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BRQ0010.1177/23409444211035138Riset Bisnis TriwulananSalas Vallina et al.

Regular Paper

Membangun ketahanan dan kinerja di masa yang

penuh gejolak: Pengaruh
kepemimpinan dan semangat bersama
di tempat kerja lintas level

Andrés Salas-Vallina1,Yasin Rofcanin 2 dan Mireia Las Heras3 Abstrak

Penelitian Bisnis Triwulanan

© Penulis 2021
Pedoman penggunaan kembali artikel:
DOI: 10.1177/23409444211035138

Pandemi COVID-19 telah menguji para profesional perawatan kesehatan secara ekstrem. Studi ini menyelidiki efek
re-enchanting dari kepemimpinan bersama dan semangat di tempat kerja dalam konteks perawatan kesehatan
masyarakat. Studi ini memajukan Teori Penentuan Nasib Sendiri untuk menunjukkan bahwa kepemimpinan bersama
memiliki efek positif pada ketahanan dan kinerja melalui semangat di tempat kerja pada tingkat analisis yang berbeda.
Sampel dari 518 dokter yang bekerja di rumah sakit umum Spanyol digunakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
kepemimpinan bersama dikaitkan dengan hasil tim dan individu melalui semangat di tempat kerja di tingkat tim,
sementara tidak ada efek mediasi signifikan yang ditemukan untuk semangat di tempat kerja di tingkat individu. Implikasi
teoretis dan praktis dari temuan dibahas, keterbatasan dipertimbangkan, dan arah penelitian masa depan disarankan.

Kata Kunci
Kepemimpinan bersama, semangat dalam bekerja, ketahanan, kinerja
merupakan tantangan global terbesar belakangan ini, yang
melibatkan perubahan mendalam dalam hubungan sosial,
Pendahuluan ekonomi, dan politik . COVID-19 sedang menguji
kesehatan dan kesejahteraan orang-orang di seluruh dunia.
Lebih dari krisis lainnya, pandemi COVID-19 mungkin Selain bahaya serius bagi stabilitas sosial, pembangunan
ekonomi, dan kesehatan manusia, perawatan pasien et al., 2015, hlm. 1558), yaitu, mereka merasa kecewa.
disertai dengan tekanan besar pada profesional perawatan Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menawarkan
kesehatan. Mengingat bahwa merawat pasien model untuk kembali mempesona organisasi perawatan
membutuhkan dokter yang sehat jasmani dan rohani, kesehatan masyarakat.
kemampuan sistem pelayanan kesehatan untuk tetap Beberapa penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa dokter
menjadi tempat kerja yang sehat saat ini dipertaruhkan. menderita depresi dan kecemasan akibat pandemi virus
Sebelum pandemi COVID-19, kelelahan dan corona (Rimmer, 2020). Pada saat yang sama, dokter
depersonalisasi sering terjadi di kalangan dokter menanggapi dengan demonstrasi altruisme yang luar biasa
perawatan kesehatan masyarakat. Situasi tersebut dengan memberikan perawatan pasien yang optimal
menimbulkan kekhawatiran, karena dokter khususnya
diketahui lebih rentan terhadap penyakit bahkan bunuh 1
Departemen Manajemen Bisnis, Universitas Valecia, Valencia, Spanyol
diri dibandingkan kebanyakan profesi lainnya (Gerada, 2
Bath School of Management, University of Bath, Bath, UK
2018). Isu-isu ini meningkat selama pandemi, karena 3
IESE Business School , Barcelona, ​Spanyol
COVID-19 telah meregangkan profesi medis secara fisik
Penulis koresponden:
dan mental, mencapai titik krisis. Beberapa
Andrés Salas-Vallina, Departemen Manajemen Bisnis, Universitas
dokter bahkan mempertimbangkan untuk meninggalkan Valecia, Av. Tarongers s/n,Valencia 46022, Spanyol.
profesinya, karena mereka merasa “hilangnya hubungan Email:
yang sangat berarti dengan lingkungan sekitar” (Endrissat

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( .
2 Riset Bisnis Triwulanan
membutuhkan otonomi untuk memutuskan bagaimana
meskipun mereka berisiko serius terinfeksi. Tujuan utama mengatur jadwal mereka untuk memungkinkan gaya
dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menawarkan manajer praktik dan interaksi pasien yang berbeda. Ini sangat
rumah sakit alat untuk menghidupkan kembali sikap berharga mengingat tantangan yang terlibat dalam efek
positif terhadap profesi perawatan kesehatan. Berlawanan COVID-19 yang tidak dapat diprediksi,
dengan absurditas hiper-rasionalitas dunia modern mulai dari pasien tanpa gejala hingga mereka yang
(Wallace, 2011), pandangan yang mempesona tentang kesehatannya tiba-tiba memburuk. Namun, dokter juga
institusi dimungkinkan melalui kekuatan antusiasme perlu memperoleh pengetahuan baru dengan cepat dan
manusia, refleksi, atau apa yang Suddaby et al. (2017) mempraktikkannya. Pan demic membuat akses cepat dan
panggilan, pemikiran magis. Secara khusus, kami sederhana ke pengetahuan terkini dan protokol medis
mengusulkan kepemimpinan dan semangat bersama di menjadi lebih penting. Dalam hal ini, unit medis yang
tempat kerja sebagai mekanisme sentral untuk memikat berbagi pengetahuan dan mendapat dukungan dari rekan
kembali pekerja perawatan kesehatan masyarakat. Kami kerja tampaknya tidak hanya mengurangi penularan
memahami re-enchantment sebagai munculnya ketahanan COVID-19 di antara staf medis, tetapi juga meningkatkan
dan peningkatan kinerja melalui semangat di tempat kerja. kualitas perawatan pasien (Salas-Vallina et al., 2020).
Dampak pandemi pada realitas pekerjaan dokter sangat Akhirnya, dokter tidak memiliki perasaan keterikatan
dramatis. Dokter dari berbagai spesialisasi harus interpersonal dan koneksi ke organisasi sosial dan unit
menghentikan aktivitas normalnya untuk merawat pasien kerja mereka. Perasaan dukungan dan koneksi sangat
COVID-19. Mereka harus memperbarui pengetahuan penting bagi mereka, karena mereka menderita kelelahan,
mereka tentang virus, dan mereka harus mengikuti kehilangan banyak pasien, dan isolasi dari keluarga
protokol ketat untuk melindungi diri mereka sendiri ketika mereka sendiri. Otonomi, kompetensi, dan keterkaitan
berhadapan dengan pasien yang terinfeksi. Mereka juga menjadi pusat kesejahteraan psikologis dokter (Hartzband
menghadapi tekanan tambahan dari COVID-19 sebagai & Groopman, 2020).
penyakit yang tidak diketahui dengan pilihan pengobatan Menurut Self-Determination Theory (SDT) (Deci & Ryan,
yang sangat terbatas dan evolusi pasien yang tidak dapat 2000), motivasi manusia muncul dengan memenuhi
diprediksi, ditambah dengan ketegangan terus-menerus kebutuhan dasar, psikologis bawaan individu untuk
tentang apakah mereka akan terinfeksi dan menularkan otonomi, keterkaitan, dan kompetensi. Bentuk kolektif
infeksi tersebut kepada keluarga mereka. Untuk organisasi, seperti kepemimpinan bersama, melibatkan
mencegahnya, banyak dari mereka memutuskan untuk pelaksanaan tugas kepemimpinan dan berpartisipasi dalam
mengasingkan diri untuk melindungi keluarga mereka, pengambilan keputusan
sehingga mereka tidak bisa bersama anak-anak mereka (Shane & Fields, 2007), yang memerlukan rasa otonomi
yang masih kecil. dan kompetensi. Namun kepemimpinan bersama juga
Mengingat kompleksitas konteks ini, dokter pada mendorong interaksi dan jaringan sosial, dan
dasarnya meminta peningkatan otonomi, kompetensi, dan menghasilkan tanggung jawab bersama dan identitas
keterkaitan (Hartzband & Groopman, 2020). Mereka bersama, sehingga menciptakan konteks di mana perasaan
dan semangat positif muncul.
Manfaat kepemimpinan bersama telah disorot sebagai kepemimpinan kolektif, seperti kepemimpinan bersama,
sarana untuk mendorong sejumlah hasil tim dan individu untuk mencapai hasil positif dalam konteks yang penuh
(Wang et al., 2014; Zhang et al., 2012). tekanan dan kompleks (Mitchell & Boyle, 2020; Q. Wu et
Rodríguez-Sánchez dkk. (2020) menyarankan bahwa tim al., 2020). Kepemimpinan bersama dapat mengarahkan
ad hoc usia mandiri karyawan untuk memiliki hubungan yang lebih kuat dan
, yang melibatkan kepercayaan, visi, dan kognisi bersama, merasa lebih diidentifikasi dengan pekerjaan mereka,
menyebabkan peningkatan kinerja. Namun, ini tidak selalu membuat mereka lebih bersemangat di tempat kerja, yang
terjadi, dan efek dari kepemimpinan bersama tetap, pada gilirannya mendorong ketahanan dan kinerja. Ini
sampai batas tertentu, ambigu (D'Innocenzo et al., 2016; karena gairah adalah kekuatan motivasi utama yang
Lorinkova & Bartol, 2021). Penelitian terbaru secara membantu mengatasi aktivitas praktik medis yang
tentatif menunjukkan relevansi tim perawatan kesehatan melelahkan. Gairah adalah konsep yang berguna untuk
dalam meningkatkan efektivitas, namun pendekatan yang menjelaskan kegigihan meskipun ada hambatan dan
lebih hierarkis masih berlaku dalam literatur (Lowe et al., pengalaman buruk, dan dapat didefinisikan sebagai
2017). Karena kepemimpinan bersama telah ditemukan "kebetulan
memiliki beberapa efek pada berbagai jenis hasil, adalah komitmen dan motivasi pendekatan gairah tinggi"
tujuan kami untuk menguraikan ini dengan (Moeller, 2014, hlm. 13). Namun, bukti langka dapat
mempertimbangkan konsekuensi dalam hal peningkatan ditemukan tentang bagaimana gairah mendorong efek
kapasitas (ketahanan) dan kinerja pada tingkat analisis kepemimpinan bersama pada hasil pekerjaan.
individu dan tim. Kepemimpinan bersama melibatkan melaksanakan
Panggilan baru-baru ini telah dilakukan untuk tugas kepemimpinan dan berpartisipasi dalam
mengeksplorasi peran potensial ketahanan untuk bangkit pengambilan keputusan (Shane & Fields, 2007), yang
kembali dari kesulitan (Stoverink et al., 2020). Namun, memerlukan rasa otonomi dan kompetensi. Namun
masih ada inkonsistensi yang cukup besar mengenai kepemimpinan bersama juga mendorong interaksi dan
masalah temporal dan peran kesulitan dalam studi jaringan sosial dan menghasilkan tanggung jawab bersama
ketahanan (Fisher et al., 2018). Selain itu, panggilan dan identitas bersama, sehingga menciptakan konteks di
penelitian terbaru lainnya telah dilakukan untuk mana perasaan dan semangat positif muncul.
mengeksplorasi mekanisme dan faktor yang digunakan Untuk mengisi kesenjangan ini, dan memajukan SDT,
individu dan tim untuk mengelola kesulitan (Hartmann et kami mengusulkan model multilevel dengan jeda waktu
al., 2020). yang bertujuan untuk menjelaskan (1) pengaruh
Karya empiris telah menggarisbawahi kebutuhan untuk kepemimpinan bersama pada ketahanan
mengeksplorasi kapasitas potensial dari bentuk
Salas-Vallina et al. 3

