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Me project

Entrepreneurs have a number of

characteristics that make them

successful . Suppose you were going

to build your own start-up. What

characteristics do you think you

would need?
Skills an Entrepreneur

should have

An entrepreneur is a person who runs their

own business. In order to be a successful
entrepreneur certain skills and characteristics
are required of a person .
 Thinking out of the box: In order to a
successful entrepreneur one must have a
unique idea. It can be something new or it
can an already discovered idea advertised in
a more appealing way.
 Convincing: An entrepreneur must convince
investors and consumers that the product
company is producing is important.They
should be able to manipulate investors ,that
they will acquire the benefits of their
investments. The entrepreneur should also be
able to understand a customers requirements
and make them believe the product is
 Advertising: Clever advertising is an
important skill for an entrepreneur to have .
Attracting valuable investors, potential
customers and possible employees is crucial .
This is because despite the saying don’t judge
a book by its cover customers judge a product
by its packaging.
 A clear plan: Having a clear plan on what to
do is extremely important as an entrepreneur.
One must have clear aim, one must know
what to do in order to succeed . If one knows
what he/she wants everything else is a piece
of cake .


an Entrepreneur should


An entrepreneur should be a good leader in

order to be successful . Here are a few
characteristics of a great leader.
 Inspirational
To be a successful entrepreneur one must be
motivated and inspire those around oneself.
 Confident
In a situation where one has to follow someone’s
lead they will always choose the one who seems
to know what he/she is doing over someone
who sounds more logical . The most confident
person in the room will feel like a better leader
even if other person is more qualified in every
other way.
 Leading with example

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