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Quarter 1 – Module 5:
Manipulate CAD Features as per
Job Requirement:
3-Dimensional Drawing

Writer: Precious Faith G. Villanueva

What I Know

Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.

Choices for number 1-7:

A. B. C. D. E. F. G.

1. The icon for Subtract command.

2. The icon for Loft command.
3. The icon for Extrude command.
4. The icon for Union command.
5. The icon for Sweep command.
6. The icon for Presspull command.?

7. Which command creates a solid area by clicking the object line?

A. Extrude B. X C. Presspull D. PP
8. Which command creates a solid area by clicking the plane inside the object line?
A. Extrude B. X C. Presspull D. PP
9. Anna wants to create the walls of his 2D floor plan but want to keep the outline
for the Floor layer, Which command should she enter?
A. Ext B. Layer C. Pres D. Walls
10. Jericho was designing his drawing by removing some parts of the previous
object, which command should he enter?
A. Lof B. E C. Su D. Sw
11. Danna want to create an object based on a design with varying sizes on each
parallel layers, which command should she enter?
A. Lof B. E C. Su D. Sw
12. Janice want to create a solid object base on the irregular line she creates, which
command should she enter?
A. Lof B. E C. Su D. Sw
13. Dennis want to create a solid C design on his drawing, which command is best
to enter for it?
A. M B. J C. Rev D. Uni
14. Aris wanted to design an object by joining two solid objects, which should he
A. M B. J C. Rev D. Uni
15. Which command can you use to place a solid object from one point to another?
A. M B. J C. Rev D. Uni

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Lesson Manipulate CAD Features as
5 per Job Requirement:
3-Dimensional Drawing

he primary purpose of drawing is to let the audience see the visions of the artist
or what clients want to see. With the vast illustration software used, the one
that is used by most draftsmen professionals is AutoCAD. This CAD software
is not limited just to 2-Dimensional drawings. And even today, they continue to
update this technology in order to help every draftsman to achieve a more desirable
output and decreasing the strenuous process of creating ad modifying drawings.
Though CAD is already a pre-programmed software, human intervention is greatly
needed as it won’t function alone without our specifications. Thus, to fully maximize
the software potential, a draftsman must continuously practice drafting using the
desired CAD software in order to familiarize and master the skills to be applied to the
actual plans envisioned for our clients.
The whole series of this module is based on the use of the CAD software - AutoCAD.
As for this lesson, the primary objectives for LO 1. Operate CAD Software and
Computer Hardware are the following according to the sub- LO 1.3 which is to
Manipulate CAD Features as per Job Requirement:
1. Create objects using 3D Tools
2. Modify 2D objects created in CAD into 3D
3. Put meaning on the importance of each 3D commands

What’s In

A 3D drawing in CAD pertains to the digital drawing of objects through the view which
consists of three-dimensional elements in which a person can actually see the actual
representation of an object as if it was real.

Notes to the Teacher

This contains the CAD commands to help your
students familiarize in creating 3d drawings.

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What’s New

Connect It!
Direction: Below are pictures of 3D commands applied on 2D objects. Connect the
illustration on what happened to illustrated 2D object, then write the possible
AutoCAD 3D command to it. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering.






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What is It

Extrude Command
Creates a 3D solid from an object that encloses an area, or a 3D surface
from an object with open ends.
Objects can be extruded orthogonally from the plane of the source object,
in a specified direction, or along a selected path. You can also specify a
taper angle.
To EXTRUDE an Object:
1. Click shape outline
2. EXT (extrude) ↵
3. Drag Upward/ Downward direction
4. Type dimension ↵
5. Change visual style into shaded with edge

Presspull Command
Modifies objects by extrusion and offset.
Get visual feedback as you move the cursor after selecting a 2D
object, an area formed by a closed boundary or a 3D solid face. The
press or pull behavior responds to the type of object you select to
create extrusions and offsets. In this example, the area between two
polylines is pulled to create a 3D solid wall.
To PRESSPULL an Object:
1. PRES (Presspull) ↵
2. Click area enclosed to the shape
3. Drag Upward/ Downward direction
4. Type dimension ↵
5. ESC/ Enter/ Spacebar
6. Change visual style into shaded with edge

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Sweep Command
Creates a 3D solid or 3D surface by sweeping a 2D object or sub-object
along an open or closed path.
Open-ended objects create 3D surfaces, while objects that enclose an
area can be set to create either 3D solids or 3D surfaces.
To SWEEP an Object:
1. SW (Sweep) ↵
2. Select object to sweep
3. Select sweep path
4. Change visual style to conceptual

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Loft Command
Creates a 3D solid or surface in the space between several cross
Creates a 3D solid or surface by specifying a series of cross sections.
The cross sections define the shape of the resulting solid or surface.
You must specify at least two cross sections.