Gambar 1.
Model teoritis.
dan kinerja di tingkat tim, melalui semangat bekerja di tim diurai oleh semangat kerja di tingkat tim. Para dokter
tingkat tim, (2) pengaruh kepemimpinan bersama terhadap yang menangani pasien COVID-19 mengalami keletihan,
ketahanan dan kinerja di tingkat individu, melalui keletihan, dan rasa tidak berdaya, dan kekuatan
semangat bekerja di tingkat tim, dan (3) pengaruh bentuk-bentuk gairah kolektif di unit kerjanya dapat
kepemimpinan bersama terhadap ketahanan dan kinerja di kembali mempesona mereka. Di bawah kondisi kerja yang
tingkat individu, melalui semangat bekerja di tingkat ekstrem, di mana dokter mengalami kematian pasien yang
individu (Gambar 1). terus-menerus, dukungan kelompok dan identifikasi
Untuk lebih membuka hubungan yang belum bersama dengan profesi serta kekuatan dan kekuatan rekan
terselesaikan ini, kami menggunakan SDT (Deci & Ryan, kerja dapat membantu mengatasi keadaan negatif
2000), karena sejumlah besar penelitian mengkonfirmasi . Kami juga fokus pada semangat di tingkat tim karena tim
relevansi emosi positif untuk membangun ketahanan (Loh adalah komponen utama dari perawatan kesehatan.
et al., 2014) dan kinerja (Fan et al., 2014). Perawatan pasien tergantung pada kualitas kerja tim,
Pertama, kami berpendapat bahwa pengaruh nyata karena komunikasi dan koordinasi di unit perawatan
kepemimpinan bersama pada kinerja tim dan ketahanan kesehatan merupakan mekanisme penting untuk
menangani terapi yang kompleks (Rosen et al., 2019).
Kami berpendapat bahwa semangat di tingkat tim tingkat tim memiliki efek positif pada
memberikan keterlibatan yang membangun energi hasil tingkat tim dan individu. Kami berpendapat bahwa
dalam aktivitas yang bernilai. semangat tim secara positif memediasi hubungan antara
Sementara kerja tim telah dikaitkan dalam beberapa cara kepemimpinan bersama dan hasil individu, yaitu
untuk efek positif pada kinerja tim (D et al., 2016) dan ketahanan dan kinerja individu. Gairah telah menunjukkan
ketahanan tim (Hartwig et al., 2020), peran pengalaman efek positif tidak hanya pada tim tetapi juga pada individu
yang sangat memberi energi dan intens, seperti gairah, (Brief & Weiss, 2002), memiliki efek menguntungkan
telah diterima kurang mendapat perhatian dalam pada tindakan individu di tempat kerja (Tims et al., 2013).
pelayanan kesehatan. Dalam nada ini, Chummar et al. Namun, kami bertanya-tanya apakah manfaat ini juga
(2019) menunjukkan bahwa ada penelitian terbatas yang terjadi dalam konteks krisis yang luar biasa. Unit kerja
membahas efek gairah di tempat kerja terhadap kinerja. layanan kesehatan yang bergairah melibatkan interaksi
Sampai saat ini, gairah telah menerima perhatian yang dan dukungan berkualitas tinggi untuk dokter, mengingat
langka, dengan studi yang berfokus pada konstruksi terkait komitmen
ditempatkan di bawah payung sikap dan emosi, seperti dan motivasi merupakan komponen utama dalam konsep
keterlibatan, kebahagiaan, semangat, kenikmatan, dan gairah (Moeller, 2014). Di masa COVID-19, unit
sensasi perawatan kesehatan terdiri dari dokter dari berbagai
(Ancarani et al., 2019; Ehrnrooth et al., 2020; Fisher, spesialisasi yang membutuhkan pelatihan tentang prosedur
2010; Mousa dkk., 2020; Rodríguez-Sánchez dkk., 2020). COVID-19. Dokter meminta pendapat kedua dan
Unit kerja pelayanan kesehatan yang bersemangat memerlukan akses ke pengetahuan dan prosedur yang
diharapkan dapat menciptakan tim yang lebih kuat yang diperbarui. Unit kerja yang memiliki komitmen dan
mampu mengatasi tantangan yang melekat pada motivasi tinggi dapat berdampak pada perasaan dokter
COVID-19 dan melaporkan peningkatan kinerja unit. secara individu, karena mereka dapat menyebarkan energi
Oleh karena itu, tujuan pertama kami dan dukungan positif mereka kepada individu lain,
adalah untuk memeriksa peran mediasi gairah di tempat sehingga membuat
kerja di tingkat tim, dalam hubungan antara mereka lebih tangguh. Meskipun demikian, baru-baru ini
kepemimpinan bersama dan hasil tingkat tim (ketahanan telah dikemukakan bahwa para sarjana telah berfokus
dan kinerja). pada satu tingkat analisis ketika menjelajahi anteseden
Kedua, mengingat bahwa para sarjana telah ketahanan. Berdasarkan hal di atas, tujuan kedua kami
menekankan bahwa penelitian tentang kepemimpinan adalah untuk menilai peran mediasi gairah di tempat kerja
secara intrinsik bersifat bertingkat (Bliese et al., 2002), di tingkat tim, dalam hubungan antara kepemimpinan
kami mengusulkan bahwa semangat di tempat kerja di bersama dan hasil individu (ketahanan dan kinerja).
4 Riset Bisnis Triwulanan
perawatan kesehatan
Ketiga, di luar efek mediasi tingkat tim dari hasrat di . Pertama, kami menunjukkan apakah dokter di tingkat
tempat kerja, SDT memberikan landasan teoretis untuk individu dapat memperoleh manfaat dari kepemimpinan
mengeksplorasi hasrat di tempat kerja di tingkat individu. dan semangat bersama dalam bekerja di tingkat tim
Shared leadership diharapkan dapat menumbuhkan dengan cara yang sama seperti unit kerja medis di tingkat
komponen motivasi dan komitmen semangat individu unit. Seperti yang dijelaskan kemudian, ketahanan dan
dalam bekerja, yang pada gilirannya berperan sebagai kinerja individu dan tim adalah konstruksi yang berbeda,
sumber daya pekerjaan yang menghasilkan hasil kerja dan mekanisme yang mempengaruhi unit kerja secara
yang positif, yaitu ketahanan dan kinerja individu. Namun, keseluruhan dapat berbeda dari yang mempengaruhi
apakah gairah individu di tempat kerja cukup untuk individu. Namun, jalur yang mendorong hasil tingkat
mengatasi keadaan yang sangat menuntut, atau apakah individu dan tim akan menjadi langkah maju yang besar.
tingkat gairah yang lebih tinggi, seperti gairah di tingkat Kedua, dengan mempertimbangkan peran mediasi gairah
tim, lebih efektif? Emosi positif dapat mengembangkan di tempat kerja di tingkat individu, kita dapat memperjelas
sumber daya untuk meningkatkan kinerja dan dan membandingkan efek dari bentuk gairah kolektif yang
kesejahteraan (Meneghel et al., 2016), dan dokter yang terkait dengan gairah individu. Dengan demikian, masalah
mengalami tingkat vitalitas dan kekuatan yang lebih tinggi tersebut dapat diselesaikan jika emosi bersama yang kuat
mungkin mengalami peningkatan ketahanan individu. seperti gairah lebih efektif daripada emosi individu dalam
Sebagai tujuan ketiga, kami menyarankan untuk tekanan tinggi, keadaan kerja yang ekstrem.
memeriksa peran mediasi gairah di tempat kerja di tingkat Artikel ini disusun sebagai berikut: bagian pertama
individu, dalam hubungan antara kepemimpinan bersama mengulas literatur yang berkaitan dengan pemahaman
dan hasil individu (ketahanan dan kinerja). hubungan antar variabel utama. Kemudian dilanjutkan
Singkatnya, kami mengusulkan bahwa inilah saatnya dengan penjelasan tentang metode penelitian yang
bagi bentuk kepemimpinan kolektif untuk berkontribusi digunakan. Bagian selanjutnya menguraikan hasil kerja
pada kinerja serta organisasi yang lebih sehat melalui lapangan. Kemudian, implikasi untuk teori dan praktek
semangat di tempat kerja. Pendekatan multilevel yang disajikan. Bagian terakhir berfokus pada keterbatasan dan
diusulkan menawarkan beberapa keuntungan dalam arah penelitian masa depan.
menjelaskan cara mempesona kembali organisasi
pekerjaan di periode waktu lain dalam sejarah (Ali et al.,
Kepemimpinan bersama Kepemimpinan bersama telah dikaitkan dengan
Konsep kepemimpinan bersama telah didefinisikan dalam efektivitas individu dan tim (Chiu et al., 2016; Somech,
berbagai cara oleh para peneliti. Adalah Gibb (1954) yang 2016) dan pro-aktivitas tim (Erkutlu, 2012). Interaksi dan
pertama kali memperkenalkan konsep ini. Definisi Pearce jejaring sosial menciptakan peluang bagi anggota tim
dan Conger menyampaikan inti umum dari definisi ini untuk mendiskusikan masalah dan menemukan solusi (Ali
sebagai pengaruh yang terdistribusi, kolektif, dan/atau et al., 2020), dan keterlibatan anggota tim dalam
timbal balik dari anggota tim (Q. Wu et al., 2020). pengambilan keputusan partisipatif
Menurut Pearce dan Conger (2003, p. 1), kepemimpinan dapat memperkuat dan menghidupkan kembali energi dan
bersama mengacu pada " motivasi karyawan. Namun, peningkatan efektivitas tim
proses pengaruh yang dinamis dan interaktif di antara tidak selalu dijamin oleh kepemimpinan bersama (Ali et
individu-individu dalam kelompok yang tujuannya adalah al., 2020; Boies et al., 2011). Masih ada tantangan yang
untuk memimpin satu sama lain untuk pencapaian tujuan menentukan untuk penelitian tentang hubungan kompleks
kelompok atau organisasi." antara
