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Name: Kyle Chris Ramcel E.

Section: Grade 10 Del Pilar

Health Related Laws Cause and Effect Chart

Possible Reasons Creation on the following Laws

Increasing number of street-
Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Law
children and out of school
The packaging, use, sell
distribution and Tobacco Regulation Law
advertisements of tobacco
Dangerous Drugs and/or
Dangerous Drugs Act
Controlled Precursors and
Essential Chemicals.
The consumers are protected
from exploitation by the Consumer Act
manufacturers through the
indiscriminate price increase.
economic growth and the
importance of environmental
National Environmental Awareness an Education Act
conservation and ecological
balance towards sustained
national development.
Health-Related Laws Effects if they will be Ignored
Traditional and Alternative
Medicine Act
There will be less options for treating people

Philippine Aids Prevention and

Control Act There will be more people contracting HIV/AIDS

National Blood Service Act

There will less blood donation supplies

Seat Belts Use Act

Lives will be more at risk after a car crash

Cybercrime Prevention Act

Lively hood will be at risk to the internet

Anti-Child Pornography Act

More under aged X rated videos and likely more teen

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