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English mathematic
Built By:Dr.Galuh Tyasing Swastika, M.Pd

1.ELISA VITTA SARI (2244201012)

3.ALFIYANTI DINA (2244201009)



Praise be to god almighty for the blessings of his grace. And that we were given the
opportunity to be able to compile a working paper entitled “Number and Arithmetic” is
properly and correctly, and on time.
Don’t forget to say thank you:
1.Mrs.Dr.Galuh Tyasing Swastika, M.Pd. as a
2.Friends mathematic class of 2022 for their cooperation
3.All parties who cannot be mentioned one by one who have helped for the sake of successfully
completed this paper.May Allah SWT.reward all your kindness, amin.
The autor realizes that in the preparation of this paper there are still many shortcomings
contained in it,for that the author really hopes for criticism and criticism constructive input for
the perfection of this report.Author’s final words I hope that this paper is useful and useful for
readers and papers next.

Blitar,17 September 2022


Preface ................................................................................................................................ i
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................. ii
Chapter 1 Preliminary ...................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Background ......................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Formulation of the Problem ............................................................................... 1
1.2.1 What does natural number mean ..................................................... 1
1.2.2 What is meant by the set of natural numbers ................................. 1
1.2.3 What is meant by multiplication,addition,subtractio
and division operations.................................................................... 1
1.2.4 What are properties of arithmetic operations
on natural numbers ......................................................................... 1
1.3 Destination
1.3.1 know about the meaning of natural numbers. ................................ 1
1.3.2 To find out what is the set of natural numbers. .............................. 1
1.3.3 To know what multiplication,addition,subtraction,and division
operations are. ................................................................................ 1
1.3.4 To know the properties of arithmetic operations
1.3.5 on natural numbers. ........................................................................ 1
Chapter II Discussion ........................................................................................................................ 2

2.1 Number and Arithmetic ......................................................................................... 2

2.1.1 Sets .....................................................................................................
2.1.2 Number System .................................................................................. 2
2.1.3 Integers .............................................................................................. 4
2.1.4 Rational,Irrational,and Real Number ................................................. 6
2.1.5 Number Operation ............................................................................. 7
2.1.6 More Principles Worth Memorizing ................................................... 10
2.1.7 Still More Principles ........................................................................... 12
CHAPTER III Penutup .................................................................................................... 16

3.1 Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 16

Daftar Pustaka ................................................................................................................. 17



1.1 Background
Mathematic is a subject in school that can teach students to think critically and
logically.Mathematics is science that has.In learning mathematics,students are not only
taught to memorize mathematical formulas,but students must be able to use mathematics
to solve problems that exist around their lives.Edy Tandiling(2012:25) learning
mathematics provides logical,systematic,critical,and careful reasoning skills as well as
objective and open thinking which is indispensable in everyday life.
From other things,mathematics is considered a difficult subject for students,because
mathematics is identical with numbers and formulas.there needs to be communication to
exchange ideas,share thoughts and discoveries with friends.Communication skills
become important when discussions between students are carried out where student are
expected to be able to state,explain,describe,listen,ask and work together so that they can
bring students to a deep understanding of mathematics.
Effective mathematics education is necessary to achieve the learning objective.
Effective, according to Ministry of Education Ontario's Mathematics Working Group
(2011:5)1) Getting kids involved in all aspects of the math lesson respecting different
mathematical thinking and reasoning processes, creating connections between ideas,
developing concepts, and offering resources to aid pupils in representing problematic
circumstances in many ways Create a community for learning mathematics with
representations and tools. chances for dialogue and engagement between students and
teachers, 4) React to the ideas of pupils by giving them fast response with opportunity to
put that feedback into action and organize the instruction's following steps. From
According to the quote, effective mathematics instruction includes involving students in
all mathematizing processes, appreciating how mathematicians reason, make sense,
connect ideas, and develop student concepts, as well as providing facilities and
infrastructure to help students represent problem situations with a variety of
representations and tools and building a mathematics learning community through
interactions and good student behavior.
1.2 Formulation of the Problem
1.2.1 What does natural number mean?
1.2.2 What is meant by the set of natural numbers?
1.2.3 What is meant by multiplication,addition,subtraction,and division operations?
1.2.4 What are properties of arithmetic operations on natural numbers?
1.3 Destination
1.3.1 To know about the meaning of natural numbers.
1.3.2 To find out what is the set of natural numbers.
1.3.3 To know what multiplication,addition,subtraction,and division operations are.
1.3.4 To know the properties of arithmetic operations on natural numbers.


