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Part 1A (The Visual Village) page 9 – 11 10. Sincere (Adj)[54] = genuine (tulus)
11. Happened to (vp)[56] = by chance (secara
1. Aspiring (adj)[1] = hoping to be successful (memiliki kebetulan)
ambisi yang kuat) 12. Indeed (adv)[58] = without any question (sungguh;
2. Amateur (n)[8] = someone who is not very skilled bener)
at something (amatir) 13. Hailstorm (n)[61] = a storm when a lot of balls of ice
3. Equal (v)[10] = to be as good as something else fall (hujan badai batu es)
(sama dengan) 14. Overcame (v)[62] = to successfully control a feeling
4. Ease (n)[11] = relaxed way (kemudahan) or problem that prevents you from achieving
5. Tremendous (adj)[12] = very big; huge (sangat something (mengatasi)
besar) 15. Thus (adv)[64] = as a result of something (oleh
6. Appetite (n)[12] = a desire or liking (keinginan yang karena itu)
besar) 16. Knee-deep (adj)[72] = having a lot of something
7. Obsessed (adj)[13] = to think about something too (mempunyai banyak)
much (dihantui; terobsesi) 17. Praise (n)[75] = say good things about something
8. Captured our imaginations (vp)[30] = to make (pujian)
someone feel very interested in something (menarik 18. Figured out (pv)[86] = discovered (mengetahui)
perhatian) 19. Turned out (pv)[88] = happen in a particular way
9. Course (n)[32] = the way something changes or (ternyata)
develops (jalannya; perkembangan) 20. Raft (n)[99] = a flat floating structure (rakit)
10. Memorable (adj)[33] = worth remembering (yang 21. Dedicated (Adj)[109] = devoted (berdedikasi)
mengesankan) 22. Issue (n)[111] = a problem (masalah)
11. Urban (n)[40] = relating to towns or cities 23. Wilderness (n)[115] = a wild and natural area in
(berhubungan dengan kota) which few people live (alam liar)
12. Matter (v)[47] = to be important (penting) 24. Enrich (v)[124] = to improve the quality of
13. Relevant (adj)[48] = directly relating to the subject something (memperkaya)
or problem being discussed or considered
(bersangkut paut) Part 2A (LOVE: A Chemical Reaction) page 27 – 29
14. Instantly (adv)[48] = immediately (dengan cepat)
15. Embrace (v)[49] = accept (menerima) 1. Romance (n)[2] = a feeling of being in love
16. Represent (v)[56] =describe (menggambarkan) (perasaan jatuh cinta)
17. Cover (v)[69] = to report the details of an event for a 2. Occupied (adj)[4] = filled (dipenuhi)
newspaper or a television or a radio programme 3. Intensity (n)[12] = strength or force (kekuatan)
18. Controversy (n)[70] = a serious 4. Looked down on (pv)[16-17] = to regard with
argument(perdebatan yang serius) contempt (menghina; merendahkan)
19. Romanticize (v)[72] = make things seem more 5. Spell (n)[18] = a spoken word or form of words held
attractive than they really are (memperbesarkan; to have magic power (mantera)
melebih-lebihkan) 6. Defiance (n)[24] = a refusal to obey something or
20. Subjective (adj)[74] = based on feelings or opinions someone (tentangan)
(berdasarkan pendapat pribadi) 7. Chance (n)[33] = opportunity; luck; risk (resiko)
21. Stuck (adj)[84] = unable to do anything (tidak 8. Leave to chance (vp)[33] = to not prepared or plan
mampu melakukan apa apa) for (dibiarkan begitu saja/ untuk tidak
22. Revealing (adj)[88] = interesting or surprising dipersiapkan)
(menarik) 9. Hypothesize (v)[36] = suggest (menduga)
23. Be up against (vp)[94] = have to deal with a difficult 10. Be rooted in (phrase)[37] = to have developed from
opponent or problem (hadapi) something and be strongly influenced by it
24. Lead (v)[100] = cause (menyebabkan) (berkembang dari)
25. Radical (adj)[100] = very big and important (sangat 11. Constant (adj)[41] = continual (terus menerus)
penting) 12. Inclination (n)[41] = a tendency to do something
26. Witnessing (v)[101] = seeing (menyaksikan) (kecenderungan)
27. Relate (v)[103] = connect (menghubungkan) 13. Inherent (adj)[49] = a natural part and cannot be
28. Flowering (n)[107] = the successful development separated from it (yang sudah menjadi bawaannya
(perkembangan) atau sifatnya)
29. Profound (adj)[110] = deep; having a strong 14. Waist-to-hip ratio (WHR)(n)[52] = a measurement
influence (mendalam) that measures the ratio of your waist circumference
30. Irreversible (adj)[111] = so great (sangat besar) to your hip circumference to determine if you are
overweight or not (pengukuran berat)
15. Bear (v)[53] = give birth (melahirkan)
Part 1B (My Journey in Photographs) page 15 – 18 16. Rugged (adj)[54] = rough but attractive (kasar tetapi
1. Convinced (adj)[2] = certain (yakin) 17. Feature (n)[54] = a part of the face (bagian wajah)
2. Assess (v)[9] = judge (menilai) 18. Follow one’s nose (pv)[58] = to proceed without plan
3. At ease (ph)[11] = feeling relaxed (santai) or reflection; obey’s one instincts (mengikuti insting
4. Hooked (adj)[17] = addicted (kecanduan) sendiri)
5. Top-notch (adj)[32] = highest quality or standard 19. Conducted (v)[60] = did; carried out (melakukan)
(kualitas terbaik) 20. Rate (v)[64] = determine (menentukan)
6. Independent (adj)[38] = not controlled by others 21. Overwhelming (adj)[79] = very large or greater,
(mandiri) more important than any other (sangat kuat)
7. Project (v)[49] = to have or show (menunjukkan) 22. Examined (v)[83] = checked (memeriksa)
8. Willingly (adv)[51] = readily (bersedia) 23. Desire (n)[88] = a strong hope or wish (keinginan
9. Subject (n)[54] = things talked about (pembahasan) yang kuat)

24. Tell apart (pv)[92] = distinguish (membedakan) important religious or social occasion (upacara
25. Aid (n)[95] = help; assistance (bantuan) keagamaan)
26. Recruited (v)[95] = got people to join (merekrut) 34. Evoke (v)[108] = bring something into the mind
27. Fascinated (v)[100] = made someone attracted (menimbulkan)
(mengejutkan; membuat nya tertarik) 35. Breeding (v)[123] = producing young animals
28. Exhilaration (n)[105] = a feeling of being happy, (berkembang biak)
excited and full of energy (perasaan bahagia) 36. Welfare (n)[125] = the state of being happy, healthy,
29. Norm (n)[108] = usual situation (hal yang umum) or successful (kesejahteraan)
30. Practical (adj)[113] = real (nyata) 37. Present (v)[129] = cause something to happen
31. Bond (n)[115] = tie (ikatan) (menyebabkan)
32. Raise (v)[116] = bring up (membesarkan)
33. Lasting (n)[121] = long life (bertahan lama) Part 3A (How Safe Is Our Food?) page 45 – 47
34. Promote (v)[123] = encourage (mendorong)