To LOFT an Object:
1. VIEW = SE Isometric
2. Move object vertically with different distances
3. LOF (Loft) ↵
4. Cross section only
5. Select sweep path
6. Change 2D wireframe to realistic

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Revolve Command

Creates a 3D solid or surface by sweeping an object around an axis.

Revolve path and profile curves can be:

• Open or closed
• Planar or non-planar
• Solid and surface edges
• A single object (to extrude multiple lines, convert them to a single object with the
JOIN command)
• A single region (to extrude multiple regions, first convert them to a single object
with the UNION command)

To REVOLVE an Object:
1. REV (Revolve) ↵
2. Select object to revolve ↵
3. Specify axis
4. Specify axis endpoint
5. Enter revolve value ↵
6. Change visual style to Realistic

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Union Command
Combines two or more 2D regions into a single, composite region.
Regions combine only with other region objects that are located on the
same plane.

The following prompt is displayed.

Select objects
Select the regions to be combined.

To UNION Objects
1. UNI (Union) ↵
2. Select the objects that you want to union ↵

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Subtract Command

Creates a new region by subtracting one overlapping region from

Objects in the second selection set are subtracted from objects in the
first selection set. A single new region is created.

To SUBTRACT an Object
3. SU (Subtract) ↵
4. Select the objects that you want to keep ↵
5. Select the objects that you want to subtract. ↵

***You may use REGEN command to generate optimum display and object selection

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What’s More

Activity 1.1 Create It!

Use the rubric below as basis for scoring:
PROFICIENCY Perform the task Perform the task Perform the task
with competence with competence with competence
and exceptional and with standard but below
performance performance standard
METHOD Followed the given Followed the given Followed the given
procedure from procedure, noted procedure, noted
start to finish, once incorrect more than once
observed correct usage of incorrect usage of
usage of commands commands
COMPLETENESS Perform all the Perform the task Perform the task
steps in sequence with at least 1-3 with 3 or more
steps are not met steps not met
TIME Finish the work Finish the work Unable to finish
on/before given after the given the work
time time
Rating Scale:

Points Numerical
Descriptive Rating
Earned Rating
17 – 20 91 – 100 Outstanding
13 – 16 86 – 90 Very Good
9 – 12 81 – 85 Good
5–8 76 – 80 Fair
1–4 71 – 75 Needs Improvement

Below is a sample draft of a mug, use the given dimensions and create your
own mug drawing. You may choose the unit to use in the drawing.

Height: 95 mm
Width (mouth outside diameter): 82 mm
Width (diameter + handle): 120 mm
Thickness: 6 mm
Handle Height: 74 mm
Handle Width: 15 mm
Handle Thickness: 7 mm
Mug Bottom Thickness: 9.5 mm

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Base on the 2D mug

drawing you made
previously, in
accordance to the
given dimensions,
create its 3D version.

Activity 1.2 Reflect On It!

Direction: Reflect on the lesson based on Activity 1.1 using the criteria below. Write
your reflection on a separate sheet of paper.


Content The content was well-thought, guide questions 4
were thoroughly answered
Organization The paper was well-written with ideas easily 3
conveyed to readers
Development Points are thoroughly developed 3
Total 10

Share your insight:

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Activity 1.3 Modify It!
Direction: Using the 2D floor plan you previously drafted on Activity 1.7 of Lesson
4, create its 3D version.
Use the rubric below as basis for scoring:
CRITERIA 5 4 3 2 1
ACCURACY Output Output have 1 to 2 Output have 3 to 4 Output have 5 to Output have 6 to
accurately done errors observed errors observed 6 errors more errors
observed observed
SPEED The output is The output is done The output is done The output is The output is
done before due on due time after allotted time done after done after
time allotted time allotted time
METHOD Applied CAD Applied CAD Applied CAD Applied CAD Applied CAD
commands with commands have 1 commands have 3 commands have commands have
no error to 2 errors to 4 errors 5 to 6 errors 6 or more errors
PROFICIENCY Perform the task Perform the task Perform the task Perform the task Perform the task
with competence according to with competence with according to without
and exceptional standard but below standard competence and
performance competence standard procedures do not exhibit
performance standard

Activity 1.4 Reflect On It!