2.1 Number and Arithmetic
2.1.1. Sets
A set is a collection or group of definable elements or members.Set elements commonly
• Points on a line
• Instants in time
• Coordinates in a plane
• Coordinates in space
• Coordinates on a display
• Physical objects
• Chemical elements
• Locations in memory or storage
• Data bit,bytes,or characters
• Subscribers to a network
If an object or number (call it a) is an element of set A,this fact is written as:
The ∈ symbol means “is an element off”
A.Set Intersection
The intersection of two sets A and B,written A ∩ B,is the set C such that the following
statement is true for every element x:
X ∈ C jika dan hanya jika x ∈ A dan x ∈ B
Symbol itu dibaca “irisan”
B.Set Union
The union of two sets A and B, written A [ B, is the set C such that the following statement is
true for every element x:
x ∈ C hanya dan jika x ∈ A or x ∈ B
symbol itu dibaca “gabungan”
A set A is a subset of a set B, written A B, if and only if the following holds true:
x ∈ A implies that x ∈ B
A ⊆ B berarti setiap elemen A juga merupakan elemen B
D.Proper Subsets
A set A is a proper subset of a set B, written A B, if and only if the following both hold true:
x ∈ A implies that x ∈ B as long as A ≠ B
tanda ⊂ dibaca “bagian yang tepat dari”
E.Disjoint set
Two sets A and B are disjoint if and only if all three of the following conditions are met:
Dimana A tidak sama dengan anggota himpunan kosong
F.Coincident set
Two non-empty sets A and B are coincident if and only if, for all elements x, both of the
following are true:
x ∈ A implies that x ∈ B
x ∈ B implies that x ∈ A

2.1.2. Number system

The natural numbers, also called whole numbers or counting numbers, are built up from a
starting point of 0 or 1, depending on which text you consult.The set of natural numbers is
denoted N. If we include 0, we have this:
N = {0,1, 2,3, . . . n . . .}
N = {1, 2, 3, 4, . . . n . . .}
B.Decimal Number
The decimal number system is composed of 10 numbers or symbols. Using these symbols
as digits in a number, we can express quantities. The ten symbols are: D =
The decimal number system also called the base 10 or radix 10 number system has 10
digits. This number system is natural because in reality humans have 10 fingers. The
word digit itself is derived from the Latin word finger. For example: 0.12; 1.28; 0.005 etc.
As explained earlier, decimal numbers are a type of number based on 10 which are
generally written with a comma (,).

C.Binary Number
The binary number system is a scheme for expressing numbers using only the digits 0 and
1. It is sometimes called base 2. The digit immediately to the left of the radix point is the
‘‘ones’’ digit. The next digit to the left is the ‘‘twos’’ digit; after that comes the ‘‘fours’’
digit. Moving further to the left, the digits represent 8, 16, 32, 64, and so on, doubling
every time. To the right of the radix point, the value of each digit is cut in half again and
again, that is, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64, and so on.
The octal number system uses eight symbols. Every digit is an element of the set {0, 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7}. Starting with 1, counting in the octal system goes like this: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
10, 11, 12, . . . 16, 17, 20, 21, . . . 76, 77, 100, 101, . . . 776,777, 1000, 1001, and so on.
Yet another scheme, commonly used in computer practice, is the hexadecimal number
system, so named because it has 16 symbols. These digits are the decimal 0 through 9
plus six more, represented by A through F, the first six letters of the alphabet. Starting
with 1, counting in the hexadecimal system goes like this: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B,
C, D, E, F, 10, 11, . . . 1E, 1F, 20, 21, . . . FE, FF, 100, 101, . . . FFE, FFF, 1000, 1001,
and so on.
2.1.3. Integers
The set of natural numbers can be duplicated and inverted to form an identical, mirror-image
-N = {0,-1,-2,-3,….}
The union of this set with the set of natural numbers produces the set of integers, commonly
denoted Z:
Z=N ∪ - N
A.Points Along A line (bilangan bulat dalam garis bilangan)
Integers can be expressed as points along a line, where quantity is directly proportional to
displacement (Fig. 1-2). In the illustration, integers correspond to points where hash marks
cross the line. The set of natural numbers is a proper subset of the set of integers
Untuk sembarang bilangan a,dan a ∈ Z.dapat ditulis:
∀a : a ∈ N ⇒ a ∈ Z
B. Addition of integers
Addition is symbolized by the plus sign (þ). The result of this operation is a sum. Subtraction
is symbolized by a long dash (_). The result of this operation is a difference. In a sense, these
operations ‘‘undo’’ each other.

