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fra ‘The Second World War (1939-1945) ‘A, Introduction: Problems left behind by WWI 1. Economic problems ~The Fist World War cost the participating countries heavily. © War damage ~The war eaused great damage to Europe, especially Prance and Russia. © Shortage of resources -By the end ofthe war, _enerpy__and_food_were already in shortage ___Pamine___ occurred in some cities, (© Economie recession and unemployment Almost all participating counties faced serious problems of economic _—tecession__and _unemployment__after the wat ‘War debts and war reparations __worsened the problems, ~The Paris Peace Conference filed to provide a suitable plan for economic recovery. After the war, every state was busy with intemal reconstruction, This made international cooperation to maintain peace inthe interwar period effortless _ 2, Discontent of Italy and Germany Tay: unable to get all he promised land -ltaly did not gt all the land promised bythe Allied powers. The Itlians felt _betrayed_by the Allied Powers “They also _blamed___ their government for being unable to protect national interests », Germany: the Treaty of Versailles was too _barsh__ “The Germans felt thatthe Treaty of Verses was too harsh and nol_fai_. They also felt humiliated that Germany was freed to accept the _War-guit__ Clause, Thus, they wanted to_avenge__their defeat inthe war and_revive__ Germany, «Rise of totalitarianism Both the Italian and German governments were unable to solve the post-war problems _ thie people hoped tht there would be_strong__ governments of leaders to solve the problems. This led tothe rise of _ totalitarianism in the two 'B. Development inthe interwar period 1. The Great Depression (1929-1933) The Wall Steet Crash -Between919 and 1929, the economy of the United States was booming -lndusralss borrowed large sums of money from the banks and invested heavily inthe stock _ marke, People also_speculated__in the stock market, In October,1929__, share prices on the _New York__Stock [Exchange fel greatly under a wave of over-_speculation Many people and companies lost all thet money _overnight_ “The United States entered period called the Grea Depression ', Spread ofthe Great Depression The __Wall Steet__Crash of 1929 affected Burope seriouty asthe United States demanded the European countries repay the loans and imposed high _tariffs__and quotas on imported goods. This hit the Buropean economy bay. -Since the American demand for foreign goods fll greatly, the_Ewopea 1nd _Japanese__ factories closed down, Unemployment _rose shay. «Impact ofthe Great Depression The Groat Dapresion had grout empat on the international situation. © Iteaused political and social _instability__ in Germany and Japan. Totaltrian government were se up in both countries and their policy of foreign _expansion_threatened world peace. tht Britain and France seriously and weakened their ability to stop _aggression_. made the United States become more_islated_after 1929 as it focused more-on rebuilding the _domestic__ economy. 2, Rise of totalitarianism 4. Meaning of totalitarianism = Totalitarianism can refer to an__ideology _system_ -Ina totalitarian state, the ruler holds total_authorty_over the state and controls ll _aspects_of public and private life. ‘orapolitial Reasons forthe rite of totlitarianism “Afier the Fist World War, political and social _ ‘many European counties. People in__taly and _Germany longed for strong Government that could revive the country’s past_lores__ ‘> Fascism in aly > Nazism in Germany ln Jepan, asthe _pary__ government was weak, the __litaists__were able to control government inthe 1930s, instability _toubled «Totalitarianism in ly: Fascism §. How was totalitarian rule established in Italy? As lay failed to get all the lands _ promised by the Allied Powers, the Ialians were discontented with thei government. “The government also failed to solve the post-war economic and social problems ‘> talians lost confidence in _democratie__ government and Jonged fora strong leader or government. > Rise of _Mussolini__ and his_Fascist_Party ‘March.on Rome -On October 