable Teutonic
maidens celebrated the ride of the Valkyries in song. Despite all of that, ancient civilizations left
almost no credible records of attempts to actually achieve mechanical powered flight. The (28.
expect) ………… are few and far between . In about 400 B.C. , the misty (29. history) …………
figure of Archytas of Tarantum may have built and flown a wooden dove powered by a steam jet.
Armin Firmen, an Arab savant, actually attempted a flight at Cordoba, Spain, in 852. Four
centuries later, Roger Bacon, an English Franciscan friar, made vague (30. refer) ………… in his
writings to an ornithopter, a man-powered machine that duplicated the flapping motion of birds.
However, since human muscles are not strong enough to (31. able) ………… a man to fly, that
contraption was doomed to failure. Others who replicated his machine in one form or another
achieved equally (32. satisfy) ………… results.

--- THE END ---

TOTAL: …… / 32
Page 17 of 66
1 upwards | upward 2 ghostly 3 inanimate 4 impressive
5 proximity 6 unaided 7 optical 8 intensified
9 outstanding 10 supplement 11 mercenary 12 financially
13 irrespective 14 accreditation 15 professionalism 16 technological
17 momentous 18 secrecy 19 theoretical 20 reinforced
21 application 22 commonly 23 timeless 24 inseparable
25 virtually 26 worshipped 27 recounted 28 exceptions
29 historical 30 references 31 enable 32 unsatisfactory

Page 18 of 66
PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 07
Practice makes perfect Section: Word formation
Collected by DDH Time: 40 minutes, including 50 questions

Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

1. On our _________________ we were greeted by the head of the department. (ARRIVE)

2. He bowed to us with elaborate _________________ (COURTEOUS)

3. A person with an _________________ complex is generally quite shy. (INFERIOR)

4. This has been an unusually _________________ remark for you. (COMPLIMENT)

5. The injured men were carried to the ambulance on _________________ (STRETCH)

6. Do you happen to know the _________________ of Ben Nevis ? (HIGH)

7. It is amazing how _________________ she looks at her age! (YOUTH)

8. We had an _________________ day boating on the lake. (ENJOY)

9. Snow lasts longer in _________________ regions. (MOUNTAIN)

10. He proved so stubborn that it seemed _________________ to me to insist. (POINT)

11. He is very anxious about his son’s _________________ of memory. (LOSE)

12. He was caught _________________ making faces at himself in the mirror. (AWARE)

13. Her faith in the power of God is _________________ (QUESTION)

14. All of us burst into _________________ at his joke. (LAUGH)

15. The results of the test were quite different from our _________________ (EXPECT)

16. It is absolutely dishonest and _________________ to cheat your parents. (HONOUR)

17. The professor’s explanation was out of my _________________ (DEEP)

18. I felt _________________ under the circumstances. (POWER)

19. Lots of Americans _________________ to fight in World War I in Europe. (VOLUNTARY)

20. Romanian cuisine offers a great _________________ of dishes. (VARY)

21. Is this money _________________ for your expenses ? (SUFFICE)

22. He proved to be a very _________________. man as Chair of the committee. (ENERGY)

23. I wonder what they expect from this _________________ (INVEST)

Page 19 of 66
24. The animals appeared _________________ when the flames surrounded them. (CONTROL)

25. This _________________ has written an outstanding book about family life. (SOCIOLOGY)

26. I can’ t understand his attitude ; it is absolutely _________________ (EXPLAIN)

27. He behaved rather _________________ under the circumstances. (SUSPECT)

28. What possibilities of _________________ would you recommend in your town ? (ENTERTAIN)

29. Lots of people go abroad in _________________ of work. (PURSUE)

30. Practising any sport definitely makes you _________________ (MUSCLE)

31. I felt she was _________________ of me in spite of her smile. (ENVY)

32. Sometimes all these _________________ turn out to be rather boring. (FORMAL)

33. On the 4th of July _________________ people watched the fireworks. (COUNT)

34. I need _________________ that he will really recover. (REASSURE)

35. You can never guess what she wants ; she is so _________________ (CHANGE)

36. You have been cheated : these stamps are _________________ . (WORTH)

37. I’m glad you have so _________________ explained things to her. (TACT)

38. Summing up : nine votes in favour, two against and four _________________ (ABSTAIN)

39. You’ll put on _________________ if you keep eating so many sweets. (WEIGH)

40. You have to do a lot of special exercise to _________________ your muscles. (STRONG)

41. Goat milk is believed to be very _________________ (NUTRIMENT)

42. He is highly thought of for his _________________ mind. (INVENT)

43. This kind of work requires _________________ (PRECISE)

44. I can’t recognize you ; you’re reacting like an _________________ (AUTOMATIC)

45. I’m not very sure about the _________________ of the room. (LONG)

46. There was _________________ in her voice and it was encouraging. (CERTAIN)

47. She resented having to make a _________________ . (CHOOSE)

48. Her boss can’t help shouting at her for being such a poor _________________ (TYPE)

49. What are your _________________ about her ? (FEEL)

50. She is trembling with _________________ at tomorrow’s prospects. (ANXIOUS)

Page 20 of 66
PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 08
Practice makes perfect Section: Word formation
Collected by DDH Time: 40 minutes, including 50 questions

Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

51. These _________________ neighbours of ours have made another complaint ! (CURSE)

52. Her interview was _________________ to Vogue. (EXCLUDE)

53. One needs _________________ friends when one is in trouble. (RELY)

54. She _________________ tiptoed across the room for fear they might hear her. (CAUTION)

55. My spirits rose at the _________________ of her voice. (WARM)

56. Because of the excessive speed the tyres lost their _________________ (ADHERE)

57. Daily _________________ of classes is desirable, if not compulsory. (ATTEND)

58. Your _________________ on the eve of the exam meant a lot. (COURAGE)

59. The _________________ retreat helped them survive. (SPEED)

60. They have to _________________ this street to ease the traffic. (WIDE)

61. The floods made that path _________________ (PASS)

62. He is in his late 50’s and yet his energy seems _________________ (EXHAUST)

63. The Grand Canyon is a place of _________________ beauty. (SCENE)

64. Fear of discovery forced him into _________________ (CONCEAL)

65. All had their _________________ places at the tables in the teachers’ room. (HABIT)

66. The body lay there _________________ but no one dared touch it. (LIFE)

67. The wild horses were driven into an _________________ (ENCLOSE)

68. The media often benefit from _________________ of confidential information. (LEAK)

69. To make food taste and smell better add some _________________ (SEASON)

70. The _________________ down that steep slope is quite exhausting. (DESCEND)

71. They’ve got a villa in the _________________ area. (RESIDE)

72. The _________________ use of any fuel will save your money. (ECONOMY)

73. They live somewhere in the _________________ (NEIGHBOUR)

Page 21 of 66
74. He was granted permanent _________________ in Canada. (RESIDENT)

75. The principal threatened him with _________________ (EXPEL)

76. Given the lack of evidence, the ease resulted in an _________________ (ACQUIT)

77. She rose to _________________ in no time, they say. (STAR)

78. Fashion design is highly _________________ today. (COMPETITION)

79. Due to his amazing powers of _________________ he became a good comedian. (MIMIC)

80. I heard a voice whisper my name with _________________ (CLEAR)

81. That was a highly _________________ performance. (SPECTACLE)

82. Locusts are extremely _________________ to crops. (HARM)

83. He hit the little boy _________________ (MERCY)

84. We felt rather _________________ not to be invited to the ceremony. (GRIEVE)

85. I find his boring insistence _________________ (TROUBLE)

86. Your interference proved more of a _________________ than a help. (HINDER)

87. One’s relationship w i t h one’s priest or lawyer is strictly ________________ (CONFIDENCE)

88. Why should you be so _________________ when the fault was not yours? (APOLOGIZE)

89. The food on the table all looked _________________ (APPETITE)

90. The company had to make important _________________ to the strikers. (CONCEDE)

91. How do you know he is that _________________ ? (INFLUENCE)

92. One must be highly _________________ to write such things. (IMAGINATION)

93. Do you think they’ll succeed in _________________ these weights ? (STANDARD)

94. After so many successes your present inefficiency is _________________ (BELIEVE)

95. Telling the truth is _________________ in this case. (ADVISE)

96. Meeting her sooner or later is _________________ (AVOID)

97. I am _________________ at a loss but I’ ll come to my senses, that’s a promise. (MOMENT)

98. The postman delivered a large _________________ to our next door neighbour. (PACK)

99. To become a writer requires _________________ of the written language. (MASTER)

100. Most factories and plants release _________________ into the atmosphere. (POLLUTE)

Page 22 of 66
PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 09
Practice makes perfect Section: Word formation
Collected by DDH Time: 40 minutes, including 50 questions

Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

101. He took a _________________ of water to quench his thirst. (MOUTH)

102. He stubbornly refused to admit _________________ for the accident. (LIABLE)

103. There was a _________________ in her insistence that 1 didn’ t like. (FIX)

104. He raised his sword in _________________ (DEFEND)

105. Too many people still die of _________________ (STARVE)

106. He knew he was going to lose his _________________ (KING)

107. We are disappointed by her approaching this matter so _________________ .(AMATEUR)

108. Your well-known _________________ is disgusting. (MEAN)

109. He is a worldwide famous _________________ (CELLO)

110. Their supreme goal was the _________________ of monarchy. (ABOLISH)

111. The 18th century brought about the _________________ of the human mind. (ENLIGHTEN)

112. The owl is the symbol of _________________ (WISE)

113. The room was scarcely furnished but its _________________ made it pleasant. (CLEAN)

114. It is quite a problem to be granted _________________ to this club. (MEMBER)

115. The poet made _________________ use of commonplace words. (ART)

116. Artificial heating _________________ the growth of plants. (HASTE)

117. He boasted about his _________________ of several estates. (OWNER)

118. You have made a thorough _________________ of the scene. (DESCRIBE)

119. She looked like the very _________________ of his dreams. (EMBODY)

120. They tried to _________________ the value of my contribution to the research. (MINIMUM)

121. One of the major problems in today’s society is _________________ (EMPLOY)

122. The doctors suspect him of _________________ (SANE)

123. The _________________ of die landscape was depressing. (DULL)

Page 23 of 66
124. They confirmed the _________________ of all the pareels. (RECEIVE)

125. He knew that the _________________ spelt disaster for people like him. (UPHEAVE)

126. The project, brilliant in its ____________. failed because of lack of funds. (CONCEIVE)

127. While in UK they benefited from constant _________________ to the language. (EXPOSE)

128. He is a totally _________________ person who deliberately defies all standards. (MORAL)

129. The _________________ of Monaco lies in southern Europe . (PRINCE)

130. Is she a recent _________________ of yours ? (ACQUAINT)

131. Our front seats were already taken so we had to move _________________ (REAR)

132. I know this has been sheer ____________. hasn’t it ? (MOCK)

133. Are you sure _________________ is free to this museum ? (ADMIT)

134. Most of young delinquents lacked _________________ care. (PARENT)

135. The hero is a sensible but _________________ young man. (RESOLUTION)

136. Will you please check when the _________________ is ? (DEPART)

137. Me was awarded a prize in _________________ of his merits. (RECOGNIZE)

138. In all ____________. the flight will be cancelled. (LIKELY)

139. The ballet _________________ was exquisite. (PERFORM)

140. We may notice a _________________ of the interest in the music of the 1960s. (REVIVE)

141. The _________________ between the two girls is striking. (RESEMBLE)

142. You could feel the _________________ of the audience. (BORE)

143. His blood _________________ was alarmingly high. (PRESS)

144. The _________________ of the committee met all our expectations. (RESOLVE)

145. The old shepherd had a gaunt, _________________ face. (ANGLE)

146. The _________________ of the estate was on lease. (REMAIN)

147 . Do you have any _________________ to make? (COMPLAIN)

