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Hello teacher

I'm going to tell you about the two cities you've visited

The two cities I have visited are Cuenca and Sangolqui, since I find
two great places that can be visited calmly as they have different
things to appreciate and if the comparison I would make would be that
people are good, they are collaborators, There are beautiful spaces
where people can go to play or have fun with the family, their food is
exquisite have unique dishes like the hornado in Sangolqui and the
cascaritas in Cuenca. There is also a rather negative comparison: In
Cuenca all the streets are cleaner and people respect the environment
instead in Sangolqui people do not respect and pollute the city very
much and to conclude another comparison is in the way of speaking
already That in Cuenca is more sung and in Sangolqui his speech is

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