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I would like to extend my courtesy and respect to our PSDS, to our Principal,to our BAWESTA

president, to our Master Teacher, to our LAC leader and facilitator, and everybody who managed
to stay in the loop for the whole duration of the program, Good afternoon. I was given the task to
give inputs and closing remarks and in line with this, I am commending all the speakers and
presenters for sharing ideas that would serve as benchmarks in some academic and
organizational concerns. Also to the efforts of the LAC leader and facilitator in realizing today’s
session despite of your hectic schedules. And lastly to the teacher/demonstrators who stand with
the challenge of gauging themselves and their competence in terms of delivering instructional aid
to the learners.

As with this LAC Session has been an outstanding example — our minds have been set upon a
torrent of ideas, information, and visions, and to let our personal perspective to conform with it
in the long run. There is plenty to reflect upon and, if this in any way enhances our individual
and collective contributions to realizing the organizational goals and challenges, then the seminar
can truly be considered a success. So much for that, hope to see y’all till next time around. thank
you and mabuhay.

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