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Opinión essay;


Technology has become a part of our lives.,is true that has supposed a great deal
of advanced in terms of communications. However, that contribution technology
has made to modern life has been really positive and has helped to improve the
quality of human lives.

The first reason for me to appreciate the contribution technology made to modern
life is just the fact that it enhances daily life to unprecedented levels.
Another point to take account is that technology leads as a better comunication with
others, wthat i mean is that the face to face is more easilly tan before,we can be in
contact with other taht are reaaly far away.

Daily live is benefited by advances of technology, and it is also true that

professional fields are enhanced by it. A professional field that is enhanced by
technology is medicine. Thanks to advances in technology, many diseases that
before was were the cause of massive death, now is are things of the past. With
the advances in technology, scientists and doctors find different vaccines to help
people be healthier. The medical ...

Most importantly, we can see how scientific scientists are in the process of looking

for the solution ...

... and they can infuse these this information into a lesson, making the lesson
related with real life situations for students. --- very good!!
In the final analysis, I think the benefits technology offers to improve the quality of
life ...

Ultimately, te chnology is developed by people to help improve the quality of

human lives, and all of us are using technological advances in many different ways,
also to indicate that it is controllable .

 is a common belief that technology has supposed a great deal of advance in

terms of communication, relationships and working life but it has also brought
some disadvantages. Let´s us focus on two of those aspects, that is,
relationships and working life.
Concerning relationships, rarely is the person who does not have a computer or
a smartphone, which means the possibility of making a quick contact with the
same other person ?? and at the same time, offering the opportunity to
be constantly updated if you want to.

By contrast, technology also brings leads to impersonal relationships due to the

fact that seldom do people talk face to face to each other since they usually
do IT by wWhatsapp, which by the way can create some misunderstandings if
they are suspicious people. Ésta idea no la entiendo, por qué?

In relation to working life, it goes without saying how much technologies have

improved it the fact of letting us work from home or with people on the other
side of the world without the necessity  to fly there.

But as almost everything in life, it this matter/ issue has two sides and the dark
one in this case it is people to presume you are able available for them 24 hours
a day 365 days a year, especially if you are a freelance worker.

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