35. Mutual (adj)[124] = shared by two or more people 1. Severe (adj)[4] = very serious or unpleasant
(saling) (berat;keras)
36. Abundant (adj)[128] = plentiful (banyak) 2. Admitted (v)[5] = to be taken in to be given
37. Trigger (v)[132] = to cause to happen treatment (dimasukkan;dilarikan)
(menyebabkan) 3. Endured (v)[5] = deal with or accept
(something unpleasant)(menhadapi)
Part 2B (Feather of Love) page 34 – 37 4. Contaminated (v)[8] = made dirty or harmful
1. Noble (adj)[1] = grand or magnificent (agung; 5. Virulent (adj)[9] =extremely dangerous
mulia) (berbahaya)
2. Bow (v)[2] = bend (membungkuk) 6. Foodborne (adj)[14] = carried by food (dibawa
3. Tap (v)[4] = hit lightly (menepuk) oleh makanan)
4. Fascinating (adj)[6] = very interesting or appealing 7. Integral (adj)[30] = very important and
(sangat menarik) necessary (penting)
5. Attempting (v)[8] = trying (mencoba) 8. Digestion (n)[34] = the process by which food
6. Impress (v)[9] = to make someone feel admiration is charged to a simpler form after it is eaten
and respect (mengesankan) (pencernaan)
7. Commence (v)[13] = to begin (memulai) 9. Raw (adj)[36] = not cooked (mentah)
8. Bouncing (v)[15] = jumping up and down (mental) 10. Intestine (n)[40] = the tubular part of the
9. Dense (Adj)[20] = having parts that are close digestive tract that extends from the stomach
together (lebat) to the anus (usus)
10. Humid (adj)[20] = having a lot of moisture in the air 11. Lightly (adv)[50] = little (sedikit)
(lembab) 12. Multiply (v)[52] = to increase in number
11. Absurd (Adj)[21] = ridiculous; completely (melipatgandakan)
unreasonable (konyol; tidak masuk akal) 13. In the name of (phrase)[57-58] = for the reason
12. Worthy (adj)[23] = deserve (pantas; layak) of (dikarenakan)
13. Stand out (pv)[25] = to be very easy to see or notice 14. Confine (v)[60] = to keep someone or
(mencolok) something within limits (mengurung)
14. Remarkably (adv)[32] = surprisingly (bener-bener) 15. Quarters (n)[61] = rooms (ruangan)
15. Complex (adj)[33] = complicated (rumit) 16. Tracking (v)[65] = follow and find (someone or
16. Show off (pv)[37] = to display proudly something) especially by looking at evidence
(memamerkan) (mencari)
17. Delightful (adj)[38] = very pleasant (sangat 17. Incident (n)[72] = unexpected thing that
menyenangkan) happens (kejadian)
18. Eye-catching (adj)[47] = unusual or attractive 18. Domestic (adj)[77] = relating to someone’s
(menarik perhatian) home or family (berhubungan dengan rumah
19. Resist (v)[49] = stop yourself from doing something tangga)
(menahan diri) 19. Rest (v)[79] = to be based (tergantung pada)
20. Prominently (adv)[50] = easily noticed or seen 20. Solely (adv)[79] = only (hanya)
(mudah terlihat) 21. Associate (v)[92] = make a connection
21. Pleased (v)[54] = to make someone happy or (menghubungkan)
satisfied (menyenangkan) 22. Say (v)[92] = suggest or suppose that
22. Favoured (v)[64] = preferred (lebih disukai) something might happen or be true (anggap
23. After all (adv)[65] = in spite of considerations or saja)
expectations to the contrary; nevertheless 23. Noted (v)[101] = noticed (memperhatikan)
(walaupun begitu) 24. Nationwide (adj)[136] = happening or existing
24. Fleeing (v)[68] = running away (melarikan diri) in all parts of a country (diseluruh dalam
25. Lie (v)[69] = occupy (terdapat) negeri)
26. Harsher (adj)[76] = more unpleasant or difficult to 25. Compulsory (Adj)[138] = necessary
accept (lebih sulit) (keharusan)
27. Come up with (pv)[77] = produce (menghasilkan) 26. Optimistic (adj)[141] = believing that good
28. Undergone (v)[85] = to experience (mengalami) things will happen in the future (optimis)
29. Enhanced (v)[88] = increased (ditingkatkan) 27. Occurrence (n)[145] = something that happens
30. Spring (v)[91] = start from (dimulai dari) (kemunculan)
31. Landscape (n)[95] = an area of land (daratan) 28. Virtually (adv)[147] = almost (hampir)
32. Distinct (adj)[98] = different (berbeda) 29. Eliminated (v)[147] = eradicate; get rid of
33. Rituals (n)[103] = a ceremony that is always (menghilangkan)
performed in the same way, in order to mark an

30. Pioneer (n)[152] = a person who helps create 34. Converted (v)[135] = changed (di ubah)
or develop new ideas, methods, etc (perintis) 35. Remains (v)[138] = to continue to be in the
31. Feasible (adj)[153] = possible (mungkin) same state or condition (tetap)
36. Deliver (v)[140] = to do or provide the things
Part 3B (Genetically Modified Foods) page 52 – 55 you are expected to (memberikan)
37. Eliminating (v)[141] = get rid of ; eradicate
1. Engineering (n)[2] = the work involved in (menghilangkan)
designing and building something (teknik) 38. Enormous (adj)[143] = huge; giant (sangat
2. Manipulation (n)[3] = the act of changing besar)
something in a skilful way or for a particular 39. Proceed (v)[144] = continue (dilanjutkan)
purpose (manipulasi) 40. Caution (n)[144] = the quality of being very
3. Revolution (n)[4] = a complete change in ways careful to avoid danger or risk (kehati-hatian)
of methods of working (revolusi) 41. Thoroughly (adv)[145] = carefully, so that
4. Notwithstanding (adv)[9] = in spite of nothing is forgotten (dengan hati-hati)
something (walaupun begitu) 42. Sound (adj)[145] = sensible or good (bijaksana)
5. So-called (adj)[10-11) = usually called (biasanya
di sebut) Part 4A (Design by Nature) page 63 – 66
6. Rushed (v)[11] = to be done quickly (di buru-
buru) 1. Cloudless (adj)[1] = without any clouds (tidak
7. Altered (v)[15] = changed (dirubah) berawan)
8. Traits (n)[17] = a quality that makes one 2. Evolutionary (adj)[2] = relating to the way in which
person or thing different from another (sifat) plants and animals develop and change gradually
9. Conventional (Adj)[29] = traditional ; usual over a long period of time (evolusi)
(biasa) 3. Knelt (v)[2] = to be in or move into a position where
10. Contrast (n)[33] = a difference between your body is resting on your knees (berlutut)
people, ideas, situations, things that are being 4. Baking (adj)[3] = very hot (sangat panas)
compared (berbeda) 5. Gently (adv)[4] = in a gentle way (dengan hati hati)
11. Inserted (v)[37] = to be put something inside or 6. Intense (adj)[7] = very strong (Sangat kuat)
into something else (dimasukkan) 7. Exclaimed (v)[9] = say something suddenly and
12. Resistance (n)[40] = the natural ability of loudly because you are surprised, angry , or excited
something or someone to stop diseases (berseru)
