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➢ The quality of goodness or

badness of human acts.
➢ Even if we know what’s right or
wrong, we still do wrong things
because we benefit from
➢ What are the things that affects
our actions? - God’s nature – objective
reference point of moral
Loyalty – tapat values.
Honesty – pagsasabi ng totoo - It is the standard of all
decisions and actions are
- God’s command –
➢ To not become biased.
foundation of moral duties.
➢ The rightness and wrongness of
- If God does not exist, no
human acts as they conform or
action should be considered
do not conform to the standards.
morally right or wrong.
➢ As we follow the moral aspect,
we should not follow what other
people say based on their
➢ Everyone’s judgement should be
based on facts and ideas in
objective morality.

The Imperatives [Importance] of

- Without the existence of a
Morality God or Supreme Being,
➢ The existence of God Morality would make no
- Can we do good without sense.
believing in God? YES - There is no reason for a man
- Can we do good without to deny himself evil but
God? NO. pleasurable acts if there is no
- If God does not exist, final judge to dispense justice.
objective moral values do not
➢ Existence of Human Freedom
- Morality would be
meaningless if men were not
- Freedom always involves an
option whether to do or not to
➢ Morality helps us to judge the
difference between right and
- If you’re doing something
wrong and no one sees you,
➢ Once we know the difference
do you consider yourself
between the two, we can do
having freedom?
what is right and avoid what is
- Christian Freedom means to
wrong. [basic concept of
do what is good.
- Identifying ourselves as a
➢ We still do wrong for earthly
person. God created us in His
image and likeness (means all
➢ We are human beings.
of us are good).
➢ We are able to think about our
- The most important is the
behavior in order to decide what
wellbeing of everyone.
to say and what to do in any
- We exist to do what is good.
given situation.
- Responsibility is an
➢ Animals vs Humans
indispensable factor of
- Instinct – animals cannot be
- Civil Law around the world is
- Freewill and Intellect – animals
based on responsibility which
want to survive; we are
in return is based on freedom
capable to act based on our
intellect as a person.
- Animals act to survive.
➢ Existence of an Afterlife
Humans act according to our
- The soul is immortal or that the
pleasures and enjoy life.
soul will outlive the body is a
➢ When we encounter moral
postulate in morality
situations, we can either act in a
- If there is no life beyond the
way that we know is right, or we
grave, there will be no point in
can do the opposite and act in a
discussing justice
way that we know to be wrong.
- Presupposed retribution –
➢ An immoral person knows the
good acts deserve reward;
difference between right and
bad acts deserve punishment
wrong and chooses to do what is
- Man is believed to have one
life. After he dies, he either
➢ A moral person knows the
goes to heaven, hell or
difference between right and
purgatory based on his deed
wrong and chooses to do what is
- Concept of purgatory –
right. [following laws]
concept of the mercy of God.
➢ An amoral person has no regard
[Apologizing to God before
for any standards of right or
wrong, and just does what
- Mary (Mother of Mercy)
he/she likes.
➢ Being amoral = immoral. No grey ➢ Do any of these values apply to
area. Doing good should not be you?
compromised. It’s either one - To be popular
does right or wrong, no in - To have lots of money
between. - To have lots of friends.
- To be respected
- To get good exam results.
MORAL BEHAVIOR CAN DEPEND ON… - To have a nice car
- To be good at sports
➢ The Consequences - what will - To be happy and content.
happen if they do it/don’t do it. - To have strong faith.
[[Humas are curious, but should ➢ Our values affect the way we
think of the consequences if it is think, what we say, and how we
good or not] behave. [in any moral situation]
- People should not only act ➢ Our values are not acquired by
without thinking. accident, we get our values from
➢ Their Emotions – how they will feel other people.
about their decision afterwards. ➢ Can you think of any examples
Mgaing maingat tayo. where these values come from?
➢ The situation – the background,
what led up to it.
- Check the situation before
you act.
➢ Laws and Rules - if it is against the
law or the rule.
- Even if we go in different
places, we have the moral
