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Northern State University

Pre-Student Teaching Experience

MUSIC Teacher Work Sample
Candidate Name Jacob Wild

Semester/Assignment (elementary or secondary) Elementary

Candidate ID Number 759929

Cooperating School(s) Roncalli Catholic School System

Subject/Content Area Music

Grade Level(s) K-6

Date Submitted 11/20

I understand that obtaining, or attempting to obtain, a passing grade on a TWS by falsification or

misrepresentation may result in a failing grade in a course or expulsion from the teacher
education program.

I grant permission for the Northern State University Department of Music and School of
Education to use my Teacher Work Sample as an exemplary (outstanding) model for teacher
candidate and university supervisor training purposes in the future. I understand my name will
remain on the document for proper credit.

Electronic Signature of Candidate Submitting the TWS

Portfolio Active Link

Task I Professional Goal Setting

Knowledge of Self as Individual

Goal: I want to be involved as much as possible in classroom activities to help bridge the gap

between student and teacher

Procedure: Present more lessons and lead warm-up consistently. I will also do my best to be

prepared to earn students respect and to have good classroom management skills
Evaluation: I will discuss with cooperating teacher and see my lesson videos to see them, and

have the required number for the class. I will also discuss my classroom management skills with

my cooperating teacher.

Knowledge of Learner:

Goal: To learn how different students learn and how to accommodate all students' learning


Procedure: I will assess students abilities and learning styles by paying attention to students in

the classroom and asking my cooperating teacher what works best with certain students, to assess

them individually and collectively. With this knowledge of the students, I can form a lesson to be

effective for all students.

Evaluation: I will evaluate this by doing a pre-assessment and post-assessment to determine if I

taught effectively so that the post assessment improves in the ways I sought to improve it.

Knowledge of Content

Goal: I will use the South Dakota standards for the foundation for my lessons in conjunction

with Music Learning Theory.

Procedure: I will review, discuss with my cooperating teacher, and implement the South Dakota

standards in my lesson plans explaining my rationale through MLT for these lessons.
Evaluation: Reflecting with my cooperating teacher through assessments before, during, and

after my lesson to see if my teaching was effective and how MLT helped to achieve the ends of

the lesson.

Knowledge of Pedagogy:

Goal: To understand the teaching style and educational philosophy of my cooperating teacher

and how she modifies it, if at all, from her upper level classes.

Procedure: I will observe my cooperating teacher’s interactions with students and presentation

of lesson material. I will ask them which lesson format is the most effective for this age group

for them

Evaluation: Be consistently reflecting on your cooperating teachers teaching style and

philosophy till you fully understand and can experiment by implementing it into your style and

philosophy. The more strategies I can know about, the more I can develop my own teaching


Knowledge of Self as a Teacher and a Member of a Learning Community:

Goal: I will create professional relationships with my cooperating teacher, principal, and any

other teachers I come into contact with.

Procedure: I will present professionally through dressing appropriately daily and be sure to

wear my teacher candidate badge. I will be involved, prepared, and ask relevant questions during

lessons. I will see what cooperating teachers does to prepare outside of class. I will introduce

myself to teachers I meet.

Evaluation: I will ask and consider with my cooperating teacher how professional I presented

myself to them and other teachers in the building. I will record my experiences each week in a


Task II Contextual Information

City Y is one of the main population centers in State X with 28,000 people roughly. The

median income is about the same as the City Y area at 33,846 with 8% poverty in those under 18

years old. There is a 47% married figure among the households in City X according to

The students are in grades K-6. The content area being taught is music education. It is a

private religious school. They have choir class and extracurricular choir. They sing a lot of

religious music and prepare some for concerts or other events. It seems they have a tight knit

community. According to the student to teacher ratio is approximately

13:1 and 17:1 for the primary school.

According to there are 163 students in its elementary school. The

full time teacher rank in South Dakota is 19 out of 51 and the student teacher ratio is ranked 39

out of 52. I am also at their primary school that has 199 students Pre-K-2 and 124 in K-2, the

group I work with. The full time teacher rank is 27 out of 51 and the student to teacher ratio is

ranked 50 out of 52 For ethnicities there are a handful of students of Native Indian/Native

Alaskan, Asian, Hispanic, and mixed race and 85% caucasian students for the elementary and

88% caucasian for the primary school.

The have uniforms at the school. In the possibility of snow school cancellations will be

announced over the radio and TV station, and school reach. The two campuses are in close

distance to each other. Both schools are mid to bottom ranked among private schools in
enrollment according to The South Dakota rank is 10th of 52 for the

primary school and 18 out of 52 for the elementary.