(ketahanan) 8. Drenched (adj)[9] = covered with a lot of liquid
13. Desired (adj)[43] = wanted or wished (basah)
(diinginkan) 9. In essence (np)[12-13] = in or by its very nature
14. Varieties (n)[45] = a number of different things (pada dasarnya)
or people (bervariasi) 10. Damp (adj)[14] = slightly wet (lembab)
15. None (Pronoun)[53] = not any (tidak satupun) 11. Vital (adj)[15] = extremely important and necessary
16. Wound (n)[60] = a cut or breach in a plant for something to succeed or exist; crucial (sangat
usually due to external agent (lubang atau penting)
koyakan) 12. Riddle (n)[17] = puzzle (teka teki)
17. Modified (v)[63] = changed some parts of 13. Precisely (adv)[17] = exactly (dengan tepat)
something (mengubah sedikit) 14. Concrete (adj)[18] = definite and specific (jelas)
18. Occurred (v)[77] = happened (terjadi) 15. Leading (adj)[23] = best, most important or most
19. Critics (n)[72] = someone whose job is to make successful (terbaik)
judgments about the good and bad qualities of 16. Draw (v)[29] = get something thst you need or want
art, music, films (pengeritik) from someone or something (memperoleh)
20. Slip by (pv)[74] = pass quickly (terlewatkan) 17. Phase (n)[35] = one of the stages of a process of
21. Dramatically (Adv)[75] = greatly (sangat besar) development or change (tahap)
22. Adequately (adv)[90] = enough; sufficient 18. Practical (adj)[43] = good at dealing with problems
(cukup) and making decisions based on what is possible and
23. Advocate (n)[91] = someone who publicly what will really work (praktis; pintar dalam
supports someone or something (pendukung) menyelesaikan masalah)
24. Alternative (n[94] = something you can choose 19. Insight (n)[46] = a sudden clear understanding of
to do or use instead of something else (jalan something or part of something, especially a
lain) complicated situation or idea (pengertian)
25. Tend (v)[95] = be likely to happen (cenderung) 20. Merely (adv)[52] = used to emphasize how small or
26. Applied (v)[97] = to be used (digunakan) unimportant something or someone is ; only (hanya;
27. Address (v)[111] = solve (memecahkan) semata-mata)
28. Shortage (n)[112] = lack (kekurangan) 21. Ultimately (adv)[55] = finally (pada akhirnya)
29. Pests (n)[114] = a small animal or insect that 22. Humidity (n)[76] = the amount of water contained in
destroys crops or food supplies (hama) the air (kelembapan)
30. Otherwise (adv)[116] = in a different way 23. Actual (adj)[93] = real or exact (nyata)
(kalau tidak) 24. Confident (adj)[94] = sure (yakin)
31. Skeptics (n)[127] = a person who doubts or 25. Gap (n)[95] = a space between two people or things
questions (orang yang meragui) (celah)
32. Exaggerated (v)[130] = to make something 26. Working on (v)[98] = spending time working in order
larger or greater than normal (membesar- to produce or repair something (mengerjakan)
besarkan) 27. Philosopher (n)[100] = someone who thinks deeply
33. Diminish (v)[131] = to become or to cause about the world, life etc (filosofer)
something to become less in size, importance 28. Fund (v)[111] = provide money for an activity
(mengurangi) (mendanai)

29. Hypothesizes (v)[116] = to suggest (menduga) 6. proof (n)[21] = evidence (bukti)

30. For now (np)[119] = for the time being (untuk 7. scattered (adj)[22] = spread over a wide area or
sementara) over a long period of time (berserakan; tersebar)
31. Inherently (adv)[136] = naturally (yang sudah 8. tracing (v)[27] = to find someone or something that
menjadi sifatnya) has disappeared by searching for them carefully
32. Reproduce (v)[138] = copy (meniru) (mencari)
33. Nonetheless (adv)[139] = in spite of (walaupun 9. ancestry (n)[27] = the members of your family who
begitu) lived a long time ago (leluhur)
34. Gradually (adv)[139] = slowly (dengan pelan pelan) 10. in-residence (adj)[31] = working with an
35. Commercial (adj)[145] = concerned with earning organization, usually for a limited period (bekerja
money untuk sementara)
11. identical (adj)[33] = exactly the same, or very
similar (sama)
Part 4B (The Future Of Fashion) page 71 – 73 12. bulk (n)[34] = the main or largest part of something
(bagian terbesar atau utama)
1. Suspended (adj)[5] = hung (tegantung-gantung) 13. rare (adj)[36] = not seen or found very often (langka)
2. Arose (v)[6] = originated from (muncul) 14. indicate (v)[40] = show (menunjukkan)
3. Popped (v)[8] = went into somewhere quickly 15. determine (v)[49] = influence or decide
(muncul seketika) (memutuskan)
4. Fiber (n)[12] = a mass of threads used to make rope, 16. rough (adj)[51] = not exact, not containing many
cloth etc ( serabut tali) details, or not in a final form (kasar)
5. Textile (n)[12] = woven cloth that is made in large 17. descent (n)[57] = origin (keturunan)
quantities (tekstil) 18. steady (adj)[59] = constant; continuous (tetap)
6. Synthetic (adj)[15] = produced by combining 19. maternally (adv)[63] = related to a mother
different artificial substances (sintesis) (berhubungan dengan ibu)
7. come a long way (pv)[22] = to make a great amount 20. roughly (adv)[64] = approximately (kira-kira)
of progress (membuat kemajuan yang besar) 21. virtually (adv)[73] = almost (hamper)
8. forthcoming (adj)[28] = willing to give information 22. remarkably (adv)[73] = surprisingly (secara
about something (bersedia memberi informasi) mengejutkan)
9. absorb (v)[34] = take in (meresap) 23. opening (n)[79] = the first part of something (bagian
10. spill (n)[35] = something spilled (tumpahan) pertama)
11. dip (v)[40] = to put into a liquid and pull it out again 24. commenced (v)[82] = began (memulai)
quickly (mencelupkan) 25. imperceptible (adj)[88] = almost impossible to see or
12. thereby (adv)[49] = by that means (oleh karena itu) notice (tidak terlihat/ dirasa)
13. application (n)[52] = the act of applying (penerapan) 26. vanished (v)[94] = disappeared (hilang)
14. dangle (v)[55] = to hang down loosely especially in a 27. advanced (v)[110] = moved towards (berpindah)
way that makes it possible to swing freely (berjuntai) 28. peopling (v)[111] = inhabiting (menghuni)
15. wearable (adj)[59] = able to be worn (bias di pakai) 29. descend (v)[120] = come from (berasal dari)
16. sense (v)[71] = discover (menemukan) 30. exposed (v)[122] = disclosed (membuka)
17. pioneered (v)[73] = to be invented or used first 31. immense (adj)[129] = very great (sangat besar)
(dirintis) 32. mainland (n)[130] = the main area of land that
