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Friday 15th January 15, 2021

Aliyah Ali – form 4C

CSEC English A Paper 2 Section C Question

One majestic winter’s evening three climbers decided to scale a cliff. There was a sense of
tranquility. In the sunlight the mountain peaks are a celebration of greys, from sweet blue-slate to silver-
white. The fitful winter sun peeped out from behind stratus clouds. There were steady gentle drops of
rainfall. At the edge of the cloud there was a brilliant white patch, like a turning page catching the sun.
The rest was grey with a hint of purple, just enough to announce the coming sunset . As the ascended
the peak of the cliff they were breathless but the marvelous view of what was the sunset. Winter sunset
came to the sky as if fire was dancing to the beat of a warm song . The sunset comes as red-velvet to the
evening cup of tea.

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