Task III Lesson Plans – Instructional Design and Implementation

Common Lesson Plan Template

Music Education
Teacher Candidate Name: Jacob Wild
Grade Level: Elementary
Subject: Music
Date: 10/06/2022
2.MU.Re.7.2.a With minimal guidance, describe how specific music concepts are used to
support a specific purpose in music.
6-8.MUg.Pr.4.2.c Identify how cultural and historical context inform performances.
1.MU.Pr.4.1.a With limited guidance, demonstrate and discuss personal interest in, knowledge
about, and purpose of varied musical selections.

Students will be able to:
● Teach about a Violin
● Teach about Motifs in Music
According to Music Learning Theory, people learn music through discrimination and
sequencing. Partial synthesis is the third discrimination level, following aural/oral and verbal
association. At the partial synthesis level, students can identify familiar tonal and rhythmic
patterns. This lesson(s) will continue to focus on the state standards listed above.
In this lesson I will teach about a violin and how recognize tonal sequences as motifs
Keep the lesson efficient and give clear instructions for asking questions.
● Listen to my song everyone.
● Play song
● Explain what the parts of Violin and Bow and how they work
● Explain the Motifs and their meaning
● Play the motifs so students know what they are
● Play the song so the students can hear the motifs in context

LESSON CLOSING (transition)

● Thank you for listening to my lesson

I thought the lesson was pretty enjoyable for the kids. I think my best classroom was actually
before I started filming and it was to ask the kids to keep questions till the end of my lesson. I
think my expressiveness was pretty good and I kept things pretty efficient. I could eliminate
some extra filler words though from my speech to make things more presentable.

Common Lesson Plan Template

Music Education
Teacher Candidate Name: Jacob Wild
Grade Level: Elementary
Subject: Music
Date: 9/22/2022
K.MU.Re.8.1.a With guidance, demonstrate awareness of expressive qualities (such as
dynamics, tempo, style, and articulation).that reflect creators’/performers’ expressive intent.
2.MU.Re.7.2.a With minimal guidance, describe how specific music concepts are used to
support a specific purpose in music.
Students will be able to:
● Sing a portion of Go Tell it on the Mountain

According to Music Learning Theory, people learn music through discrimination and
sequencing. Partial synthesis is the third discrimination level, following aural/oral and verbal
association. At the partial synthesis level, students can identify familiar tonal and rhythmic
patterns. This lesson(s) will continue to focus on SD State Standard K.MU.Re.8.1.a (With
guidance, demonstrate awareness of expressive qualities (such as dynamics, tempo, style, and
articulation).that reflect creators’/performers’ expressive intent.) and 2.MU.Re.7.2.a (With
minimal guidance, describe how specific music concepts are used to support a specific purpose
in music.)

In this lesson we will learn to feel Go Tell it on the Mountain in rhythm and to find the tonic or
“home” of the key.
Stuffed Animal
Giving instructions authoritatively in home key to have students stay focused.
● Listen to my song everyone.
● Sing song
● Sing on bum and move with flow
● Sing with macro beat, then with micro, then both.
● Ask the students to sing home on bum when you toss the stuffed animal and toss it to
individuals to sing home
● Sing and ask the students to audiate the song
● Start the song and have students audiate the rest of the song and raise their hand when
they are done with the song

LESSON CLOSING (transition)

● Thank you for learning this song with me!

I kept pretty eye contact with the students throughout. I think I could have been a little more
planted with my stance in the classroom and not swung my arms around as much (not during
flow). I thought I kept my pitch pretty well and only had to start over once during the resting
tone portion. I adapted ok to random questions or statements for kids. I think I was
authoritative with my speech telling them that unfortunately not everyone was going to get the
stuffed animal today. I think I could have been clearer that it was just supposed to me singing
at some points and not the kids, but I am not sure if that would have worked with this group in
particular even. I think it went overall well but I could have made some adjustments better and
controlled talking better during the activity.

Task IV Case Study – Analysis of Focus Students

`I chose Joe Doe for a case study because he has interesting contrasting traits. He has a

lot to say through a class period but usually isn’t too obnoxious but can sometimes be a

disruption but he will stop if the teacher requests him to. He and his brother play hockey which is

a good outlet for some of the restlessness he shows in class at times. My CT (cooperating
teacher) describes him as a bit of a class clown but does pretty well in school. He is a pretty good

singer and baritone player in the band. His parents were separated for a bit a couple of years ago

but are both in the house now. My CT said he could benefit from giving forth some more effort

in music and the rest of his education but still does fairly well.

There are plenty of reasons why Joe could be exhibiting disruptive or silly behaviors that

are associated with being a class clown but I’m going to delve into potential reasons I’ve found

in my research involving the article Why some kids clown around in class by the Understood

Team. One important thing to consider is that oftentimes these students don’t intend to disrupt

but act without thinking usually. It can be to cover up their difficulties in a situation or from

other parts of their lives. One such reason can be stressful situations at home which could factor

in here with Joe’s parents separation, even though they are back together now, there could still be

some problems being caused because of it. It is important to remember that the student is not a

problem but can cause problems and to give positive feedback when it is appropriate. (2022)

Joe may not be showing signs of worsening grades yet but the outlook academically for

elementary school age children experiencing parent separation or divorce around his age are not

very good. According to during the process of marital issues between parents,

students are less likely to have high educational aspirations or do well on tests. They also

emphasize the fact that moving involved with a separation can cause behavioral, emotional, and

academic problems for students. Relating to the student’s disruptive behavior in class that also be

correlated with coming from a single parent household for a time. The circumstances around

separation could be best worked through with a counselor and his parents.