22, 1922_, Mussolini announced a coup to take over the Government by calling upon 30,000 military members ofthe Fascist Party to_March_on_Rome__. After that, Kalin King,_ __Vietor EmmanvelIIL___ handed power to Mussolini i Features of total sm in aly TOne-party and one-man — dictatorship All politcal parties were banned _ except the _Fascist Party. The goverament was controlled by _ Mussolini and his Fasoist Paty. 2. Absolute obedience “Mussolini demanded that ll people should work forthe interests of| the country __ and obey the state absolutely 5 Total contol and oppression ‘The state controlled people's daily Tife, work and ‘education. Italso sot up_secret police to watch ‘over the people. 4. Cult of personality ‘The Fascist Party promoted the _cult__ of Mussolini. ‘The basic government slogan: “Mussolini is always_ right” 3. Ant ‘Communists believed in the idea of class _struggles__ whieh ‘would weaken unity among the people and even national strength __ suppressed socialist and communist _activities_in aly % Beonomie self sufficiency “Mussolini hoped to reduce Italy" economic __relianee__on foreign counties in order to protect the countrys interests 7. Military and teritoral expansion Mussolini greatly increased the military _ power of lay Before the outbreak ofthe Second Word War, Italy atively expanded in _ Attia 4. Totalitarianism in Germany: Nazism i, How was totalitarian rule established in Germany “The _Weimar___ Republic was unpopular from the star sit signed the humiliating _ Treaty of Versailles. “The government alo failed to solve the post-war problems “The _ Great Depression__ hit Germany, the Germans lost confidence in__democratic_ government and longed fora stong, leader and a tong government. Hier, gifted _speaker__ promised people that he would ereate _jobs_ snd rebuild the economy. > Hitler and his _Nazi___ Party geined popular support = In1932, the Nazi Party became the_Jargest___pary in the German parliament vIn 1933, Hitler became __Chancellor___. ‘The Beri Pusch of 1923 “In 192, Hier and his Nari Pay stemptd to overthrow the Weimar Republic thro a coup in a_bset__hallin_Munich ut filed Hiner was avestd and imprisoned. He wot the book Mein Kamp!___(My Struggle. in prison. It was both an autobiography _and ‘une oF He pon! des i, Features of totalitarianism in Germany 1. One-paty and one-man _ ditaorship__ All political partes were banned except the Nazi Paty ‘The govemment was controlled by _Hitler_and his Nazi Paty. 2, Total contol and oppression ‘The state controlled people's daily lif, work and _education_. Walso set up_secret___police to watch over the people. 3. Cult of personality ‘The Nazi Party promoted the _cult__of Hite. He was called _Fubrer___ (meaning leader) and was a _heroie leader in Nazi propaganda. “Anti-Semitism ‘The Nazis believed thatthe _Aryan__race was superior tall other races. They advocated exterminating the _Jews_in order t» preserve the purity __of the German race. 5: Anti communism Hitler believed thatthe communist idea of class struggle would weaken the _unity__among the people and even national strength suppressed socialist and communist_actvities_ in Germany 6 Military and teritorial_expansion Hitler believed that Germany needed to get living _space___ forthe ‘rowing population ignored the Treaty of _Versailles__ ‘rebuilt Germany's military power expanded in_ Europe step by step «Totalitarianism in Japan: militarism i, How was totalitarian rule established in Japan? The _party_ government was weak, inefficient and corp. During the _ Great _Depression___, Japan's export fll greatly and millions of people were unemployed. people blamed the government and supported overseas expansion In 1931, the Japanese army invaded __Manchuria__in China ané set up the puppet state, _Manzhouguo In 1932, party government ended. The militarsts established a military _—itatrship__ step by step, Features of totalitarianism in Japan 1. Military dietatorship ‘Under militar dictatorship, all opposition ois role was silenced bby foree_ 2 Control over thoughts and emperor worship “To unite the Japanese peopl, the military government prompted _-emperor_-centred