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Consumer Persona Interview Questions


1. Could you please introduce yourself and your background? (Gender, age, educational background,

2. Could you share with us, what are your hobbies?

3. Could you tell us, what are the goals you tend to achieve recently? (Personal goal)

4. Could you share with us, what is the biggest fear that you are currently facing in your life?

5. In your opinion, what are the biggest challenges that your face in your life?

6. Would you mind sharing with us what are the common objections you have been through?

7. Would you mind sharing with us roughly how much is your monthly pocket money?

8. What social media do you typically use and how often do you use it? (ANS:XHS,insta)

For Existing Customer:

1. May I know, what made you choose Full Mart coffee over the other options? (Is it because of the
price, quality, or maybe other factors?)

ANS: 你就说那边的咖啡比较便宜还很划算,因为他们有 combo 可以选,like 比如 family mart 一

杯 matcha latte 要 RM8.90 但是没有任何 combo,for Full Mart 就有,比如我买一杯咖啡可以配
其他食物,like curry puff 或者面包,而且他们店的面包也不错好吃,咖啡的品质也很好。那边

2. In your opinion, how are the customer services, menu, and environment at Full Mart? (Do you ever
hear about WhatsApp ordering in Full Mart?)

ANS:我觉得 Customer Services 也算欧 ok 啦,他们的服务态度也很好下,动作也很快啦。

Menu 的话,那边是很多饮料可以选择啊,有 specialty coffee,like matcha,hojicha,akane 那
样的,也有平时喝的那种啦,什么 latte,mocha,cappucino。不只是有 coffee 啦,还有各种茶
的,我记得有 fruit tea 什么的,然后也有其他 bakery items。 刚刚我也是又讲到那边环境也不

然后我会问你,你知道 Full Mart 有 whatsapp ordering 的吗?

ANS:ermmm,虽然我蛮经常去那边买的啦,但是我不太清楚 Full Mart 有这个欸,因为我每次

去都是直接去柜台 order 的。

我:Ohhhh,I see。Bla bla bla

3. Could you share with us, what do you think Full Mart can improve? How about social media (online

ANS: 我觉得 Full Mart 啊可以有网上 ordering 的平台啦, 然后送过来酱紫咯,虽然我住 sungai

long 附近麻,不算很靠近学校啦,有时候很懒惰要去那边买咖啡啦如果没有去学校的话,因为
我是记得那边没有 shopee food 或者 grab food 那些。

我问:那你觉得社交媒体方面呢?你知道 full mart 有 FB 和 insta 吗?

ANS:我好像有看过啦,but 我不时常玩 FB 啦,insta 有看到过啦之前但是好像没什么更新的,


我问:那你觉得 Full Mart 开设其他网络平台怎么样,比如什么平台?

ANS:我觉得 ok 啊,for 我的话啦,我会推荐小红书,因为现在 XHS 很 trending 嘛,很多人都

在玩这个。我时常都有上 xhs 看看有什么推荐的,也会看到很多人安利东西,然后就会也想要
去买。但是 XHS 是一款比较多年轻人玩的啦。

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