148. His glance was full of _________________ towards me. (HATE)

149. The Romanians are the _________________ of the Dacians and of the Romans. (DESCEND)

150. He moved about the house so _________________ that he woke me up. (NOISY)

Page 24 of 66
PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 10
Practice makes perfect Section: Word formation
Collected by DDH Time: 40 minutes, including 50 questions

Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

151. The journey across the desert was _________________ (HAZARD)

152. The _________________ she had to make kept her busy all day. (INQUIRE)

153. Aren’t you _________________ of what you have done ? (SHAME)

154. There has been a great _________________ in unemployment lately. (REDUCE)

155. I’ve made an appointment for a _________________ massage. (FACE)

156. This drug can provide _________________ from breathing problems. (RELIEVE)

157. I wish I were a _________________ but I’m sure I’ll never be one. (MILLION)

158. Do you think it was _________________ ? I strongly doubt it. (WORTH)

159. Anyone who will provide information will be guaranteed _______________ (ANONYMOUS)

160. She _________________ accepted to be the first to try. (WILL)

161. He was the _________________ of the monastery until he died . (ABBEY)

162. Her fingerprints on the gun were _________________ proof of her guilt. (CONCLUSION)

163. The _________________ of her movements made me sad. (WEARY)

164. He fixed everything with amazing _________________ (ABLE)

165. There is no such word ; it is absolutely _________________ (MEAN)

166. Many of the _________________ fought valiantly. (WAR)

167. Let’s talk openly without any _________________ (RESTRAIN)

168. He is a _________________ man and that’s why he finishes everything on time. (METHOD)

169. I find the problems we are facing _________________ (MOUNT)

170. It turned out to be a _________________ attempt. (VICTORY)

171. He suffered a breakdown after the repeated _________________ (FAIL)

172. Why are there so many _________________ today ? (ABSENCE)

173. His unexpected recovery seemed _________________ (MIRACLE)

Page 25 of 66
174. You may think of him as being _________________ after so many accidents. (FORTUNE)

175. There must be some ________________; he should have been here by now. (UNDERSTAND)

176. He provided a certain _________________ for him until he became of age. (ALLOW)

177. It was _________________ of you to say such a thing. (MISCHIEF)

178. He lay _________________ on the floor for minutes on end. (CONSCIOUS)

179. This cocktail is a _________________ of three different drinks. (MIX)

180. They have reported some _________________ of their initial plans. (ALTER)

181. He obeyed all your orders _________________ (TRUTH)

182. I feel that this is going to be a _________________ matter. (TROUBLE)

183. We watched him do all those tricks with _________________ (AMUSE)

184. She glared at us _________________ and left the room. (CONTEMPT)

185. His voice was full of _________________ when he rang me up. (ANNOY)

186. He is fond of _________________ and Is said to have green fingers. (GARDEN)

187. A _________________ of diplomatic relations has been announced. (RESUME)

188. He suffered a _________________ loss of hearing after the blast. (CONSEQUENCE)

189. The bereft woman was crying _________________ (PATHOS)

190. Killing him was a _________________ deed. (MONSTER)

191. It was quite _________________ of you to join us in those grievous moments. (TOUCH)

192. Unfortunately _________________ came too late. (REALIZE)

193. You are supposed to give a _________________ account of the events. (FACT)

194. When I looked down the steep rocky wall I felt a kind of _________________ (DIZZY)

195. The teams scored one goal _________________ (PIECE)

196. The _________________ on the walls was utterly unhealthy. (MOIST)

197. The _________________ of his room was impressive. (TIDY)

198. Be _________________ for a change, will you? (REASON)

199. Could she give me a rough _________________ of the likely cost ? (APPROXIMATE)

200. His behaviour was _________________ all through the evening. (GRACE)

Page 26 of 66
PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 11
Practice makes perfect Section: Word formation
Collected by DDH Time: 40 minutes, including 50 questions

Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

201. I don’t think this heavy piece of furniture is _________________ (MOVE)

202. How dare you _________________ me in my own house ? (THREAT)
203. The citizens’ _________________ took them by surprise. (REBEL)
204. Let’s not have another _________________ (ARGUE)
205. We resented his unbelievable _________________ (IDLE)
206. We hardly need any _________________ in planning it. (GUIDE)
207. The little boy finds _________________ quite difficult. (MULTIPLY)
208. It was _________________ of you to give up when you were so near. (THOUGHT)
209. I won’t be in time for the _________________ (REHEARSE)
210. Was this meant to be a _________________ or a recommendation ? (WARN)
211. I find this offer surprisingly _________________ (SUIT)
212. I can _________________ resist this oppressive heat. (BARE)
213. _________________ of a former queen have been reported at Hampton Court.
214. They had the king _________________ in the public square. (HEAD)
215. Her _________________ grieved all her relatives. (BETRAY)
216. Can’t you _________________ the knot a bit ? It’s too tight. (LOOSE)
217. To our relief, her _________________ attempt to commit suicide failed. (DESPAIR)
218. He was _________________ with fatigue after the hours of hard work. (SHAKE)
219. I have spilled some ink on the desk ; give me that _________________ . (BLOT)
220. They have made _________________ use of the coal left here. (MASS)
221. At the end of the marathon he was _________________ (BREATH)
222. Her husband’s _________________ made all her friends envy her. (CONSTANT)
223. Could you recite the Ten _________________ ? (COMMAND)
224. Let’s take the first zebra _________________ (CROSS)
225. I’m sure he did it in _________________ of my orders. (DEFY)
226. The Last _________________ is an exceptional movie. (EMPIRE)
227. The _________________ I felt in my soul scared me. (EMPTY)

Page 27 of 66
228. You have judged all my deeds _________________ (WRONG)
229. They sell the best cigars at the _________________ round the corner. (TOBACCO)
230. She gave a detailed _________________ of the situation. (APPRAISE)
231. He proved very _________________ in his new job. (ZEAL)
232. Don’t mind him ; he is just a _________________ (YOUNG)
233. She is in _________________ after her father’s death. (MOURN)
234. Reconciliation between us is absolutely _________________ (CONCEIVE)
235. Wearing school uniforms is no longer _________________ (COMPULSION)
236. This affair seems highly _________________ to me. (INTRIGUE)
237. The Prince of Monaco has a distinguished and ancient _________________ (LINE)
238. Foxes and some squirrels have _________________ fur. (RED)
239. They were treated _________________ in the orphanage. (HELL)
240. He was found to be in full _________________ of his mental faculties. (RETAIN)
241. Will you make a brief _________________ of the fellow ? (CHARACTER)
242. All of us hope for the _________________ of our sins. (ABSOLVE)
243. We were astonished by the _________________ of her angry retort. (SUDDEN)
244. This example is _________________ of this approach. (ILLUSTRATE)
245.1 want you to _________________ this rather long text. (SUMMARY)
246. His interpretation of the facts wasn’t _________________ (REVEAL)
247. This is what we shall charge, including _________________ and packing. (POST)
248. As I am not allowed to eat sugar, I use _________________ instead. (SWEET)
249. She never joined us because of her _________________ father. (TYRANT)
250. The poor family were weak from lack of _________________ (SUSTAIN)

Page 28 of 66
PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 12
Practice makes perfect Section: Word formation
Collected by DDH Time: 40 minutes, including 50 questions

Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

251. He _________________ her into thinking he was rich. (LEAD)

252. The problems we have have turned almost _________________ (NIGHTMARE)

253. We felt _________________ about the exam. (APPREHENSION)

254. We have to test the truth or the _________________ of her claims. (FALSE)

255. The pretense of _________________ can’t fool anybody. (RESPECTABLE)

256. She asked her lawyer to start the divorce _________________ (PROCEED)

257. They say that appearances are _________________ (DECEPTION)

258. Her last diary _________________ revealed her deep sorrow. (ENTER)

259. Reality confirmed the predictions of that _________________ (VISION)

260. A _________________ reform is the only solution to this inflation. (MONEY)

261. I caught sight of a _________________ reaper in the field. (SOLITUDE)

262. I felt his back _________________ at my touch. (STIFF)

263. The stuff was declared unsuitable for human _________________ (CONSUME)

264. The general _________________ voted against it. (ASSEMBLE)

265. There are still a lot of young people whose _________________ is just basic. (LITERATE)

266. They were fined for _________________ on private property. (TRESPASS)

267. In drought stricken areas the _________________ of water is rapid. (ABSORB)

268. He whispered with tears in his eyes : O God ____________. save me !”. (MIGHT)

269. His unique goal was the _________________ of his family. (REDEEM)

270. He was highly respected for his long and successful _________________ career. (JOURNAL)

271. His luck suffered an unexpected sharp _________________ (REVERSE)

272. She’s rather _________________ about accepting his proposal. (HESITATE)

273. We still couldn’t believe his _________________ was real. (SOBER)

Page 29 of 66
274. The _________________ speech was suddenly directed at the chairman. (ACCUSE)

275. He was a _________________ all through his school years. (BOARD)

276. All of us envied him for the extraordinary _________________ (ACQUIRE)

277. We are interested in strict _________________ in this field. (SPECIAL)

278. This onion tea is _________________ ; throw it away. (DRINK)

279. She was full of _________________ indignation after finding out the truth. (RIGHT)

280. Christians believe in the _________________ of Jesus. (RESURRECT)

281. Such handwriting ! I can hardly make out the name of the _________________ . (ADDRESS)

282. The tourists admired the _________________ of the snow-covered mountains. (GRAND)

283. I was shown into a _________________ of strangers and I panicked. (ROOM)

284. The students discussed Dickens’ use of _________________ in his novels. (IMAGE)

285. The sea _________________ as the wind grew stronger. (ROUGH)

286. Without the _________________ of some firms, the event cannot take place. (PATRON)

287. The window frames are completely _________________ . (ROT)

288. He has had _________________ fits of rage lately. (RECUR)

289. That was a _________________ decision to make for such a young person. (MOMENTUM)

290. He had to work hard to feed and _________________ his family. (CLOTH)

291. He used to be an _________________ advocate of free speech. (ARDOUR)

292. The teacher was surprised at the _________________ of my answer. (COMPLETE)

293. _________________ has been the main characteristic of the recent elections. (ABSENT)