nationalism (school textbooks were wsed to promote patriotism __and emperor _worship__) Miltary rule brought controls over thoughts and ideas | 3, Anti-Commonism Japanese militarists believed that Japanese communists ideas of las struggle wd abuliion fe Tensny___ systems would weaken unity among the people and destoy national tradition “4 Military and tertrial expansion Japan expanded in China and Asia step by step inorder o get, teritores forts surplus population __and_markets_for industries, 5. State contol ‘The military government contolled all resources and _sconomic_ activities in the state 3, Aggressons of Japan, Italy and Germany in the 1930s “In the 1930s, Italy, Germany and Japan started to expand in _ Africa __Burope_and _Asia__ respectively ln 1936, Germany and aly formed the Berlin_-__Rome__-Axisto support each other ln 1940, Japan joined with Germany and Italy and the Berlin-Rome~Tekyo_- ‘Axis was formed. A. Japan’s expansion in Asia September 18,1931 [Shenyang Incident January 1932 | Japanese troops atacked_ Shanghai ‘March 1932 | Japan set up_Manzhouguo___(a Japanese puppet state). July7,1937 | Lugougiao__ Tneident Fullscale invasion of China started, BB. Italy's expansion in Africa 1935-1936 aly invaded _Abyssin in northeastern Affe, Italy ignored the warning ofthe League. Britain and France allowed Hal to annex Albysin C. Germany's expansion in Europe “March 1936 | German oops entered the demilitarized Rhineland ‘This violated the Treaty of _Versslles ‘March 1958 | Union with Austria (inown as _Anschlass ‘This also violate the Treaty of Versailles, September 1938 | Germany occupied the _Sudetenland_ the northwestern area of _ Czechoslovakia 4, Responses of other major powers to aggression «Appeasement policy of Britain and France 5. Reasons for adopting appeasement Britain and France were hit badly by the First World War and further weakened by the _ Great Depression _ both wanted to focus on solving intemal problems ‘Padopted policy of _sppeasement____ towards the aggressions ofthe totalitarian fi Appeasement towards Japanese and Italian aggressions -In 1931, China appealed to the League for help. However, Britain and France did __nothing____ to stop Japan’ invasion of Ching In 1935, Britain and France agrood secretly to allow aly to occupy two-third of| Abyssinia fi, Appeasement towards Nazi aggressions ln May 1938, Hitler demanded _Sudetenland___(home to 3 million Germans) from Czechoslovakia, -In September 1938, Britain Prime Minister, Chamberlain_and the leaders of France and Italy met with Hilerin_Munich and signed the Munich _Agreement ~__Sudetenland ‘vas given to Germany. ». Isolation ofthe United States After the First World War, the United State returned ta policy of _ isolation. and bocame mores isolated aller the Great Depression, During the Abyssinian and Sudetenland Incidents, the United States only “__sondemned___the ageressions without taking any strong action, > encouraged the aggressions ofthe totalitarian states «, Improved Soviet-German relations Stun was angry’ that he had not been invited to the Munich Conference in 1938 -The Soviet Union changed to improve relations with Germany. In August 1939, the Nazi-Soviet_Non-Ageression Pact was signed, Germany and the Soviet Union also agreed secretly to divide Poland ©. Course ofthe war 1. Bvents leading to the outbreak of war 1. Puther expansion of Germany and Italy March-April, 1939) -In March 1939, Germany occupied the whole of Czechoslovakia. ln April 1939, lly sent troops to _Albonia__. -Britsn and France realized thatthe _appeasement_ policy had filed 'o stop aggression. ». German invasion of Poland September, 1939) Hitler and Stalin signed the Nazi-Soviet Non-Ageression Pact in August 1939, One week later, Germany invaded _ Poland, Britain and France gave up the appeasement policy and declared war on Germany. 