Tidak seperti kepemimpinan formal, yang didasarkan kapal pemimpin dan tempat kerja yang sehat (Nielsen &
pada interaksi vertikal antara pemimpin formal dan Taris, 2019). Oleh karena itu, penelitian sebelumnya
pengikutnya, kepemimpinan bersama melibatkan kapal memberikan ruang untuk mempertimbangkan pendekatan
pemimpin informal terdistribusi yang muncul dari anggota yang lebih manusiawi sebagai mekanisme penjelasan
tim, yang saling mempengaruhi dengan cara yang dimana kepemimpinan bersama dapat mempengaruhi hasil
membantu untuk mencapai hasil tingkat tim (S Liu et al., kerja. Sikap positif yang membangkitkan semangat,
2014). Dalam nada ini, kepemimpinan bersama seperti gairah di tempat kerja, dapat menjelaskan
melibatkan tindakan antar anggota tim yang secara bagaimana kepemimpinan bersama secara positif
kolektif menggunakan pengaruh kepemimpinan, memengaruhi efektivitas dan kapasitas karyawan untuk
melakukan tugas-tugas yang biasanya terbatas pada mengatasi situasi yang kompleks, yaitu ketahanan.
pemimpin formal, dan berpartisipasi dalam proses
pengambilan keputusan (Shane & Fields, 2007). Menurut Peran mediasi gairah di tempat kerja
Ali dkk. (2020), kepemimpinan bersama melibatkan
proses interaksi sosial di mana anggota tim memainkan
di tingkat tim dalam hubungan antara
peran memimpin dan mengikuti, dan berbagi kekuatan dan kepemimpinan bersama di tingkat tim
tanggung jawab untuk mencapai tujuan tim (C.-M. Wu & dan hasil tim
Chen, 2018). Di bawah perspektif ini, kepemimpinan
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan bukti peran
bersama adalah proses interaksi yang kompleks, terutama
mediasi gairah di tempat kerja di tingkat tim yang dapat
dikembangkan dalam profesi pengetahuan-intensif
menjelaskan hubungan antara kepemimpinan bersama di
(Scott-Young et al., 2019), seperti bidang medis. Dokter
tim tingkat dan hasil tim. Dua indikator hasil tim
perlu membuat keputusan yang kompleks berdasarkan
digunakan: (1) ketahanan tim, dipahami sebagai
pengetahuan yang mendalam. Sebaliknya, teori
keyakinan tim bahwa itu bisa
kepemimpinan tradisional, berdasarkan kepemimpinan
formal individu dan hierarkis, mungkin lebih sesuai untuk
Salas-Vallina et al. 5
dikendalikan oleh faktor eksternal, sehingga mengambil
mengasimilasi dan mengelola tekanan dan stres, serta ruang yang tidak seimbang dalam kehidupan seseorang.
kemampuan tim untuk menangani, memulihkan, dan Penelitian selanjutnya memperluas konsep hasrat menjadi
beradaptasi secara positif terhadap kesulitan (Carmeli et motivasi dan komitmen yang kuat
al., 2013) dan (2) kinerja tim, yang melibatkan peran tim terhadap suatu aktivitas, yang melibatkan empat
atau perilaku tim formal dan peran ekstra tim atau perilaku komponen: (1) upaya terus-menerus untuk terlibat dalam
yang melebihi apa yang diharapkan dilakukan tim. aktivitas tersebut, (2) identifikasi dengan aktivitas
tersebut, (3) tujuan yang mengacu pada aktivitas tersebut,
dan (4) pendekatan motivasi yang intens terhadap aktivitas
Mendefinisikan gairah di tempat kerja di tingkat (Moeller, 2014). Dibandingkan dengan konstruksi terkait,
tim seperti keterlibatan kerja, gairah di tempat kerja
melibatkan tugas menjadi bagian dari identitas karyawan
Vallerand et al. (2003) menyarankan model ganda untuk ("Saya seorang manajer sumber daya manusia yang
gairah, yang mencakup gairah yang harmonis dan gairah mencintai pekerjaannya"), sedangkan keterlibatan dilihat
obsesif (Mageau et al., 2009). Gairah yang harmonis sebagai keadaan pikiran yang dihasilkan daripositif
melibatkan keterlibatan bebas dalam aktivitas favorit, seseorang
yang tidak memiliki efek tak terkendali pada kehidupan di tempat kerja (yaitu, "Saya merasa energik dan
individu, namun tetap konsisten dengan semua aspek lain berdedikasi pada pekerjaan saya").
dari kehidupan seseorang. Sebaliknya, obsesi obsesif Karyawan yang mengalami gairah di tempat kerja
membuat individu terlibat dalam aktivitas yang
dapat berkonsentrasi penuh pada pekerjaan mereka, memakan karyawan yang merasakan “keajaiban klan”,
menikmatinya, dan pada saat yang sama dapat atau pengalaman koneksi emosional oleh suatu kelompok,
memusatkan perhatian dan energi mereka pada menunjukkan bahwa gairah di tingkat tim memiliki
tugas-tugas yang tidak terkait dengan pekerjaan, keterkaitan yang kuat dengan pesona kerja. Semangat tim,
sedemikian rupa sehingga mereka tidak perlu oleh karena itu, bisa menjadi proksi dari tempat kerja yang
terus-menerus memikirkan pekerjaan mereka. (Vallerand kembali terpesona.
& Houlfort, 2003). Penelitian ini berfokus pada sisi positif Gairah tim ditangkap dengan menanyakan anggota tim
dari passion di tempat kerja yang dikembangkan oleh individu apa yang menjadi minat tim dan sejauh mana
Moeller (2014), yang lebih konsisten terkait dengan hasil (Chan, 1998). Oleh karena itu, tim adalah titik referensi
positif, seperti ketahanan dan kinerja. Secara khusus, kami untuk perasaan dan identitas yang penuh gairah. Ini adalah
awalnya mengusulkan peran mediasi gairah tim yang mencakup identitas kolektif dan perasaan
semangat harmonis di tempat kerja di tingkat tim, dalam bersama dari tim dan terlepas dari identitas atau perasaan
hubungan antara kepemimpinan bersama dan dua hasil, individu. Variabel berbasis tim (konstruk konsensus
yaitu, ketahanan tim dan kinerja tim. pergeseran referensi) secara konseptual berbeda dari
Tingkat tim dalam perawatan kesehatan penting karena konstruksi tingkat individu di bidang yang sama. Individu
kualitas kerja tim terkait dengan kualitas dan keselamatan dapat menunjukkan sedikit hasrat untuk tugas tertentu,
perawatan pasien. Dalam perawatan kesehatan tetapi mungkin mengakui bahwa tim memiliki perasaan
masyarakat, tim menjadi semakin penting dalam hasrat yang kuat untuk aktivitas tersebut.
mengembangkan kemampuan untuk secara efektif
menanggapi dan mempromosikan perubahan adaptasi
yang positif. Kegagalan komunikasi di antara anggota tim
Kepemimpinan dan semangat bersama di tingkat
secara langsung terkait dengan bahaya pasien. tim
Miskomunikasi informasi penting tentang status pasien SDT (Deci & Ryan, 2000) menyatakan bahwa motivasi
dapat menyebabkan perawatan yang salah. Dalam manusia adalah hasil dari pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar,
perawatan kesehatan, koordinasi dan kerja tim telah psikologis bawaan individu akan otonomi, keterkaitan,
diabaikan sebagai mekanisme sentral untuk menangani dan kompetensi. Selain itu, manusia perlu terlibat dalam
tugas-tugas pekerjaan yang kompleks (Heath & pertukaran konstan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut.
Staudenmayer, 2000). Oleh karena itu, kerja tim sangat Dalam konteks perawatan kesehatan, otonomi,
penting, karena tidak ada individu yang dapat menjamin keterkaitan, dan kompetensi menjadi lebih penting, karena
standar perawatan terbaik, atau perlindungan dari potensi dokter bekerja dalam tim, namun juga memiliki tingkat
kesalahan, yang berasal dari terapi yang menantang dan otonomi yang signifikan. Dokter membutuhkan
canggih (Rosen et al., 2019). kompetensi dan keahlian tingkat tinggi, karena mereka
Karena gairah belum didefinisikan dengan jelas di memiliki tanggung jawab besar untuk meningkatkan
tingkat tim, kami mengusulkan definisi berdasarkan kualitas hidup pasien. Mereka harus membuat keputusan
Cardon et al. (2017) dan Vallerand et al. (2003) penting berdasarkan pengetahuan mereka sendiri, tetapi
konseptualisasi gairah di tempat kerja. Kami mereka juga perlu bertukar pengetahuan dengan rekan
mendefinisikan gairah tim sebagai perasaan yang intens, kerja, untuk mendukung mereka, dan untuk menerima
positif, bersama yang dialami oleh anggota tim, yang dukungan dari mereka.
menunjukkan hubungan yang kuat dengan aktivitas yang Kepemimpinan bersama melibatkan melaksanakan
disukai dan dihargai yang digabungkan ke dalam identitas tugas kepemimpinan dan berpartisipasi dalam
tim. Gairah tim memiliki hubungan erat dengan konsep pengambilan keputusan (Shane & Fields, 2007), yang
pesona. Pesona telah didefinisikan sebagai "aura memerlukan rasa otonomi dan kompetensi. Namun
kehadiran otentik, menolak rasionalisasi dan kepemimpinan bersama juga mendorong interaksi dan
mempromosikan hubungan sosial yang kreatif," dan jaringan sosial, dan menghasilkan tanggung jawab
terkait dengan aspek makna dan menawan dari pekerjaan bersama dan identitas bersama, sehingga menciptakan
atau organisasi (Endrissat et al., 2015, hlm. 1556). konteks di mana perasaan dan semangat positif muncul.
Keajaiban yang dirasakan oleh gairah
6 Business Research Quarterly
keinginan yang kuat, namun dapat dikendalikan, untuk