For any integer a, the addition of an integer _a to a quantity is equivalent to the subtraction
of the integer a from that quantity. The subtraction of
an integer _a from a quantity is equivalent to the addition of the integer a
to that quantity.
C.Multiplication of integers
Multiplication is symbolized by a tilted cross (x), a small dot (.), or sometimes in the
case of variables, by listing the numbers one after the other (for example, ab). Occasionally
an asterisk (*) is used. The result of this operation is a product. If a and b are both positive or
both negative, move toward the right; if a and b have opposite sign, move toward the left. The
finishing point corresponds to c.
D.Division of integers
Division is symbolized by a forward slash (/) or a dash with dots above and below (÷).
The result of this operation is called a quotient. The operation of division, unlike the
operations of addition, subtraction,and multiplication, is not closed over the set of integers. If
a and b are
integers, then a/b might be an integer, but this is not necessarily the case.
Division gives rise to a more comprehensive set of numbers, which we’ll look
at shortly. The quotient a/b is not defined at all if b¼0.
Operasi pembagian, tidak seperti operasi penambahan, pengurangan, dan perkalian, tidak
tertutup pada himpunan bilangan bulat. Jika a dan b adalah bilangan bulat, maka a/b
mungkin bilangan bulat, tetapi ini belum tentu demikian. Pembagian memunculkan
serangkaian angka yang lebih komprehensif, yang akan kita lihat di sebentar lagi. Hasil bagi
a/b tidak terdefinisi sama sekali jika b=0.

E.Exponentiation with integers

Exponent is the product of the same number over and over. In general,x^n = x X x X x
X x….x by n times. This means that we multiply x repeatedly n times. Exponents can also be
called powers.At powers x^y, x is called the base number and y is called exponent. If a is an
integer and c is a negative integer, then ac is the result of multiplying a by itself c times and
then dividing 1 by the result. For example,
2^-3 = 1/(2 x 2 x 2) = 1/8
3^-4 = 1/(3 x 3 x 3 x 3) = 1/81

F.Prime Numbers
A prime numbers is a numbers greater than 1 that can only be divided by two different
numbers,namely the number it self and other words, a prime number cannot be factored
into any other number.for example, 2 is only divisible by 2 and 1. 2 can only be factored into
2 and 1
(2 = 2 × 1). So, the prime number is 2. Moreover, 2 is also the only even prime number.
Why is 1 not a prime number? Although the number 1 cannot be divided by any number
other than the number itself, 1 is not considered a prime number. This is because the number
1 is only divisible by the number itself (1 = 1 × 1). As defined above, a number is prime if it
is divisible by two different numbers. The first several prime numbers are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13,
17, 19, 23, 29, 31,
and 37. Sometimes 1 is not included in this list, although technically it meets
the above requirement for ‘‘prime-ness.’’

