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Types of Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing can be broadly classified into 9 types:

1. Search Engine Optimization

2. Pay Per Click Advertising
3. Content Marketing
4. Search Engine Marketing
5. Social Media Marketing
6. Influencer Marketing
7. Email Marketing
8. Mobile Marketing
9. Affiliate Marketing

Search Engine Optimization

Simply, it's the process of improving your website to increase its visibility when
people search for products or services related to your business on search engines.
The better your site ranks in search results, the more likely you will attract attention
and potential and existing customers to your business.

Search engines like Google and Bing use bots to scan pages on the web, move from
site to site, gather information about those pages, and index them. Algorithms
further analyze the pages in the index, considering hundreds of ranking factors or
signals to determine the order of pages that should appear in search results for a
given query. Search algorithms are designed to display relevant, authoritative
pages and provide users with efficient searches. Optimizing your site and content
with these factors in mind can help your site rank higher in search results.

Search engine optimization is a fundamental part of digital marketing, as people

perform trillions of searches each year, often with the commercial intent of finding
information about products and services. Search is usually the primary source of
digital traffic for brands. Complementing other marketing channels, being more
visible, and ranking higher in search results than your competition can significantly
impact your bottom line. In short, SEO is the foundation of a holistic marketing
Pay Per Click Advertising
Pay-per-click is a type of Internet marketing that involves advertisers paying a fee
for each click on one of their ads. Simple, you only pay for advertising if your ad is
clicked. It's a method of "buying" traffic to your website and organically increasing
website traffic.

One of the most popular forms of pay-per-click is search engine advertising, which
allows advertisers to pay to place an ad on a search engine's sponsored links. It
works when someone searches for a keyword related to their business offer. For
example, if we bid on the keyword "Google Shopping Management," our ad may
appear at the top of the Google results page. Google Shopping, at our best, is an
example of how pay-per-click advertising can be used to increase visibility and

Pay-per-click advertising is ideal for small businesses because you can decide how
much you're willing to spend on each keyword, so you can control how much you
spend when your ads appear. This ensures that the money you spend on ads is not
wasted because you are more likely to attract more people interested in your

Content Marketing
Content marketing is a form focused on creating, publishing, and distributing
content for a target audience online. Businesses often use it to achieve the
following goals: attract attention and generate leads, expand their customer base,
generate or increase online sales, increase brand awareness or credibility, and
engage the online user community. Content marketing attracts new customers by
creating and sharing valuable free content. It helps companies create sustainable
brand loyalty, provides consumers with helpful information, and makes them
willing to purchase products from the company in the future.

Content marketing starts with identifying customer needs. The information can be
presented in various formats, including reports, videos, white papers, e-books,
infographics, email newsletters, case studies, podcasts, photos, blogs, etc. Content
marketing requires continuous delivery of large amounts of content, preferably
within a content marketing strategy.
Search Engine Marketing
Search engine marketing is marketing a business using paid advertisements on
search engine results pages. Advertisers bid on keywords that users of services like
Google and Bing may enter when searching for specific products or services,
allowing the advertiser to have their ads appear next to the results for those search

These ads come in different formats. Some are small, text ads, while others, like
product listing ads, are more visual product-based ads that allow consumers to see
important information like price and reviews at a glance.

The greatest strength of search engine marketing is that it allows advertisers to

present their ads to motivated customers who are ready to buy precisely when they
are prepared to accept. No other advertising medium can do this, which is why
search engine marketing is so powerful and an amazingly effective way to grow
your business.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is a marketing method overused to promote your business,
the product you sell, or the service you offer. Social media is one platform where it
is easy and convenient to connect with the young and old generations on the same
platform. Social media marketing is the best and most effective method for
connecting and interacting with your audience.