SDT mengidentifikasi regulasi terkontrol (ekstrinsik) tenggelam dalam suatu aktivitas, menghasilkan rasa
dan regulasi otonom (intrinsik). Regulasi terkontrol kemauan untuk melakukannya (Mageau et al., 2009).
berkaitan dengan keterlibatan dalam suatu kegiatan untuk Vallerand dkk. (2003) berpendapat bahwa ketika orang
alasan instrumental (hadiah, takut menyebabkan menilai aktivitas mereka untuk alasan otonom (kepuasan
kekecewaan, status). Regulasi otonom terkait dengan yang dibawanya), ini menciptakan gairah yang harmonis
keterlibatan individu dalam suatu aktivitas untuk di tempat kerja. Menurut Vallerand dkk. (2003), dimensi
kepentingan, kesenangan, atau kesenangannya sendiri nilai sangat relevan dengan konsep gairah karena
(Meyer et al., 2010). Dalam pengertian ini, gairah di membedakan aktivitas yang penuh gairah dari aktivitas
tempat kerja dikatakan muncul sebagai hasil internalisasi lain yang menarik tetapi tidak relevan yang ke arah mana
otonom dari peraturan perilaku, yang mengarah pada individu termotivasi secara intrinsik. Menurut SDT,
internalisasi ini terjadi dalam lingkungan di mana individu
merasa terhubung dan didukung oleh orang lain, yaitu melibatkan kegiatan terkoordinasi di mana dokter saling
dalam tim. melengkapi dan mendukung, sehingga mewakili
Otonomi anggota tim harus berkontribusi pada pendekatan kolektif untuk gairah (gairah tim). Reaksi
semangat tim karena individu yang otonom mengambil afektif dan emosi di antara anggota tim dapat terjadi
inisiatif dan mencari aktivitas yang menantang, sehingga bersamaan, dan tim dapat mencapai suasana hati kolektif.
menumbuhkan semangat (D. Liu et al., 2011). Selain itu, Bukan hanya hasrat individu tetapi juga perasaan hasrat
telah dikemukakan bahwa, dalam perawatan kesehatan gabungan dan gabungan yang meningkatkan ketahanan
masyarakat, hubungan positif antara tim. Oleh karena itu, emosi positif kolektif terkait dengan
dokter dan atasan langsung mereka dan dengan kelompok ketersediaan sumber daya tim yang lebih besar dan
kerja mereka mengarah pada sikap positif (Ancarani et al., ketahanan terhadap kesulitan (Meneghel et al., 2016).
2019). Kepemimpinan bersama, oleh karena itu, memupuk Mengikuti proposisi model job demand-resources (JD-R),
hubungan sosial dan keajaiban sikap positif, sambil kami berpendapat bahwa kepemimpinan bersama
mempromosikan menumbuhkan semangat tim, sehingga memperkuat
efektivitas. Hal inilah yang dilakukan Endrissat dkk. ketahanan tim. Tuntutan pekerjaan, yang diwakili oleh
(2015) disebut “fusion of rationalization and kondisi stres dan sangat merugikan yang dialami oleh
enchantment”, yang membuka cara baru dalam mengelola dokter selama pandemi COVID-19, dapat dilawan oleh
sumber daya manusia. Dalam nada ini, lingkungan tim sumber daya pekerjaan dari kepemimpinan bersama, dan
dari kepemimpinan bersama memberikan pengaruhnya terhadap semangat tim. Selanjutnya, tuntutan
pengaruh proksimal yang lebih tinggi pada anggota tim pekerjaan dapat meningkatkan efektivitas sumber daya
daripada skenario individu, pada gilirannya menciptakan pekerjaan (Demerouti et al., 2001).
dan mengintegrasikan perasaan anggota tim, Selain itu, selama dua dekade terakhir, telah terjadi
menghasilkan semangat kolektif di tempat kerja. perdebatan terbuka tentang masalah bagaimana perawatan
kesehatan dapat dilakukan pria lanjut usia untuk
meningkatkan kinerja (Reibling et al., 2019). Dalam hal
Gairah di tempat kerja di tingkat tim dan
ini, panggilan baru-baru ini menggarisbawahi kebutuhan
hasil di tingkat tim untuk menguji potensi pengaruh variabel terhadap kinerja
Pada gilirannya, kami mengusulkan bahwa gairah tim organisasi (DesJardine et al., 2019). Gairah menghasilkan
adalah kekuatan motivasi utama yang memungkinkan tim kekuatan motivasi yang kuat untuk berpartisipasi dalam
untuk bertahan dalam aktivitas praktik medis yang aktivitas tim (Vallerand et al., 2003). In addition, passion
panjang dan melelahkan, dan itu berkontribusi pada can make a difference in team performance because
pencapaian tim tingkat tinggi ketahanan dan kinerja. passion is stronger than intrin sic motivation, and
Ketahanan tim dapat didefinisikan sebagai “kapasitas tim passionate team members internalize team tasks as part of
untuk bertahan dan mengatasi stresor dengan cara yang their identity (Amabile & Pillemer, 2012). While
memungkinkan kinerja berkelanjutan; ini membantu tim pessimism is likely to produce negative self fulfilling
menangani dan bangkit kembali dari tantangan yang dapat prophecies that lead to contagious dissatisfaction and
membahayakan kekompakan dan kinerja mereka” (Alliger disengagement, thus affecting co-workers in a down ward
et al., 2015, hlm. 177). Kinerja tim mengacu pada perilaku spiral of negativity, shared team passion can address the
tim formal di tempat kerja (perilaku dalam peran) bersama damaging factors resulting from active participation in
dengan perilaku yang melampaui apa yang diharapkan team activities, making passion a central factor for hard
dari tim (perilaku peran ekstra). Ketahanan work to achieve success. Thus, our first hypotheses are as
memungkinkan tim follows:
untuk bersiap menghadapi acara mendatang (Egeland et
al., 1993). Namun, bagaimana sumber daya kolektif tim
Hypothesis 1a (H1a): Passion at work at team level
memengaruhi kapasitas mereka untuk beradaptasi dengan
positively mediates the relationship between shared
kesulitan secara tradisional telah diabaikan (Morgan et al.,
leadership at team level and resilience at team level.
2013). Dalam nada ini, mengidentifikasi variabel yang
mengembangkan ketahanan tim sangat penting untuk siap Hypothesis 1b (H1b): Passion at work at team level
menanggapi situasi kesehatan masyarakat masa depan positively mediates the relationship between shared
yang tidak menguntungkan. Ketahanan didorong oleh leadership at team level and performance at team level.
kehadiran dan kualitas hubungan (Gittel et al., 2006), yang
Salas-Vallina et al. 7
passion have a powerful effect not only on teams but also
on individuals. This study assumes cross-level effects
The cross-level mediating effect of
between shared leadership at team level and individual job
passion at work at team level in outcomes (individual performance and individual resil
the relationship between shared ience), as mediated by passion at work at team. Individual
leadership at team level and resilience is understood as the belief that one can assimi
individual outcomes late and manage pressure or stress, as well as one's capac
ity to handle, recover, and adapt positively to adversity
According to Brief and Weiss (2002), affect, identity, and
(adapted from Carmeli et al., 2013). In health care, indi we used the social psychological theories of social norms
vidual resilience refers to the capacity to address complex and modeling. Norms refer to shared beliefs that guide
clinical issues, conflict with patients or colleagues, lack of individual behaviors (Taggar & Ellis, 2007), and can be
resources, organizational pressures, or a combination of very effective as team members push each other to follow
the above. Individual performance refers to individuals' the norms. When physicians face team challenges, and the
in-role or formal behaviors (comply with the work sched team reacts proactively, exhibiting motivation, energy, and
ule, remaining up to date in medical practice, attending identification with the task, namely, team passion, this
research sessions, etc.) and individual extra-role or behav team might be signaling proactive behavior aimed at fos
iors that exceed what the team is expected to do tering individual performance. In this sense, shared beliefs
(extending the working day, reducing patient bureaucracy, and feelings in a passionate team of physicians could chan
providing nel and spread these intense, positive feelings and atti
support to colleagues outside working hours, etc.). As we tudes, thus improving individual performance. Modeling
have argued before, team passion is expected to emerge is related to observational learning and ena bles
when team members feel ties in an environment of individuals to deduce which behaviors are appropriate at
collaboration. Shared leadership is particularly aimed at work (Tims et al., 2013). By observing team members'
fostering social connections and a positive atmosphere attitudes, individuals engage in roles which have a signifi
that integrates mutual and shared positive feelings among cant impact on the performance of individual team mem
team members, thus resulting in team passion and passion bers. Accordingly, we posit that physicians working in the