294. It is not wholly _________________ to suggest setting up another business. (FANCY)

295. After these defeats die team can’ t be in _________________ for the title. (CONTEND)

296. He had a very good _________________ to deal with his financial matters. (ACCOUNT)

297. The _________________ of winter days indoors turns them tedious. (SAME)

298. It was sheer _________________ that they were born on the same day. (COINCIDE)

299. The arrival of Santa Claus caused great _________________ among the children. (EXCITE)

300. He earned his _________________ by wood-cutting and hunting. (LIVE)

Page 30 of 66
PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 13
Practice makes perfect Section: Word formation
Collected by DDH Time: 40 minutes, including 50 questions

Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

301. Will you give me some _________________ in finding the necessary information? (ASSIST)

302. The _________________ of that task took him several months. (ACCOMPLISH)

303. Their _________________ was impressive and touching. (FRIEND)

304. Everybody was appalled by the _________________ of the mob’s attacks. (SAVAGE)

305. She is so _________________ that she can’ t even change an electric bulb. (PRACTICE)

306. His lawyer has demanded a _________________ of the hearing. (POSTPONE)

307. Sorry to contradict you , but his work lacks _________________ (PROFOUND)

308. They should take into account every _________________ possibility. (IMAGINE)

309. He can’t fool me with his mock _________________ (HUMBLE)

310. Father _________________ the car by removing part of the engine. (MOBILE)

311. How _________________ of her to behave like that! (HORROR)

312. The factory closure will result in hundreds of _________________ (REDUNDANT)

313. That _________________ decision was to bring about a lot of misfortune. (FATE)

314. Your account is l u l l of lies and _________________ (DECEIVE)

315. Jack had the _________________ to admit that it was his fault. (DECENT)

316. My letters have never met with any _________________ (RESPOND)

317. The monks on Mount Athos live in _________________ (SECLUDE)

318. He lived a life of utter _________________ with no support whatsoever. (WRETCH)

319. They appreciated the _________________ of your speech. (ACCURATE)

320. It was _________________ of you to notice that on the spot. (PERCEIVE)

321. The woman got her _________________ back slowly after her illness. (STRONG)

322. I would like to help her, but _________________ I can’ t. (FORTUNE)

323. The members of the Order were sworn to _________________ (SECRET)

Page 31 of 66
324. Wc need an _________________ of that photograph to study all the details. (LARGE)

325. Believe it or not, your plan simply isn’ t _________________ (WORK)

326. His integrity and _________________ of purpose made everybody respect him. (NOBLE)

327. She _________________ me that my dress was beautiful. (SURE)

328. Kerry is a very _________________ child, a ical nuisance for his family. (OBEY)

329. She _________________ deceived everybody present by being all smiles. (ART)

330. He looked with _________________ at his pretty daughter. (PROUD)

331. He claims that his theory is _________________ (DEFENCE)

332. My proposal met with their immediate _________________ (AGREE)

333. The Earth has a _________________ movement round the sun. (CYCLE)

334. Our firm has more than two hundred _________________ (EMPLOY)

335. The boom was the result of financial _________________ (WIZARD)

336. Jane is so _____________! She never knows what the teacher has asked her. (ATTENTION)

337. I’m not going to climb that mountain ; it’s too _________________ (RISK)

338. You may leave your holdall in a left-luggage _________________ at the station. (LOCK)

339. Her conduct was absolutely _________________ , don’t you think so? (SHAME)

340. A large sum of money has come to her by a recent _________________ (INHERIT)

341. Wc had to _________________ . the whole passage which was not an easy task. (MEMORY)

342. Why are you driving so _________________ ? You might have an accident. (CARE)

343. This man had no proper _________________ until he was thirteen. (SCHOOL)

344. He had a _________________ on his arm from a wasp sting. (SWELL)

345. Phis girl is very _________________ towards her parents. (AFFECT)

346. Oysters are considered a great _________________ in Ireland. (DELICATE)

347. It is very difficult to _________________ your heart when you hear a baby crying. (HARD)

348. He has gained the _________________ over all his rivals. (ASCEND)

349. A bear is a _________________ forest animal. (FUR)

350. They were _________________ unaware of our presence. (SEEM)

Page 32 of 66
PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 14
Practice makes perfect Section: Word formation
Collected by DDH Time: 40 minutes, including 50 questions

Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

351. This new dictionary has poor _________________ of medical vocabulary. (COVER)

352. The senator gave a _________________ summary of the meeting. (LONG)

353. Yesterday a substantial _________________ of drugs was made. (SEIZE)

354. I have a strong _________________ of a misfortune. (SENTIMENT)

355. You need a _________________ of your licence by the end of the month. (RENEW)

356. That was but an _________________ victory, my dear. (ILLUSION)

357. They have come up with a range of sophisticated _________________ (WEAPON)

358. She seems to enjoy the _________________ of her new life. (CONVENIENT)

359. The band had the audience in _________________ (HYSTERIA)

360. He has a _________________ reputation as a fighter. (FEAR)

361. He has got acute _________________ to light and heat. (SENSITIVE)

362. I am thinking about the _________________ of time. (PASS)

363. Not being of age, he wasn’t sent to prison but to a _________________ . (REFORM)

364. The noise in the house _________________ considerably when the children left. (LESS)

365. Will you take this _________________ . to the chemist’s ? (PRESCRIBE)

366. I’m looking for a more _________________ job as I can’t make ends meet. (REMUNERATE)

367. Nowadays we witness a _________________ of natural resources. (WASTE)

368. When the police stopped him, he was driving at a _________________ speed. (SUICIDE)

369. The newspapers’ _________________ about his illegal actions startled us. (ASSERT)

370. The professor’s _________________ lecture was very much appreciated. (INAUGURATE)

371. His unexpected _________________ surprised everybody. (RENOUNCE)

372. Not a living soul did they meet in that _________________ (WILD)

373. I think that this is an _________________ point. (ARGUE)

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374. Jane introduced me to a very _________________ young man.(PRESENT)

375. The long _________________ formed on the eaves of the roofs may be dangerous. (ICE)

376. Let’s put an end to this _________________ argument. (NONSENSE)

377. Tax _________________ is punishable by law, you know. (AVOID)

378. She uses quite _________________ language in her poems. (FIGURE)

379. He was responsible for the _________________ of mail in that village. (DISTRIBUTE)

380. Their behaviour was _________________ » wasn’t it ? (ADMIRE)

381. The rent is £15 _________________ of heating. (INCLUDE)

382. The _________________ of the ozone layer endangers life everywhere. (DEPLETE)

383. She gets _________________ when he’s not around . (LONE)

384. Raincoats are made of _________________ material. (PERMEATE)

385. Her words caused a great deal of _________________ (DISSENT)

386. The _________________ is a novel written by Theodore Dreiser. (FINANCE)

387. These paintings are in a poor state of _________________ (PRESERVE)

388. They beat him _________________ and left him there. (SENSE)

389. People like him can never be trusted ; they are _________________ (LIE)

390. The _________________ of that car is $50 a week. (RENT)

391. Roosevelt was elected four times to the _________________ of the USA. (PRESIDE)

392. A _________________ is a man whose wife is dead. (WIDOW)

393. It is _________________ to assume that everyone thinks die same way as you do. (LOGIC)

394. The university gives five research _________________ a year. (FELLOW)

395. My brother shows a _________________ interest in politics. (PASSION)

396. Her _________________ in that firm was very rapid. (ADVANCE)

397. All competitors are people of _________________ ability. (PROVE)

398. The ______________ must be protected against the sale of poor quality goods. (CONSUME)

399. Several _________________ were recorded in diis town last year. (BANKRUPT)

400. We admired the _________________ decorations. (FLORA)

Page 34 of 66
PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 15
Practice makes perfect Section: Word formation
Collected by DDH Time: 40 minutes, including 50 questions

Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

401. Six young people were charged by the police with causing a _________________ (DISTURB)

402. The _________________ between the twins was amazing. (LIKE)

403. Unfortunately, there were several _________________ to our plan. (ADVANTAGE)

404. The battlefield was an _________________ sight. (AWE)

405. Your _________________ that he did such a thing proved to be false. (PRESUME)

406. She has just started a _________________ business. (FLOURISH)

407. All the _________________ were arrested on the eve of their planned attack. (CONSPIRE)

408. Is my watch still _________________ or need I buy another one ? (REPAIR)

409. All the data have been stored _________________ on this computer. (SEQUENCE)

410. The _________________ from yards into metres is difficult for somepupils. (CONVERT)

411. I gave my wife a gold _________________ for Christmas. (LIGHT)

412. This bank loan is _________________ . in five years as far as I know. (REPAY)

413. Years ago, lung diseases used to be _________________ among miners. (PREVAIL)

414. The hotel has a large _________________ car park. (BASE)

415. The beauty of your wife seems _________________ (AGE)

416. It’s sheer _________________ to leave harbour in such bad weather. (IDIOT)

417. I can’t understand your atypical _________________ (PASSIVE)

418. He became a target of his mates’ _________________ after that stupid mistake. (DERIDE)

419. He took the _________________ of locking all the firm documents in the safe. (CAUTION)

420. My little sister is not very good at _________________ (ADD)

421. He _________________ observed the smallest details. (PERTAIN)

422. I’ve heard she has got an _________________ son. (LEGITIMATE)

423. The Christians worship the _________________ of God. (DIVINE)

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424. I was amazed at the _________________ of some of the drivers in such weather. (FOOL)

425. The modernization of the _________________ is a major problem in big cities. (SEWER)

426. His criticism has always been _________________ so far. (CONSTRUCT)

427. On hearing the end of the joke she gave a loud _________________ laugh. (VIVACITY)

428. His words are not _________________ in front of ladies. (REPEAT)

429. You’d better remember that _________________ is better than cure. (PREVENT)

430. It is very _________________ today for this part of October. (SUMMER)

431. Did you listen to the weather forecast on the _________________ ? (WIRE)

432. He will have to find a _________________ for his gardener. (REPLACE)

433. I regret to have to tell you that you are a really _________________ orator. (PATHOS)

434. Is the subject of this sentence animate or _________________ ? (ANIMATE)

435. Given the circumstances, the ________________ of her studies is vital to her. (CONTINUE)

436. The boy was surprised at the _________________ of his pony. (DOCILE)

437. He was glad to serve his _________________ with that local firm. (APPRENTICE)

438. I’m on a friendly _________________ with all my neighbours. (FOOT)

439. Monkeys are known to be _________________ animals. (IMITATE)

440. The _________________ of your papers took me several hours. (CORRECT)

441. Time and space are _________________ (LIMIT)

442. I am _________________ about the value of these documents. (DOUBT)

443. The witnesses gave _________________ opinions about the accident. (CONTRADICT)

444. The _________________ of his actions is questionable. (MORAL)

445. The police had to make a _________________ entry. (FORCE)

446. These _________________ gems should be kept in a safe. (PRICE)

447. She bases her statement on a false _________________ (SUPPOSE)

448. This novel is _________________ of his early work. (REPRESENT)

449. Few countries can challenge Japan’s _________________ in electronics. (SUPREME)

450. I dreamt I was talking to some _________________ from the outer space. (BE)

Page 36 of 66
PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 16
Practice makes perfect Section: Word formation
Collected by DDH Time: 40 minutes, including 50 questions

Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

451. The whole building was soon _________________ (BLAZE)

452. She showed great _________________ when she worked here as a nurse. (PATIENT)

453. It was sheer _________________ to set sail with this oncoming typhoon. (LUNATIC)

454. He asked me to act as _________________ for him as regards the bank loan. (SURE)

455. Theirs became an _________________ friendship because of Sandra’s whims. (EMBITTER)

456. The soil of this field has good _________________ (DRAIN)

457. You must be _________________ to know what I am thinking. (TELEPATHY)

458. The _________________ on the stony wall was illegible. (INSCRIBE)

459. A child’s first five years arc the most _________________ (FORM)

460. The civilized world has an _________________ of terrorism. (ABHOR)

461. By accepting the bribe, the official proved to be _________________ . (CORRUPT)

462. The old lady rented one of the rooms to a _________________ (LODGE)

463. _________________ of the law is no excuse in case of such accidents. (IGNORE)

464. She will never forget your _________________ and sympathy. (KIN )

465. He was unable to _________________ because of the thick smoke. (BREATH)

466. Your friend is rather _________________ in his language. (TEMPER)

467. I put those papers in the _________________ of my desk. (DRAW)

468. Your aunt is a _________________ type of woman. (MOTHER)

469. How often do you go to a _________________ to have your face treated ? ( BEAUTY )

470. What a pity the chalet is _________________ only on foot! ( ACCESS )

471. He had spent several months in a ________________ camp for illegal immigrants. (DETAIN)

472. She got a _________________ gift from her husband on her birthday. (PRINCE)

473. Why does she look so _________________ , I wonder ? (REPROACH)

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474. The court issued a _________________ for the landlord of the criminal. (SUMMON)

475. Few people dispute Shakespeare’s _________________ as a playwright. (SUPREME)

476. He felt _________________ in his new job, so he left. (ADEQUATE)

477. To leave the chalet in the dead of night would be sheer _________________ .(MAD)

478. He went to visit his parents weekly like a _________________ son. (DUTY)

479. We all admired the _________________ thinking of the great inventor. (CREATE)

480. The _________________ around a town were very important in the Middle Ages. (FORTIFY)

481. Your foolish behaviour is _________________ for a woman of thirty-five. (MATURE)

482. The two presidents made _________________ efforts to establish peace. (CREDIT)

483. While digging in the garden, they found an _________________ jug. (EARTH)

484. This is a chair with _________________ arms which makes it easy to handle. (MOVE)

485. An old man was lying on the _________________ and people just passed by. (PAVE)

486. Your knowledge of the subject is no more than _________________ (FRAGMENT)

487. It is _________________ impossible for him to accept such things. (ABSOLUTE)

488. Her low salary was a ____________ factor in her decision to change her job. (CONTRIBUTE)

489. He asked me about the _________________ of the bank. (LOCAL)

490. The _________________ of a relationship is ensured by both parts. (STABLE)

491. He searched _________________ for a cigarette to hide his excitement. (FEVER)

492. Is it possible to be certain of the ______________ of a child by medical means? (PATERNAL)

493. He wants to specialize in _________________ like his father. (SURGEON)

494. She is rather fat because she is so _________________ (ACTIVE)

495. He will pay _________________ to his ex-wife until their children are of age. (MAINTAIN)

496. Grandfather used to hire a _________________ to entertain us at Christmas. (MAGIC)

497. I’ll give you the money back next Friday which is the _________________ day. (PAY)

498. The new cook’s meals arc scarcely are they ? (EAT)

499. His sister was a gentle, _________________ young lady. (ALTRUISM)

500. He achieved _________________ as an addicted gambler. (NOTORIOUS)

Page 38 of 66
PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 17
Practice makes perfect Section: Word formation
Collected by DDH Time: 40 minutes, including 50 questions

Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

501. We had to take a ____________ route because the main road was blocked. (DEVIATE)

502. We can say that we have had a ____________ meeting. (FRUIT)

503. His conduct is ____________ to a priest and people don’ t go to his church. (BECOME)

504. My neighbour is an ____________ always forecasting the end of the world. (ALARM)

505. Her ____________ amused but also annoyed us all. (ECCENTRIC)

506. The castle was given to them in ____________ (PERPETUAL)

507. Uncle John is the kind of person who can ____________ others. (MAGNET)

508. After a long time, our plans have come to ____________ (FULFIL)

509. The President’s successful visit abroad has ____________ his position. (FORCE)

510. We all look for ____________ sometimes, don’t we? (PRIVATE)

511. The ____________ of troops took place gradually. (WITHDRAW)

512. They took up ____________ in Australia going to the outback. (RESIDE)

513. This time he made a ____________ decision that pleased only some of us. (CONTROVERSY)

514. He made a ____________ speech against the government’s resolution. (FIRE)

515. Don’t be ____________ by this failure as you still have one more chance. (HEARI)

516. I forgave him, eventually, although it was a ____________ apology. (LATE)

517. Our shop can supply whichever ____________ (REQUIRE)

518. My new neighbour is a fairly ____________ person. (PEACE)

519. I fear that the future of our bank is ____________ (PROBLEM)

520. The measures they have taken are ____________ (DEBATE)

521. The signature on this document is ____________ ; is it yours ? (LEGIBLE)

522. I’m afraid your dress is ____________ for such a formal dinner. (PROPER)

523. My daughter is ____________ to dust and hay. (ALLERGY)

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524. She told him that piece of news for his ____________ (EDIFY)

525. The ____________ industry has striven in the last decades. (PHARMACY)

526. The singer on the stage had a sweet ____________ voice. (MUSIC)

527.1 won’t allow any ____________ whatsoever in my business. (INTERFERE)

528.1 can say that your clothes are really ____________ (FUNCTION)

529. The woman accepted her fate with ____________ (RESIGN)

530. We need someone with a real sense of ____________ to the job. (COMMIT)

531 . She had long ____________ hair which increased her femininity. (SILK)

532. The scientists studied the problem of ____________ in subzero temperatures. (SURVIVE)

533. The manager’s suggestions met with some ____________ (RESIST)

534. The ____________ of the Earth round the Sun takes a year. (REVOLVE)

535. Everybody admired her ____________ buttons. (PEARL)

536. Profits have risen ____________ since the last meeting of the board. (SIGNIFICANCE)

537. The ____________ of Romania’s independence took place in 1877. (PROCLAIM)

538. Alex is a ____________ young employee who should be promoted. (RESOURCE)

539. Her efforts to improve the school have been ____________ (EFFECT)

540. The president made an ____________ to the new state of affairs. (ALLUDE)

541. He was accused of ____________ to the party. (LOYAL)

542. It is ____________ to drive a car without a driving licence. (LEGAL)

543. I know that her new hobby is ____________ (EMBROIDER)

544. Margaret is such a ____________ woman, always insisting on the rules. (PEDANT)

545. On Sundays the church is full of ____________ (WORSHIP)

546. We all admired the ____________ arrangement of flowers. (DECORATE)

547. His mates used to mock at his ____________ but now they look up to him. (BOOK)

548. Our firm has entered into an ____________ with a larger one. (ALLY)

549. Now that she lives abroad , she visits her grandparents ____________ . (YEAR)

550. I am curious to see how the ____________ will react to the new law. (PEASANT)

Page 40 of 66
PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 18
Practice makes perfect Section: Word formation
Collected by DDH Time: 40 minutes, including 50 questions

Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

551. She has retired and receives an ____________ from her former employers. (ANNUAL)

552. We felt ____________ by bis arrogant behaviour. (LITTLE)

553. His work sank into ____________ after his death. (OBLIVIOUS)

554. There’s a clear ____________ of liberals in the government. (PREDOMINATE)

555. In this case, our ____________ is accurate. (DEDUCE)

556. He sticks ____________ to any task, no matter the obstacles. (MAN)

557. In order to live all ____________ needs must be satisfied. (BODY)

558. Mike’s ____________ of Liza was unsuccessful. (COURT)

559. The two friends shook hands ____________ when they met again.(VIGOUR)

560. Some fashion models appeared like ____________ figures a few years ago. (SKELETON)

561. Such embroidered blouses are a ____________ of this region. (PECULIAR)

562. He was surprised to find out that the machine was ____________ . (DEFECT)

563. He’s too mother-____________ for his age. (RELIANCE)

564. What have you ____________ the coffee with ? (SWEET)

565. Is she the only ____________ of this house ? (OCCUPY)

566. I noticed a look of ____________ on my daughter’s face. (ENCHANT)

567. I hope all my plans will soon ____________ (MATERIAL)

568. Immediate measures must be taken to reduce the risk of ____________ (BREAK)

569 Our boots were wet because it was ____________ there. (SWAMP)

570. Who and what are ____________ pronouns. (INTERROGATE)

571. To her surprise, they understood her ____________ well. (AMAZE)

572. The tunes she played on the piano sounded quite ____________ (VIBRATE)

573. This mistake that she made led to her ____________ from her job. (SUSPEND)

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574. Her appearance at the meeting was ____________ (DISRUPT)

575. Like his father, he has worked in the ____________in his town. (BREW)

576. She is suffering from a ____________ infection. (RESPIRE)

577. In the end this proved to be a ____________ experience. (PROFIT)

578 This factory was ____________ many years ago. (NATION)

579. You are an ____________ to believe that such things might really happen. (IDEAL)

580. The rain had ____________ when we left the party. (SLACK)

581. The price of cars is still ____________ for many people nowadays. (PROHIBIT)

582. Stay away from that m a n ; he is said to be mean and ____________ (REVENGE)

583. They had a lot of electrical ____________ installed all about the house. (FIT)

584. He used to be such a restless ____________ man ! (ADVENTURE)

585. This gymnast was a gold ____________ at the Olympic Games. (MEDAL)

586. The ____________ of this painting will take a long time. (RESTORE)

587. Both chambers voted for the abolition of the death ____________ (PENAL)

588. If I may be ____________. I was the one who put forward this plan. (MODEST)

589. Share prices were ____________ today in active trading. (BUOY)

590. The ____________ to the text was unexpected. (AMEND)

591. We know that the next postal ____________ is at 5 o’clock in the afternoon. (DELIVER)

592. He is a worldwide known nuclear ____________ (PHYSICS)

593. Some people find white a very ____________ colour. (REST)

594. His rudeness was beyond our ____________(ENDURE)

595. The boy looked at me in utter ____________ (PERPLEX)

596. Fans of famous stars fill their rooms with their idols’____________ . (MEMORABLE)

597. His ____________ reaction was to cover his face. (INSTANT)

598. I am amazed at the ____________ of your project. (AMBITIOUS)

599. The Chinese and people of the same race have ____________ eyes. (SLANT)

600. There existed great ____________ between the two clans. (ENEMY)

Page 42 of 66
PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 19
Practice makes perfect Section: Word formation
Collected by DDH Time: 40 minutes, including 50 questions

Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

601. The prices of these items are ____________ (NEGOTIATE)

602. They have always admired your ____________ (PERSEVERE)

603. Their father died shuitly after his ____________ (RETIRE)

604. Cathy is a woman of great insight and ____________ (PENETRATE)

605. She used to listen to ____________ old tunes. (MELODY)

606. I remember that her ____________ was not welcomed. (INTERVENE)

607. I hate being around spiteful or ____________ people. (QUARREL)

608. My friend finds living in the country ____________ (RESTRICT)

609. This writer’s style is highly ____________ and somehow eclectic. (SYMBOL)

610. The ____________ is just coming into court. (PROSECUTE)

611. Here is a tool with a ____________ of uses that could do. (MULTIPLE)

612. His scornful ____________ of the evidence as inadequate didn’t convince us. (DISMISS)

613. Liza spoke English ____________ at the Queen’s ball. (FLAW)

614. His twisted foot is a ____________ he has had since birth. (DEFORM)

615. No doubt everybody thinks that what they did was ____________ . (DETEST)

616. The bypass will ____________ traffic jams in the city centre. (RELIEF)

617. The board started debating on the ____________ state of affairs of the company. (LAMENT)

618. This form is ____________ by’ the end of the month. (RETURN)

619. Unfortunately, when he died he left his widow ____________ . (PENNY)

620. Shy and timid are ____________ words. (SYNONYM)

621. We couldn’t understand the ____________ of her previous decision. (REVERSE)

622. She pretends to be of noble ____________ (ANCESTOR)

623. We want to sell our car and we already have a ____________ buyer. (PROSPECT)

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624. My parents were very ____________ when I failed the exam. (SYMPATHY)

625. We were surprised at the ____________ of their talk. (INTIMATE)

626. The ____________. committed during the war are hard to imagine. (ENORMOUS)

627. The black clouds in the sky looked ____________ (OMEN)

628. There’s been some ____________ of support for the government’s policies. (SLIP)

629. She received only ____________ looks from the audience. (PITY)

630. I have been on a ____________ diet for months now. (VEG)

631. Her clothes are always very ____________ and expensive. (TASTE)

632. All our proposals met with their ____________ refusal (PERSIST)

633. The ____________. trihes used to move from one place to another. (NOMAD)

634. Your lecture on modern British art was extremely ____________ (INSTRUCT)

635. She is so ____________ about the new environmental project. (ENTHUSIASM)

636. This child has not taken any ____________ today. (NOURISH)

637. In many countries ____________ are allowed to travel free on buses and trams. (PENSION)

638. Mosquitoes are known to be ____________ of malaria. (CARRY)

639. She did the jobs about the house ____________ dressed. (SLOP)

640. The megaliths have stood on the plain since times ____________ . (MEMORY)

641. This young man proved to be a skilled ____________ (TELEGRAPH)

642. He used quite ____________ methods in his research. (REVOLUTION)

643. She was quite angry and didn’t conceal her utter ____________ . (PLEASURE)

644. I made the ____________ and all my guests shook hands. (INTRODUCE)

645. Her kindness and reliability were ____________ (PROVERB)

646. We should not forget that God is kind and ____________ (MERCY)

647.1 have just sent in my ____________ for a place at the university. (APPLY)

648. The white ceiling ____________ the room and made it look larger. (LIGHT)

649. I find working in a school very ____________ (REWARD)

650. The change in her voice was scarcely ____________ (PERCEPTION)

Page 44 of 66
PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 20
Practice makes perfect Section: Word formation
Collected by DDH Time: 40 minutes, including 50 questions

Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

651. Her children spend most of the day in the ____________ (NURSE)

652. Some people behave as if they were ____________ (MORTAL)

653. Her ____________ to that job surprised all the staff. (APPOINT)

654. This is not a word in common ____________ (USE)

655. We all appreciated the ____________ of his remarks. (OBJECTIVE)

656. It was ____________ that they were there at the right moment. (PROVIDENCE)

657. After such a success, her future looks ____________ (ROSE)

658. Because, as, since are ____________ conjunctions. (CAUSE)

659. The ____________ of our house saved money on heating bills. (INSULATE)

660. On an ____________ I rang my sister up and told her my secret. (IMPEL)

661. The ____________ between the two champions was emulating for both. (RIVAL)

662. Their relationship was ____________ and they saw each other off and on. (TEMPEST)

663. She gave all her ____________ to her brother. (SAVE)

664. That actress was the ____________ of Marilyn Monroe in the movie. (PERSON)

665. She has only a ____________ knowledge of the subject. (RUDIMENT)

666. His speech was rather harsh and ____________ (PROVOKE)

667. Your performance is undoubtedly ____________ (MERIT)

668. Obsolete words are the ones that have fallen into ____________ (USE)

669. Stop being so ____________ ! This is a serious matter. (FLIP)

670. A teacher shouldn’t be ____________ with slow learners. (PATIENT)

671. In my opinion, the police action was an ____________ on his private life. (INTRUDE)

672. There is a public ____________ of this story in today’s newspaper. (DENY)

673. She has shrunk from society and prefers to live in ____________ (OBSCURE)

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674. It is ____________ to swim across the river on such windy weather. (PERIL)

675. We’ve heard you had an ____________ journey. (EVENT)

676. Last Sunday there was a service in ____________ of those killed in the war. (REMEMBER)

677. He had to act with great ____________ not to be caught. (PRUDENT)

678. The old gate closed with a ____________ sound. (METAL)

679. We were Inrky to have an ____________ judge who gave a fair verdict. (PARTIAL)

680. They annoyed me by ____________ gossiping about their neighbours. (CEASE)

681. The gate is rather ____________ : it needs painting. (RUST)

682. He seems to enjoy ____________ and being in the limelight. (PUBLIC)

683. Only a ____________ could hurt a sick man lying in Ills bed . (SADISM)

684. Finally, she gave in to his ____________ and bought him the camera. (PERSUADE)

685. His clothes were ____________ of the 1930s. (EVOKE)

686. An ____________ child remembered the scar on the face of the stranger. (OBSERVE)

687. Some football matches bring out a sense of ____________ in the supporters. (NATION)

688. The success of our lessons depends on the ____________ of our students, too. (APT)

689. Sonic paieius are worried about their children’s ____________ of pop stars. (IDOL)

690. He had to state on the paper whether he had any ____________ (DEPEND)

691. She had ____________ dreams before the tragedy. (PREMONITION)

692. After the quarrel he felt the blood ____________ in his head. (PULSE)

693. For the time being, the main ____________ is the lack of capital. (IMPEDE)

694. The ____________ was satisfied with my answers. (EXAMINE)

695. The plane finally made a successful ____________ (LAND)

696. The future of Africa can be ensured only by ____________ cooperation. (RACE)

697. Fasten your ____________ belts, please ! (SAFE)

698. The idea is ____________ of serious consideration. (WORTH)

699. Their ____________ refusal to admit defeat became almost pitiful. (DOG)

700. I am amazed by his ____________ rise in fame. (METEOR)

Page 46 of 66
PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 21
Practice makes perfect Section: Word formation
Collected by DDH Time: 40 minutes, including 50 questions

Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

701. Such a crime is ____________ by death in some countries. (PUNISH)

702. He unveiled the sculpture with a ____________ gesture. (CEREMONY)

703. Her son suffered from ____________ attacks of fever. (PERIOD)

704. The plumber noticed an ____________ in the water pipe. (OBSTRUCT)

705. The Queen will see you now, your ____________ (EXCEL)

706. My daughter is going to study ____________ (DENTIST)

707. The robber remained ____________ throughout the trial. (PASSIVE)

708. Although the food was bad , the bill was ____________ (EXCESS)

709. Didn’t you know that his ____________. was proverbial ? (OBSTINATE)

710. The engineer died from a massive doze of ____________ (RADIATE)

711. 1 bowed my head to her in ____________ (SALU)

712. You should give me the ____________ equivalents of these measurements. (METRE)

713. We must admit that his arguments were so ____________ (PERSUADE)

714. An ____________ wind was blowing on that gloomy morning. (EAST)

715. My daughter has fair skin and ____________ hair. (SAND)

716. This group displays a sort of intellectual ____________ (SNOB)

717. This thing is not ____________ to the matters we are discussing. (PERTAIN)

718. She is such an ____________ girl that she has few friends. (ARGUE)

719. Harold was accused of ____________ by William, Duke of Normandy. (PERJURE)

720. It turned out to be an ____________ version of the chronicle. (AUTHENTIC)

721. I am exasperated by the ____________ of some drivers. (RESPONSIBLE)

722. Finding a job can be a ____________ business. (CHANCE)

723. The girl came into the room with an ____________ of flowers. (ARM)

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724. The ____________ said I needed new glasses. (OPTIC)

725. Despite all this terrible news, he remained ____________ (PERTURB)

726. I know it’s hard to resist such a ____________ (TEMPT)

727. This book ____________ the political parlies in 18th century England. (SATIRE)

728. We should ____________ our efforts to find out the truth. (INTENSE)

729. Grandfather gave a ____________ sigh when he got home. (THANK)

730. A ____________ with our rival company is out of the question. (MERGE)

731. Every science has its own strict ____________ (TERM)

732. Has she given a ____________ excuse for her behaviour ? (SATISFY)

733. I think this woman is rather ____________ . Can’ t you get rid of her ? (INTRUDE)

734. The ____________ of his movements took us aback. (RAPID)

735. If someone steals, he is ____________ with theft. (CHARGE)

736. His rudeness is ____________ and he will have to apologize. (EXCUSE)

737. Young people handed out ____________ for a new disco. (FLY)

738. They made an ____________ search, but they couldn’t Find the missing sheep. (EXHAUST)

739. In spite of all her efforts, her story sounded rather ____________ (PLAUSIBLE)

740. This is a really strange ____________ and I can’t figure out what it signifies. (OCCUR)

741. The painting was of ____________ value and it was carefully guarded. (CALCULATE)

742. He is a ____________. always going to a lot of fashionable parties. (SOCIAL)

743. ____________ may be made by credit card or by cheque. (REMIT)

744. In his youth he joined a ____________ company. (THEATRE)

745. His ____________ as Prime Minister proved to be beneficial. (DESIGNATE)

746. Many people have been ____________ by the latest tax increases. (RAGE)

747. I admired the wonderful ____________ of the countryside. (SCENE)

748. She ____________ with him not to leave her. (PLEA)

749. The painting had that ____________ quality that only great artists possess. (ELUDE)

750. We are confronted with a ____________ of jobs. (SCARCE)

Page 48 of 66
PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 22
Practice makes perfect Section: Word formation
Collected by DDH Time: 40 minutes, including 50 questions

Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

751. The ____________ currents are traced on this map. (OCEAN)

752. Her paintings are on ____________ at our school. (EXHIBIT)

753. Their treatment of the prisoners was ____________ (HUMAN)

754. My grandfather was a ____________ old man with admirable manners. (CHIVALRY)

755. My aunt is a bit of an ____________ and as children we were afraid of her. (ODD)

756. I was bom in a ____________ village at the foot of the mountains. (PICTURE)

757. As usual, she regards my project with ____________ (SKEPTIC)

758. On seeing the snake, she gave an ____________ cry. (VOLUNTARY)

759. Her success is ____________ due to her hard work. (LARGE)

760. As the fog ____________, we couldn’ t continue our journey. (THICK)

761. My sister has won a ____________ to go to university. (SCHOLAR)

762. The ____________ of the Prince of Wales took place in 1969. (INVEST)

763. Massaging is known to be very ____________ for stiff muscles. (THERAPY)

764. ____________ have made a major contribution to the development of mankind. (SCIENCE)