2. Major developments during the war The Second World War was fought between the _Axis_ Powers and the Allied Powers +The war was fought on a larger/Sallrseale than the Fest World War, ‘here was hing in__Ewope__,_Afisn_and_Asia_ ‘important events Pear! Harbour Incident (December 1941) -Tapanese troops made a sudden attack onthe American naval bese at Pear Harbour in Hava the United States declared war on the Axis Powers, D-Day (lune 1944) -the Allied soldiers landed on the beaches of Normandy in "Norther France and freed Paris on August 24 3. Bri of the Second Woeld War «In 1943, Italy surendered -In April 1945, Germany surrendered and the war in Europe ended Japan surendered on August 15, 1948 after_stomie bombs were Aropped on Hiroshima and _Nage 10 D. Results and impact ofthe war 1, Wartime conferences and agreements During the war, leaders ofthe United States, Britain and the Soviet Union(eaed the_Big_ Three) met several times to discuss wertime Strategies and the post-war arrangements Most ofthe post-war settlements were decided at the Yalta __ and Potsdam __ Conferences a. Post-war arangements conceming Germany and Austria ‘Germany and is capital Bedin_ were divided imo four ‘zones controlled by Britain, France, the United States andthe Soviet Union) ‘Austria was separated from Germany and was 0 divided into _four occupation zones ‘The Germans living in Poland Czechoslovakia and ‘other European countries were sent back to Germany Densaifcai ‘was carried out in Germany and Austria ‘Asta was forbidden tobe united with Germany. +, Post-war arangementsconceming other defeated countries -ln 1947, the five defeated counties (Italy, Romania, Hungary, [Bulgaria and Finland) signed the Treaty of Paris separately. The main terms of te treaties: i. war_reparations i. Himitation of _armaments__ ji. protection of minority sights iv. testorial adjustments -ltly had to give up alls overseas _terstries, “The five countries were allowed to hocome the members ofthe United Nations Post-war arrangements concerning Japan “Tapan was occupied by the Allied Powers (dominated by the United States ‘American General MacArthur. became the first Supreme Commander ofthe Allied Powers (SCAP) in Japan, The SCAP punished Japanese _ military leaders and reformed Japan's politcal__ and educational _system. The occupation of Japan ended when Japan and the Allied Powers signed the Treaty of _San Francisco __ in 1951 Japan rtumed all conquered tevtories to _China___ané gave up control of _ Korea 2. Impact of the war 8, Political impact i. Formation ofthe United Nations -In June 1945, 50 nation signed the United Nations _Charer__, marking the birth ofthe __United Nations -Iis ims: to maintain word peace to promote economic, social and cultual_developments_ of nations li, Decolonization The easy defeat ofthe Wester powers by Jepan during the Pacific ‘War encouraged the rise of Aftican and Asian _ ihe process of decolonization __ started The Second World War weakened the European powers > unable to maintain their colonial _empites_ “Between 1946 and 1964, 53 new independent m Arica and Asia iii Rise ofthe United States and the Soviet Union as superpowers -the European powers were seriougly weakened by the Second World War thor international influence inc bgsed/dee The United States and the Soviet Union rose tobe superpowers _ ey competed for world leadership and ther confrontation ld othe _Cold__ Wa, '. Economic, social and technological impacts i. Casualties and damage About 60 million people were _killed_in WWI Reasons: - use of destructive _weapons___likeatomie ions appeared in bombs + the policy of _ genocide, (ee Nazi Germany killed 6 million Jews; Japanese soldiers killed more than 300000Chinese inthe —Nanjing__ Massacre) ii, Development of seience and technology rapid progress +_penicillin (lifesaving medicine)was produced on 8 large seale and widely used -the US used the _atomic__bombs to end the war ‘the age of _nuclear__ weapons. 