at work. same team act as role models, whereby high-performance
At the same time, in team settings, physicians need to team members encourage other team members engage in
share ideas and knowledge when making decisions about this behavior. For all the above, our second hypotheses are
the team's activities, which might have an effect on indi as follows:
vidual actions at work (Tims et al., 2013). Teamwork
involves mutual influence that could explain why team
Hypothesis 2a (H2a): Passion at work at team level
members' affective experiences, such as passion at work,
positively mediates the relationship between shared
are related to individual affective experiences and behav
leadership at team level and resilience at individual
iors (Torrente et al., 2012), including resilience and
In examining how passion at team level influences indi Hypothesis 2b (H2b): Passion at work at team level
vidual resilience and individual performance, we rely on positively mediates the relationship between shared
social psychological theories of social norms, modeling, leadership at team level and performance at individual
and emotional contagion. Modeling involves acquiring level.
fundamental skills and strategies rather than literally imi
tating others' behaviors. Team members' passion can fuel The cross-level mediating effect
individuals' energy, vigor, and vitality to face complex
situations and recover successfully from them. Emotional
of passion at work at individual
contagion affects team members' affective states, judg level in the relationship between
ments, and behaviors (Ilies et al., 2007). Bakker and shared leadership at team level and
Xanthopoulou (2009) suggested that an individual individual outcomes
becomes stronger (vigorous) through modeling when
employees imitate each other's movements, language, and Shared leadership and passion at work
expressions and, consequently, experience similar feel at individual level
ings. The power and strength provided by a passionate
team might help to address work intensification and the We have previously argued that shared leadership exerts a
positive effect on team passion, as shared leadership fos
increased pressure of specialized medical units. Thus, we
ters a mutual identity and shared purpose that is expected
argue that organizations can effectively support their
to have a motivational effect on employees (Cardon et al.,
employees in overcoming difficulties and bouncing back
2017). Beyond this team-level effect, it is our aim to delve
from adversity through team passion.
Regarding the effect of team passion on performance,
8 Business Research Quarterly
vidual passion at work, as they derive from the general
deeper into the effect of shared leadership on passion at definition of passion. However, passion at work at team
work at individual level and the consequent effects on level is different from individual passion at work. Passion
individual resilience and performance. Team passion and at team level is a new form of the construct of individual
individual passion are different constructs, as the former passion, which is aggregated to a higher level based on
refers to the collective level, where individuals share within-group consensus. Team-level passion changes the
intense, mutual feelings and motivations, and the latter is reference for its conceptual definition and operationaliza
limited to the particular case of each employee. A similar tion. Therefore, the examination of its cross-level effect
mediating effect could be expected of both team and indi leaves room to analyze potential differences in the mediat
ing role of passion, depending on the level of analysis.
Passion at work at team level involves an individual employees' passion at individual level. Employees who
description of other team members' perceptions of pas can draw upon more resources (Rahmadani et al., 2019),
sion. Although the original construct, passion, remains and who perceive that their basic needs are satisfied, are
unchanged in this variable, the reference context has expected to be more passionate at work. This is because a
changed (Chan, 1998). Conversely, individual passion at work context where individuals voluntarily influence
work assesses one's own perceptions of passion at work others, and at the same time accept mutual influences,
and lacks the social connections inherent to team passion. creates feelings of recognition and mutual trust, thus
Passion at work explicitly incorporates motivational leading to increased intrinsic motivation (Song et al.,
and commitment elements (Moeller, 2014), which facili 2020).
tate the exploration of the mediating role of passion at
work at individual level in the relationship between shared Passion at work at individual level and
leadership and individual outcomes. Passion at work
involves an intensive, persistence approach motivation
individual outcomes
that enables employees to tackle demanding tasks and In turn, passion at work at individual level can positively
adverse work experiences. Physicians dedicate a lot of influence both resilience and performance at an individual
time and effort to carrying out their tasks successfully. level of analysis. In general, we can argue that positive atti
They have a special professional vocation involving a tudes, such as engagement, predict lower levels of burnout
strong commitment to their job. Commitment is also con and improve performance (Bakker et al., 2004). Passion
sidered a central component of work passion, as it contrib for one's work has mainly been related to positive
utes to overcoming difficulties (Le & Agnew, 2003). outcomes, such as persistence, enthusiasm, and overall
Team-level shared leadership promotes feelings of a success (Vallerand & Houlfort, 2019). According to
shared purpose, thus heightening the level of motivation Fredrickson's broaden-and-build theory (Fredrickson,
(Kirkman & Rosen, 1999), and therefore increasing the 2001), positive emotions can develop resources for
commitment toward a job. In addition, shared leadership long-term success and well-being. In particular, the
enables physicians to be autonomous and capable, which broaden-and-build theory pos
affects their motivation toward the activities performed its that positive emotions build enduring personal
(cognitive). In addition, the autonomy provided by shared resources, such as resilience (Fredrickson et al., 2003;
leadership increases physicians' interest in persisting with Meneghel et al., 2016). All of this leads us to argue that
the activity, thereby fostering a romantic and positive rela extra doses of energy, derived from the voluntary
tionship with the task despite adverse experiences such as internalization of an activity, foster individual resilience.
uncertainty and exhaustion (Moeller, 2014). This, in turn, Recent research provides theoretical foundations that
promotes passion at work (D. Liu et al., 2011). connect passion and performance (Chummar et al., 2019),
Autonomous individuals undergo a motivational process yet more empirical evidence is needed, particularly when
in which they plan by themselves, and this can strengthen differentiating between levels of analysis, and considering
passion at work at individual level (Gao et al., 2019). knowledge-intensive and challenging contexts, such as
Based on the JD-R model, shared leadership can act as health care, and especially at the current time. Team-level
a job resource enhancing passion at work at individual shared leadership fosters feelings of being competent,
level. Under this model, individual positive attitudes are autonomous, and empowered, thus enabling employees to
enhanced by job resources (Demerouti et al., 2001). improve their performance. In addition, positive appraisals
Building on the JD-R model, Ancarani et al. (2019) of work environment characteristics lead to positive work
revealed that a climate of autonomy, empowerment, and intentions to use discretionary effort and improve perfor
integration improved positive attitudes among public mance (Thibault-Landry et al., 2018). Studies have found
health care professionals. At the same time, SDT pro that these intentions deriving from psychological pro
vides a theoretical framework to explain that by covering cesses are reliable predictors of both in-role and extra-role
the basic psychological needs of autonomy, competence, behaviors (Dubinsky & Skinner, 2002). Therefore, we
and relatedness, employees react with positive attitudes. In expected to find the following:
this vein, we suggest an effect of shared leadership on
Salas-Vallina et al. 9

