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Name: Date:

The Working Poor and Homeless in the USA

Directions: Watch the video discussing individuals experiencing poverty in the US and complete the prompts below.

Part 1: Before viewing the film

1. What is the “American Dream”? Does everyone have a chance at the American Dream?






2. In regard to social mobility, do you think that if someone works hard enough they can succeed? Explain!






3. Is poverty the same as homelessness? Explain.





Part 2: While viewing the film

1. How does poverty impact the following individuals:

Joe & Chelsea - Seattle, Washington

Germania - Kissimmee, Florida

Individual of your choice:______________________________________

2. What does Germania’s mother-in-law think about the American Dream? Do you agree with her? Explain.

3. What is a “Reduction in the Workforce”? Why do major companies do this?

4. Provide examples of hope and pride as well as examples of humiliation and dehumanization seen in the film.

Humiliation & Dehumanization

Hope & Pride

Part 3: After viewing the film

1. What does “working poor” mean?


2. Reevaluate: “What is success? In regard to social mobility, do you think that if someone works hard enough they
can succeed? Explain!” Did your response to this question change at all after watching the video?


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