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 Bazaar-my-to-go-father. Urutan kalimat b. Mother

yang tepat adalah… c. Uncle
a. My father bazaar to go d. Cousin
b. My father go bazaar to
c. My father go to bazaar 10. A bowl of soto arti yang tepat dari
d. Bazaar my father to go kalimat disamping adalah…
a. Segelas soto
2. Bahasa Inggris dari jam tangan, lantai, b. Sepiring soto
dan buku adalah…. c. Secangkir soto
a. Watch, Floor, and Book d. Semangkuk soto
b. Watch, Floor, and Bag
c. Watch, Bag, and Table 11. Ucup : Hey! Good afternoon!
d. Watch, Table, and Book Mimi : … , Ucup!
a. Good afternoon
3. She is Sultan’s ….. (kakek) b. Good night
a. Grandmother c. Good evening
b. Grandfather d. Good morning
c. Mother
d. Cousin 12. Safira : How are you today?
Wariot : … . I get a good score.
4. Mr. Jokowi is a ……. a. I am good
a. Boy b. I am not god
b. Girl c. I am not bad
c. Woman d. I am not feeling well
d. Man
13. Ananta is still sleeping. Ananta’s
5. Mrs. Santa is a …… mother says …
a. Girl a. Good evening
b. Boy b. Good night
c. Woman c. Good morning
d. Man d. Good afternoon

6. Rudi’s family always ……… (makan 14. We have dinner in the …

malam) in every night. a. Afternoon
a. Dinner b. Morning
b. Launch c. Night
c. Run d. Noon
d. Breakfast
14. Anita has breakfast in the …
7. Janette drink a …… (kopi) a. Night
a. tea b. Morning
b. juice c. Evening
c. coffee d. Afternoon
d. milk
15. Koko is hungry, so he takes …
8. enam, tujuh, dan delapan dalam a. Soda
bahasa inggris adalah… b. Milk
a. one, two, and three c. Noodle
b. four five, and six d. Tea
c. six, seven, and eight
d. seven, eight, and nine 16. Mike is … , so he decides to sleep.
a. Sleepy
9. Tante dalam bahasa Inggris adalah…. b. Angry
a. Aunt
c. Thirsty c. Grand fethar
d. Hungry d. Gradn therfa

17. Goku feels … , so he drinks milk. 25. “r–a-f–t–h–e”

a. Sleepy The correct words are …
b. Angry a. fethar
c. Thirsty b. therfa
d. Hungry c. afther
d. father
18. Aji’s game boy is broken, so he feels
… 26. Good afternoon in Indonesian is …
a. Sad a. Selamat sore
b. Exhausted b. Selamat malam
c. Sleepy c. Selamat siang
d. Hungry. d. Selamat pagi

19. I have one … 27. How are you? The sentence in

a. Leg Indonesian is…
b. Hands a. Selamat malam teman
c. Ear b. Senang bertemu denganmu
d. Nose c. Bagaimana kabarmu?
d. Bagaimana perasaanmu?
20. I have five …
a. mouth 28. Nice to meet you in Indonesian is …
b. finger a. Senang bertemu denganmu
c. Nose b. Sehat selalu
d. Hands c. Salam sentosa kebajikan
d. Alhamdulillah bahagia
21. “h–m–o–e–t–r”
The correct word is … 29. My feeling is well in Indonesian is….
a. Mother a. Senang bertemu denganmu
b. Methor b. Kabarku baik-baik saja
c. Mhoter c. Ibuku sedang sakit
d. Omther d. Sedih sekali mendapatkan
kabar Covid-19
22. “u–t–a–n”
The correct word is … 30. I am sad in Indonesian is …
a. natu a. Aku senang
b. utan b. Aku marah
c. aunt c. Aku sedih
d. taun d. Nasibku sial

23. “u–o–n–c–i-s” 31. I don’t know in Indonesian is…

The correct word is … a. Aku tahu
a. ciuson b. Aku tidak tahu
b. sincou c. Aku bingung
c. cousin d. Aku pusing
d. sounic

24. “r–a–n–d–g-f–t–h–a–r–e”
The correct words are …
a. Gnard father
b. Grand father

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