Table 1. Gender, job stability, age, and tenure.

Gender (%) Job stability (%) Age Tenure Men Woman Temporary Permanent Civil servant M SD M SD 44.59 55.41 34.98 15.88

49.14 41.12 1.06 10.68 8.78

Hypothesis 3b (H3b): Passion at work at individual

Hypothesis 3a (H3a): Passion at work at individual level positively mediates the relationship between
level positively mediates the relationship between shared leadership at team level and performance at indi
shared leadership at team level and resilience at indi vidual level.
vidual level.
social network approach, which means that it considers
the density of the leadership network. The greater the
Method density, the greater the shared leadership. Physicians rated
Sample and procedure the extent to which they rely on their peers in the
following functions: facilitating planning in the organiza
We used a two-wave field survey of specialty medical tion, aiding in problem-solving, providing personal sup
units in Spanish public hospitals. Heads of medical units port and consideration, and fostering development and
were contacted and provided support for our research. mentoring (ie, “the members of my team give support and
They informed their teams about the aims of the study and consideration to other team members”). A final item based
the significance for managerial research. The partici on an overall evaluation of leadership was used. The
pants were told that they would receive a final report of degree of inter-rater reliability among raters was checked
the study results to improve their involvement. In Time 1 using intraclass correlation coefficient 1 and 2 (ICC1 and
(November to January 2019), physicians were asked to ICC2) (LeBreton & Senter, 2008). In addition, the
respond about their shared leadership perceptions in their inter-rater agreement index (rWG(J)) was calculated to
work units. In Time 2 (June to August 2020), physicians evaluate consensus between ratings. The results indicated
were asked about their passion at work and team resil ICC1 standing at .53 and ICC2 at .90, and the median
ience perceptions, and heads of medical units were asked level of rWG(J) was .91, ranging from .88 (strong) to .97
about their team performance. In Time 2, physicians were (very high), thus providing support for the aggregation of
also asked about their individual passion at work, resil this construct at the unit level.
ience perceptions, and their individual performance. Team passion at work was measured through Vallerand
During Time 2, the physicians acquired experience on et al.'s (2003) measurement scale, also implemented by
how to treat COVID-19 patients and how to leverage their Ho et al. (2011), and reworded at the team level. This is a
resources so as to foster community ties and part nerships. six-item Likert-type scale, ranging from 1 (strongly disa
As of June 2020, the pressure on hospitals decreased gree) to 7 (strongly agree) (ie, “My team is completely
returning to more acceptable levels. All of this made it taken with this activity”). The principal component anal
easier for them to participate in this research despite the ysis showed that the six items loaded satisfactorily onto
pandemic. one factor. ICC1 and ICC2 values were .44 and .87,
To participate in the study, 70 hospitals and 210 medi was .89, rang
cal units were invited. A total of 518 questionnaires were respectively, and the median level of rWG(J)
returned, from 121 medical units in 49 hospitals, which ing from .83 (strong) to .92 (very high), which supports
corresponds to a response rate of 19.36% of total public data aggregation at the unit level. The scale's α reliability
hospitals (253) in the Spanish National Health System (in was .899.
accordance with the Spanish Ministry of Health Care, Individual passion at work was measured through
Consumer Affairs, and Social Welfare). The medical units Vallerand et al.'s (2003) measurement scale used for the
which completed the questionnaire were allergy (12), der team level, and reworded at the individual level. This is a
matology (11) emergency (19), hematology (9), infectious six-item Likert-type scale, ranging from 1 (strongly disa
diseases (12), internal medicine (17), obstetrics (8), sur gree) to 7 (strongly agree) (eg, “This activity is in har
gery (26), and urology (7). Table 1 shows descriptive sta mony with the other activities in my life”).
tistics of gender, job stability, age, and tenure. Team performance was measured through the three item
Measurement Goodman and Svyantek (1999) scale, which ranged from
1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree), adapted and
Shared leadership was measured at the team level using reworded at the team level for both in-role (eg, “My team
Chiu et al.'s (2016) measurement scale, which consists of performs all the functions and tasks demanded by the
five items in a Likert-type scale ranging from 1 (strongly
disagree) to 7 (strongly agree). The scale is based in the
10 Business Research Quarterly
measures of team resilience (see, for example, West et al.,
job”) and extra-role performance (eg, “My team performs 2009), this scale was developed specifically referring to
roles that are not formally required but which improve the teams in an organi
organizational reputation”), and altruism (“My team helps zational context. A sample item is “In difficult situations,
colleagues when they have too much work to do”). my team tries to look for the positive side.” ICC1 and
Team resilience was measured with a scale composed ICC2 values were .59 and .86, respectively, and the
of seven items, which ranged from 1 (strongly disagree) median level of rWG(J) was .80, ranging from .79 (strong)
to 7 (strongly agree), each of them based on one of to .91 (very high), which supports data aggregation at unit
Mallak's (1998) principles for implementing resilience in level.
organiza Individual performance was measured by means of the
tions, for example, perceive experiences constructively, three-item Goodman and Svyantek (1999) scale, which
perform positive adaptive behaviors, and develop ranged from 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree),
tolerance for uncertainty. Conversely to previous including in-role (ie, “I perform all the functions and tasks
demanded by the job”) and extra-role performance (ie, “I
perform roles that are not formally required but which α, and Table 3 shows means, standard deviations, and
improve the organizational reputation”). correlations.
Individual resilience was measured using the CFA was performed to determine construct dimen
three-item resilience subscale from the Psychological sionality, content, and convergent and discriminant
Capital Questionnaire (PCQ 12), which is a reduced validity (Gatignon et al., 2002; Gerbing & Anderson,
version of the original scale developed by Luthans et al. 1988).
(2007). Employees were asked on a seven-point First, the one dimensionality of the measurement scales
Likert-type scale (ie, “I can get through difficult times at of all the measurement scales was checked. Table 4 shows
work because I've experienced difficulty before”), where 1 the correct fit of the measurement scales. The p value of
corresponds to strongly disagree and 6 to strongly agree. the chi-square statistic was below the significance level
Appendix I shows the details of the mesasurement scales. value of 0.05 for all the measurement scales. The other
indicators confirmed the correct dimensionality of the
Analysis Content validity can be confirmed when the scale items
We followed a two-step approach as suggested by Gerbing replicate the construct. All the measurement scales were
and Anderson (1988) to check the theoretical model. First, based on previous empirical research, as well as strong lit
exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor erature background, which allows us to confirm the exist
analysis (CFA) were used to check the psychometric prop ence of content validity.
erties of the measurement scales. Then, we performed an Convergent validity was evaluated by means of the
ordinary least squares (OLS) regression-based analysis Bentler-Bonett normed fit index (BBNFI) indicator
using SPSS to check T1 shared leadership at team level on obtained in the CFA. The BBNFI values are above 0.90,
T2 team outcomes, mediated by T2 passion at work at and the factorial loads for each construct are above 0.4,
team level. Next, a multilevel analysis was conducted which confirms convergent validity (Hair et al., 2006).
through hierarchical linear modeling (HLM). The direct Discriminant validity was evaluated by analyzing all
and mediated cross-level effects of T1 shared leadership at possible pairs of constructs in a series of two-factor CFA
team level were assessed on each of T2's individual job models (Bagozzi & Phillip, 1982). First, the coefficient
outcomes, as mediated by T2 team passion at work and phi was constrained to unity and then freed. A chi-square
individual passion at work. Finally, the robustness of the dif
results was checked by means of the Monte Carlo test ference test was then performed, and in all the cases, the
using R software (Hofstede & Hofstede, 2005). critical value (Δχ2>3.84, p value<.05) was exceeded in all
Results cases.

Preliminary analysis and psychometric

properties Common method variance
EFA was performed to determine the dimensionality of all We followed Podsakoff et al. (2003) recommendations to
the scales. Cronbach's α coefficients were also used to keep questions simple and specific. We tested the ques
determine the reliability of the instrument. Factor loadings tionnaire among a small sample of 15 physicians, to con
equal to 0.40 or greater are considered basically firm they understood the meaning of each question
significant (Hair et al., 2018). The results show that the perfectly. In addition, a CFA Harman's single-factor test
internal con was run to check for common method biases. The full
sistencies revealed by the scales were good, and the cor measurement model was compared to an alternative
relations exhibited significant direct connections between model
all measures. Table 2 shows factor loading and Cronbach's
Salas-Vallina et al. 11 Table 2. Principal component analysis (with varimax rotation) loadings.

Factor Factor loading α

α Factor Factor loading
Shared leadership .904 Team performance .902 SL1 0.82* TPE1 0.86* SL2 0.88* TPE2 0.93* SL3 0.79* TPE3 0.91* SL4 0.94*
SL5 0.90* Team resilience .898 TRE1 0.77*
Team passion .899 TRE2 0.81* TPA1 0.90* TRE3 0.84* TPA2 0.86* TRE4 0.91* TPA3 0.80* TRE5 0.88* TPA4
0.91* TRE6 0.86* TPA5 0.81* TRE7 0.79* TPA6 0.78*
Individual performance .901
Individual passion .901 IPE1 0.83* IPA1 0.91* IPE2 0.80* IPA2 0.88* IPE3 0.88* IPA3 0.89*
IPA4 0.78* Individual resilience .889 IPA5 0.92* IRE1 0.80* IPA6 0.90* IRE2 0.78* IRE3 0.79*


Table 3. Means, standard deviations, and correlations.

Variable M SD 1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Shared leadership 3.81 0.77
2. Team passion 3.48 0.62 .62*
3. Individual passion 3.63 0.97 .59* .58*
4. Team resilience 3.79 0.92 .28* .27* .03
5. Team performance 3.54 0.84 .31* .24* .01 .20* 6. Individual resilience 3.41 0.73 .33* .30* .02 .24* .33* 7. Individual performance
3.74 0.69 .26* .26* .01 .29* .19* .32*

n=518 at individual level n=121 units.


Table 4. Fit values of the measurement scales.

Mod. SB χ2 df p value BBNFI CFI RMSEA NC (=χ2 / df)

Shared leadership 6.027 3 .008 0.973 0.981 0.033 2.009 Team passion 11.767 7 .002 0.989 0.992 0.019 1.681 Individual
passion 20.902 7 .029 0.911 0.955 0.054 2.986 Team performance 8.576 4 .016 0.928 0.961 0.044 2.144 Team resilience
28.668 12 .023 0.914 0.978 0.059 2.389 Individual performance 12.412 4 .034 0.909 0.936 0.058 3.103 Individual resilience
7.944 4 .006 0.977 0.988 0.021 1.986

RMSEA: root mean square error of approximation; CFI: comparative fit index; BBNFI: Bentler-Bonett normed fit index; NC: Normed Chi-Square.
All the loadings were significant at p<.001.
12 Business Research Quarterly
ated the relationship between T1 shared leadership at team
Table 5. Ordinary least squares (OLS) regression results of level and T2 team resilience, thus supporting H1a.
team resilience (n=121 units). H1b suggested a positive effect of T1 shared leadership
at team level on T2 team performance, mediated by T2
Team resilience (full mediation) passion at work at team level. OLS regression revealed a
B SD B positive and significant mediating effect of T2 passion at
work at team level, in the relationship between T1 shared
Step 1 leadership at team level and T2 team performance (H1b)
Constant 1.74 0.62 (β=.38, p<.01). However, the relationship between T1
Shared leadership T1 0.59 0.16 0.28* Step 2 shared leadership at team level and T2 team performance
Constant 1.12 0.66 was not significant (β=.08, p=.59). Therefore, H1b was
Shared leadership T1 0.34 0.19 0.06 ns Team passion at supported, as T2 passion at work at team level fully medi
work T2 0.27 0.11 0.44** R2 .29** F 8.94** ΔR2 .19** ΔF ated the relationship between T1 shared leadership at team
12.19** ns: non-significant. level and T2 team performance.
**p < .01; *p < .05. Tables 5 and 6 show the results of OLS regression for
H1a and H1b.
H2a argues that the cross-level impact of T1 shared
with all the indicators loading onto a single factor. The
leadership at team level on T2 resilience at individual
results showed a poor fit in the single-factor model
level is mediated by T2 passion at work at team level.
(χ2=3,072.376, df=493, Bentler-Bonett normed fit index
[BBNFI]=0.608, Bentler-Bonett nonnormed fit index Table 6. Ordinary least squares (OLS) regression results of
[BBNNFI]=0.598, comparative fit index [CFI]=0.614, team performance (n=121 units).
root mean square error of approximation
[RMSEA]=0.144, χ2 / df=6.232) Team performance
(full mediation)