The main goal of social media marketing is to provide valuable content to your
audience to create a link that converts your target audience into potential
customers. Other objectives of social media marketing are: Increase brand or
company visibility, improve brand position, promote content virtualization, help
spread web content, increase sales of products and services, and work on online
reputation, etc.
Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing involves a brand working with an online influencer to market
one of its products or services. Some influencer marketing collaborations are fewer
tangible brands that simply work with influencers to improve brand recognition.

The first example of influencer marketing was YouTube celebrity PewDiePie. He

teamed up with the makers of a horror film set in the French catacombs under Paris
and created a series of videos in which he took on challenges in the catacombs. It
was perfectly content for PewDiePie's 111 million subscribers, getting almost twice
as many views as the movie trailer. Everyone won. This is a simple example. It's
easy to imagine a celebrity teaming up with a company to pitch a product, even if
it's a series of 10-minute videos instead of a 30-second TV commercial.

Influencers, unlike celebrities, can be anywhere. They can be anyone. What makes
them influential is their considerable following on the web and social networks. An
influencer can be a famous fashion photographer on Instagram, a well-read
cybersecurity blogger who tweets, or a well-respected marketing executive on
LinkedIn. There are influential people in every industry; you just have to find them.
Some will have hundreds of thousands of followers. But many will appear more like
ordinary people. They may only have 10,000 followers, in some cases less.

Nevertheless, they develop a reputation as experts in their field. It is people going

to people who provide answers to people's questions. Depending on their area of
expertise, these people publish the most engaging social posts on their subject
matter. They share the best pictures, make the funniest videos, and have the most
informative online discussions.

Email Marketing
Email marketing is delivering business emails, usually to people who use email. In
their broadest sense, any email sent to a prospective or existing customer could be
considered email marketing. Email marketing typically requires an email to send an
advertisement, appeal for business, or solicit sales or contributions, and is designed
to build loyalty, trust, or brand recognition.

Marketing emails can be published to obtain a list of potential customers or a

current customer database. The term generally refers to sending email messages
to deepen the merchant's connection with existing customers, build customer
loyalty and repeat business, acquire new customers, or persuade. Existing
customers buy something immediately and share third-party ads.

Email marketing has many advantages over other marketing channels. First,
sending an email is much cheaper than buying a TV commercial or a radio spot.
Email allows you to reach a much wider audience than most marketing channels.

Another great benefit of email marketing is that it is highly effective in building

customer relationships. You can easily send personalized messages to customers
and prospects using email. This fosters loyalty and trust, which increases sales.

Email marketing is also straightforward to track. You can see how many recipients
have viewed your email, clicked on links, and even unsubscribed. This allows you
to fine-tune your email campaigns to be more effective.

Overall, email marketing is a highly effective way to reach customers and build
relationships. It is affordable, easy to follow, and highly customizable. If you're not
using email marketing, you're missing out on a fantastic opportunity to grow your

Mobile Marketing
Nowadays, people use their smartphones more than any other gadget. Their
mobiles are a one-stop platform that offers all the desired conveniences. So why
not use it to target your potential client base?

Mobile marketing can be done through an app or SMS. Apps are becoming
increasingly popular among mobile phone users and can serve the same purpose
as your website. More people can interact with your app than with the website.
Therefore, creating a simple, user-friendly, and intuitive application is essential.
You can also send regular push notifications through the app. This will keep them
engaged with your product. Meanwhile, SMS can inform people about special
offers and coupons. It can also target people who don't own a smartphone.
Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is a compensation structure in which an affiliate earns a
commission for promoting the products of another individual or company. The
partner simply finds a product they like, nurtures it, and gets a percentage of the
profit from each transaction. Affiliate links are used to track sales from one site to

Because affiliate marketing works by delegating marketing and product creation

responsibilities to other parties, it can leverage the skills of a diverse group of
individuals to create a more effective marketing plan while compensating
contributors. Four different parties are involved in the affiliate marketing process:
the product creator (or marketer), the affiliate network, the marketer, and the
customer. It allows both product creators and product marketers to earn a share
of revenue following their contribution.

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