18. look forward to (pv)[92] = to be excited and pleased forms a country, as compared to islands near it that
about something that is going to happen (menanti- are also part of that country (daratan utama)
nanti) 33. tip (n)[130] = end (ujung)
19. pointed out (pv)[100] = mentioned (menyebutkan) 34. outlines (n)[133] = the main ideas or facts about
20. overnight (adv)[104] = suddenly or surprisingly something without the details (garis besar)
quickly (dengan sangat cepat)
21. portable (adj)[118] = able to carried or moved Part 5B (Fantastic Voyage) page 88 – 91
easily (bias dibawa kemana mana)
22. essentially (adv)[119] = basically (pada dasarnya) 1. cheering (adj)[4] = shouting as a way of happiness
23. fraction (n)[122] = a very small amount of (bersorak)
something (sedikit) 2. crowd (v)[4] = gather together in large numbers
24. rigid (adj)[126] = stiff (kaku) (berkumpul)
25. whereas (c)[127] = while on the contrary 3. virtually (adv)[7] = almost (hamper)
(sedangkan) 4. heritage (n)[8] = the traditional beliefs, values,
26. defies (v)[133] = resist or fight (melawan) customs of a country (warisan)
27. foresee (v)[136] = predict (memprediksi) 5. former (adj)[9] = previous (dulunya)
6. revered (adj)[9] = respected and admired
Part 5A (The DNA Trail) page 81 – 83 7. endured (v)[13] = suffered (memikul)
8. colonized (v)[16] = established a colony (menjajah)
1. descendant (n)[9] = someone who is related to a 9. remarkable (adj)[18] = unusual or surprising
person or group of people who lived in the (mengejutkan)
past(keturunan) 10. navigation (n)[19] = the process or activity of
2. spread (v)[9] = to move into more places (menyebar) navigating (navigasi)
3. lit (v)[11] = brightened (diterangi) 11. voyager (n)[21] = someone who makes long and
4. conquest (n)[14] = the act of getting control of a often dangerous journeys on the sea (pelayar)
country by fighting (penjajahan) 12. manage (v)[23] = succeed in doing something
5. expand (v)[18] = to become larger in size, number, difficult (berhasil)
or amount or to make something become larger 13. scattered (adj)[25] = spread over a wide area
(meluas) (tersebar)

14. expansion (n)[26] = growth (perluasan) 16. Devastating (adj)[73] = badly damaging or
15. accomplished (v)[27] = achieved (diselesaikan) destroying (bersifat menhancurkan)
16. extraordinary (adj)[27] = very unusual or surprising 17. Vibrant (adj)[76] = lively (hidup)
(luar biasa) 18. Set out (pv)[90] = start a journey (memulai
17. stretch (v)[30] = to spread out or cover a large area perjalanan)
of land (terbentang) 19. Old-fashioned (adj)[93-94] = not modern (kuno)
18. interval (n)[34] = the period of time between two 20. Faint (adj)[96] = slight; very small (sangat kecil)
events, activities (waktu jeda) 21. Complicated (adj)[102] = complex (rumit)
19. outdid (v)[37] = to be better or more successful 22. At once (np)[121] = together; at the same time
than someone else at doing something (bersama-sama)
(mengalahkan) 23. Replace (v)[122] = put something back where it was
20. expanding (v)[39] = to become larger (memperluas) before (meletakkan kembali)
21. stubborn (adj)[46] = very strong (sangat kuat)
22. has yet to (phrase)[47] = has not been done (belum) Part 6B (For the Love of Elephants) page 106 – 109
23. analogous (adj)[50] = similar (serupa)
24. remarkable (adj)[52] = unusual or surprising (luar 1. Encounter (n)[5] = meeting (pertemuan)
biasa) 2. Reserve (n)[10] = an area of land where wild animals
25. intact (adj)[53] = not broken, damaged, or spoiled and plants are protected (cagar alam)
(utuh) 3. Magnificent (adj)[13] = very good or beautiful
26. insights (n)[56] = a sudden clear understanding of (sangat indah)
something (pengertian/pengetahuan) 4. Noble (adj)[22] = impressive and beautiful (mulia)
27. nonetheless (adv)[64] = in spite of the fact 5. Withdraw (v)[24] = leave a place (pergi)
(walaupun begitu) 6. Foresee (v)[25] = predict (meramal)
28. conceivable (adj)[92] = able to be believed or 7. Spread (v)[28] = opened (terbuka)
imagined (mungkin) 8. Agitation (n)[28] = the state of anxiety
29. tacking (v)[99] = changing the course of a sailing ship (kekhawatiran)
so that the wind blows against its sails from the 9. Managed (v)[29] = succeeded in (berhasil)
opposite direction (pengubahan arah kapal) 10. Evade (v)[38] = avoid (menghindari)
30. credit (n)[100] = praise (pujian) 11. Scratched (v)[48] = got some cuts on the skin
31. disrupts (v)[107] = to prevent something from (terluka)
continuing in its usual way by causing problems 12. Retrieve (v)[51] = get something back (mengambil
(mengganggu) kembali)
32. reverse (v)[109] = turn the other way round 13. Hypothesized (v)[52] = suggest a possible
(membalikkan) explanation that has not yet been proved to be true
33. thereby (adv)[117] = with the result that something (menduga)
else happens (dengan demikian) 14. Triggered (v)[53] = make something happen quickly;
34. due to (prep)[121] = because of something caused (menyebabkan; memicu)
(dikarenakan) 15. Instinct (n)[55] = intuition (naluri)
35. set out on (pv)[127-128] = so start a journey, 16. Conceivable (adj)[56] = able to be believed or
especially a long journey (memulai perjalanan) imagined (mungkin)
36. horizon (n)[136] = the line far away where the land 17. Genuine (adj)[62] = sincere; real (sejati)
or sea seems to meet the sky (kaki langit) 18. The other way round (np)[71-72] = the opposite
Part 6A (Racing to Rescue Koalas) page 99 – 101 19. Spatial (adj)[79] = relating to space (berhubungan
dengan ruang/ tempat)
1. Suburb (v)[4] = an area where people live which is 20. Sounded (v)[89] = to publicly give a warning or tell
away from the centre of a town or city (daerah people to be careful (memberi peringatan secara
pinggiran kota) publik)
2. Run (v)[5] = organize (menjalankan) 21. Alarm (n)[90] = a feeling of fear or worry (perasaaan
3. Devoted (adj)[6] = dealing with, being used for only khawatir)
one thing{dedicated}(dicurahkan) 22. Driven (v)[91] = influenced (dipengaruhi)
4. Throw on (pv)[8] = put on a piece of clothing quickly 23. Immensely (adv)[98] = very much (sangat)
and carelessly (memakai baju dengan cepat) 24. Compiled (v)[101] = to make a book, list, record,
5. Scene (n)[9] = the place (tempat) etc, using different pieces of information (disusun)
6. Heavy (adj)[17] = thick and solidly made (tebal dan 25. Figured (v)[101] = to form a particular opinion after
kokoh) thinking about a situation (berpendapat)