Hypothesis testing B SD B
Step 1
H1a suggested a positive effect of T1 shared leadership at
Constant 2.34 0.78
team level on T2 team resilience, mediated by T2 passion
Shared leadership T1 0.84 0.21 0.33* Step 2
at work at team level. OLS regression showed a positive
Constant 0.92 0.48
and significant mediation effect of T2 passion at work at
Shared leadership T1 0.29 0.22 0.08 ns Team passion at
team level, in the rela
work T2 0.61 0.18 0.38** R2 .28** F 9.02** ΔR2 .17** ΔF
tionship between T1 shared leadership at team level and
T2 team resilience (H1a) (β=.44, p<.01). At the same 11.92** ns: non-significant.
time, the relationship between T1 shared leadership at **p < .01; *p < .05.
team level and T2 team resilience was not significant
(β=.06, p=.48). with random slopes revealed a significant mediating effect
Therefore, T2 passion at work at team level fully medi
of T2 passion at work at team level in the relationship mance at individual level (γ=0.27, p > 0.05). Similarly, T2
between T1 shared leadership at team level and T2 resil passion at work at individual level did not mediate the rela
ience at individual level (γ=0.31, p<.01). tionship between T1 shared leadership at team level and
H2b states that the cross-level impact of T1 shared lead T2
ership at team level on T2 performance at individual level resilience at individual level (γ=0.23, p>0.05). To check
is mediated by T2 passion at work at team level. A signifi the robustness of the mediating effects of team passion at
cant mediation effect was found for T2 passion at work at work and passion at work, a Monte Carlo test was
team level in the relationship between T1 shared leader performed using R. Table 8 shows the results. The Monte
ship at team level and T2 performance at individual level Carlo test yielded a significant cross-level mediating effect
(γ=0.39, p<.01). Thus, H2a and H2b were confirmed. of T2 passion at work at team level on the relationship
However, HLM with random slopes revealed a between T1 shared leadership at team level and T2
significant effect of T1 shared leadership at team level on resilience at individual level (effect=0.28, 95% confidence
T2 resilience at individual level (γ=0.48, p<.01) (Table 7). interval [CI]=[0.02, 0.49]). However, no sig nificant
In addition, the effect of T1 shared leadership at team mediating effect of T2 passion at work at individ ual level
level on T2 perfor was found on the relationship between T1 shared
mance at individual level was also significant (γ=0.62, leadership at team level and T2 resilience at individual
p<.01). However, no significant mediation effect was level (effect=0.27, 95% CI=[−0.01, 0.72]).
found for T2 passion at work at individual level in the In addition, the results indicated a significant cross
relationship between T1 shared leadership at team level level mediating effect of T2 passion at work at team level
and T2 perfor
Salas-Vallina et al. 13

Table 7. Hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) results of the relationship between shared leadership at team level, passion at work
at team level, and individual- and team-level resilience and performance (individual level n=518, team level n=121 units).

Dependent variables WP T2 TWP T2 Resilience T2 Performance T2 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5

Constant 4.14 (0.06) 3.58 3.02 3.03 3.68 3.68 Level 2 (team level)
Shared leadership T1 0.51** (0.11) 0.58** (0.14) 0.49** (0.19) 0.48** (0.24) 0.33** (0.12) 0.62** (0.19) Passion at work T2 0.31**
(0.11) 0.39** (0.15) Level 1 (individual level)
Passion at work T2 0.23 (0.19) 0.27 (0.21) R2 .32 .04 .29 .08 .34 Pseudo R2 .21
F value 18.83**

WP: Work passion; TWP: Team work passion.

Unstandardized multilevel modeling coefficients (γ) are shown. Robust standard errors are in brackets. R2=team-level variance component. Pseudo
R2=proportion of variance explained in the dependent variable by predictors at team level.

Table 8. Team-level and cross-level direct and mediated effects (N=518 at individual level; n=121 units at team level). Path Effect SE

LLCI 95% ULCI 95%

Test of team-level direct effects (2-2 model)

Shared leadership T1 →Team resilience T2 0.34** 0.19 0.06 0.71 Shared leadership T1 →Team performance T2 0.29** 0.22
0.11 0.62 Test of cross-level direct effects (2-1 model)
Shared leadership T1 →Individual resilience T2 0.48** 0.24 0.04 0.78 Shared leadership T1 →Individual performance T2
0.62** 0.19 0.03 0.91 Test of team-level mediated effects (2-2-2 model)
Shared leadership T1 →Team passion at work T2 →Team resilience T2 0.41** 0.09 0.11 0.88 Shared leadership T1 →Team
passion at work T2 →Team performance T2 0.34** 0.15 0.08 0.54 Test of cross-level mediated effects (2-2-1 model)
Shared leadership T1 →Team passion at work T2 →Individual resilience T2 0.28* 0.09 0.02 0.49 Shared leadership
T1→Team passion at work→Individual performance T2 0.31** 0.14 0.06 0.53 Test of cross-level mediated effects (2-1-1
Shared leadership T1 →Passion at work T2 →Individual resilience T2 0.27 ns 0.19 −0.01 0.72 Shared leadership T1 →Passion
at work T2 →Individual performance T2 0.22 ns 0.22 −0.02 0.52