Joe may not be a gifted student according to my CT but I think he could benefit from

some tips in Avoiding, Reversing & Handling Underachievement in Gifted Students . A good
first step would be to look at things that Joe is enthusiastic and successful in and try to transfer

those reasons over to another subject and by doing so the student will feel valued by the teacher.

Once the student knows you care, you can find a way for them to value academics, possibly

alluding to a dream career or showing them how what they are learning will be important in their

lives in the future. Something that will probably happen later, is helping students become self

motivated, setting realistic goals for themselves, striving for excellence not perfection, knowing

when goals are achievable but still challenging etc. (2020)

Joe Doe is a bright student that can use some help every so often to stay focused in class.

Some of his disruptive behavior can simply be comments made in the moment without thinking

to cope with a situation or related to his parents separating which can negatively affect academic

outcomes for students. He would do well to talk over these issues with his parents and a

counselor, if he hasn’t already. Joe’s interests should be examined and the reason he enjoys or

succeeds in those can be applied to other subjects and help him develop better self motivation

which could help his verbal disruptions too.


Dlugosz, M. (2021, May 6). Underachievement in gifted students: How to avoid, Reverse

& Handle. Davidson Institute. Retrieved October 23, 2022, from


Marripedia. (n.d.). Effects of divorce on Children's Education. Effects of Divorce on

Children's Education [Marripedia]. Retrieved October 23, 2022, from

Team, U. (2022, September 20). Why kids clown around in class. Understood. Retrieved

October 23, 2022, from


Task V Reflection, Self-Evaluation, and Goals Achievements

Reflection and Self Evaluation

Jacob Wild

I think this semester went very well. I built upon my progress from last semester and I

am doing quite a bit better. I improved meeting deadlines and my professionalism, along with

being involved in classroom activities. My cooperating teacher was happy with my performance

and it is apparent that the students like me. I think I could still improve my confidence around

the students.

It has been interesting to teach more at the elementary level this semester. Classroom

management strategies are quite a bit different. You have to be more involved to better manage

the kids and take a different tone when addressing the students. On most days she would begin

class with a song from their praise book and it would be different every time. It was interesting to

get a sight reading a new song most days, I think it helped my sight reading for singing to sing

all the new material.

I was surprised how interested the students were in me playing violin. I was elated to

bring my violin and show them a few things about how it works. I could tell how much better the

students would pay attention when they were invested in the subject. There is a student at the

primary school who has a lot of trouble paying attention and controlling during class. When they

were given the task of sliding a smart board screen up to bring the words into view for the song

they were singing that kept them occupied for that time. I learned many new strategies to

manage the classroom and what keeps students occupied and I had a successful semester.

Knowledge of Self as Individual

Goal: I want to be involved as much as possible in classroom activities to help bridge the gap

between student and teacher

Reflect: I led warm-ups the majority of the days of the semester so that meets my goal. I did

some activities with the students outside of required lesson plans to go beyond the minimum. I

would give helpful suggestions during rehearsing of songs to help improve the students'


Knowledge of Learner:

Goal: To learn how different students learn and how to accommodate all students' learning

Reflect: I think I had to do this especially with primary school students because the classes had

different ways to sing the same songs. I learned how to adapt to classes that need extra to learn

how to do particular sections and learning when students would be restless and meld that into a

class period.

Knowledge of Content

Goal: I will use the South Dakota standards for the foundation for my lessons in conjunction

with Music Learning Theory.

Reflect: I used the standards for all of the lesson plans and performed sections of rote song

procedure that is part of Music Learning Theory.

Knowledge of Pedagogy:

Goal: To understand the teaching style and educational philosophy of my cooperating teacher

and how she modifies it, if at all, from her upper level classes.

Reflect: Her teaching style was fairly straightforward, where she would run through pieces with

students and stop and work sections. She is fairly stern with the students but she allows for some

light hearted time during class. She isn’t strict and technical working elementary age students

then she would with high school students.

Knowledge of Self as a Teacher and a Member of a Learning Community:

Goal: I will create professional relationships with my cooperating teacher, principal, and any

other teachers I come into contact with.

Reflect: I did well achieving my goal. I spoke to some of the other teachers in the building and

had a decent relationship with the school secretary. I kept things pretty professional and had my

teacher badge on the vast majority of the time and always checked with the office.

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