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Kim, Jongsun & Ha, Jisoo. (2021).

User Experience in VR Fashion Product Shopping:

Focusing on Tangible Interactions. Applied Sciences. 11. 6170. 10.3390/app11136170.
It is necessary to focus on a VR environment centered on a tangible interaction
(TI), which provides and interacts with the user experience (UX) with various
sensational forms. Therefore, this study attempted to present UX evaluation items
for VR fashion product shopping environment through focusing on the TI. In
addition, the developed factors were evaluated for validity through empirical
experiments and attempted to explore the possibility of using a VR shopping UX
evaluation methodology. As a result of factor analysis of items related to VR
shopping, six factors were extracted, and each factor was named as intention to
use, playfulness, sharpness, telepresence, interactivity, and usability,
respectively. As a result of a t-test for the difference in UX between immersive VR
and non-immersive VR, it was found that there were significant differences in
intention to use, playfulness, sharpness, and telepresence. As a result of
performing a multiple regression analysis to analyze the effect of TI on the VR
fashion shopping UX, it was found that interaction, playfulness, and telepresence
are UX factors that are formed under the influence of TI in an immersive VR. In
addition, intention to use, sharpness, telepresence, and usability were found to be
factors experienced as an effect of TI in a non-immersive VR.

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