7. Resisting (v)[19] = stop something from happening 26. Chaos (n)[111] = complete disorder and confusion
(melawan; menentang) (kekacau-balauan)
8. Firmly (adv)[26] = strongly and tightly (dengan kuat) 27. Collapse (n)[111] = a sudden failure or breakdown
9. Grasp (v)[26] = grip; hold something firmly (keruntuhan)
(memegang dengan erat) 28. Dreadful (adj)[114] = terrible; extremely unpleasant
10. Suitable (adj)[39] = appropriate (cocok; pantas) 29. Abolish (v)[118] = to officially end a law, system,
11. Dashes (v)[47] = go somewhere quickly (berlari etc (mengakhiri; menghapus)
dengan cepat) 30. Acquire (v)[126] = obtain (memperoleh)
12. Chief (n)[54] = highest in rank; most important 31. Violent (adj)[141] = aggressive (kasar)
13. Insist (v)[61] = demand; say firmly (meminta dengan Part 7A (A crowd in Harmony) page 117 – 118
14. Get on board (pv)[62] = cooperate (bekerja sama) 1. Major (adj)[1] = very large or important (utama)
15. Precious (adj)[66] = valuable (berharga) 2. Riverbank (n)[6] = land along the side of a river
(pinggiran sungai)

3. Joyful (adj)[11] = very happy (sangat bahagia) 16. Float (v)[77] = walk gracefully (berjalan dengan
4. Progress (v)[12] = continue (berlanjut) anggun)
5. Wading (v)[13] = walk through water that is not 17. Flash (adj)[97] = quick and only for a short time
deep (berjalan) (cepat dan singkat)
6. Theatrically (adv)[17] = noticeably (dengan menarik 18. Mob (n)[98] = gang; a group of people (sekelompok
perhatian) orang)
7. Unwilling (adj)[18] = not ready, eager or prepared 19. Reflect (v)[102] = show (menunjukkan)
(tidak bersedia) 20. Lighter (adj)[103] = less serious (lebih tidak serius)
8. Sacred (adj)[21] = relating to a religion; holy (sacral; 21. Striking (adj)[112] = unusual or interesting enough
suci) to be easily noticed (menarik)
9. Harmony (n)[26] = no fighting or disagreeing with 22. Evoke (v)[113] = Produce a strong feeling or memory
each other (kerukunan) in someone (membangkitkan; menimbulkan)
10. Pilgrimage (n)[28] = a journey to a holy place for 23. Raise (v)[116] = collect (mengumpulkan)
religious reasons (naik haji) 24. Funds (n)[115] = a sum of money (dana)
11. Organized (adj)[48] = arranged or ordered well 25. Relief (n)[116] = comfort; help (bantuan)
(teratur) 26. Devote (v)[120] = give time and resources to
12. Suspect (v)[55] = think that something is probably (mencurahkan)
true (menduga) 27. Heartfelt (adj)[124] = deeply and strongly felt;
13. Critical (adj)[58] = very important; crucial (sangat sincere (dengan sepenuh hati)
penting) 28. Worth (adj)[125] = haven a value (bernilai)
14. Society (n)[59] = people in general (masyarakat) 29. Alongside (adv)[129] = in comparison with
15. Determine (v)[61] = influence (mempengaruhi) something (bersama dengan)
16. Well-being (n)[62] = the state of being comfortable, 30. Fundamental (adj)[130] = very necessary and
healthy or happy (kesejahteraan) important (pokok)
17. Prospective (adj)[69] = likely to happen in the
future (calon) Part 8A (Who Killed The Emperor) Page 135 – 138
18. In terms of (np)[82] = with regard to (dalam
hubungannya dengan; mengenai) 1. Compelling (adj)[1] = very interesting or exciting
19. Evident (adj)[92] = obvious (jelas) (sangat menarik)
20. Stampede (n)[93] = when a group of people all want 2. Remote (Adj)[2] = isolated ; far from towns
to do the same thing at the same time (kerumunan) (terpencil)
21. Somehow (adv)[94] = in some way (entah 3. Confined (v)[4] = restricted; prisoned (di kurung)
bagaimana) 4. Reveals (v)[8] = make known; show
22. Fellow (adj)[98] = sharing a particular activity (rekan) (mengungkapkan)
23. Pilgrim (n)[98] = a person who journeys to a sacred 5. Ulcer (n)[8] = a sore area inside your body that may
place for religious reasons (haji) bleed or produce poisonous substances
24. Dissuade (v)[112] = persuade someone not to take (pembengkakan)
a course of action (meminta supaya jangan 6. Dispute (n)[9] = a serious argument or
melakukan) disagreement (perselisihan)
25. Faith (n)[117] = complete trust (kepercayaan; 7. Convinced (adj)[10] = feeling certain that something
keyakinan) is true (yakin)
8. Amateur (adj)[12] = not very skilful (pemula)
Part 7B (Why We Celebrate) page 124 - 127 9. Considered (v)[12] = think about
1. Willing (adj)[6] = be prepared to do something 10. Founder (n)[16] = someone who establishes a
(bersedia) business, organization, etc (pendiri)
2. Expense (n)[7] = the amount of money that you 11. Based (v)[18] = to have your main place of work,
spend on something (pengeluaran) business, etc in a particular place (berpangkalan)
3. Logic (n)[11] = reasoning (logika) 12. Proponent (n)[19] = someone who supports
4. Spiritual (adj)[13] = relating to the human spirit something {advocate}(pendukung)
(rohani) 13. Relentlessly (adv)[21] = endlessly ; continuously
5. Glimpse (n)[15] = a momentary or partial view (tak henti-hentinya)
(pandangan sekilas) 14. Sought (v)[21] = to try to achieve or get something
6. Shelter (n)[18] = a place giving protection from bad (mencari)
weather or danger (tempat perlindungan) 15. Considerable (adj)[23] = fairly large; large enough
7. Harvest (n)[21] = the process or period of gathering (cukup besar)
in crops (hasil panen) 16. Resources (n)[23] = all the money, property, skills
8. Parades (n)[24] = a public celebration (pawai) that you have available to use when you need them
9. Thankful (adj)[26] = grateful (penuh rasa syukur) (sumber daya)
10. Summed up (pv)[39] = summarize (ringkas) 17. Subjected (v)[30] = cause to undergo (memaksakan
11. Commercial (adj)[50] = related to business untuk menjalani)
(komersil) 18. Deliberate (adj)[35] = intentional (sengaja)
12. Solemn (adj)[56] = performed in a very serious way 19. Containing (v)[42] = have within (mengandung)
(khidmat; sungguh-sungguh) 20. Comprised of (v)[53] = consist of (terdiri dari)
13. Inhabitant (n)[66] = a person that lives in or 21. Symptoms (n)[56] = signs that a serious problem
occupies a place (penduduk) exists (tanda-tanda)
14. Lodgings (n)[70] = temporary accommodation 22. Medication (n)[67] = medicine or drugs given to
(kamar sewa) people who are ill (pengobatan)
15. Undeniable (adj)[74] = definitely true or certain 23. Disrupted (adj)[68] = disturbed; interrupted
(tak terbantahkan) (terganggu)

24. Ceasing (v)[69] = stopping doing something 24. Conscience (n)[62] = a person’s moral sense of right
(berhenti) or wrong (hati nurani)
