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Heathcliff and Edgar – Essay

(Wuthering Heights)

In the novel “Wuthering Heights” wrote by Emily Bronte and published in 1847. In
the book the two male characters that are presented are Heathcliff and Edgar. These are quite
different and, Catherine, has to make a hard choice, a choice between respectability, Edgar,
and passion, and passion, Heathcliff.
These two men are very different, from the beginning of the novel and till the end.
Starting with the appearances, Edgar has blond hair, blue eyes and a light skin. The other
man, Heathcliff, has black hair and dark skin. These differences make Catherine to be more
attracted to Heathcliff, him being more familiar, in appearances, that Edgar, who is different,
Another big difference between those is the social class, Edgar is “wealthy and
“respectable”, in contrast with Heathcliff, who is not that wealthy. Catherine states that
marrying Heathcliff would have a stain on her reputation, he would “degrade” her. And by
choosing to marry Edgar, Catherine has a chance to rise in social class, accepting the social
A last, but important difference between Heathcliff and Edgar is their temperaments
which is described very good in the novel. Edgar is kind, but weak, crying about a puppy.
And in opposition, Heathcliff is strong but cruel, nearly killing a dog. Catherine choices
Edgar, even if he is weak, he could be easily manipulated in offering what she wants.
In the end, the differences between Heathcliff and Edgar represent the major conflict
in the novel. She is faced with a hard choice, status and comfort, or passionate love for
Heathcliff. By the final of the novel, she makes a choice, she prefers status and financial
security, rather than the love for Heathcliff.

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