G.Prime Factors
Suppose n is a natural number. Then there exists a unique sequence of prime numbers p1, p2,
p3, . . . , pm, such that both of the following statements are true:
P1 ≤ P2 ≤ P3 …… ≤ Pm
P1 X P2 X P3 X……X Pm =N
The numbers p1, p2, p3, . . . , pm are called the prime factors of the natural number n. Every
natural number n has one, but only one, set of prime factors. This is an important principle
known as the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic.
What are the prime factors of 80?
Finding the prime factors is largely a matter of repeating this divide-by-2 process over and
over, and making educated guesses to break down the resulting numbers into prime factors.
We can see that 80=2x40. Breaking it down further:
80 = 2 x(2 x 20)
= 2 x 2 x (2 x 10)
=2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 5
Is the number 123 prime? If not, what are its prime factors?
The number 123 is not prime. It can be factored into 123=41x3. The
numbers 41 and 3 are both prime, so they are the prime factors of 123.
2.1.4. Rational,Irrational,And Real Numbers
A. rational number (the term derives from the word ratio) is a quotient of two integers, where
the denominator is not zero. The standard form for a rational number a is:
a = m/n
where m and n are integers, and n ≠ 0. The set of all possible such quotients encompasses the
entire set of rational numbers, denoted Q.
Q= { r| r=m/n }
where m ∈ Z, n ∈ Z, and n ≠ 0. The set of integers is a proper subset of the set of rational
numbers. Thus, the natural numbers, the integers, and the rational numbers have the
following relationship:
B.Decimal Expansions
Rational numbers can be denoted in decimal form as an integer, followed by a radix
point, followed by a sequence of digits. (See Decimal numbers above for more details
concerning this notation.) The digits following the radix point always exist in either of two
* a finite string of digits
* an infinite string of digits that repeat in cycles

Examples of the first type of rational number, known as terminating decimals, are:
As explained earlier decimal numbers are a type of base 10 number that are generally written
with a comma (,).example: 0,1
C.Irrational Numbers
An irrational number is a number that cannot be expressed as the ratio of two integers.
Examples of irrational numbers include:
* the length of the diagonal of a square that is one unit on each edge
* the circumference-to-diameter ratio of a circle.
All irrational numbers share the property of being inexpressible in decimal form.when an
attempt is made to express such a number in this form,the result is a nonterminating
,nonrepeating decimal.No matter how many digits are specified to the right of the radix
point,the expression is only an approximation of the actual value of the number.The set of
irrational numbers can be denoted S.that means that no irrational number is rational,and no
rational number is irrational:
S ∩ Q=∅

2.1.5. Number Operations

A.Additive Identity Elemenet

When 0 is added to any real number a the sum is always equal to a,the zero is supposed to be
the additive identifier.
B.Multiplicative Identity Element
When a real number a is multiplied by 1,the product always equals a.we say that the number
1 is kernel identifier.
a X 1= a
C.Additive Inverse
For every real number a,there existd a unique real number -a such that the sum of the two is
equal to 0.the numbers a and -a are called additive inverse.
• The inverse of the opposite number of a is -a
• The inverse number of the opposites of -a is a
a + (-a) =0
D.Multiplicative Inverses
For every non-zero real number a there exists a unique such real number 1/a.the product of 2
must be the numbers a and 1/a Multiplicative inverse.
a X (1/a)=1
The multiplicative inverse of a real number is also called its reciprocal.
Untuk setiap bilangan real bukan nol a, terdapat bilangan real unik 1/a seperti bahwa hasil
kali keduanya sama dengan 1. Bilangan a dan 1/a disebut invers perkalian:
a × (1/a)=1
Kebalikan perkalian dari bilangan real juga disebut kebalikannya.
E.Commutative Law For Addition
When any two real numbers are added together,it does not matter in which order the
sum is performed.The operation of addition is said to be commutative over the setoff real
numbers.For all real numbers a and b,the following equation is vali:
Ketika dua bilangan real dijumlahkan, tidak masalah di mana memesan jumlah dilakukan.
Operasi penjumlahan dikatakan komutatif terhadap himpunan bilangan real. Untuk semua
bilangan real a dan b, berikut ini persamaan yang valid:
This feature is often referred to as exchange propertis.In the end the result will be the same.It
makes no difference,because swapped numbers give the same end
result.Same.However,commutativity applies only to addition and
multiplication,subtraction,and division.
F.Commutative Law For Multipliation
It’s okay to multiply any two real numbers then order in which the product are
executed.multiplication operations,is commutative like addition over the set of real
numbers.Real for everyone.The following formula always applies to numbers a and b.
A product can be written without the “times sign”( X ) if,but only if,doing so does not result
in an ambiguous or false statement.The above expression is often seen written this way.
ab = ba
If a = 3 , and b = 52,however,it’s necessary to use the “times sign” and write this:
3 X 52 = 52 X 3