25. Exposure (n)[70] = the state of being exposed to 25. Sorrow (n)[62] = a feeling of great sadness
harm or risk (terkena) (kesedihan yang mendalam)
26. Brought on (pv)[72] = cause something unpleasant 26. Remorse (n)[63] = deep regret or guilt for a wrong
to happen (menyebabkan) committed (penyesalan yang mendalam)
27. Remains (v)[78] = continue to be in the same state 27. Manipulative (adj)[63] = clever at controlling or
or condition (tetap) deceiving people to get what you want (menipu)
28. Discount (v)[81] = to regard something as unlikely to 28. Off the charts (np)[75] = at a very high level (sangat
be true or important (mengabaikan) tinggi)
29. Grounds (n)[82] = reasons (alas an) 29. Homicidal (adj)[78] = likely to murder someone
30. Advanced (adj)[88] = complex (parah) (berhubungan dengan pembunuhan)
31. Revenge (n)[93] =retaliation for an injury or wrong 30. Evaluate (v)[79] = judge (menilai)
(pembalasan dendam) 31. Frankly (adv)[81] = honestly and directly
32. Count (n)[a foreign nobleman whose rank (sejujurnya)
corresponds to that of an earl (pangeran)
33. Stationed (v)[99] = posted (ditempatkan) Part 9A (Virtually Immortal) Page 153 – 155
34. Likewise (adv)[110] = similarly (demikian juga; sama
halnya) 1. Encounter (v)[2] = meet (bertemu)
35. Inconclusive (adj)[114] =not leading to a clear 2. Pathway (n)[6] = track (jalan kecil)
decision or result (tidak meyakinkan) 3. Memorial (n)[24] = a structure or statue
36. Grand (adj)[117] = big and very impressive (agung) established in memory of a person or event (tanda
37. Settle (v)[125] = solve a disagreement peringatan)
(memecahkan) 4. Stunned (adj)[28] = too surprised or shocked
(sangat terkejut)
Part 8B (With Marcella and Alphonse) Page 143 – 145 5. Firsthand (adv)[32] = from the original source or
personal experience (secara langsung)
1. Examiner (n)[1] = someone from a university, 6. Aim (v)[36] = try to intend to achieve something
college or professional institution who tests (bermaksud)
students’ knowledge or ability (dosen penguji) 7. Undertaken (v)[39] = accept that you are responsible
2. Oversee (v)[5] = supervise (mengawasi) for a piece of work and start to do it (menjalankan)
3. Suspicious (adj)[6] = thinking that someone might 8. Cope with (vp)[50] = deal with (mengatasi)
be guilty of doing something wrong or dishonest 9. Aim (v)[51] = point at a target (menunjuk)
(mencurigakan) 10. Passage of time (np)[54] = the passing of time
4. Homicide (n)[13] = the crime of murder (waktu yang berlalu)
(pembunuhan) 11. Carvings (n)[59] = an object or pattern made by
5. Testifies (v)[13] = make a formal statement of what cutting a shape (ukiran)
is true, especially in a court of law (menjadi saksi) 12. Sit tall (vp)[61] = sit with your back straight and your
6. Called in (adj)[15] = be asked to help with a difficult head raised (duduk tegak)
situation (terpanggil untuk membantu) 13. Immortalized (v)[69] = made famous or existed for
7. Allegation (n)[18] = a claim that someone has done along time (di abadikan)
something wrong, typically an unfounded one 14. Spirit (n)[73] = soul (jiwa/roh)
(dugaan) 15. Gazing (v)[75] = looking at someone or something
8. Foul play (np)[18] = criminal or violent activity for a long time (menatap)
especially murder (pembunuhan) 16. Garment (n)[77] = a piece of clothing (pakaian)
9. Motive (n)[22] = the reason that makes someone 17. Vandal (n)[80] = someone who deliberately
do something, especially when this reason is kept damages things especially public property
hidden (alasan) (perusak)
10. Dissension (n)[22] = disagreement among a group of 18. Likely (adj)[90] = possible (mungkin)
people (perselisihan) 19. Virtual (adj)[92] = made, done, seen on the internet
11. Exhumed (v)[25] = dug up (digali dari kubur) or on a computer (berhubungan dengan computer)
12. Proceed (v)[26] = continue to do something 20. Assemble (v)[95] = gathers (mengumpulkan)
(melanjutkan) 21. Grading (v)[99] = say what level of a quality
13. Umpteen (d)[27] = very many (sangat banyak) something has or what standard it is (digolongkan
14. Candidates (n)[33] = someone or something that is hingga)
likely to experience or get something (calon) 22. Barely (adv)[107] = almost not ; hardly (hampir
15. Defendant (n)[35] = the person in a court of law who tidak)
has been accused of doing something illegal 23. Heritage (n)[108] = valued things such as historic
(terdakwa) buildings that have been passed down from previous
16. Corpse (n)[42] = the dead body (mayat) generations (warisan)
17. Sophisticated (adj)[42] = well advanced (canggih) 24. Aggression (n)[110] = angry or threatening
18. In terms of (np)[46] = with regard to the aspect or behaviour or feelings that often result in fighting
subject specified (mengenai/ berhubungan dengan) (agresi; penyerangan)
19. Apparent (adj)[51] = easy to notice; obvious (jelas) 25. Wear and tear (np)[111] =damage (kerusakan)
20. Suffocation (n)[55] = dying of lack of air or inability
to breath (mati kehabisan nafas) Part 9B (In Search Of Genghis Khan) Page 160 – 163
21. Deprived of (adj)[56] = prevented to have
something (kekurangan) 1. Remain (v)[1] = to continue to exist (tetap)
22. Profile (n)[58] = description (gambaran) 2. Accomplished (adj)[2] = skilful (mahir/cekatan)
23. Sneaky (adj)[62] = sly (licik) 3. Empire (n)[4] = a group of countries that are all
controlled by one ruler or government

4. Conquered (v)[7] = get control of a country 15. Deduce (v)[87] = arrive at (a fact or a conclusion) by
(menguasai) reasoning (menyimpulkan)
5. Stretched (v)[8] = reached a long way for something 16. Spy on (pv)[92] = watch someone or something
(menjangkau) secretly in order to find out what they are doing
6. Accounts (n)[11] = a written or spoken description (memata-matai)
that says what happens in an event or process 17. Crunch down (pv)[121] = crush (menghancurkan)
(catatan) 18. Abruptly (adv)[126] = suddenly (dengan tiba-tiba)
7. Fierce (adj)[18] = violent or aggressive (ganas dan 19. Speck (n)[128] = small mark or spot (bintik kecil)
kejam) 20. Acorn (n)[131] = the nut of the OAK tree (biji pohon
8. Occupy (v)[19] = take control of (a place) by military OAK)
conquest (menjajah) 21. Sprouts (v)[132] = produce shoots (bertunas)
9. Exceptions (n)[21] = a person or thing that is
excepted or that does not follow a rule Part 10B (The Threat From Space) Page 178 – 181
10. Vaster (adj)[27] = extremely larger (jauh lebih besar) 1. Smash (v)[16] = hit a surface violently (menabrak)
