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Different Philippine Professional Standards for

Teachers (PPST) domains

DOMAIN 1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy


• For me content knowledge and pedagogy , can be used in curriculum

development for illumination. describe how high quality “educative curriculum
materials” can help improve PCK in curricula and instructional materials. We also
describe how these materials can be developed by highly skilled hybrid teams
familiar with the subject matter and with the practice of science. These teams
have built materials with an authentic approach that incorporates problem-based
learning, which has been shown to be highly successful in photonics education.
describe the development of several sets of instructional materials that have led
to the present set of programs for illumination and for optics and photonics
education. Education influences our youngest generations, it inspires children to
think differently and it develops critical thinking in young, influenceable minds.In
school, children acquire language, science and mathematical skills that they can
use later on in life. Education has a recurring impact, long after children become
adults.The principles of teaching are constantly evolving; collaborative learning,
flipped learning and deep learning are all a mainstay of the modern classroom.

DOMAIN 2. Learning Environment


• I think that learning environment encompasses more than just the classroom
that learning and teaching takes place. Many factors contribute to a learning
environment, including the students, teachers, parents, school staff, policy
makers, specialists, support staff, community members and the different learning
spaces and resources available. By creating collaborative relationships we can
gain a greater depth of knowledge regarding student’s needs and abilities and
implement new teaching practices to maximize teaching and learning. When
relationships are built on trust, students and parents can play an active role
within the learning environment and teachers and staff can work together to
develop a learning environment that caters for and celebrates diversity.
Consequently everyone feels a sense of belonging and empowerment because
with relationships comes an understanding of the others needs, interests and

DOMAIN 3. Diversity of Learners


• in my own understanding diversity of learners recognizing and appreciating

student’s diversity will a climate favorable to learning be fully internalized and
incorporated. Thus, a critical part of every teacher’s role is to ensure that the
equal opportunity that we hold to be central to our nationhood is translated into
equal opportunity in day-to-day life in the classroom.

Through out the years of my experience I have noticed that some teachers value
the importance of getting to know as much of each student as possible, in terms
of family, background, interests, dislikes and learning styles. at the beginning of
each school year every teacher starts developing a student profile which they
know will help provide a deeper understanding of their students’ unique interests,
styles and abilities. Being well acquainted with students becomes an asset in
providing them an opportunity to develop their fullest potentials by focusing on
the weakness and strengths of individual student when grouping them to conduct
activities or class work Some teachers use diversity grouping because it
encourages children to socialize and engage in more meaningful activities which
develops a greater awareness of their differences and discovery of talents/skills.

DOMAIN 4. Curriculum and Planning


• As a future teacher Curriculum and planning is serve as the guide of a teachcher

in handling many stiudents and without of it, the goal of a teacher is not
measurable. My response of it is I will understand and analysing the given
changes. As a future teacher, I have my role in handling my students in a creative
way. Even there is a changes, theres no one can take part of a teacher beacause
teacher is ALWAYS A TEACHER. I have the power on how to implement my
curriculum. Through giving some activities in my discussion that help the
learners enhance their intellictual skills, as well as their emotional and
psychomotor skills. I will propose an objectives that in the end of the lesson, it
can be an effective and useful. As a part of curriculum planning, I will be the one
to guide my learners on what the knowledge they adopt and learned in a specific
time. Beacase I believe that a teacher must a curricularist who knows the
curriculum, plan the curriculum and implement the curruiculum. Even there are
changes happen, still the teacher has the power to make a curriculum into an
interactive way of teaching that leads to a meaningful learning to the learners.
And I willing to take part of my implementation because that is a teacher.

DOMAIN 5. Assessment and Reporting


• As I reflect on my past assessment and reporting process, I realized how much

my assessments have changed over the years. In my early years, I used tests for
informational recall as my assessments. I felt these were appropriate guidelines
in which I needed to follow in order to substantiate a student’s grade. Every
assignment or tests was given a point value and then based on the amount of
points, a grade was given. Every student’s assessment was exactly the same,
and the assessments did not contain any subjectivity.I felt confident in giving the
grade based on a valid point system. However reflecting back, I see that I did not
include any performance-based assessments or individual learning styles in my
early assessment.I also did not take show more content.

Part of my assessment philosophy is to assess students on a daily basis which

also includes their reaction to my class. Students come to school with so much
baggage that if you only chose one day a week, or four or five times a marking
period to assess them, chances are, they may be having a bad day. Therefore,
these students may not demonstrate their true ability if given only a few attempts
during the marking period. Assessment needs to be a continuous process
throughout the marking period. Everyday my students are given an opportunity
to demonstrate their learning whether it is an observation, a quick answer or a
one-on-one discussion or a group project. My assessments are consistent,
flexible and achievable. I adhere to the deadlines that I give my students as part
of my assessment process. I want to infuse in my students that the world has
deadlines, and you must be prepared to meet them. For me Assessment for
many students means failure instead of demonstrating what you know.

DOMAIN 6. Community Linkages and Professional Engagement


• As an educator, it well be better if we involve people in the community in

achieving our progressive goals in the class as far as our learners are
concerned. Because of the foregoing linkages of the school and the community
we can make create better connection to the people and the community like local
government units, parents , alumni and private individuals and interprises. It is
evident schools and communities should work closely with each other to meet
their matual goals. Because schools schools can provide more support for
students families and staff when they are an integral part of the community.

DOMAIN 7. Personal Growth and Professional development


• If I would be a head teacher in a preschool then I would like the Emergent curriculum.
because their approach is emerging from the children’s interest. Their philosophy is all about
observing what children already know and what could challenge them. When the curriculum
will be children based then it will be more creative and it will develop the children’s self-
esteem. The most important preschool curriculum is when it comes from the children. When
we let the children decide what to do rather than imposing a pre-planned activities, then they
will be more enthusiastic to learn. At a very young age, they want to observe and explore the
world around them, because their brain is made like show more content It will be better
because there is always respect for children. Children like to learn things when
something is very interesting and meaningful to them.

Kiss ko saaga dae pag lingawan haa


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