The reason becomes obvious if the above expression is written without using the “times
signs”.This results in a false statement.
352 = 523
Ketika dua bilangan real dikalikan satu sama lain, itu tidak masalah di mana urutan produk
dilakukan. Operasi perkalian, seperti penambahan, bersifat komutatif terhadap himpunan
bilangan real. Untuk semua nyata.bilangan a dan b, persamaan berikut selalu benar:
G.Associative Law For Addition
When adding any three real numbers,it doesn’t matter what the summand is grouping.The
addition operation is associative for the set of real numbers.For all real numbers a1 , a2 ,
a3.The following equation holds true:
(a1 + a2) + a3 = a1 + (a2 + a3)
Associative properties are also known as grouping properties.The result of tis summation will
also be remains the same.
• Ada sebuah soal (7 + 5) + 4 = ?
• 7 + (5 + 4) =
• 7 + 9 = 16
H.Associative Law for Multiplication
Associative properties are also called grouping properties.The result of this sum is also stay
the same.The formula for the join peoperty of the arithmetic addition operation is:
(ab)c = a(bc)
I.Distributive Laws
For all real numbers a,b,and c ,the following equation holds.The operation of multiplication is
distributive with respect to addition:
a (b+c) = ab + ac
The above statement logically implies that multiplication is distributive with respect to
subtravtion,as well:
a(b-c)=ab – ac
The distributive law can also extended to division, if nothing else.All denominators ending in
zero.For all real numbers a,b,and c ,where a ≠ 0, the following equations are valid:
(ab + ac)/a = ab / a + ac /a =b + c
(ab – ac) /a = ab / a – ac /a =b-c

2.1.6. More Principles Worth Memorizing
A.Zero Numerator
For all nonzero real numbers a, if 0 is divided by a, then the result is equal to 0.This equation
is always true:
B.Zero Denominator
For any real numbers a,dividing a by 0 yields an undefined result a/0.Whatever “animal”
is,there may be a better way to describe it may be random,but It’s not real!Among the set of
real numbers,there is no ratio of any number or variable to 0.Very fun to play if you like
playing with numbers.Try defining “divide by 0” to explore the behavior of a ratio of zero
denominator.However,if you plan to go on such a safari,consider.
C.Multiplication By Zero
When you multiply a real number by 0,the product is always 0.The following equations apply
to any real number a.
D.Zeroth Power
Whenever a nonzero real number is taken to the zeroth power,the result is equal to 1. The
following equation is true for all real numbers a except 0:
a⁰ = 1
E.Arithmetic Mean
Suppose that a1, a2, a3, . . . , an be real numbers. The arithmetic mean, denoted mA (also
known as the average) of a1, a2, a3, . . . , an is equal to the sum of the numbers, divided by
the number of numbers. The average or count is the value obtained from the number of a
group of data divided by a lot of data.
mA= ( a1 + a2 + a3 + ….+ an)/n

F.Product of Signs
The following guidelines are followed when multiplying two real numbers that have plus
signs (meaning positive, or greater than 0), or minus signs (meaning negative, or less than 0).
( + )( + ) = ( + )
G.Quotient of Signs
The following guidelines apply when dividing two real numbers with plus or minus

H. Power of Signs
When a real number with a plus sign or a minus sign is raised to a positive
integer power n, the following rules apply:
( + ) ^n = ( + )
( - )^n = ( - ) if n is odd
( - )^n = ( + ) if n is even
I.Reciprocal of Reciprocal
The reciprocal of the reciprocal is equal to the original value for all non-zero real
numbers. Given that a ≠ 0 is true, the following equation is true for all real numbers:
J.Product of Sums
For all real numbers a,b,c,and d ,the product of (a + b) with (c + d) is given by the
following formula:
(a + b)(c + d) = ac + ad + bc + bd
K.Cross Multiplication
When two rations or quotiens are stated as fractions,the denominator of the first time
the second time is equal to the numerator of the first time the second time.According to
math,for any real numbers a,b,c,and d where neither a nor b is equal to 0 ,the following
assertion holds true:
a/b = c/d ⇔ ad = bc