LLCI: lower level of confidence interval; ULCI: upper level of confidence interval.
ns: tidak signifikan.
**p < .01; * p < .05.
individual level did not mediate the relationship between
T1 shared leadership at team level and T2 performance at
on the relationship between T1 shared leadership at team
individual level (effect=0.22, 95% CI=[−0.02, 0.52]).
level and T2 performance at individual level (effect=0.31,
The results from the Monte Carlo test provided support
95% CI=[0.06, 0.53]). By contrast, T2 passion at work at
to the OLS regression and HLM analysis, thus confirming
the robustness of the results. sion in the medical profession. The study reveals that the
path to engage physicians with their job again involves
shared leadership and passion at work. The public health
Discussion care system is bearing the weight and cost of handling the
Today, humanity is at threat from COVID-19, and physi pandemic, not only in economic but also in psychological
cians are suffering tremendous psychological damage due terms. Public resource managers have not looked after
to work overload, lack of resources, exhausting working physicians, and we should not let them throw in the towel.
days, the constant risk of contagion, and experiencing the A re-enchanted workplace would renew physicians' feel
continuous death of COVID-19 patients. One of the nega ings of being positively connected to their job through pas
tive consequences of the pandemic for this group is a lack sion at work.
of enthusiasm and attachment to their jobs. The main This research contributes to the literature on leadership
objective of this research is to offer a model to restore pas and healthy organizations by exploring the mechanism
14 Business Research Quarterly
power ful under highly demanding circumstances, and this
underlying the relationship between shared leadership and is the case of specialized medical units. This finding is in
job outcomes (ie, resilience and performance) namely, line with Bakker and Demerouti (2007), who argued that
passion at work, among physicians in an unprecedented the interac tion of job demands with job resources
health emergency context. Shared leadership is considered influenced team resilience. Medical work units treating
to be a key job resource to cushion the negative effects COVID-19 patients include physicians from different
caused by COVID-19, and the medical profession requires specialties, who have a lack of knowledge and experience
continuous interaction between physicians. in this area in a risky and uncertain context. Physicians
The novelty of this research resides in the fact that pas therefore require mutual sup port from their colleagues
sion at work is introduced as a mediator to broaden our together with medical autonomy and professional
knowledge on how shared leadership impacts resilience capacity. Shared leadership creates the conditions to
and performance from a multilevel approach. This increase physicians' autonomy, competence, and
approach sheds light on the power of passion in a collec relatedness.
tive form for physicians on both team and individual job We also advance on previous research on team resil
outcomes under highly demanding work conditions. In ience by focusing on specialized medical units in public
particular, we fill the gap pointed out by Moeller (2014), hospitals, as little research has focused on specific work
regarding the lack of models concerning the predictors contexts (Pollack et al., 2020). Furthermore, while prior
and outcomes of passion. In addition, and in response to studies highlighted the role of team coordination in
the call made by Pollack et al. (2020), this research explaining team resilience (Meneghel et al., 2016), we
provides evidence on how passion develops and is provide a more holistic approach through the concept of
amplified for a specific work role, namely, the medical shared leadership.
profession in the public sector, and how passion predicts By the same token, a pending question on team resil
work-specific out comes, particularly, resilience and ience research is related to the role of passion at work at
performance. team level. In this regard, health care professionals work
in teams to effectively provide the highest quality medical
care (Rosen et al., 2019). As professions like law and aca
Theoretical contribution demia, medicine is a closed collegial, expert occupation,
involving a degree of autonomy, expertise, and self-regu
The findings of this research are important for several rea
lation (McGivern et al., 2015), which is crucial to solve
sons. First, the results support the explanatory power of
complex problems through a broad knowledge base.
the SDT to re-enchant highly demanding and challenging
Teams with shared leadership can obtain empowerment
work places, which is the case of public health care in the
and autonomy either from the chosen leader or from the
midst of an unprecedented pandemic. Second, the results
self-managed team (Dumaine, 1994). However, given the
show that team resilience can be fostered through shared
intensity and extreme conditions in hospitals, where death
leadership, by means of team passion. Therefore, our
and family suffering is a constant, a working group can
study contributes to the emerging field of research on
only become stronger when autonomy, competence, and
resilience at team level, which explores how groups or
relatedness lead to shared passion at work among the
teams react positively to crit ical circumstances (Stoverink
work unit members.
et al., 2020). At the time of writing this article, global
COVID-19 cases are in excess of 25 million, and many In contrast, hierarchy can constrain the proactive com
munication required for recovery from error (Sutcliffe et
countries are reporting record infec tions. Given this
al., 2004). All the signs are that shared leadership is an
situation, there is an urgent need to improve our
effective tool to enhance mutual feelings of passion
knowledge on how to build up team resilience in public
among physicians working in the same unit, in turn
health care or, in other words, how to adapt to and recover
strengthening a common capability to successfully
from high-risk situations. The effectiveness of both shared
address adversity, namely, team resilience.
leadership and team passion might be explained because
the effect of job resources on positive outcomes is more Yet the findings not only show that team passion
explains team resilience. It also explains team perfor
mance. Given its importance to organizational function support to argue that passion reinforces its effect at team
ing, the antecedents of job performance have been widely level, when employees share their emotions, since the
examined. However, there are few studies addressing the intensity and immersion experi
effect of passion at work on performance (Chummar et al., enced by physicians increase. When group members inter
2019), and even fewer in the public health care context act together, they build social resources which improve
and at team level. As a second contribution, this study performance (Peñalver et al., 2019), but when these rela
reveals that a high level of team passion is an effective tionships take place in a climate of mutual passion at
channel to explain the effect of shared leadership on work, the team becomes stronger and better able to
improved team performance. This finding is particularly achieve its objectives. Physicians need an extra dose of
relevant because it confirms that it is a team's positivity and energy. When they arrive home, they are
identification with a task which boosts the achievement of physically and
team goals (Ho et al., 2011). This may well provide
Salas-Vallina et al. 15
leadership and passion at work at individual level). The
mentally exhausted and look for support at home or a chat results show that team-level shared leadership fosters
with friends. This research enables us to conclude that the feelings of being com petent, autonomous, and
shared feeling of passion at work is fundamental for them empowered, thus boosting passion at work at individual
to bounce back from adversity. level. However, passion at work at individual level does
As a third contribution, the multilevel analysis reveals not seem to be sufficient to improve individual resilience,
the power of the shared feelings of passion on team and at least in a turbulent and highly demanding context such
individual job outcomes. The results show a positive rela as the medical profession in spe cialized units. Therefore,
tionship between shared leadership at team level and indi the social psychological theories of social norms,
vidual job outcomes as mediated by passion at work at modeling, and emotional contagion are relevant in terms
team level. Thus, this study provides evidence that shared of the importance of passion at work at team level. Team
leadership and passion at work at team level are crucial in members' passion has emerged as the driving force for
eliciting not only team but also desirable individual out individuals' to flourish in adverse
comes, namely, resilience and performance at individual circumstances. This is an interesting finding as it reveals
level. In this vein, this study draws attention to the that physicians need extra mutual support and a high sense
scarcely explored connections between passion at work, of shared identification, as well as an extra dose of motiva
resilience, and performance at different levels of analysis. tion and commitment, namely, passion at work at team
Individual resilience, as a capacity that can be devel level, to be more resilient and improve their performance.
oped (Hartmann et al., 2020), can emerge as a This makes sense in the critical situation they are currently
consequence of the interaction between shared leadership experiencing at work, where the work unit becomes a fun
and passion at work at team level. Job resources such as damental element to overcome tensions and work
strong profes sional networks promote individual demands. In this sense, by sharing attitudes and behaviors,
resilience among phy sicians (Jensen et al., 2008). By individu als become more vigorous (Bakker &
experiencing positive emotions, people broaden their Xanthopoulou, 2009), and shared positive emotions
momentary thought-action repertoire, in turn enhancing increase social resources and performance (Peñalver et al.,
individual resilience (Cameron & Brownie, 2010). 2019). In con trast, an individual approach to passion does
However, the effects of job resources and positive not affect indi vidual resilience. This might be explained
emotions on individual resilience have scarcely been by the influence of other variables in the process whereby
explored. To fill this gap, we provide evidence on the individual pas sion leads to individual resilience.
positive effect of passion at work at team level on Furthermore, additional reinforcement of job resources
individual resilience. could be necessary in this regard.
In addition, positive appraisals of work environment Similarly, passion at work at individual level did not
characteristics, namely, shared feelings of passion at work, mediate the effect of shared leadership on individual
result in positive work intentions to use discretionary perfor mance. One could argue that ties in a context of
effort and improve performance (Thibault-Landry et al., collabora tion are fundamental to achieve challenging
2018). Studies have found that these intentions derived objectives with limited resources, and a passionate team
from psy helps to tackle work intensification and increased
chological processes are reliable predictors of both in-role pressure. In this way, the social psychological theories of
and extra-role behaviors (Dubinsky & Skinner, 2002). social norms and modeling have a strong explanatory role:
However, in contrast to our expectations, passion at work It is the team which infuses specific motivation and energy
at individual level did not mediate the relationship to achieve ambitious, com plex objectives. The medical
between shared leadership and individual job outcomes. context involves continuous interaction between
This finding is striking because we expected the JD-R physicians because they need knowl edge and support
model to predict improved performance (Gross et al., from other colleagues. The results show that physicians
2019) and increase levels of resilience as a result of need a shared sense of passion at unit level, rather than
additional job resources and positive attitudes (ie, shared passion at individual level.
In sum, shared leadership and team passion are dis
closed as being essential to re-enchant public health care. Vallina (2005), who paraphrasing Morin (2000), said that
Leaders are responsible for the performance and humani the human being, in the 21th century, must abandon the
zation of organizations (Kelemen et al., 2020), and those unilat eral vision defined by rationality (Homo sapiens),
who share their role and promote autonomy, competence, tech nique (Homo faber), utilitarian activities (Homo
and relatedness, are particularly effective in re-enchanting economicus), and compulsory needs (Homo prosaicus).
physicians' workplace. The synergistic effect of shared The human being is complex, and he carries itself in a
leadership and team passion on team and individual job bipolar way the antagonistic characters of sapiens et
outcomes is due to the complementarity of resilience and demens (rational and delirant), faber et ludens (worker and
performance, which points to a “mutual gains” approach, playful), empiricus et imaginarius (empirical and imagi
in accordance with Guest's (2018) view. nary), economicus et consumans (economic and dilapida
To end with, we would like to recall the words of tor), prosaicus et poeticus (prosaic and poetic).
16 Business Research Quarterly
little research has explored how and when passion has
negative effects on employees or organizational outcomes.
Implications for practice A more balanced approach including the potential dys
This study also provides a number of potential functions of passion would provide additional opportuni
applications to encourage hospital managers to give ties for research. In addition, we also call for an
particular consid eration to teams' passion at work. First, examination of the capacity of other constructs over and
HR managers and heads of medical units need to delegate above passion at work in predicting work-specific
leadership assign ments to team members, encouraging outcomes. Moreover, control variables could be examined
physicians to advise each other and be proactive. In in future studies, to check how sociodemographic aspects,
addition, heads of medical units should create fluid such as gender and age, or organizational variables, such
team-based job descriptions, clearly defining employee as tenure, influence (or not) resilience and performance.
roles and responsibilities. Shared leadership makes team Likewise, given that passion at work at individual level
members more confident and makes them value guidance was not significantly
from their peers (Ali et al., 2020), which fosters team related to individual job outcomes, this suggests the pres
passion. ence of unidentified moderators that might boost or sup
In addition to this, our results indicate that team press the effects of passion at work at individual level or
passion matters in encouraging individual job outcomes. multiple mediating effects that neutralize each other.
In this vein, organizations should take into consideration Finally, future research could carry out a controlled inter
that team members' passion fires up individuals' energy to vention, to find out how exactly team passion unfolds and
tackle challenging circumstances and recover successfully how it can be enhanced.
from them, which boosts proactive behavior and individ
ual performance. For this reason, organizations should Declaration of conflicting interests
promote the internalization of tasks in which individuals The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
have the freedom to decide on the amount of time and respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
effort devoted to their passion. Heads of medical units article.
should seduce and attract employees in such a way that
they pursue and love their jobs. Funding
We urge hospitals to re-enchant their physicians and The author(s) received no financial support for the research,
make public hospitals a better place to work. Physicians authorship, and/or publication of this article.
are not heroes, but people who deserve resources, care,
and especially a re-enchanted workplace. Our lives are in References
their hands. Let this research serve as a tribute to all Ali, A., Wang, H., & Johnson, RE (2020). Empirical analy sis of
physicians dealing with COVID-19 patients. shared leadership promotion and team creativity: An
adaptive leadership perspective. Journal of Organizational
Behavior, 41(5), 405–423.
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20 Business Research Quarterly
3. My team helps colleagues when they have too much
Appendix 1
work to do.
Measurement scales
Team resilience (based on Mallak, 1998).
Shared leadership (Chiu et al., 2016)
1. In difficult situations, my team tries to look for the
1. The members of my team facilitate team planning in
positive side.
the organization.
2. My team perceives change as an opportunity, and
2. The members of my team support other team mem
adapts to the needs of the situation.
bers to solve problems.
3. My team ensures access to adequate resources to
3. The members of my team give support and consid
allow a positive adaptive response.
eration to other team members.
4. My team provides a greater decision-making. 5. My
4. The members of my team spent time developing and
team has the ability to create solutions on the spot
mentoring other team members.
using materials on hand.
5. In general, I am satisfied with the way my team
6. My team has the ability to make decisions with less
than the desired amount of information.
7. My team can promote a smooth functioning of the
Team passion (Vallerand et al., 2003)
1. This activity allows my team to live a variety of
Individual performance (adapted from Goodman &
Svyantek, 1999)
2. The new things that my team discovers with this
activity allow my team to appreciate it even more. 3.
1. I perform all the functions and tasks demanded by
This activity allows my team to live memorable
the job.
2. I perform roles that are not formally required but
4. This activity reflects the qualities my team likes
which improve the organizational reputation. 3. I help
about itself.
colleagues when they have too much work to do.
5. This activity is in harmony with the other activities
of my team.
Individual resilience (resilience dimension from Luthans
6. For my team, working is a passion that they still
et al. (2007))
manage to control.
7. My team is completely taken with this activity.
1. I can be “on my own” so to speak at work if I have
to. 2. I usually take stressful things at work in stride. 3.
Individual passion (Vallerand et al., 2003)
I can get through difficult times at work because I have
experienced difficulty before.
1. This activity allows me to live a variety of
2. The new things that I discover with this activity
allow me to appreciate it even more.
3. This activity allows me to live memorable
4. This activity reflects the qualities I like about myself.
5. This activity is in harmony with the other activities
in my life.
6. For me it is a passion that I still manage to control.
7. I am completely taken with this activity.

Team performance (adapted from Goodman & Svyantek,


1. My team performs all the functions and tasks

demanded by the job.
2. My team performs roles that are not formally
required but which improve the organizational

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