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Yesterday afternoon, a volcanic eruption destroyed an entire village.

Mount Sirius, which

experts thought was dormant erupted at 3 pm/ Tourists had seen smoke rising from the
mouth of the volcano two days before. The police moved the villagers away from the area
for their own safety. Tons of lava and rock came out of the volcano and wrecked houses,
roads and trees. Although the blast physically injured only a few people, doctors are
treating many for shock. The authorities are keeping the área surrounding Mount Sirius
clear in case of further activity.

An entire village mount Sirius was destroyed by volcanic eruption on yesterday afternoon
the experts thought that dormant erupted at 3:00 p.m. two days before the smoke Rised
from the volcano was seen by the tourist the villagers were moved from the area for their
own safety by the pólice houses trees and roads were wreaked by the tons of Lava and rock
that came out from the volcano only few people are physically enjoyed by the blast
although the shocks are treated by the doctor the area surrounding Mount sirius are kept
clear in case of further activity by the authorities.

Activity number 8. The stolen Ferrari

Two football fans were arrested last night near the stadium. The suspects were taken to the police
station for further investigation. They allegedly stole a brand Ferrari.

The owner of the car told the police that the thieves were wearing a football team jersey. After the
suspects were caught, the owner of the car was called to identify the thieves.

 However, the owner of the car said that he had made a huge mistake because the car hadn’t been
stolen; the car had been taken by his wife to go to a concert because her car was broken. 

 An apology was offered to the two football fans; besides, the owner of the car offered to give
them 5000 dollars to compensate his mistake. The money was not accepted. The two football fans
will be released tomorrow morning.

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