L.Reciprocal Product
For any two nonzero real numbers,the reciprocal (or minus-one power) of their
product is equal to the product of their reciprocals.If a and b are both nonzero real numbers:

1/(ab) = (1/a)(1/b)
(ab)^-1 = a^-1 b^-1

M.Product of Quentients
The product of two quotients or ratios,expressed as fractions,is equal to the product of
their numerators divided by the product f their denominators.For all real numbers a,b,c and
d,where b ≠ 0 and b ≠ 0 :
(a/b)(c/d)= (ac) / (bd)
N.Reciprocal of Quotient
For any two nonzero real numbers,the reciprocal (or minus-one power) of their
quotient or ratio is equal to the quotient inverted or the ratio reversed.If a and b are real
numbers where a ≠ 0 and
b ≠ 0:
1/(a/b) = b/a
(a/b)^-1= b/a

2.1.7. Still More Principles

A.Quotient of Product
The product of two quotients or ratios can be represented as the quotient or ratio of
two products.For all real numbers a,b,c, and d,where cd ≠ 0.:
(ab)/(cd)=(a/c)(b/d) =(a/d)(b/c)

B.Quotient of Quotient
The quotient or ratio of two quotients or ratios can be rewritten either as a product of
two quotients or ratios, or as the quotient or ratio of two products.For all real numbers a, b, c,
and d,the following equations hold as long as b ≠ 0, c ≠ 0, and d ≠ 0.




C.Sum of Quotient (Common Denominator)

If two quotients or ratios have the same nonzero denominator, their sum is equal to
the sum of the numerators, divided by the denominator.For all real numbers a, b, c, and d,
where b ≠ 0 and d ≠ 0:

a/b + c/d = (ad + bc)/(bd)

D.Integers Roots

Assume that an is a real, positive number. Assume n is a positive integer as well. The
1/n power of a can therefore be used to express the nth root of a. As a result, the second root
(also known as the square root) corresponds to the 1/2 power, the third root (also known as
the cube root) to the 1/3 power, the fourth root to the 1/4 power, and so on.

E.Rational – Number Power

Also suppose that b is a rational number such that b = m/n ,where m and n are integers
and n ≠ 0.Then the following formula holds:

F.Negative Powers

Also supposethat b is a rational number.Then the following formula holds:

G.Sum of Powers

Also suppose that b and c are rational numbers.Then the following formula holds.

H.Difference of Powers

Also suppose that b and c are rational numbers.Then the following formula holds:

a^(b-c) = a^b / a^ c

I.Product of Powers

Let x be a real number.Let y and z be rational numbers.Then the following formula


J.Quotient of Powers

Lt x be a real number.Let y and z be rational numbers,with the constraint that z ≠

0.Then the following formula holds:

K.Power of Reciprocal

Let x be a nonzero real number. Let n be a natural number.Then the n th power of the
reciprocal of x is equal to the reciprocal of x to the nth power.That is:

L.Powers Of Sum

M.Power of Difference

What is the value of (1/27)1/3?
We are seeking the 1/3 power (or the cube root) of 1/27. This means we are
looking for some number which, when multiplied by itself and then multiplied
by itself again, will produce 1/27.
Imagine some number y such that (1/y)^3=(1/y)(1/y)(1/y)=1/27. Then y must be the cube root
of 27. Using a calculator, the cube root of 27 is found to be 3. From this we can conclude that
1/y¼1/3, and thus that (1/3)3¼1/27.
The value we seek, the cube root (or 1/3 power) of 1/27, is therefore 1/3.



We can infer from the reasons given above that Basic arithmetic is a component of
mathematics and is known as arithmetic. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
are the four fundamental operations of arithmetic, however other, more complex division
operations (including percentages, square roots, powers, and logarithms) are occasionally
also categorized under this heading.
natural number is a number that starts at 1 and goes up by 1.starting at 1,it climbs by 1
to the right and lowers to the left on the geometric number
line.Division,multiplication,addition,and subtraction.The commutative,assosiative,and
distributive characteristics of natural numbers are among their attributes.


Stan Gibilisco (McGraw-Hill, 2013) . Everyday Math Demisified | Number and


Noviamaharani26, “Aritmatika dasar” (2017)


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