11. Took over (pv)[29] = took control of something 2. Catastrophe (n)[20] = disaster (bencana)
(menguasai) 3. Struck (v)[20] = fell / hit against the surface
12. Eliminated (v)[30] = completely get rid of something (menabrak)
that is unnecessary or unwanted (melenyapkan) 4. Meanwhile (adv)[22] = while something is
13. Obsessed (v)[38] = think about something or happening (sementara itu)
someone much more than is necessary or sensible 5. Alarming (adj)[27] = disturbing (mengkhawatirkan)
(terobsesi) 6. Scenario (n)[27] = a situation that could possibly
14. Applied (v)[47] = used (digunakan) happen (keadaan)
15. Old-fashioned (adj)[47] = not modern or 7. Near miss (np)[30] = a situation in which something
fashionable; conservative (kuno) almost happens, someone almost achieves
16. Cutting-edge (adj)[48] = innovative; pioneering something (kondisi dimana kecelakaan hampir
(inovatif) terjadi)
17. Spotted (v)[73] = noticed (melihat) 8. Let alone (vp)[37] = used after a negative statement
18. Evenly (adv)[73] = covering or affecting all parts of to say that the next thing you mention is even more
something (merata) unlikely (apalagi)
19. Last (v)[81] = continue for a particular length of time 9. Bounce off (pv)[39-40] = spring quickly up or away
(berlangsung) from a surface after hitting it (memental)
20. Scanning (v)[85] = examining an area carefully 10. Somehow (adv)[42] = in some way, or by some
(menyelidiki) means, although you do not know (entah
21. Approach (n)[92] = method (cara; pendekatan) bagaimana)
22. Disrespectful (adj)[102] = lack of respect for 11. Trail (n)[48] = a long line or series of marks that have
someone or something (tidak sopan) been left by someone or something (jejak)
23. Empower (v)[105] = give someone more control 12. Unleashing (v)[66] = suddenly let a strong force,
over situation (memberi wewenang) feeling etc have its
24. Otherwise (adv)[107] = in a different way 13. On course (pv)[75] = likely to achieve something
(sebaliknya) (mungkin)
25. Forged (v)[112] = create (something strong or 14. Compiling (v)[97] = produce by assembling material
successful)(menciptakan) from other sources (menyusun)
15. Anticipate (v)[98] = to expect that something will
Part 10A (Black Hole) Page 171 – 173 happen and be ready for it (mengantisipasi)
16. Dilemma (n)[105] = a situation in which it is very
1. Dense (adj)[4] = thick (tebal) difficult to decide what to do (pilihan)
2. Notion (n)[7] = idea; opinion (ide) 17. Deflect (v)[112] = turn something to a different
3. Preposterous (adj)[8] = absurd; silly (konyol; direction (membelokkan)
bodoh) 18. Rotating (v)[118] = spinning (berputar)
4. Squashed (v)[23] = crushed; squeezed (diremas; 19. Drawback (n)[130] = a disadvantage of a situation
dilumatkan) (kerugian)
5. Spinning (adj)[24] = turning around (berputar) 20. Engaged (adj)[132] = become involved (terlibat)
6. Resist (v)[31] = withstand the action or effect of 21. Pose (v)[146] = cause a problem (menyebabkan)
(menahan) 22. Collision (n)[150] = an instance of colliding
7. Squeezed (v)[32] = crushed (diremuk) (tubrukan)
8. Overwhelming (adj)[34] = very large or strong 23. Odds (n)[151] = probability ; chance (kemungkinan)
(sangat kuat) 24. Merely (adv)[154] = only (hanya)
9. Event horizon (np)[44] = the boundary at which the 25. Taunt (v)[154] = tease (mengejek)
gravitational pull of a massive object becomes so
great as to make escape impossible (batasan tarikan Part 11A (Green Concerns) Page 188 – 191
gravitasi black hole)
10. Vice versa (adv)[46] = used to say that the opposite 1. Springs (n)[4] = a place where water comes up
of a situation you have just described is also true naturally from the ground (mata air)
(sebaliknya) 2. Bubble up (pv)[4] = to produce bubbles
11. Radical (adj)[57] = very big and important (sangat (bergelembung)
besar) 3. Carp (n)[5] = a large fish that lives in lakes and rivers
12. Shift (n)[57] = change (perubahan) and can be eaten (sejenis ikan gurame)
13. Immense (adj)[71] = enormous (sangat besar) 4. Crayfish (n)[5] = a small animal like a lobster that
14. Turns out (pv)[80] = happen in a particular way lives in rivers and streams (udang karang)

5. Vital (adj)[10] = crucial; extremely important (sangat 43. Resourcefulness (n)[134] = the ability to find a quick
penting) and clever ways to overcome difficulties
6. Explosion (n)[14] = a sudden or quick increase (kemampuan memecahkan masalah)
(peningkatan pesat) 44. Implementing (v)[136] = taking action or making
7. Water table (n)[15] = the upper surface of the zone changes that you have officially decided should
of saturation (permukaan air tanah) happen (melaksanakan)
8. Diverted (v)[15] = change the direction in which 45. Timely (adj)[136] = done at exactly the right time
something travels (mengalihkan) (tepat pada waktunya)
9. Official (adj)[16] = approved of or done by someone
in authority (resmi) Part 11B (Technology As Trash) Page 195 – 197
10. Surpass (v)[18] = exceed; to be even better or
greater than someone or something else (melebihi) 1. Wasteland (n)[1] = an unattractive area, often with
11. Shortages (n)[20] = a situation in which there is not old ruined buildings, etc (tanah kosong)
enough of something that people need 2. Piles (n)[6] = stacks (tumpukan)
(kekurangan) 3. Fuelled (v)[9] = filied up (dipenuhin)
12. Dilemma (n)[21] = a situation in which it is very 4. Replenish (v)[19] = fill something again (mengisi
difficult to decide what to do (dilemma) kembali)
13. Confronted (v)[22] = something that needs to be 5. Obsolete (adj)[30] = no longer useful (ketinggalan
dealt with (dihadapi) jaman)
14. Outlined (v)[24] = describe something In a general 6. Keep up (pv)[31] = continue doing something
way (menguraikan) (melanjutkan menggunakan)
15. Extent (n)[25] = the size or scale of something 7. Discarded (v)[33] = thrown away (dibuang)
(besarnya) 8. Bulk (n)[34] = the largest or main part of something
16. Severe (adj)[26] = very serious (sangat serius) (sebagian besar)
17. Waste disposal (n)[28] = the process of getting rid of 9. Significant (adj)[39] = large (besar)
unwanted materials or substances (proses 10. Diverted (v)[46] = changed the direction in which
pembuangan) something travels (mengarahkan)
18. Replenished (v)[31] = restored (di isi ulang) 11. Poses (v)[48] = causes (menyebabkan)
19. Addressed (v)[39] = to speak to someone directly 12. Address (v)[51] = solve (memecahkan)
(menyapa) 13. Notify (v)[54] = inform (memeberitahukan)
