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Blessed are those who have been captivated by the smile of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

are not afraid of death because it would enable them to see her again. The rest of us who
are still seeking her smile, let's turn to her more often. She is sure to turn and smile at us...
One glorious day.

We are living under the dark cloud of the pandemic and it's not easy to smile under the
mask! The more reason we should seek her smile. Only the smile of the Virgin has the
power to comfort us and dispel the dark clouds around and within us. Where shall we seek
her smile? The rosary. Whenever we say the Rosary, we encounter the smile of the Virgin;
the joy which well up in her heart is palpable, as when she sings the Magnificat during her
visitation to her cousin Elizabeth.

Let’s turn our gaze, our ears away from all that frightens and disheartens us, especially the
sensational news and doubtful reports about “private revelations” regarding the end time.
The truth, which is contained in the Bible, and traditions as taught by the Catholic Church is
the only thing we need to know in order to be saved. In these times like this, the Virgin Mary
is our guide and model, during the 30 years in Nazareth, she never asked for signs or proofs
from her son whom the angel said “will be great and will be called Son of the Most High and
the Lord God will give him the throne of David his father.” LK1:32. She simply believed that
in time, the words announced by the angel to her will come true. Our faith in God and trust in
the Holy Virgin is the surest foundation of our hope and deep inner peace, which nothing can
shake, not even covid-19.

Let’s be carriers of Mary’s smile and share the Joy of Loving and be loved by so great and
tender a mother and queen of Heaven.


聖母的微笑能夠安慰我們 。我們在哪裡能夠找到聖母的微笑?在玫瑰經中!每當我們念玫瑰

稱為至高者的兒子,上主天主要把他祖先達味的御座賜給他。」(路加福音 1:32)她堅信天使向


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