765. He is making an ____________ which might lie wrong. (ASSUME)

766. It is ____________ that such incidents should never happen again. (DESIRE)

767. The ____________ old men try to prevent the youth from bringing in new ideas. (REACT)

768. Many Christians go on a ____________ to Jerusalem. (PILGRIM)

769. This liquid is colourless and ____________ (ODOUR)

770. We have just learnt about the ____________ of metals when heated. (EXPAND)

771. This immigrant has applied for Romanian ____________ (CITIZEN)

772. I took the ____________ in organizing that party. (INITIATE)

773. The young woman inherited a large coffee ____________ in Brasil. (PLANT)

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774. The editor’s main aim is to increase the paper’s ____________ (READ)

775. She has made a beautiful ____________ of his head. (SCULPTOR)

776. The invaders committed a lot of ____________ (ATROCIOUS)

777. How many people buy a car ____________ because of its fuel economy ? (SOLE)

778. The storm had ____________ effects producing a lot of damage. (DESTROY)

779. The audience witnessed the ____________ of a new star. (EMERGE)

780. She stood ____________ when she heard the terrible accusation. (SCORN)

781. I was admiring the ____________ of the moon. (BRILLIANT)

782. Her dream of becoming a pianist has become a ____________ (REAL)

783. The clerk ____________ the banknote with a magnifying glass. (SCRUTINY)

784. What we saw there was a ____________ sight. (PITY)

785. I feel a special ____________ to my native village. (ATTACH)

786. His ____________ from university was a shock to his parents. (EXPEL)

787. Taking drugs is ____________ to our health. (INJURE)

788. You will have to read the ____________ notes, too. (EXPLAIN)

789. She’s very ____________ about who she goes out with. (CHOOSE)

790. The two kittens are so ____________ and the kids adore them. (PLAY)

791 . Hotel work is often ____________ especially in seaside resorts. (SEASON)

792. We know him to be a man of great ____________ (ATTAIN)

793. Seeing that the wind was blowing strongly, the sailor ____________ the ropes. (TIGHT)

794. My uncle left the army and became a ____________ again. (CIVIL)

795. We agreed that the problem was rather ____________ (TICKLE)

796. Her ____________ death at twenty-seven grieved everybody who had known her. (TIME)

797. I think he is wasting time on ____________ (IRRELEVANT)

798. Grandma still cooks dishes full of ____________ and flavour. (FRAGRANT)

799. Our children are at a ____________ age we have to cope with. (REBEL)

800. Hydrogen is an ____________ gas which makes it so hazardous. (EXPLODE)

Page 50 of 66
PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 23
Practice makes perfect Section: Word formation
Collected by DDH Time: 40 minutes, including 24 questions

Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

801. I understand the ____________ has given me a wrong number. (OPERATE)

802. These new claims were a shock throughout ____________ (CHRISTEN)

803. Years ago, the ____________ of children in factories was very common. (EXPLOIT)

804. Steinbeck’s ____________ of life in small town America is very realistic. (PORTRAY)

805. His witty retorts ____________ the otherwise dull atmosphere. (LIVE)

806. At the end of her telephone conversation, she put down the ____________ (RECEIVE)

807. The fascination of Greece and Egypt are ____________ (TIME)

808. The ____________ heat was almost unbearable last summer. (OPPRESS)

809. She ____________ insisted that we tell our opinion on the matter. (EMPHASIS)

810. She was praised for her ____________ behaviour. (REPROACH)

811. They exchanged ____________ before approaching the problem. (PLEASANT)

812. Such ____________ substances are harmful especially to the eyes. (IRRITATE)

813. Last week we listened to her wonderful piano ____________ (RECITE)

814. How did this house come into your family’s ____________ ? (POSSESS)

815. It was ____________ for her to do that job all by herself. (TIRE)

816. I count on your ____________ and loyalty to our cause. (SECRET)

817. They organize ____________ courses for pupils entering university next year. (PREPARE)

818. That country has an ____________ climate which allows for lush vegetation. (EQUATOR)

819. His ___________ concern for the poor is disgusting – he’s just a hypocrite. (OSTENTATION)

820. That pass ____________ him to get inside the headquarters. (ABLE)

821. I am deeply ____________ to you for your support and encouragement. (DEBT)

822. I guess the annual ____________ of your car is high if you travel so much. (MILE)

823. Our new’ neighbours are very ____________ (INQUISITION)

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824. The little boy ____________ his feet in the stream. (BATH)

825. That country used to be a ____________. but now it is a republic. (DICTATE)

826. He has a very ____________ face with deep-set penetrating eyes. (EXPRESS)

827. Nobody can be convicted of a crime on ____________ evidence alone. (CIRCUMSTANCE)

828. At last our plans came to ____________ after months of hard work. (FRUIT)

829. The noise above was scarcely ____________ and he left home. (TOLERATE)

830. It has been discovered that there was an Iron Age ____________ in this area. (SETTLE)

831. ____________ behaviour is to be put down to lack of education as well. (SOCIAL)

832. The government promised to ____________ the public transport next year. (SUBSIDY)

833 His voire sounded very with stentorian notes (AUTHORITY)

834. She is not exactly ____________, but she is not very good at counting. (NUMERATE)

835. That school was known for its discipline and ____________ (SEVERE)

836. Wc were shocked by the ____________ damage. (EXTEND)

837. A few ____________ of furniture and household goods were given away. (REMAIN)

838. She is such a ____________ old lady always ready to soothe someone. (CHARM)

839. All ____________ compounds contain carbon. (ORGAN)

840. We can admire century-old ____________ in this museum. (POTTER)

841. The waitress brought the glasses of ____________ lager. (GAS)

842. The new law ____________ the police to stop anybody in the street. (POWER)

843. The crowd were ____________ at the end of the game. (EXULT)

844. The weather has been quite ____________. this week . (AUTUMN)

845. This knife needs ____________, doesn’t it ? (SHARP)

846. The band was made up of four ____________ and one singer. (INSTRUMENT)

847. I am sure that a year in the army will ____________ him. (TOUGH)

848. The opening of parliament is a ____________ occasion. (CEREMONY)

849. There was a ____________ between him and his neighbour. (RECONCILE)

850. ____________ for state benefits are more and more numerous. (CLAIM)

Page 52 of 66
PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 24
Practice makes perfect Section: Word formation
Collected by DDH Time: 40 minutes, including 50 questions

Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

851. We should always trv to show ____________ to other people. (TOLERATE)

852. The diamonds of her bracelet ____________ in the candlelight. (SPARK)

853. This is a situation ____________ in the history of our company. (PRECEDENCE)

854. She gazed in ____________ at the masterpiece in front of her. (RAPT)

855. In the end, the salesman proved to be a ____________ (TRAFFIC)

856. In Dublin one can admire ____________ old buildings in Georgian style. (STATE)

857. She will be ____________ with him if he is late again. (FURY)

858. It’s surprising that so many old laws are still ____________ (OPERATE)

859. This sentence was a last minute ____________ (INSERT)

860. You’ re very ____________ when it comes to finding excuses. (INGENUITY)

861. That young man was noted for his ____________ (GALLANT)

862. We found a ____________ in front of our house. (BEG)

863. Your sister has made a remarkable ____________ after her illness. (RECOVER)

864. ____________ of water is very common in this part of the world. (SHORT)

865. I have to ____________ the chicken before cooking it. (FROST)

866. I always use a ____________ cream before going to bed. (CLEAN)

867. The people murdered their vicious ____________ (OPPRESS)

868. Some people develop altitude ____________ when climbing high mountains. (SICK)

869. I have no ____________ to talking to him even after what happened. (AVERSE)

870. If we allow this man to go unpunished, it will set a ____________ . (PRECEDE)

871. As a result of ____________ this shirt is now too small to wear. (SHRINK)

872. The woman’s voice was ____________ Margaret’s. (MISTAKE)

873. What is your opinion about the ___________ powers of certain substances? (RECUPERATE)

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874. Wild animals live in ____________ and sometimes in neglect in a zoo. (CAPTIVE)

875. Oxygen is a ____________ element of paramount importance for life. (GAS)

876. I had my eyes tested last week, at my wife’s ____________ (INSIST)

877. She has had this scar on her forehead since ____________ (BABY)

878. We need a ____________ to fit the glass into the window frames. (GLAZE)

879. Scientists are still ____________ as to how the crystal skulls were made. (MYSTERY)

880. The doctor wanted to know if my knee was still ____________ (PAIN)

881. We managed to carry our luggage in a ____________ (TRAIL)

882. Your ____________ on this document means that you agreed to it. (SIGN)

883. Ripe fruit are ____________ on the market at the moment. (PLENTY)

884. We are sure that his intentions are ____________ (BENEVOLENCE)

885. She has had several ____________ of her illness lately. (RECUR)

886. Few people are bom with ____________ like theirs. (ENDOW)

887. That business ____________ took us several days. (TRANSACT)

888. There has always been a deep ____________ between the rich and the poor. (CLEAVE)

889. She was famous for her great ____________ of outlook. (BROAD)

890. The silence was ____________ and premonition was in the air. (EARTH)

891. His ____________ of talking to me that evening surprised me. (AVOID)

892. My cousin joined the ____________ service. (DIPLOMACY)

893. What is the most ____________ event in your life ? (SIGNIFY)

894. We need extra ____________ place either in the loft or in the cellar. (STORE)

895. Smoking is ____________ to health and yet so many people keep smoking. (INJURY)

896. My brother has recently been promoted to ____________ (INSPECT)

897. He is a highly revered ____________ of the National Gallery. (TRUST)

898. Is dinner ready ? I’m ____________ after so much work ! (RAVENING)

899. How can one write a book which ____________ the horrors of war ?! (GLORY)

900. She made several ____________ to your remarks. (REFER)

Page 54 of 66
PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 25
Practice makes perfect Section: Word formation
Collected by DDH Time: 40 minutes, including 50 questions

Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

901. He showed great interest in ____________ meditation. (TRANSCEND)

902. What most of us remember from history books are the ____________ events. (CLIMAX)

903. Suddenly we saw a ____________ figure in the darkened room. (GHOST)

904. His gun was fitted with a ____________ (SILENCE)

905. Josephine is a woman of great ____________ (REFINE)

906. His grandfather had been a man of great ____________ (LEARN)

907. This time he had an ____________ reaction. (PREDICT)

908. Alice looks ____________ in her new dress. (FANTASY)

909. My brother enjoys ____________ so much I think he’ll never get married. (BACHELOR)

910. In this profession men ____________ women by two to one. (NUMBER)

911. The courtiers burst into laughter when they heard the ____________ (JEST)

912. We tried to find her telephone number in the telephone ____________ (DIRECT)

913. My son’s dream is to become a ____________ (PARACHUTE)

914. It was he who had such a ____________ idea. (FARCE)

915. There’s been an increase in ____________ rates lately. (TRUANT)

916. The ____________ of this document will take me about twenty minutes. (TRANSCRIBE)

917. I have a large ____________ in this company. (HOLD)

918. London Promenade Orchestra is one of the most ____________ in the world . (PRESTIGE)

919. Mother always has me prepare the ____________ for the Christmas turkey. (STUFF)

920. All these goods are easily ____________ (TRANSPORT)

921. We can say that the colours of her clothes ____________ nicely. (HARMONY)

922. When she saw the results of the exam, her ____________ was obvious. (DISAPPOINT)

923. The perspective of ____________ affected the workers’ morale. (CLOSE)

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924. ____________ taught the Christian religion in remote places in Asia and Africa. (MISSION)