20. Dam (n)[45] = a special wall built across a river or 14. Hazardous (adj)[55] = dangerous (bahaya)
stream to stop the water from flowing, especially in 15. Shipment (n)[55] = a load of goods sent by sea, road,
order to make a lake or produce electricity or air or the act of sending them (pengiriman)
(bendungan) 16. Infrastructure (n)[61] = the basic system and
21. A touch of (np)[47] = a small amount of something structures that a country or organization needs in
(sedikit) order to work properly, for example roads,
22. Labor (n)[54] = work, especially your physical work railways, banks, etc (prasarana)
(kerja) 17. Disposal (n)[64] = the action of disposing
23. Clapped (v)[56] = hit your hands a few times to (pembuangan)
attract someone’s attention or to show that you are 18. Colossal (adj)[69] = extremely large (sangat besar)
pleased (menepuk tangan) 19. Fraction (n)[86] = a very small amount of something
24. Earthen (adj)[63] = made of soil (terbuat dari tanah) (sangat sedikit)
25. Supplemental (adj)[67] = additional (tambahan) 20. Output (n)[88] = production (produksi)
26. Sprung up (pv)[74] = suddenly appear or start to 21. Compulsory (n)[90] = obligatory (kewajiban)
exist (muncul tiba-tiba) 22. Deterring (v)[97] = stop someone from doing
27. Caught on (pv)[77-78] = become popular (menjadi something (menghentikan)
terkenal) 23. Distressing (adj)[104] = making you feel upset
28. Catastrophe (n)[88] = a terrible event; disaster (mengganggu)
(bencana) 24. Lead (n)[105] = heavy grey metal (timah)
29. Leaky (adj)[93] = having a hole or crack in it (bocor) 25. Turned up (pv)[106-107] = to be found (ditemukan)
30. Faulty (adj)[93] = not working properly (cacat) 26. Revealing (adj)[107] = surprising (mengejutkan)
31. Whereby (adv)[94] = by means of which or
according to which (dimana) Part 12A (Genes, Health, And Lifespan) Page 207 – 208
32. Inherited (v)[95] = received money, property etc
from someone after they have died (mewarisi) 1. Lifespans (n)[5] = the average length of time that
33. Bursts (n)[96] = the act of something bursting or the someone will live or that something will continue
place where it has burst (pecahan) to work (masa hidup)
34. Literally (adv)[96] = truly (benar-benar) 2. Headed (v)[14] = went or travelled (pergi menuju)
35. Measures (n)[113] = actions (tindakan) 3. Centenarians (n)[15] = someone who is 100 years
36. Paid for themselves (pv)[113-114] = the money old or older (orang yang berumur di atas 100 tahun)
spent to buy the product will be returned 4. Epidemic (n)[21] = a large number of cases of a
(terbayarkan) disease that happen at the same time (wabah)
37. Assured (v)[114] = to make something certain 5. Dismissed (v)[22] = removed; fired (dibebas
(meyakinkan) tugaskan)
38. Discern (v)[122] = notice or understand (mengerti) 6. Figs (n)[25] = a soft sweet fruit with a lot of small
39. Treated (adj)[123] = cleaned (dibersikan) seeds (ara)
40. Boasts (v)[125] = talk proudly (membanggakan) 7. Dim (n)[31] = fairly dark (redup)
41. Gains (n)[131] = advantages (keuntungan) 8. Promote (v)[37] = encourage (mendukung)
42. Dedication (n)[134] = hard work or effort (dedikasi) 9. Assist (v)[37] = help (membantu)
10. Relocated (v)[56] = moved (dipindahkan)

11. Settled (v)[57] = started living in a place (mulai 30. Lean (adj)[123] = containing little fat (mengandung
tinggal) sedikit lemak)
12. Due to (prep)[60] = because of something 31. Moderation (n)[124] = the avoidance of excess or
(dikarenakan) extremes (sikap tidak berlebih-lebihan)
13. Lack (n)[60] = shortage (kekurangan) 32. Ironically (adv)[126] = happening in the opposite
14. Remained (v)[61] = stayed (tetap) way to what is expected (ironisnya)
15. Passed down (pv)[62] = transferred to (diwariskan) 33. Core (n)[129] = the most important or central part of
16. Slightly (adv)[68] = a little (sedikit) something (inti)
17. Subject (n)[69] = the thing or person that you show 34. Mutual (adj)[135] = experienced or done by each of
in the photograph (subjek) two or more parties towards the other or others
18. Immune (adj)[78] = not affected (kebal) (saling)
19. Indeed (adv)[81] = used to emphasize a statement
or answer (sungguh)
20. Homogeneous (adj)[87] = consisting of people or
things that are all of the same type (homogeny)
21. Chronic (adj)[95] = acute; something that continues
for a long time (kronis; menahun)
22. Mandatory (adj)[111] = compulsory (kewajiban)

Part 12B (In Search Of Longetivity) Page 214 – 216

1. Formula (n)[4] = a method (rumus)

2. Funded (v)[4] = financed (didanai)
3. Aging (n)[5] = the process of getting old (proses
4. Exceptional (adj)[7] = unusually good (luar biasa)
5. Longevity (n)[7] = long life (umur panjang)
6. Norm (n)[8] = the usual or normal situation, way of
doing something (situasi yang biasa)
7. Guidelines (n)[11] = instructions; rules about the
best way to do something (petunjuk)
8. Tickles (v)[14] = lightly touch in a way that causes
itching or twitching and often laughter (menggelitik)
9. Chopped (v)[34] = cut something into smaller pieces
10. Favour (v)[47] = give an advantage (memberi
11. Homegrown (adj)[51] = made or produced in your
own garden (ditanam sendiri)
12. Glare (n)[56] = a bright unpleasant light (cahaya yg
13. Barely (adv)[56] = almost not; hardly (hampir tidak)
14. Privilege (n)[62] = a special advantage (hak
15. Proponent (n)[69] = supporter (pendukung)
16. Forbids (v)[69] = permits (mengijinkan)
17. Discourages (v)[72] = to persuade someone not to
do something (mengecilkan hati)
18. Observe (v)[74] = to do things and obey laws that
are part of a religion or custom; follow
19. Relieve (v)[76] = reduce someone’s pain or
unpleasant feelings (mengurangi)
20. Servings (n)[82] = an amount of food that is enough
for one person (porsi)
21. Compelling (adj)[90] = convincing ; making you feel
certain that something is true (meyakinkan)
22. Revealing (v)[98] = disclose (mengungkapkan)
23. Alert (adj)[98] = giving all your attention to what is
happening (memberi perhatian)
24. Dispute (n)[104] = a serious agreement
25. Caught up with (pv)[105] = met again at a later point
in time (bertemu kembali)
26. Undoubtedly (adv)[115] = definitely true (tidak
diragukan lagi)
27. Due to (prep)[115] = because of (dikarenakan)
28. Inviting (adj)[116] = attractive (menarik)
29. Scenic (adj)[116] = surrounded by views of beautiful
countryside (permai; indah)

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