Direction: Reflect on creating Activity 1.3 using the criteria below. Write your
reflection on a separate sheet of paper.


Content The content was well-thought, guide questions 4
were thoroughly answered
Organization The paper was well-written with ideas easily 3
conveyed to readers
Development Points are thoroughly developed 3
Total 10

Share your insight:

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Activity 1.5 Describe It!
Direction: Below is a table showing different 3D output. Write the shortcut
command used to create it and how each function. Use a separate sheet of paper in

3D solid face is created

EXT↵ by clicking the line
boundary of an object.

Create a 3D solid from a

2D object by clicking the
PRES↵ plane inside the object’s
boundary, leaving
behind its outline.

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Activity 1.6 Arrange It!
Direction: Arrange the jumbled letters to get the correct answer, then write your
answer on a separate sheet of paper. Use the clues provided.

1. EEUTRDX - Creates a 3D solid from an object that encloses an area

2. EUSSPPRLL - an area formed by a closed boundary
3. EEPSW - Open-ended objects create 3D surfaces, while objects that enclose an
area can be set to create either 3D solids or 3D surfaces.
4. OTLF - Creates a 3D solid or surface in the space between several cross
5. IOUNN - Combines two or more 2D regions into a single, composite region

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What I Have Learned

Computer Aided Drawing (CAD) refers to the operation of the computer

software in the preparation of drawing plans. The working drawings can be done
manually, electronically or both.
Autodesk AutoCAD is one of the most common application used in computer
aided drawing which makes the drafting process easier, precise and visually
appealing to the client.
CAD software and hardware features varies depending on the application
version which has different prescribed requirements according to its developer.
In order to operate the CAD software, familiarity on the most common
command features and with the mastery on the shortcut keys can greatly help in the
speed and precision of drawing project.

For 3D drawing the most used commands are:


What I Can Do

p according to its respective columns in order to identify the shortcut keys of

each commands and how it is applied on the drawing.







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Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.

Choices for number 1-7:

A. B. C. D. E. F. G.

1. The icon for Subtract command.

2. The icon for Loft command.
3. The icon for Extrude command.
4. The icon for Union command.
5. The icon for Sweep command.
6. The icon for Presspull command.

7. Which command creates a solid area by clicking the object line?

A. Extrude B. X C. Presspull D. PP
8. Which command creates a solid area by clicking the plane inside the object line?
A. Extrude B. X C. Presspull D. PP
9. Anna wants to create the walls of his 2D floor plan but want to keep the outline
for the Floor layer, Which command should she enter?
A. Ext B. Layer C. Pres D. Walls
10. Jericho was designing his drawing by removing some parts of the previous
object, which command should he enter?
A. Lof B. E C. Su D. Sw
11. Danna want to create an object based on a design with varying sizes on each
parallel layers, which command should she enter?
A. Lof B. E C. Su D. Sw
12. Janice want to create a solid object base on the irregular line she creates,
which command should she enter?
A. Lof B. E C. Su D. Sw
13. Dennis want to create a solid C design on his drawing, which command is best
to enter for it?
A. M B. J C. Rev D. Uni
14. Aris wanted to design an object by joining two solid objects, which should he
A. M B. J C. Rev D. Uni
15. Which command can you use to place a solid object from one point to another?
A. M B. J C. Rev D. Uni

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Additional Activities

1. Design your previous floor plan in 3-D.

*** You may send a file or a screenshot of your output ahead of time to your teacher
via e-mail.


• Arriola, Cesar T. et al., Technology and Livelihood Education –

Grade 10 Technical Drafting Learner’s Material, 1st Edition, 2013
• Autodesk. AutoCAD Support & Learning, accessed May 19, 2020,

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