925. The news ____________ has just finished and there was no mention of it. (TRANSMIT)

926. A ____________ angel is believed to be a good spirit that protects each of us. (GUARD)

927. Many of his words and expressions are rather ____________ (SLANG)

928. They tested the ____________ of water in the village wells. (TRANSPARENT)

929. They have aimounced the ____________ for the Oscars. (NOMINATE)

930. Psychologists show more . . . into human character and behaviour. (SIGHT)

931. She spoke with ____________ of his impudent behaviour. (DISAPPROVE)

932. Your house is absolutely ____________ – it must have cost a fortune. (PALATE)

933. The thieves have stolen all my ____________ (JEWEL)

934. I remember her old father was ____________ (PARALYSIS)

935. He wrote a ____________ on the great German philosophers. (TREAT)

936. Nuclear ____________ is one of the main issues mankind is confronted with. (DISARM)

937. Religion has been a ____________ force in any society throughout history. (COHERE)

938. The Princess looked ____________ beautiful at the wedding (STUN)

939. During the war, a lot of ____________ fled to America. (REFUGE)

940. His actions were ____________ and he was hanged. (TREASON)

941. Unfortunately, ____________ still exists in some parts of the world. (SLAVE)

942. They had to obey die decisions taken by the ____________ of the party. (LEAD)

943. This woman has had two ____________ in three years. (PREGNANT)

944 . She thinks that he is her friend , but he is ____________ (TREACHERY)

945. Some ____________ will be served at the end of this meeting. (REFRESH)

946 I was reacting against the strictness of the rules. (CONSCIOUS)

947. The principal took ____________ measures against the culprits. (DISCIPLINE)

948. The two Prime Ministers finally agreed to meet for ____________ talks. (PREPARE)

949. According to the medical report , she is ____________ (PARANOIA)

950. The general checked the ____________ of the troops for battle. (READY)

Page 56 of 66
PFEC 2022-2023 MOCK TEST 26
Practice makes perfect Section: Word formation
Collected by DDH Time: 40 minutes, including 50 questions

Full name: ……………………………………………… Candidate number: ………

951. You have been elected ____________ of our association. (TREASURE)

952. When I asked for his permission, I was met with a ____________ . (REFUSE)

953. He was such a ____________ that I couldn’t tell when he was being serious. (JOKE)

954. The football fans’ behaviour was ____________ to the team. (DISCREDIT)

955. She ____________ her children to her landlady while she was out of town. (TRUST)

956. In my opinion, he has made a ____________ mistake. (PARDON)

957. The similarity between these tests is too great to be ____________ (COINCIDE)

958. The old woman was accused of ____________ views. (HERESY)

959. He looked so ____________ that I realized he had won. (TRIUMPH)

960. His ____________ about my health was unexpected. (SOLICIT)

961. I counted on your ____________ and you let me down. (DISCREET)

962. She will decorate her house ____________ of the cost. (REGARD)

963. This is going to be a ____________ task for the authorities. (TICKLE)

964. The ____________ of Japan was an apocalyptic movie. (SUBMERGE)

965. The tune that the ____________ played was very beautiful. (TRUMPET)

966. That woman is ____________ wicked, don’t you think so? (REDEEM)

967. She made a ____________ remark about our duties. (PARENTHESIS)

968. She will be punished severely for her ____________ (DISOBEY)

969. In the end our fears proved ____________ and we calmed down. (GROUND)

970. She showed good ____________ in choosing that hotel. (JUDGE)

971. I can see that your recover)’ is only ____________ (PART)

972. The police acted in ____________ with the drug traffickers. (COLLUDE)

973. He showed remarkable ____________ under those trying circumstances. (COMPOSE)

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974. They have a bright ____________ living-room downstairs. (SPACE)

975. Railway annual freight ____________ has decreased in the last decade. (TON)

976. I’d like to spend a week or two somewhere in a ____________ space. (PEACE)

977. She’s extremely ____________ about ancient art. (KNOW)

978. The fans gave the footballer a ____________ welcome. (TUMULT)

979. After the death of his uncle, he became the ____________ owner of the castle. (LAW)

980. Keep away from him when he is ____________ (MOOD)

981. He told us some ____________ stories that, to his surprise, fell flat. (SPICE)

982. The two leaders made a ____________ statement. (JOIN)

983. The ____________ of birds in the rainforests is amazingly colourful. (PLUME)

984. I looked at them in ____________ amazement. (SPEECH)

985. I want to renew my aimual ____________ to Cosmopolitan. (SUBSCRIBE)

986. Fishing is one of my favourite____________ (RELAX)

987. They seemed ____________ to meet on that very day. (ORDAIN)

988. I dare say this is a ____________ view of the problem. (SUBJECT)

989. Due to massive ____________ there is frequent landslide in this area. (FOREST)

990. The ____________ of wolves is well-known. (FEROCIOUS)

991. The argument caused a certain ____________ between the two. (STRANGE)

992. He had a special ____________ towards music. (LEAN)

993. The baby had ____________ eyes when he had measles. (WATER)

994. They will bury her ____________ the day after tomorrow. (REMAIN)

995. I need four ____________ of cloth for my kitchen curtains. (WIDE)

996. ____________ hydrogen is kept in insulated storage tanks. (LIQUID)

