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how often an
activity is done.
could be expressed
in days per week or
the number of times
per day.
FREQUENCY. When considering frequency, you might also
factor in other components. If you're focusing on cardio exercise
like running or walking at a moderate intensity, you might
exercise five times each week. If you're doing cardio activity at a
high intensity, you might only exercise three times each week. In
contrast, if you're focusing on strength training, you might do
that two to three times each week on non-consecutive days to
avoid overworking the muscles.
Why is frequency important in fitness
Working out daily can lead to injuries, fatigue,
and burnout. All of these things can cause you
to abandon your fitness program altogether.
• how hard the
activity is
• refers to the
amount of effort
exerted in a
Why is INTENSITY important in fitness?
Intensity is probably the most important element of your
workout because when you work out at a sufficient
intensity, your body grows stronger and you'll see
changes in your weight, body fat percentage, endurance,
and strength. Exercise intensity is usually measured as low,
moderate, or vigorous.
Why is time important in
Research has shown that it's important to get all
four types of exercise: endurance, strength,
balance, and flexibility. Each one has different
benefits. Doing one kind also can improve your
ability to do the others, and variety helps reduce
boredom and risk of injury
the mode or kind of
activity done. This could
simply refer to whether
the exercise is a resistance
vs. cardiovascular
endurance type, or within
the latter, swimming vs.
running vs. rowing.
Zumba is a fitness program that involves cardio and
Latin-inspired dance.

Each workout involves highly choreographed

movements set to upbeat salsa and international
music. Essentially, Zumba is a fun, high-energy workout
experience that keeps you excited to exercise and
return for more.
Jumping jacks
Begin with the feet hip-width apart and arms down.
Raise the arms out to the sides, straight in the air while
jumping out with the feet apart.
Jump back into the starting position and land softly on
the balls of the feet, bringing the arms back into the

Stand with feet together, arms extended at the sides,

and gaze at a sport on the ground about 5 feet ahead
for balance
Lift left foot back, bending forward until left leg and
chest are parallel to the ground
Repeat for all repetitions and switch sides
Get into position.
Tree pose often starts from mountain pose with both feet
planted firmly on the ground and your weight adequately
distributed so that you are balanced.
Bend one leg at the knee. Choose the leg you are going to
fold in first.
Lengthen your body.
Hold and repeat.
Jump rope
A person can alternate between jumping with both
feet and jumping from one foot to the other.
Jump rope
A person can alternate between jumping with both
feet and jumping from one foot to the other.
Why is type important in exercise?
Research has shown that it's important to get all
four types of exercise: endurance, strength,
balance, and flexibility. Each one has different
benefits. Doing one kind also can improve your
ability to do the others, and variety helps reduce
boredom and risk of injury
What is the importance of
having a FITT table?
What are the things that we need to consider in
making your fitness plan?
● Consider your fitness goals. ...
● Create a balanced routine. ...
● Start low and progress slowly. ...
● Build activity into your daily routine. ...
● Plan to include different activities. ...
● Try high-interval intensity training. ...
● Allow time for recovery. ...
● Put it on paper.
Why is the FITT principle important?
The FITT formula. Regardless of your
experience level, FITT helps ensure that your
body reaps the full benefits of regular
workouts., it protects you from eventual
exercise burnout.

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