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Blockchain Technology- An Awareness

1/2 Days

Course content

Personal data stored in Blockchain cannot be changed or removed. The

transparency might render Blockchain deemed unsuitable for personal
data protection but behind the humble beginning of Blockchain, few
know that it was created just for that; to protect personal data and
maintain privacy.

What if your database worked like a network – a network that’s shared

with everybody in the world, where anyone and anything can connect to
it? Vinay Gupta, Harvard Business Review (2017). Blockchain experts call
this “decentralization.” Decentralization offers the promise of nearly
friction-free cooperation between members of complex networks that
can add value to each other by enabling collaboration without central
authorities and middle man.

Head of states and related institutions worldwide, speakers at World

Economic Forum, traders on Wall Street and even diamond miners in
South Africa have already expressed their interest in using this
technology. Blockchain is largely regarded as the technology powering up
the Bitcoin virtual currency and other cryptocurrencies.

Although blockchain technology emerged from the open source

community, it quickly attracted many stakeholders, each with different
backgrounds, interests, and motives. Developers, industry players,
venture capitalists, entrepreneurs, governments, and non-government
organizations have their own perspectives, and each has a role to play.
There are early signs that many of the core stakeholders see the need for
leadership and are stepping up and the ecosystem has gone beyond
By attending this less than half a day’s training, participants would be able to
understand what Blockchain is all about in layman’s term, how it started with
Bitcoin and followed by other cryptocurrencies mainly to avoid middlemen, how it
has started influencing the financial system and how the entire Blockchain
Technology ecosystem has developed beyond financial system to other industries.

Programme outline

 The Beginning; Personal Data Protection and Blockchain

 Blockchain and Middlemen
 Blockchain and Application – Cryptocurrencies (Finance)
 Blockchain – The Ecosystem

Training outcome

 Understanding how Blockchain works

 Types of Blockchain
 Impact of Blockchain on Business and Society
 Blockchain use cases in real-life
 How to relate to our industries

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