responsibility to follow the
rules/laws. Freedom comes
with Responsibility.
➢ Authority – if someone orders
them, or forces them to do it.
➢ Facts – knowing the situation. Do
➢ Common Practice – whether or
not conclude at once.
not everyone is doing it.
➢ Options – used in
➢ Their Conscience – something
deciding/decision making
that tells them its right or wrong.
➢ Advice – seek advice. Look for
someone who can give you the
best advice. Always seek for the
VALUES best people for advice. Their
➢ A value is something that we advice should not compromise
think is very important and the truth -> The decision may be
worthwhile. toxic in the end.
➢ Integrity – how we act based on ➢ Values - Always go back to the
any given situation. values that we know.
➢ Prayer - People’s moral outlook is
➢ Decision strongly influenced by the
religion in which they have
been brought up.
WHERE DOES OUR MORALITY COME - Religion gives us the way of
FROM? life -> objective morality
- Many young people go to
➢ Home and Family schools with a religious ethos
- The home and family play an where they are educated in
important part in influencing their faith.
our moral outlook - Therefore, the values they
- Our parents were the first have received at home are
people to teach us the reinforced by the teachings
difference between right and and practices of their religion.
wrong. - Family – foundation of moral
- First value taught by parents – aspect.
the value of love - The schools mold their moral
- As children, we learned that it aspect
is good to share our toys, to - Goodness always depends on
always tell the truth and not people.
hit other children. ➢ Society and the State
➢ Friends and Peers - The State passes the laws of
- As we grow older, we begin the country.
to be influenced by others - Society also plays an
outside the home. important role in influencing
- Going to school, making our moral outlook as it can
friends and mixing with other decide what is accepted as
children our own age meant good or bad.
we encountered different - Usually when the majority of
types of values. society behave in a certain
- Therefore, it can be said that way then that behavior can
our friends and peers also be become acceptable.
play an important role in - During elections, take part in
influencing our moral outlook. the community especially
- We change our moral outlook people who plan to chose
on friends because of our bad people to change their
friend’s different culture or decision.
also “peer pressure”. - Politics – fanatic; dapat
- We need peers to help us get walang color color
on track again (if nalihis ng - During elections, learn how to
landas) express and not be in the
- Even if they are good or evil, it silent majority.
is up for you to decide. ➢ Emotions
➢ Religion and Church
- We can be influenced by our SOURCES OF MORAL THEOLOGY
emotions to behave in certain
ways. 1. Scripture
- This can have a positive 2. Magisterium
impact on us in situations 3. Experience
where we are moved by 4. Natural law
sympathy or compassion to
help somebody in need.
- Having too much positive SCRIPTURE
impact can affect our moral ➢ The Bible took more than a
behavior; it can disappoint thousand years to take shape.
other people. ➢ The Bible does not have one
- However, emotions can also theology; it has theologies. It
provide us with negative does not have one ethical
outcomes when we are perspective; it has a variety if
driven by anger or hatred ethical perspective.
when responding to certain ➢ On one hand, the Bible makes
situations, claims for special revelation –
- When you feel negative special knowledge given to
emotions at night, sleep first persons of faith (10
and after resting well, it is the commandments given to Moses;
right time to decide. revelations given to Abraham.
Commands from God
proclaimed by the prophets; God
HENCE… speaking to Zachariah, Mary,
➢ Moral issues are not always simply Joseph; Paul’s conversion
a matter of stating what is right experience).
and what is wrong. ➢ The Bible is important because it
➢ Morality – creating relationships is the only source when God
with other people. It is also revealed Himself.
changing the behavior of your ➢ This gives us something we need
friends or other people. Helping in to follow.
moral decision-making. ➢ Jesus establishes the moral
➢ Morality is about human beings aspect of forgiveness, of
and their relationships. prioritizing the last, etc.
➢ We must remember that many
factors can influence the way
people behave. MAGISTERIUM

