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Contempt (1963) by Jean-Luc Goddard

Anusha Al Karim

Things that stood out to me:

 There was a certain color scheme that was being followed, focusing mainly on the
primary colors. Especially red.

I am not sure if this was intentional from the directors end, but up until the end I was not sure
if Paul and Jeremy had come up with a deal that has anything to do with Camille. There were
many instances where Camille was visibly hesitant about having to be with Jeremy alone
without her husband. There were also instances where they Jeremy made remarks about
Paul’s wife, and it seemed as if Paul is holding back from saying anything. As if he was
bound by contract. Similarly, there was an instance where I doubted Paul’s loyalty to his wife
and suspected that he was cheating on her with Fransceca. One can assume that the director
did this to keep the viewers on the edge of their seats or to build anticipation as to what is
about to happen next.

Out of all films that I have seen up till now for this course, this is a film I am still not
completely sure about. Even after listening to and participating in class discussion I feel there
is some ambiguity regarding it. This might be because of the choppy editing style, and the
frequent jump cuts. These, for me, made the film the film little confusing. Moreover, the fact
that the main plot of this film was to try to make another film with in. This too slightly added
to the confusion.

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