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Nama : Nyoman Budi Satria Adinugraha

Nirm :
Kelas : Pertanian 3B

1. Work
2. Goal
3. Food
4. Tools
5. Tree
6. Farm
7. Oxen
8. Sheep
9. Crorps
10. Tomato
11. Egglplant
12. Annovable

A. Sterling College President Will Wootton says the school's Sustainable Agriculture Program
includes pay for farm jobs. The money reduces the cost of the students' education.The
students care for steers,oxen, chickens,a turkey, goats and sheep.A pig and a guard llama also
live on the farm
B. Professor Dale Hess directs Goshen College's Environmental Education Collegiate Program.
Professor Hess says a major value of sustainable agriculture is making good use of what you
have. He says knowing how to do this may be especially valuable if fossil fuel should become
annovable.Professor Hess says food security is national security.
A country can only be strong if the fact is that it has enough food. Because the process of
agriculture becomes very strategic, it is also important in carrying out all food security
C. 1. chemicals
2. steers
3. barns
4. boiled
5. collards
6. kale
7. lettuce
8. valuable
9. oxen
10. harm
 Meaning
1. bahan kimia
2. sapi jantan
3. lumbung
4. direbus
5. sawi
6. kangkung
7. selada
8. berharga
9. lembu
10. merugikan

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