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My best holiday was with my family as we walked to the beach exactly

to Tonsupa, it was a very nice experience as I met some water animals

like whales, turtles, Sea stars and islands near the area that was what I
liked most about going to the beach as I was able to see the wonders
of the equator for the first time even though I put on sunscreen burning
me and put on mosquito repellent i was bitten a lot.
We had a wonderful time with my family as we were able to relax,
being quiet without worries and we also shared moments of laughter
because it was the first time my nephew went to the beach he had a lot
of fun and we had more fun as with his antics it made us laugh and to
finish what i liked most was his food like shrimp ceviche as it is
delicious to be able to try a different meal than the one we are
commonly used to.

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