997. The ____________ of India took place in 1947. (PART)

998. The professor’s elaborate lecture was ____________ to most of us. (COMPREHEND)

999. The mob got carried away by a ____________ wave of hysteria. (TIDE)

1000. Suppliers have to pay a 10% ____________ on imported goods. (CHARGE)

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1. arrival 2. courtesy 3. inferiority
4. complimentary 5. stretchers 6. height
7. young 8. enjoyable 9. mountainous
10. pointless 11. loss 12. unawares
13. questionable 14. laughter 15. expectations
16. dishonourable 17. depth 18. powerless
19. volunteered 20. variety 21. sufficient
22. energetic 23. investment 24. uncontrollable
25. sociologist 26. inexplicable 27. suspiciously
28. entertainment 29. pursuit 30. muscular
31. envious 32. formalities 33. countless
34. reassurance 35. changeable 36. worthless
37. tactfully 38. abstentions 39. weight
40. strengthen 41. nutritious 42. inventive
43. precision 44. automaton 45. length
46. certainty 47. choice 48. typist
49. feelings 50. anxiety
51. accursed
52. exclusive 53. reliable 54. cautiously
55. warmth 56. adhesion 57. attendance
58. encouragement 59. speedy 60. widen
61. impassable 62. inexhaustible 63. scenic
64. concealment 65. habitual 66. lifel
67. enclosure 68. leakage 69. seasoning
70. descent 71. residential 72. economical
73. neighbourhood 74. residency 75. expulsion
76. acquittal 77. stardom 78. competitive
79. mimicry 80. clarity 81. spectacular
82. harmful 83. mercilessly 84. aggrieved
85. troublesome 86. hindrance 87. confidential
88. apologetic 89. appetizing 90. concessions
91. influential 92. imaginative 93. standardizing
94. unbelievable 95. advisable 96. unavoidable
97. momentarily 98. package 99. mastery
100. pollutants
101. mouthful 102. liability
103. fixation 104. defence 105. starvation
106. kingdom 107. amateurishly 108. meanness
109. cellist 110. abolition 111. enlightenment
112. wisdom 113. cleanliness 114. membership
115. artful 116. hastens 117. ownership
118. description 119. embodiment 120. minimize
121. unemployment 122. insanity 123. dullness
124. reception 125. upheaval 126. conception
127. exposure 128. amoral 129. principality
130. acquaintance 131. rearwards 132. mockery
133. admission 134. parental 135. irresolute
Page 59 of 66
136. departure 137. recognition 138. likelihood
139. performance 140. revival 141. resemblance
142. boredom 143. pressure 144. resolution
145. angular 146. remainder 147. complaints
148. hatred 149. descendants 150. noisily
151. hazardous 152. enquiry 153. ashamed
154. reduction 155. facial 156. relief
157. millionaire 158. worthwhile 159. anonymity
160. willingly 161. abbot 162. conclusive
163. weariness 164. ability 165. meaningless
166. warriors 167. restraint 168. methodical
169. insurmountable 170. victorious 171. failures
172. absentees 173. miraculous 174. unfortunate
175. misunderstanding 176. allowance 177. mischievous
178. unconscious 179. mixture 180. alteration
181. truthfully 182. troublesome 183. amusement
184. contemptuously 185. annoyance 186. gardening
187. resumption 188. consequential 189. pathetically
190. monstruous 191. touching 192. realization
193. factual 194. dizziness 195. apiece
196. moisture 197. tidiness 198. reasonable
199. approximation 200. gracious
201. movable
202. threaten 203. rebellion 204. argument
205. idleness 206. guidance 207. multiplication
208. thoughtless 209. rehearsal 210. warning
211. suitable 212. barely 213. apparitions
214. beheaded 215. betrayal 216. loosen
217. desperate 218. shaky 219. blotter
220. massive 221. breathless 222. constancy
223. commandments 224. crossing 225. defiance
226. Emperor 227. emptiness 228. wrongly
229. tobacconist's 230. appraisal 231. zealous
232. youngster 233. mourning 234. inconceivable
235. compulsory 236. intriguing 237. lineage
238. reddish 239. hellishly 240. retention
241. characterization 242. absolution 243. suddenness
244. illustrative 245. summarize 246. revelatory
247. postage 248. sweeteners 249. tyrannical
250. sustenance
251. misled 252. nightmarish
253. apprehensive 254. falsehood 255. respectability
256. proceedings 257. deceptive 258. entry
259. visionary 260. monetary 261. solitary
262. stiffen 263. consumption 264. assembly
265. literacy 266. trespassing 267. absorption
268. Almighty 269. redemption 270. journalistic
271. reversal 272. hesitant 273. sobriety
274. accusatory 275. boarder 276. acquisition
Page 60 of 66
277. specialization 278. undrinkable 279. righteous
280. Resurrection 281. addressee 282. grandeur
283. roomful 284. imagery 285. roughened
286. patronage 287. rotten 288. recurrent
289. momentous 290. clothe 291. ardent
292. completeness 293. absenteeism 294. fanciful
295. contention 296. accountant 297. sameness
298. coincidence 299. excitement 300. livelihood
301. assistance 302. accomplishment 303. friendliness
304. savagery 305. impractical 306. postponement
307. profundity 308. imaginable 309. humility
310. immobilized 311. horrible 312. redundancies
313. fateful 314. deceit 315. decency
316. response 317. seclusion 318. wretchedness
319. accuracy 320. perceptive 321. strength
322. unfortunately 323. secrecy 324. enlargement
325. workable 326. nobility 327. assured
328. disobedient 329. artfully 330. pride
331. indefensible 332. agreement 333. cyclic
334. employees 335. wizardry 336. inattentive
337. risky 338. locker 339. shameful
340. inheritance 341. memorize 342. carelessly
343. schooling 344. swelling 345. affectionate
346. delicacy 347. harden 348. ascendancy
349. furry 350. seemingly
351. coverage
352. lengthy 353. seizure 354. presentiment
355. renewal 356. illusory 357. weaponry
358. conveniencies 359. hysterics 360. fearsome
361. sensitivity 362. passage 363. reformatory
364. lessened 365. prescription 3 366. remunerative
367. wastage 368. suicidal 369. assertions
370. inaugural 371. renunciation 372. wilderness
373. arguable 374. presentable 375. icicles
376. nonsensical 377. avoidance 378. figurative
379. distribution 380. admirable 381. inclusive
382. depletion 383. lonesome 384. impermeable
385. dissension 386. Financier 387. preservation
388. senseless 389. liars 390. rental
391. presidency 392. widower 393. illogical
394. fellowships 395. passionate 396. advancement
397. proven 398. consumer 399. bankruptcies
400. floral
401. disturbance 402. likeness
403. disadvantages 404. awesome 405. presumption
406. flourishing 407. conspirators 408. repairable
409. sequentially 410. conversion 411. lighter
412. repayable 413. prevalent 414. basement
415. ageless 416. idiocy 417. passivity
Page 61 of 66
418. derision 419. precaution 420. addition
421. pertinently 422. illegitimate 423. divinity
424. foolishness 425. sewerage 426. constructive
427. vivacious 428. repeatable 429. prevention
430. summery 431. wireless 432. replacement
433. pathetic 434. inanimate 435. continuation
436. docility 437. apprenticeship 438. footing
439. imitative 440. correction 441. limitless
442. doubtful 443. contradictory 444. morality
445. forcible 446. priceless 447. supposition
448. representative 449. supremacy 450. beings
451. ablaze 452. patience 453. lunacy
454. surety 455. embittered 456. drainage
457. telepathic 458. inscription 459. formative
460. abhorrence 461. corruptible 462. lodger
463. Ignorance 464. kindness 465. breathe
466. intemperate 467. drawer 468. motherly
469. beautician 470. accessible 471. detention
472. princely 473. reproachful 474. summons
475. supremacy 476. inadequate 477. madness
478. dutiful 479. creative 480. fortifications
481. immature 482. creditable 483. earthen
484. movable 485. pavement 486. fragmentary
487. absolutely 488. contributory 489. location
490. stability 491. feverishly 492. paternity
493. surgery 494. inactive 495. maintenance
496. magician 497. payment 498. eatable
499. altruistic 500. notoriety
501. devious
502. fruitful 503. unbecoming 504. alarmist
505. eccentricity 506. perpetuity 507. magnetize
508. fulfilment 509. reinforced 510. privacy
511. withdrawal 512. residence 513. controversial
514. fiery 515. disheartened 516. belated
517. requirements 518. peaceable 519. problematic
520. debatable 521. illegible 522. improper
523. allergic 524. edification 525. pharmaceutical
526. musical 527. interference 528. functional
529. resignation 530. commitment 531. silken
532. survival 533. resistance 534. revolution
535. pearly 536. significantly 537. proclamation
538. resourceful 539. effective 540. allusion
541. disloyalty 542. illegal 543. embroidery
544. pedantic 545. worshippers 546. decorative
547. bookishness 548. alliance 549. yearly
550. peasantry
551. annuity 552. belittled
553. oblivion 554. predominance 555. deduction
556. manfully 557. bodily 558. courtship
Page 62 of 66
559. vigorously 560. skeletal 561. peculiarity
562. defective 563. reliant 564. sweetened
565. occupant 566. enchantment 567. materialize
568. breakage 569. swampy 570. interrogative
571. amazingly 572. vibrant 573. suspension
574. disruptive 575. brewery 576. respiratory
577. profitable 578. nationalized 579. idealist
580. slackened 581. prohibitive 582. vengeful
583. fittings 584. adventurous 585. medallist
586. restoration 587. penalty 588. immodest
589. buoyant 590. amendment 591. delivery
592. physicist 593. restful 594. endurance
595. perplexity 596. memorabilia 597. instantaneous
598. ambitiousness 599. slanting 600. enmity
601. negotiable 602. perseverance 603. retirement
604. penetration 605. melodious 606. intervention
607. quarrelsome 608. restrictive 609. symbolic
610. prosecution 611. multiplicity 612. dismissal
613. flawlessly 614. deformity 615. detestable
616. relieve 617. lamentable 618. returnable
619. penniless 620. synonymous 621. reversal
622. ancestry 623. prospective 624. sympathetic
625. intimacy 626. enormities 627. ominous
628. slippage 629. pitying 630. vegan
631. tasteful. 632. persistent 633. nomadic
634. instructive 635. enthusiastic 636. nourishment
637. pensioners 638. carriers 639. sloppily
640. immemorial 641. telegrapher 642. revolutionary
643. displeasure 644. introductions 645. proverbial
646. merciful 647. application 648. lightened
649. rewarding 650. perceptible
651. nursery
652. immortal 653. appointment 654. usage
655. objectivity 656. providential 657. rosy
658. causal 659. insulation 660. impulse
661. rivalry 662. tempestuous 663. savings
664. impersonation 665. rudimentary 666. provocative
667. meritorious 668. disuse 669. flippant
670. impatient 671. intrusion 672. denial
673. obscurity 674. perilous 675. eventful
676. remembrance 677. prudence 678. metallic
679. impartial 680. ceaselessly 681. rusty
682. publicity 683. sadist 684. persuasion
685. evocative 686. observant 687. nationalism
688. aptness 689. idolatry 690. dependants
691. premonitory 692. pulsating 693. impediment
694. examiner 695. landing 696. interracial
697. safety 698. unworthy 699. dogged
700. meteoric
Page 63 of 66
701. punishable 702. ceremonious
703. periodic 704. obstruction 705. Excellency
706. dentistry 707. impassive 708. excessive
709. obstinacy 710. radiation 711. salutation
712. metric 713. persuasive 714. easterly
715. sandy 716. snobbery 717. pertinent
718. argumentative 719. perjury 720. inauthentic
721. irresponsibility 722. chancy 723. armful
724. optician 725. imperturbable 726. temptation
727. satirizes 728. intensify 729. thankful
730. merger 731. terminology 732. satisfactory
733. intrusive 734. rapidity 735. chargeable
736. inexcusable 737. flyers 738. exhaustive
739. implausible 740. occurrence 741. incalculable
742. socialite 743. Remittance 744. theatrical
745. designation 746. outraged 747. scenery
748. pleaded/pled 749. elusive 750. scarcity
751. oceanic 752. exhibition 753. inhuman
754. chivalrous 755. oddity 756. picturesque
757. skepticism 758. involuntary 759. largely
760. thickened 761. scholarship 762. investiture
763. therapeutic 764. Scientists 765. assumption
766. desirable 767. reactionary 768. pilgrimage
769. odourless 770. expansion 771. citizenship
772. initiative 773. plantation 774. readership
775. sculpture 776. atrocities 777. solely
778. destructive 779. emergence 780. scornful
781. brilliance 782. reality 783. scrutinized
784. pitiful 785. attachment 786. expulsion
787. injurious 788. explanatory 789. choosy
790. playful 791. seasonal 792. attainments
793. tightened 794. civilian 795. ticklish
796. untimely 797. irrelevancies 798. fragrance
799. rebellious 800. explosive
801. operator
802. Christendom 803. exploitation 804. portrayal
805. enliven 806. receiver 807. timeless
808. oppressive 809. emphatically 810. irreproachable
811. pleasantries 812. irritant 813. recital
814. possession 815. tiresome 816. secrecy
817. preparatory 818. equatorial 819. ostentatious
820. enabled 821. indebted 822. mileage
823. inquisitive 824. bathed 825. dictatorship
826. expressive 827. circumstantial 828. fruition
829. tolerable 830. settlement 831. Antisocial
832. subsidize 833. authoritative 834. innumerate
835. severity 836. extensive 837. remnants
838. charming 839. organic 840. pottery
841. gassy 842. empowers 843. exultant
844. autumnal 845. sharpening 846. instrumentalists
Page 64 of 66
47. toughen 848. ceremonial 849. reconciliation
850. Claimants
851. tolerance 852. sparkled
853. unprecedented 854. raptured 855. trafficker
856. stately 857. furious 858. operative
859. insertion 860. ingenious 861. gallantry
862. beggar 863. recovery 864. Shortage
865. defrost 866. cleansing 867. oppressor
868. sickness 869. aversion 870. precedent
871. shrinkage 872. unmistakably 873. recuperative
874. captivity 875. gaseous 876. insistence
877. babyhood 878. glazier 879. mystified
880. painful 881. trailer 882. signature
883. plentiful 884. benevolent 885. recurrences
886. endowments 887. transaction 888. cleavage
889. breadth 890. unearthly 891. avoidance
892. diplomatic 893. significant 894. storage
895. injurious 896. inspectorship 897. trustee
898. ravenous 899. glorifies 900. references
901. transcendental 902. climactic 903. ghostly
904. silencer 905. refinement 906. learning
907. unpredictable 908. fantastic 909. bachelorhood
910. outnumber 911. jester 912. directory
913. parachutist 914. farcical 915. truancy
916. transcription 917. holding 918. prestigious
919. stuffing 920. transportable 921. harmonize
922. disappointment 923. closure 924. Missionaries
925. transmission 926. guardian 927. slangy
928. transparency 929. nominees 930. insight
931. disapproval 932. palatial 933. jewellery
934. paralytic 935. treatise 936. disarmament
937. cohesive 938. stunningly 939. refugees
940. treasonable 941. slavery 942. leadership
943. pregnancies 944. treacherous 945. refreshments
946. Subconsciously 947. disciplinary 948. preparatory
949. paranoiac 950. readiness
951. treasurer
952. refusal 953. joker 954. discreditable
955. entrusted 956. pardonable 957. coincidental
958. heretical 959. triumphant 960. solicitude
961. discretion 962. regardless 963. ticklish
964. Submersion 965. trumpeter 966. irredeemably
967. parenthetical 968. disobedience 969. groundless
970. judgement 971. partial 972. collusion
973. composure 974. spacious 975. tonnage
976. peaceful 977. knowledgeable 978. tumultous
979. lawful 980. moody 981. spicy
982. joint 983. plumage 984. speechless
985. subscriptions 986. relaxations 987. preordained
Page 65 of 66
988. subjective 989. deforestation 990. ferocity
991. estrangement 992. leaning 993. watery
994. remains 995. widths 996. Liquefied
997. partition 998. incomprehensible 999. tidal
1000. surcharge

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