2, Tho sources below aro related to the Fascist Party in Italy. ‘An extract from ‘The Doctrine of Fascism, written by Mussolini in 1982 ] po “The Headquarters ofthe Fascis Party in Rome. ‘The face on the walls Mussoli The letters‘SI mean YES' Kalan, A speoch made by Mussolini in 1982 ‘could have turned this bleak hall into a place for my solders to sleep I eauld have clased parliament altogether and created agovernment of Fascists alone. Fascism attacks democracy, Fasisn denies thatthe majority can rule human societies; it denies | tha this majority ean govern by means of a periodical consultation... Democracy ia regime | withoat king, ut with many Kings, psp noe exci [than even a ran | ® se, yrannical HET and violent | Slogans posted everywhere in Fascist Italy ‘Believe! Obey! Fgh ‘wetter to five one day like a fon than a Funatred years Gea sheep ‘Nothing fas ever Been won bn history without Blooded” "War tthe male-what childiearing (othe femal 2) Inter from © what the Fasest Party required the people or to the lender e had te Yo ato w» Acoluing & wakind dé nemment did Masson want tetas? Bh « A pad or pasch Ae bth s gececmscl Asnts fine te ors pa hy ©) According to ®, what was the Fascist opinion about democracy? ort endl, J Apunt auf ad ol on fanmak Mererta Name: fro ‘Causes ofthe Second World War: Rise of totalitarianism ‘Can you generalize the features of a totalitarian state? ‘Can you categorize into the aspects involved? “Mussolini was the I Duce of the country. People regarded him asthe “Savior” of Kaly ‘aly Fassia pariy was allowed. Othe! parties were outlawed, "The Fassiis considered communism their greatest cnemy, since it would divide society into opposing classes (proletarian and capitalist class) and encourage class sirugale, ‘© Nssolini set up 22 corporations and Tay was a corporate state. All economic activities should be dirocted by the goverament in the interests ofthe sae, The corporations had the right to fix wages fand prices and to setle disputes between workers and employers. Strikes were not allowed. (© They aimed to develop the nation’s intemal esourees and depend less on imports from other ‘eeret police was used to search for signs oF opposition. Sdetrnakory el bed flit Sr "© Schools were used to indoctrinate Fascist Was, (© Mass media was used to glorify tie leader and the Fascist Party, Censorship was imposed on all mass medi, Ah - dene) Sein ‘Wassolint would ike to conrol the rigion of Waly However, it was quite dificult “There was no fotal control over religion. Rather there was a compromise with the Catholie Church. Mussolini signed Lateran Treaty with the Pope in 1929. Glevifreaen 4 wets 4 tentoind nih Tepes 1925, Tay occupied Cots 1924, Italy got Fiume. 1936, lly, together with Germany, intervened inthe Spanish Civil Wat. 1936, taly and Germany formed the Berin-Rome Axis. 1939, aly annexed Albania, 1939, she signed the Pac of Stel pecs) | pet oA ‘Nazi Germany “The passing ofthe Enabling Act in 193) was to ensure the | ‘power the hands of Hitler. Hitler was Fuhrer of German. People regarded him asthe “Savior” of Germany. ‘Only Nazi Paty was allowed in Germany wd other partes were illegal are i [eee dal ik peti mmm edhe Tiler belfeved communism Threatened the unity of society. His anti-communist attitude attracted much support from the industrialists, landlords and middle cass. ‘Germany adopied two FourVear Plans to achieve the self-sufficiency economically. More than 6 million Jews were lied systematically Concentration camps were built, Final solution was adopted as a program to kil the Fes ata short period o ime, "The Fire on the Reichstag building was vsed to get rd of the Communists. Gestapo was used to search for signs of| opposition. = Schools were wed to indosvinate Nazi eas. ‘© Mass media was used to glorify the leader and the Nazi Party. ‘+ Censorship vas imposed on all mass ned, Religion was put under strict contol. Press were persecuted ‘There is nothing outside the state. 1955, Germany withdrew from the League of Nations. 1935, Germany introduced conscription, and built up army and ‘avy. 1936, Germany and Italy intervened in the Spanish Civil War. 1936, German troops remilitarized the Rhineland. 1936, Getmany signed Ant-Comintem Pact with Japan. 1937, Belin-Rome-Tokyo Axis was formed. 195%, Germany annexed Aust 1958, Germany got the Sudetenland. 1939, Germany annexed te rest of Czechoslovak 1939, Germany signed Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggresson Pact with, the Soviet Union 1939, Germany invaded Poland, andthe Second World War ‘broke out

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