➢ The magisterium is the Church’s

institutionalized teaching
authority on matters of faith and
➢ Magisterium is also used to refer can use their reason to observe
the hierarchy and their exercise the natural world and make
of official teaching authority in reliable judgements about God’s
the church. purpose and how human
➢ The head of the magisterium is behavior may cooperate with
the Pope. God’s plan.
➢ They interpret the scripture to ➢ Not only about everything
relate it to the current situation of physical, but also the intelligence
the people at present. of a person [using intelligence
➢ Using freewill and intelligence to
EXPERIENCE cooperate with God’s plan.
➢ In morality, it is not only about the
➢ Doctrinal development is growth people, it is also the way we
in the Church insight into Christ; relate with the environment.
we grow in understanding what it
means to imitate Christ in our life
as a Church.
➢ Since the time of the early
Church, slavery had been SIN AND CONSCIENCE
accepted as a legitimate
➢ Only in the 19th century that the ➢ Two important biblical metaphors
world begun to stop the practice in the Old Testament that
of slavery. enables us to understand sin in its
➢ The Death Penalty in the proper context: Covenant and
Philippines is anti-poor, Heart.
discriminative, inhumane, and ➢ Sin – disobedience to the
shows the poor justice system of commandment of God [God
the country. established laws to follow].
➢ The doctrinal aspect changes
due to experience. COVENANT
➢ The most important in morality is ➢ Covenant expresses our personal
also the experience of the relationship with God.
people. ➢ God’s offer of love awaits our
➢ Sin understood within the context
NATURAL LAW of a covenant relationship
➢ Natural law approach to ethics between us and God.
has the fundamental belief that ➢ Sin in the Bible is not merely
God created an ordered breaking the law. Sin is breaking
universe with a specific purpose. or weakening the bond of love
➢ God created human beings with we have with God.
enough intelligence so that they
➢ The role of God is to protect his ➢ Two Consequences: Death &
people, while the people return Concupiscence.
obedience to Him [creates a ➢ The doctrine of original sin tells us
personal relationship with him]. that we are not completely
➢ “I will be your God and you will broken by sin.
be my people.” ➢ We got original sin from Adam
➢ We have an agreement and and Eve when they disobeyed
therefore if we disobey/ sin God.
against God, we do not only ➢ We were deprived of our true
break the law, we also break our nature as a person [perfection].
relationship with Him and his ➢ Jesus and Mary have no original
people. sin.
➢ Baptism removes original sin.
➢ After being baptized, if you did
➢ Divine love is either or embraced not do any kind of sin, your body
by the heart. will be preserved.
➢ It is where vital decisions are ➢ We are not completely broken by
made; it is the center of feeling sin, and this with the help of
and reason, intention, and Baptism.
consciousness, decision and
➢ The moral vision of the bible sees MORTAL SIN AND VENIAL SIN
good and evil not just in deeds
➢ The term mortal and venial sins
but in the heart.
became into use as a result of
➢ All decisions come from the
efforts to be precise about the
distinctions in the degree of sin.
➢ We also break the heart of God
and the heat of His people when MORTAL SIN
we commit sin.
➢ Mortal sin is a conscious decision
to act in a way that leads to a
turning away from relating to
God, to others, and the world in a
ORIGINAL SIN positive and life giving away.
➢ Mortal sin involves the gravity of
➢ Exists prior to our free personal the objective harm that the
acts. action causes and how deeply
➢ Deprivation of Original Holiness invested is the person in the
and Justice [Original Sin] action.
➢ It is the human condition of living ➢ Intrinsically evil – harming
in a world where we are relationship with God and people
influenced by more evil. [ex. murder, rape, suicide,
➢ Our whole being and our stealing, adultery, abortion,
environment are infected by this abuse to consecrated objects].
condition of evil.
VENIAL SIN ➢ By allowing ourselves to be
shaped and inspired.
➢ Venial sin is called analogously.
➢ By being open to dialogue with
➢ It wounds our relationship with
God, others and the world but
not radically break the
➢ It is action inconsistently with our
basic commitment but it does not
spring from our deepest level of
our knowledge and freedom.
➢ Always connected to the
character of the devil.
➢ Mortal Sin – undergo the
Sacrament of Confession
➢ Venial Sin – receiving of the Body
of Christ in Holy Communion.


➢ Always summoning him to love

good and avoid evil, the voice of
conscience when necessary and
speaks to his heart: do this, shun
➢ Conscience is the most secret
core and sanctuary of a man,
➢ Sanctuary is a holy, sacred and
safe place.
➢ It is the voice of God when the
action is always towards the
➢ If it is a voice that tells us to sin, it
is the voice of the devil.
➢ The voice of God reaches our
➢ If we continuously commit sin, our
heart is wrapped in sin and not
hear the voice of God.
➢ Conscience → Heart
➢ Our conscience is our guide
➢ Forming conscience is a process
of conversion and lifelong task.
➢ Through prayer and reflection.

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